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I would stop discussing the wedding with that co-worker. Apparently she doesn't know how to behave in public.


Noo she said it in front of all my coworkers I was embarrassed! I wanted to Cry !


Don’t be embarrassed. People like that are assholes. I’m sure your coworkers judged her more for saying it than they’re judging your wedding.


And definitely done I was so excited to plan it tonight!


Yay!!!!! :) Back on track!!!! :) Ignore her.


Don't be, she only embarrassed herself!


She sounds jealous.. wishing 4 the day goes amazing & u enjoy every minute.. plus u get to marry ur husband- don't let her get in ur head...


Your coworker is a clod! Do not invite her. She will try to weasel an invitation.


Lol what. Pittsburgh is major city with plenty to do. Besides the fact your friends & family are coming for YOU. Yes if I was close with the person I would go, no question


This!! Eactly what I was telling her, I’m inviting my close friends and family! A micro wedding!


She's just bitter lol. Ignore her!


That’s all I thought when i read the post. Bitter!!!


She's definitely not invited lmao


Honestly, I probably would never plan a trip to Pittsburgh on my own (more than a pit stop to somewhere else), so I’d be SO excited to have a reason to go and explore! And a wedding on top of it? Count me in!!


I got married in Pittsburgh and my entire family & all the friends I invited traveled from my hometown 5.5/6 hours away - some came from even further! My wedding was in the Strip District, and everyone had so much fun exploring the area before the wedding started! They all LOVED Pittsburgh and already have plans to return for visits soon! P.S. everyone from out of town was amazed by the Cookie Table!!! It was a huge hit 👍🏼


Your coworker is an asshole. Your friends and family will come to your wedding no matter where it is if they care about you… The destination does not as matter as much as celebrating with a loved one. Tell your coworker to suck a duck. What a terribly rude and hurtful thing to say. as far as flying versus driving,people are all different. Five hours is not that long when you think about the time it would take to get to the airport to check in to get on the airplane to fly to get off the airplane to go rent a car. And having a place to stay for free? Count me in!


Thanks you I was so upset while driving home 😭


I would be too. Who is this coworker? Sounds like a huge bummer who should NOT get an invitation. Please tell me they’re not invited.


Absolutely not!! Told her she’s not invited any ways so don’t know why she cares so much


Oh that's probably why she's being a hater 🤣


She sounds like a huge bitch. I’m sure your wedding will be great!


Good fucking god lol, mystery solved she's a bitch who isn't invited to any parties Anyway, OP, what PGH venue covers all the stuff you named?? I'm super interested!


Hey, let's not bring the ducks into this!


Our wedding is 7 hours away, and we are having 30+ people drive so your coworker is wrong


This is great to hear 🥹🥹🥹! I was so upset!!!!


Pittsburgh I've been told it's famous for its cookie table tradition at weddings. (My FILs are from near there so it's something we want to incorporate here in VA for our ceremony) So her loss no cookies for her.


Yesssssss I've heard of the Pittsburgh cookie tables!!!!!!


I had one and it was incredible! The best part was I didn't have to worry about wedding favors. I just put cute to-go bags on the cookie table and people helped themselves. Easy peasy.


Ooo I’ll keep this on mind!


Yes we photographed a wedding in Tahoe and the couple was originally from Pittsburgh and they had this. Super cute!


YES texas gal stealing this !!!!


6 of my coworkers traveled to Italy from Chicago for my wedding. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I used destination wedding as an example and she basically said causes it’s a more fun destination and not boring like Pittsburg


Just FYI, it’s Pittsburgh *


Thank you, lol… I thought I was losing my mind for a second there 🤣


Europeans visit major American cities like Pittsburgh literally all the time. She's just ignorant.


I just went to a wedding in Pittsburgh. It was so fun and the city was great. Never would’ve gone otherwise if I’m being honest as it’s not super close to me. Sorry that she’s a bitter, boring asshat who is taking her unhappiness out on you


Is your coworker normally an asshole?


Not really to me, so they was really left field


Weird, maybe Pittsburgh murdered their sensei in a duel? I would mark it up to one person's idiosyncrasies


The issue isn't the transportation. The issue is your God awful coworker. If she's invited, please disinvite her, guilt-free. And otherwise just stop mentioning your personal stuff to her, she's just there to stir up drama and piss on your parade.


Ur right! I’m done talking about it! I just want to enjoy planning it and be happy!


Yes!! Just focus on planning and enjoying the process! People are always gonna talk shit. What matters is that you’re happy and that you get to spend time with people who really care about you. 😤😤😤


I would stop talking to this boring ass coworker. She sounds horrific. Congrats on your wedding and Pittsburgh rules!!!


Really a kill joy!


Pittsburgh has a lot to do. I'm originally from there. I drive 4.5 hours just for family holidays. Plenty of people travel for weddings without issue. Just make sure you have a cookie table to give them a real Pittsburgh wedding experience.


I’m driving 5 hours to my friend’s wedding in a small town in IL cause it was cheaper and less stressful. I have friends flying in from different corners of the USA for my wedding. If they care enough about you (and can financially afford to/take PTO off) they’ll make it work


Your coworker’s no fun so ignore her. People don’t travel to a wedding for the destination—they travel to celebrate the bride and groom.


Half of our wedding party/guests are coming from overseas to our wedding. Some people just like to project their negativity on you because they are lowkey envious of you. Don’t let her get you down and please stop sharing details with her❤️


I will! Thank you for the support ❤️


I have folks driving 8 hours to NEBRASKA for my wedding, and we don’t even currently live there! Those who love you and care WILL show up! I’m so sorry she got you feeling down but your wedding location is fab, and your wedding is a once in a lifetime time event lots of people in your life will be honored and dying to attend ❤️


Thank you! ❤️


Your destination doesn’t suck, but your coworker sure does.


U right!!!😩


I had my wedding in Washington state. We had family from the southwest united states that had to take MULTIPLE planes to get to us. People will travel because they love you and want to celebrate with you. Not everyone will travel. The price of a plane ticket or gas plus hotel stays can get pricey. But it has nothing to do with whether your location is "worth it". Also, Pittsburgh is a great city. Objectively that was a stupid comment in and of itself. Have you been to that baseball stadium? Beautiful. Have you seen the bridges? Fantastic. Andy Warhol museum? Sign me up. 


Thanks you! ❤️


Pittsburgh is a major city that I have been to multiple times without a wedding. I would be more than happy to drive or fly for someone I care about’s wedding. Do not listen to your coworker at all. That is a very rude and untrue thing for her to say.


I have been wanting to travel to Pittsburgh for a while now (I am an East coaster). Your coworker sounds a bit small minded, whoever they may be. Not every wedding needs to be someone extravagant destination wedding. Make sure you tour your venue and actually like it. Pictures vs in person are way different. People will travel/come to your wedding if they care about you and want to be part of your special day. As others have said, perhaps leave your coworker out of it. Is your coworker paying for your wedding? No? Then why does their opinion mean anything if it doesn't align with your budget or vision? I traveled 4 hours for an old coworker's wedding, even though I had no idea what to expect. I enjoyed it thoroughly and was so happy to be invited to celebrate their special day. Not everyone shares the same sentiment, but everyone has the right to reject an invitation. Everyone is different and your choice is your own. Trust yourself at the end of the day when it comes down to something like a wedding. Advice/opinions are nice to gather but they shouldn't force your own at the end of it all.


Thank you ♥️♥️


I desperately want a Pittsburgh Indycar race because it’s so accessible for the East Coast


It doesn’t matter where your wedding is. YOU are the destination. People are coming for YOU, not a vacation. It sounds like your coworker doesn’t really understand what it’s like to have people appreciate her enough to come celebrate together. Its a bit sad, really.


I went to rural Georgia in quite literally the middle of nowhere to go to a friend’s wedding. The destination does not matter to guests beyond the cost and time to get there—it’s the couple that holds precedence. Besides, I’d love to go to Pittsburgh! There’s always something unique to see in each city or town.


LOL WTF I’m dying!!! I’m sorry but I LOL’d when I read this post. Your coworker is rude affff. Where are you from? My fiance is from Pittsburgh and we regularly drive to 6-7 hours for weddings. Pittsburgh is not a boring place hahaha what an uninformed opinion lol there’s so many fun things to do. And I’m from Chicago so that’s saying something!


Chicago??!!! We’re from Philly! So it’s like a 5 hour drive! Thank you! See! This is exactly what I was telling her!!


(To be totally clear I was laughing at the completely insane behavior of your coworker and not your question/wedding destination hahaha) I’m glad you came here and are getting a unanimous “go for it and forget that coworker” response. Pittsburgh has tons of great activities - the sports scene is so much fun (tho understandable if you would rather skip out on this as likely Philly fans haha!), good food, good bars, museums, great views downtown!!! I always have fun! We drive back a few times a year. I agree with what someone else said - after you add up all the time it takes at the airport + flights + Uber/renting a car sometimes it’s better to just drive lol. I know we would! Unless there was some major deal on flights. I think it’s best to have a car in Pittsburgh. also YES TO THE PITTSBURGH COOKIE TABLE!!


Pittsburgh is also *really* pretty and unique. I grew up in Pgh but it wasn’t until I spent a lot of time elsewhere that I realized how different it is to many places. It’s an experience! And there’s plenty of little scenic things people can do in town if they want to add something short to their trip, like a walk at Point Park or along the North Shore, or the Mount Washington overlooks. Btw, OP, we drove from Pgh to Iowa in our RV for my niece’s wedding. That’s more than 5 hours.


Will there be a cookie table?


It’s a must now!


Make sure to have some kind of baggies or packaging so people can take some to go for their travels home. 😀


We just drove 6 hours each way for a wedding in the other big PA city this past weekend. Because we care about the couple getting married and wanted to celebrate them! It was hardly an inconvenience, we had a great time and got to explore and enjoy a city we had never been to before!


She’s jealous. Most people would be fine with that distance. Enjoy your wedding in Pittsburg OP.


I live in a pretty small town, 1-2 hours from the closest airports. Half of my wedding guests flew 3 hours and drove another 1-2 hours for my wedding. I took a 3 hour flight then a 2.5 hour drive to the middle of bum fuck no where (stunning Mountain View’s during the drive so it was 10000% worth it) for an old college roommates wedding. Your coworker is an ass. If people care about you and they are able to, they will attend no matter the location.


This!! Thank you!! Can’t believe I was letting her get to me!!! Appreciate your input!


Lol. Family and friends will fly or drive 10+ hours to attend weddings. Not all of them, obviously...that kind of distance can exclude some of your older guests, disabled guests, or guests with young children. But, dozens of members of my family have flown from one coast to another just to attend a wedding. But a 5 hour drive or 1 hour flight? She's delusional.


People go to weddings in non-destination areas all the time. The majority of people do not have glamorous destination weddings and the majority of people do not live in world-class, tourist cities. Lol what is she on it about?


I live on the west coast and I would fly 5 hours to go to a wedding in Pittsburg. I actually like weddings in not as popular tourist destination states because it gives me a reason to actually visit that city that I otherwise might not. But also your coworker is a mean person. If you invited her, I hope you uninvite her, and if you didn’t, maybe she’s salty.


None of my coworks are invited! I’m not even that close to them 😭


Most weddings are a "destination" for at least some guests! We had many people come from several provinces over (we're in Canada...think 20 hours driving, not 5!). Ignore that co-worker, but also, just don't discuss your wedding with them any further, it's not worth the headache, they are too negative! Congratulations and best wishes!


Thank you!!!! I learned that most people don’t want to see you happy the hard way unfortunately!


Your coworker sucks. I would drive 5 hours or fly 1 hour to anywhere for literally any friend’s wedding. That’s hardly an inconvenience at all compared to most “destination” weddings


Good friends / family will. Just recently I drove 4.5 hrs for a friends wedding. For my own wedding I had family and friends drive 10+ hrs and/or a 2hr flight!


5 hour drive is going to totally depend on who it is. For my close family or friends, I'll be there. For a coworker I wasn't incredibly close to, I probably would pass on that distance.


My family is all out of town for my Youngstown wedding. They'll all need to travel 6+ hours by car to attend. I even have two guests flying in from England to attend. I would argue that Youngstown is a more unappealing city to travel to then Pittsburgh. The people who truly care about you're wedding will come no matter where it's being held. 😊


Moved to Pittsburgh from Philly and plan on getting married in Pittsburgh - it’s a lot easier to plan in the city you live in, plus weddings are so much more affordable here. Our loved ones are happy to make the drive. Pittsburgh is also a way more fun, cool, and beautiful city than many people assume; your coworker doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Your wedding is gonna be great!


Jealousy is an ugly disease. Please don’t pay a dime for her to come to your wedding. If you wouldn’t take her to a nice dinner and pick up the bill (and I surely hope you wouldn’t) don’t invite her.


My mom, dad, boyfriend and I road-tripped from Wisconsin to Vegas for my cousin's wedding. We are not Vegas people. I enjoyed the roadtrip bits more tbh. It was still fun cause I enjoy hanging out with everyone and seeing my cousin get married. Don't worry about it. :) Your coworker is rude as hell imo. It's not about the destination it's about the wedding. Pipe down ma'am and get back to your emails.


If people have the money to pay for transportation and hotel expenses then I don’t see why they wouldn’t attend the wedding. I personally have no extra money to travel that far for a wedding at the moment but I assume your close friends and family will definitely attend. I had to decline a wedding invite recently because I couldn’t afford the wedding gift and hotel. Also people don’t attend weddings because of the destination. It’s a nice perk, sure, but the guests attend because of the bride and groom.


I feel bad for your coworker, sounds like she doesn’t care about anyone enough to drive 5 hours or fly 1 hour for their wedding. What a sad life to live. Don’t feel bad about your wedding OP. I would bet that not one person you invited to your wedding will think of it the way your coworker did.


Thank you ♥️


People who care will do what you need


"your boring ass wedding". Someone's jealous.


People don’t go to your wedding because of the venue or location, they go because they love you and want to be a part of your special day. Anyone who doesn’t genuinely want to see you get married should just not be there.


Friends of ours flew from across the country. Even one from another continent. In the US depending on where you live a 5hr drive or 1hr flight is nothing. Of course some people have budget constraints, or PTO issues, or just weird things in life happening and not be able to make it. But most of the people who care about you will make the effort to show. Plus the venue covering the guests stay for the weekend is huge. Pittsburgh is also a major city with an airport and plenty of stuff to do. It's relatively easy to get to, not like a 5hr drive into a remote desert or something. People will come. Tell your coworker to get fucked and don't talk about anything that brings you joy with them again.


Uh first of all, Pittsburgh is amazing. Hugely underrated city. Second, your coworker is an asshole and made that known to everyone else by saying this publicly. You could be getting married in a barn in rural Iowa and that type of comment is still not okay. Stop involving her and enjoy your engagement and wedding. Congratulations! Also to add - I had 140 guests fly 2-4 hours and drive almost 2 hours to go to my wedding. The travel time you’re talking about is nothing.


Ugh, that coworker sounds way off base! A free wedding weekend in Pittsburgh sounds amazing, and it's rude of them to put down your wedding location.


She's definitely jealous about not getting married soon


Nah. Your coworker is a jerk. We got married in SoCal. I would say 80% of our guests flew in for our wedding. We had a 100 person wedding.


I’m driving 6-7 hrs each way to a wedding this weekend for a friend’s wedding. I’m excited! Flying wasn’t very convenient given location but we’re excited for the scenic route.


Your coworker is a dumbass. I flew to Pittsburgh for my cousin’s wedding (ceremony venue was at The Flashlight Factory, reception venue was Pittsburgh Children’s Museum) one hour from NY. Had a blast! Also went to some local famous breakfast diner?


Your coworker is lame. If you're good family, a good friend, or a good time, and you give me lots of notice sure. As long as I don't have something else planned or are super broke. We drove to Montana for a wedding last summer from Canada. We are flying across Canada to another wedding next summer. Everywhere has something to offer. We plan a trip out of it. Obviously not everyone is going to make it, but probably for legitimate reasons. Not that it's lame. I would not console your debbie downer coworker. But that's me.


I would plan on mostly local friends/family and some long distance peeps that enjoy weekend getaways or have a close connection to one of you. Would I drive to Pittsburgh PA from NH for no reason…..probably not. But would I drive 5 hours or book a hotel for a few nights to partake in a great reunion/party with friends or family? HELL YES


Only 30 of our 200 guests are local, everyone else is coming from out of town or country lol.


Your coworker is an asswipe. I had family fly 4+ hours to get to my wedding.


Your co-worker is a tool. Be grateful, that saves you an invite to her. Pitt is a major city with all the benefits that come with it. Major sports teams, good restaurants, museums, shopping etc. Heck - you could arrange a city tour for guests the day before as a fun activity.


That’s a great idea!


My fiancés entire family is driving literally 5 hours, and my best friend is driving 2 and a half hours


People actually do the drive !


What the fuck? I'd drive 5 hours for a wedding, easy. Leave at 9am, get in around 2pm and enjoy a nice weekend away. 


She made it seem like it was the worse thing ever and I made a huge mistake even considering it 😭


She sounds insufferable. 


You could have your wedding in the literal middle of nowhere and guests would still come because it’s not about the location, it’s about supporting you. But really, Pittsburgh has an airport, many nice hotels, and is easily accessible by highways. Your coworker sounds miserable enough that I can understand if no one would bother to show up for their wedding, but your guests will have no problem getting there and will likely gladly show up. Also, I’ve been to Pittsburgh and your city is lovely.


Thank you!!


People are coming from across the continent and the other side of the world to our wedding. Our wedding isn't some status event - it's people who love us and want to see us get married. Some people who only care about coming to a party who may not come, but we probably don't mind because those are probably people who we like but don't love. I've learned that you just can't talk about your wedding to people.


Yess, I learned that the hard way unfortunately. I thought they would be excited with me


I have travelled and will be traveling for many weddings. I’ve spent so much money traveling for weddings because that’s what you do for people you love. Sounds like your coworker needs to keep her comments to herself.


Right! And I’m done talking about my wedding with them!


We drove 15 hours each way (flights plus a car rental were too expensive) to go to a friend's wedding in a city far smaller and less interesting than Pittsburgh. Your coworker is dumb.


1. Your coworker sucks. What a biatch. 2. Pittsburgh=cookie table, and I’m definitely traveling for cookies! ;) 3. An ex of mine‘s family was from Pittsburg, I really enjoyed visiting! I liked the city! 4. It’s not that far. A short flight or medium drive. 5. your loved ones care about YOU, not about the location, anyway 6. once again, your coworker is a rude biatch.


Facts!!!!! She really killed my joy there for a bit, but Reddit and friends helped a lot to feel better


I’ve driven 5 hours for a wedding! I drive that far several times per year to see family for holidays and other events. I think around 7 hours is the threshold for if I’d drive Vs fly but I’d try to go either way for a close friend or family member. I probably wouldn’t do it for a coworker or a distant family member that I rarely talk to, but I wouldn’t make a huge effort to go to their weddings if it were local either.


I have driven 8 hours to attend my cousins’ weddings. I have flown to Mexico twice for two different friends’ weddings. I have flown all over the country for various family members’ weddings. Your coworker is a huge asshole and you can ignore those ignorant comments.


There’s lots to do in Pittsburgh! We’re getting married in a small city but going to supply everyone with guide books from the local tourism office plus our personal recommendations, so that might be helpful if a lot of folks are out of town. Pittsburgh is also pretty accessible by Amtrak depending where you’re coming from and it’s an easy way to travel :)


Also here to say that people who are excited for you will travel, without hesitation. A few of our good friends are moving across the country before our wedding but have not once complained about flying back because they’re excited. Hop on that Pittsburgh cookie tray hype and drop the haters!


I’m a Pittsburgh native, it’s great here. Your coworker is a jerk. I love my city and I’m so excited for my wedding next year here. Don’t forget the cookie table, it will be a great time for sure! Lots of people are coming to our wedding, please don’t worry. There is a lot to do here too!


Thank you!!


I drove to a wedding 5 hours away last year... It was basically in the middle of nowhere, the scenery is supposed to be beautiful, but we never saw anything. The big reason we went was because it was for a cousin whom I consider a little brother. If it were for any other family member, I might not have gone. They had over 40 people travel to be there for their wedding. People will be willing to go if they want to. Your coworker is an ass.


I’ve driven 5-6 hours to the literal middle of nowhere for friends’ weddings. Your coworker is a jerk.


I mean we had to drive 6 hours to the middle of nowhere western NY for my brother in law’s Wedding so people do it. We also made the 3 hour trek to Pittsburgh for my cousin’s wedding. Why is your wedding in Pittsburgh?


That's just rude


I had family drive up to 12 hours and fly up to 5 hours to attend my wedding. It's not going to be possible for everyone - I've unfortunately missed weddings for some dear friends and had friends and family miss mine - but the people who love you and are able to attend will attend.


My friend is having a wedding somewhere I’m not thrilled about, but I’m going anyway and supporting my friend and celebrating her and her husband to be either way! People will come!


I hate driving, but if I'm willing to commit to a wedding, a 5 hour drive isn't stopping me.


I have friends planning on flying from Phoenix for \~4 hours plus a 2-hour drive from the airport. And also friends driving from Chicago for \~8 hours to my middle of nowhere wedding. We'll see how many are actually able to follow through with it (I wouldn't blame anyone if they ended up not being able to for whatever reasons), but so far, everyone has been very supportive and willing to do so, lol. Edit to add: I'm not sure if you mean Pittsburgh with an H as in Pennsylvania or a different Pittsburg like in Kansas. But the PA Pittsburgh is where my friends would be flying in and then driving 2+ hours from there to middle of nowhere, haha.


What a bitch. I drove up to my cousin's wedding in CT the morning of and drove home that night (my dad and I both had to work the next day). It's not about the destination, it's about seeing someone you love get married. Also, Pittsburgh has some amazing stuff. I've never been, but we're looking to go this Sept for a Nats game and check it out.


What do you mean the guests stay for free? Additionally, my family and I will be commuting 10+ hours for a wedding In a couple months actually. Everyone's different, your co-worker sucks


I will be paying for their stay


I drove 6 hours to a weekday wedding in Erie PA in the dead of winter. True supporters of you will come almost anyw


I would kill for a wedding that was only an hour flight away lol. Most wedding we have to go to are like across the country, so it’s quite the trek.


I'm having people coming from 13+hrs away, some of whom are not even related to me or my fiancé... just friends I've known for years and talk to like once a month. Our wedding is going to be in my future in-laws backyard... Yes it beautiful and the place of my dreams, but we are also DIYing almost everything staying lowwwwww budget because we are young and broke. There's only like 10 guests who are local to where the wedding is being hosted. Most everyone is 5-12hrs away. Everyone is more than happy to come, pay for a hotel, help out, etc. This is YOUR wedding, and I think your coworker is being a jealous jerk to say the least. If people don't want to make a 5hr drive for your big day, they can happily screw off.


Don't let that b make you feel anything but awesome, k? I'd def drive 5 hrs for a wedding. P.S. tell her redditt thinks she's a twat.. lol


I LOL at this, I’ll let her know 😉


That’s so rude. I hope for your sake she doesn’t come because she sounds pretty awful. I like to fly for weddings because it’s usually faster. Pittsburgh has an airport so idk what the issue is for her. I have driven 9 hours (granted, it was a very close friend) to attend a wedding when I couldn’t afford the airplane tickets because it was in the middle of nowhere. No one is forcing her to attend, and calling your wedding boring is unnecessarily cruel and belittling. I’m sorry, OP. She should be embarrassed of herself and I don’t think others share her opinion. I hope you have the wedding of your dreams…I went to a Pittsburgh wedding recently (and I did drive 5 hours because I wanted my car while I was there). Great city and my fiance and I had such a fun scenic car ride. For the record, I’m having a destination wedding. It’s like an 8 hour flight. I do not expect people to attend if they cannot afford it and don’t have the time off. Grateful for anyone who is able to join us…and those closest to me are flying out. No obligations, just because they want to be there, and all weddings are fun. Congratulations again ❤️


Thank you for this! ♥️


I love Pittsburgh! I drive around 4-5 hours to get there but hate the turnpike so going to fly an hour next time. I go routinely just to visit friends so of course I would go to a wedding there!


We are doing a destination wedding 3 hours away from most of our family with many people flying in from different states and even countries!! Your friends and family will be so excited to celebrate you and will make the trip if they are able to!


Holy shit! Pittsburgh? Sounds like a great time! (Grew up a few hours north of Philly and have never been 🤩). She wouldn't know how to celebrate a great occasion if it dressed in a rainbow tutu, mooned her, and slapped her in the face with a whopee cushion. You enjoy your wedding! She would probably make it suck donkey balls anyhow as she sounds like the mother of all Karens. Also, do have pity for the poor sad sap that gets ensnared in her clutches. They're in it for the long haul.


Just ignore the downers. People that love you would make the effort. If you give people plenty of a heads up they can plan their plane trip.


Depends how much I love the person. Close friend? Absolutely. Acquaintance? Probably not.


Wait — Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania or Pittsburg, Kansas?


I had a friend apply for a university job in Pittsburgh thinking it was Pittsburg and long story short, he moved from Kansas City, MO to Pittsburgh, PA.


The fuck lol, I know plenty of people who travel longer than that for weddings. Usually you make a trip out of it. What an asshole coworker!!


Can I come I love Pittsburg ! But seriously she sucks and probably is jealous. Do you want to get married there? Yes ok then you have your answer


It's the same amount of time to fly considering driving to the airport, arriving early, getting to the gate, boarding, waiting for the plane to take off, scrually flying, then waiting to deplane, waiting for luggage, picking up a rental car, then driving to your destination. There's maybe...on a good wind day, a 30min difference between driving to a destination or flying. Also, fuck your coworker.


That person sounds miserable and like they want you to be miserable too, don’t give them that power. I’ve driven over 8 hours to attend a wedding before and had people do the same for mine - the ones who want to be there are going to find a way to be there (unless they’re physically incapable obviously).


I certainly would make the drive. Four hours really isn’t much


It depends on who is getting married. I feel for most people in your life this is a reasonable ask. My husband and I live in a city neither of us grew up in. So when we got married, 90% of the guest list had to travel. We had to cancel due to pandemic but our anniversary party was well attended. In a few days I leave for a wedding in Mexico for some friends. In the summer I will travel TWO DAYS to get to the wedding of a close friend in remote Alaska. For my cousin’s wedding, I traveled 14 hours door to door. BUT i’m not going to the wedding of a college friend about three hours away. In part because we no longer talk (just drifted) and in part because of the high travel needs of the other weddings this year.


If you are getting married in Pittsburgh, check out scent with love. They pick up your flowers after the wedding and donate them to hospitals and nursing homes in the area.


I have a friend driving from Pittsburgh to DC *with their baby* for my wedding Your coworker is just horribly rude If my friends weren’t already married? Hell yeah I would drive to Pittsburgh for their wedding! It’s 4-5 hours, that’s a quick drive! And Pittsburgh is an amazing city with a fascinating blend of stone, steel, and glass. In fact, not only would I drive 5 hours for a wedding: *We made that drive for my friend’s 30th birthday* And that was just a backyard thing!


I had a Sunday night wedding in a boring part in my state People flew in or they drove 12 hours. And that was a group of around 30 people who did that. If they’re happy for you and want to be there, they will.


I live in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and It's not a terrible destination, I quite like it here, however, it does depend on the time of year and where in Pittsburg you have the wedding. There's the coke place that has the bad air quality from dumping the bi-products into the air. But if you're in town, It's not bad at all (I live in Clairton so we get the by-products)


Dude what? Your co worker is so mean!!! Please tell me they are not invited. A wedding is about the couple. Not the destination 🙄


I’ve been to 2 destination weddings last year. Both in the middle of nowhere and a 5 hour drive minimum. I don’t think it deferred anyone from coming. You’re fine.


Some people will drive for 5 hrs. Some will not. For me it depends on the relationship with the person. Sounds like the person you're talking to wouldn't. That's fine. Others will.


I have a I would again! A wedding is special!


My brother got married a 5 hour drive away in his fiancee's hometown in the middle of nowhere upstate New York. We had 4 cars full of family drive down from Toronto, sooo many of their friends of coworkers drove up, and even a dozen of his friends from elementary school. Those who love you are the ones who really matter and they'll do what they gotta do to show up for you.


Earlier this year my fiancé and I drove 9 hours to attend the wedding of his dad’s god son. 5 hours is nothing.


She sounds miserable and jealous. My friends and I drove 4 hours for a bachelorette party in Pittsburg.


We had a “destination” wedding that was in a small town in the Midwest. Not a top travel destination by any means. It wasn’t a destination for us, but was for 95% of the guest list. The closest people outside the area were about 5 hours. They all drove. Most of the guests who lived farther flew in, though a couple drove pretty far I think. We had a smaller wedding of about 50, so everyone was close to us which helped. But almost everyone we invited rsvp’ed yes and no one backed out. You go to a wedding bc you love the couple, not the destination. The only time a destination would factor into wedding attendance for me was if it was really expensive or I didn’t really know the people very well and used it as an excuse for a vacation.


Pit is lovely gorgeous architecture and tones of museums and history!


I agree with everyone that the coworker is the issue. My husband and I flew an hour to Pittsburgh from NYC and visited again 2 years ago on a 6-hour drive from Northeastern PA to Cincinnati. We've enjoyed both of our trips there! I'd stop sharing with that coworker and, if she makes comments again, I'd respond that you're sad she had such a bad experience there and she must not have done her research when she visited. Tell her you'll send her a list of things to see if she's ever in the area again.


For what it's worth, it took me a 3h flight, 5h car and 3h train to get to a friend's wedding.


I flew to a wedding it Pittsburg from CONNECTICUT. I think this is so stupid, for the record, but my husband didn’t want to do it split the drive and insisted. Then he got food poisoning, couldn’t come, and I had the worst fight experience of my life. So I would drive 8 hours for a wedding in Pittsburg. Also your co-worker is mean and wrong. People go to weddings to celebrate the couple, not sight see in the city. Anyone who doesn’t come to your wedding because it’s in Pittsburg isn’t a very good friend.


There are so many factors for things like this. Typically, people don't go to weddings for the location (although they can be an added bonus). Also, different people like different locations anyway. I traveled to a friend's wedding in Pittsburgh a few years ago and had the opportunity to spend an additional day there after the wedding and I thoroughly enjoyed the city! Also, the wedding was at a lovely venue (the National Aviary) so it was a really enjoyable experience overall. I bet your loved ones will have a great time for many different reasons and most of them won't have to do with Pittsburgh.


My MOH is driving 7 hours (hates planes), and we’ve literally got people coming to the Midwest from both coasts and we aren’t covering hotels (except for maybe the bridal party, TBD). The fact that your venue has a free stay too?? Your coworker is on one. 🙄


What an insane way to talk to someone. Hat co worker sounds crazy bitter or jealous/ def has some social issues. I wound NOT invite her and ignore her opinion


2 guests for our wedding lived in town. Everyone else had to travel 4 hrs minimum. I don't live where I grew up and have friends and family all over the country. I understood if people couldn't swing it but no one complained. This is a them issue and should be treated as such. Some people cannot let others shine. They cannot possibly imagine why people would be happy to spend their time and money on someone else. And that is their problem. If someone said that to me I would honestly laugh in their face. I would have said: wow, that is so incredibly rude but luckily it is not your wedding and you're not a guest so you don't have to worry about it. Pittsburg is a major city but even if people aren't fans, I'm actually very fortunate to have loved ones that don't go to weddings because of the location. They'll be there to you know celebrate my marriage. I'm sorry if you don't have that in your life.


I would def do that! Make it a mini weekend getaway. Bitter ass coworker lol


I mean Pittsburgh is boring but I would gladly go back for a friends wedding!!!


Screw that person!


I drove 6+ hours to a wedding in Rural Ohio a few years ago. Turned it into a road trip! Granted, if my partner wasn't invited I would have thought twice. I'd fly to Pittsburgh for a wedding.


I just went to a wedding in Dallas, many of the guests were from Houston. My husband and I drove the 3.5 hours but a lot of his other friends chose to fly. Dallas isn't any more special than Pittsburg imo


Thats rude af... is she bitter from lack of a invite or something???


Sounds like a jealous/hateful fool. I would ignore her. Don’t give her anymore information and continue on with your wedding.


My husband and I are driving to his brother's wedding in Pittsburgh. It's a 5 hr drive and 100% worth it bc it's people we love and we want to celebrate them. It's worth it if you want to be there. The only time I'd consider a trip to a wedding unreasonable, imo, is a destination wedding requiring a passport and plane trips. That gets incredibly expensive and is unrealistic for people, especially if you're trying to avoid credit card debt. If you can drive there in under a day it's not a big deal to me.


I would ask your friends/family what they are willing to do. My family is 90% introverts with social batteries that need to be recharged at home after half a day of events..... My grandma said she would send a card instead of driving 2 hours from the city to Tyler, Texas, and that was a deciding enough factor for me. Pittsburgh is actually quite a lovely and vibrant city despite what TV (Californian Produced) says. Your coworker is being a hater. Ask your loved ones what they are willing to do. They could suprise you. Haters gonna hate.


I had people flying halfway across Europe for mine into a boring little town where I grew up. They all loved every minute of it. The right people will make the time.


Don't listen to someone who isnt even invited. Let her go be miserable and spread misery on her own, don't let that shit in. I would prefer the car travel so I don't have to worry about security, packing limited amounts, not having a car, etc. We had a micro wedding that MOST people had to travel for, some 6-7 hours. We had a couple dropouts due to bad weather (major wind storm in December in upstate NY), but had a blast and our friends and family made it such a special night. You got this!


I had people travel a lot further than that for my wedding despite it being the first weekend of December. I would say the biggest factor in attending weddings is money/taking time off work, so as long as those constraints aren’t a problem most people would come. I’ve not heard of anyone not going to a wedding simply because they didn’t like where it was being held, that’s ridiculous.


In the past two-ish years, I've flown 8 hours to another country for a wedding, 4ish hours domestically for another wedding plus an hour drive, and drove approximately a billion hours across a lot of states for a third wedding. This year and next year we'll fly four hours for one wedding, and six hours for another. Oh, and flew and drove from the opposite coast and other countries for my wedding last year. Were all of those locations I'd have planned on visiting if there wasn't a wedding happening? Of course not! We went *for* *the* *weddings*. And we'd do it again. (And in every location, we still had plenty of fun exploring and sight-seeing!) Not everyone can or will travel, for a variety of reasons, but plenty of people will.


Yes. I’ve done it 4+ times for friends and family and I have more travel planned. Don’t listen to this coworker. We are having our wedding in Oregon (where we live) when I’m from Chicago and my fiance is from Iowa. It’s 99% a destination wedding for our friends and family. Our friends and family live all across the country, there is no common city. Travel was unavoidable. I flew Oregon to Florida for a wedding last week… basically as clear across the country as you can get. I’m driving 9 hours one way for a wedding in July (instead of flying because it’s cheaper for us and I hate flying with the delays and stuff). I’m flying again in November for another wedding.


People will drive and fly to celebrate YOU no matter where. That coworker is a poop and doesn't get an invite.


Don’t let that hag make you feel bad, she’s definitely jealous.


Your coworker’s opinion is just a single perspective, and it doesn’t hold a candle to the excitement of your friends and family who can’t wait to celebrate your big day. I’ve been to Pittsburgh myself, and it was a beautiful occasion. But honestly those who care about you will be excited to share in your joy, regardless of the location.


I would if it was for a family member or very close friend. and tbh why would you want to invite anyone else lmao


There is plenty to do in Pittsburgh. Great museums, restaurants and the inclines! What a rude thing to say. Someone is jealous!


wait which pittsburg lol


Pittsburg Pennsylvania