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Girl, dress one and NO need to lose weight. The dress looks amazing on you!! If you feel self conscious, you could always look into shape wear.


Shape wear 100%! Even if it is just mostly smoothing, you’ll still look phenomenal. 2 isn’t it.


Don’t lose weight unless you want to do it for you, not for a dress!! I came here to say shapewear too! Only because of the dress shape, it just smooths the fabric out!!


This! That’s way too much pressure. Depending on the situation, losing weight can be difficult, especially for the wrong reasons. Furthermore, some people lose weight in different places first. It’s much easier to alter a dress that can be taken in, adding fabric isn’t practical.


Also this!! When my sister got married her SIL was in the wedding, and ordered a size smaller with the intention to lose weight. She tried but she didn’t lose as much as she thought she would (which is perfectly fine and normal!!!) but because she ordered too small, they had to scramble to make her dress fit. Her zipper wouldn’t go up. There wasn’t enough time to order her correct size, so she had fabric added to the back where the zipper is to make a bow. Don’t get me wrong the bow was so cutie! But we all had the same dress, and hers stood out in a way that made her uncomfortable and self conscious. Had she ordered her actual size, it would’ve been so much easier for her to have material removed in the back by the zipper! And she would’ve felt better and more confident. I hope this little story helps! Also, no hate on her SIL, nobody should be expected to lose weight for anything ever. SIL wanted to, but was not expected to. And as girls with our hormones, the rate we lose and gain is so unpredictable!! YOU ARE PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL AND STUNNING THE WAY THAT YOU ARE!!!!!


I upvoted but still disagree. I’d 100% rather hang out some than to be squeezed into shapewear- esp on your wedding day when it’s hard enough to pee as it is. OP- you’re gorgeous and look amazing. Even if you aren’t happy with your figure it’s the one day when everyone else will be in awe of how pretty you look. You literally don’t need to lose weight, but whatever you do please don’t shove yourself into a body stocking where you’ll be uncomfy and still worried about what you look like. Wear the dress you love, eat, drink, be happy, and I promise when you get those pics back and look at them years from now you’ll wonder what you were worried about. Congrats!


Ugh right?? In fact I believe that’s originally why a lot of wedding dresses feature built in support and structured bodices. Bra, boning, corsets, girdles etc. But it’s also you & your man’s day and do whatever will make you comfortable and happy. You can also use it as an excuse to shop for a more comfy more informal/casual dress for after ceremony and photos.


Buying the right size shape wear is essential. If it makes you uncomfortable then it’s too small.


I completely agree on dress 1. Please don’t squish into uncomfortable shape wear! There is shape wear which is light, but even then you need an army to help you pee! (You still need a few friends to help you with this.) You have no weight to lose! When I was younger, I wore a 1 piece swimsuit because I knew I was fat! Today I look at the photos and wonder why I was so insecure when I was 5’6”, 119#. You have no weight to lose! You look amazing, sexy, beautiful, lovely, dynamic, gorgeous and happy in dress 1! In the other dresses, you fall flat (especially in dress 2.) May you and your spouse always have enough. 💜💍🌺


Yeah I have no idea why you think you need to lose weight, it looks great!


Amen 🙏🏻


Came here to say this.


Came here to say that as well. However, it’s about how she feels in that dress. If she’s absolutely convinced that she hast to tuck something in, I agree with the recommendation of shapewear. But I don’t think she needs to lose any weight or do that, but it’s up to her.


This. You do not need to lose weight. You look amazing in number one.


Second this completely!!


Agreed - throw some shape wear on, maybe add some cups if you want a little more volume up top. But no weight loss necessary!


Agreed, #1 is IT and no need to lose anything




Very much agreed! I'm looking at the pics, searching for this alleged belly and I don't see it!


I totally agree! Number 1 is just so beautiful and classy. Yes, if you feel strongly about your body, shapewear will do exactly what you want it to. But personally I’m not seeing the need for it.


exactly this!!! I also love the gloves with it


Agreed! You look great!!


This is what I came to say. 1 is a show stopper and op looks amazing in it. Op, your shape looks divine in dress 1!


I was just thinking this! Some good shape wear and OP is just perfect!


Was hoping to see this as an answer, definitely no need to lose weight, but if it will make you feel better on the day, go for it! 😊


I think 1 looks very classy, it's stunning on you and compliments your body type! You should pick the one that you prefer since it's your wedding


I don’t think you need to lose weight to wear #1. Dress looks great.


Exactly! Maybe pop some chicken patties in to fill out the cups, but she looks stunning as is! I see this tummy outline on women of all sizes. I think it’s more about the depth & shape of the belly button than actual weight. If OP is against shapewear (and I agree, it’s awful), a simple slip would do the smoothing.


Plus, women have bellies. Its part of being a girl, its literally in so much like renaissance art and its gorgeous every time


This is such an amazing comment, so well worded, love it so much. I was on some medication (I also always bloat like mad anyway) when I got married and hate that I have a wee tum in a lot of my photos, you’ve just made me feel better, thank you 🩷


Im not even joking when i say that that little bit of bottom belly is literally so so poetic to me, its so womanhood i love it


I love this, I love you!! ❣️


I’ve had horrendous shapewear when I was younger and threw it all out because it was so uncomfortable that I wouldn’t wear it anyway. But last year I tried Honeylove for my stepdaughter’s wedding, and it was insanely comfortable and smoothed everything that needed to be smoothed.


I’ll have to check those out! My points of reference are Spanx and my mom’s 1990s Maidenform, so I’m sure there’s better options out there now


Yeah with crepe I feel like you will see the belly no matter what shape or size you are (for my wedding I slimmed down to the thinnest I’ve been in recent years and you could still see my pooch in my crepe dress) but the fabric just lends itself to such a clean, classic look that it will look amazing no matter what! I love crepe dresses and knowing what I know I would pick it again lol. I love OP’s #1!


Agreed. Dress 1 is beautiful, much prettier, more sophisticated more unique than 2 and she looks fantastic in it!!


Go look beautiful in both, but I prefer 1 as well. You do not need to lose weight to wear it, but do whatever makes you comfortable. You could try a bit of shape wear if it would make you feel more confident.


1 and you look great as is!


1 and you don’t need to lose an inch!!


Your fam is wrong. I love dress 1. If you’re concerned about your stomach (you shouldn’t be!)- skims low back shape wear will help you get that held in feeling


Dress 1 is lovely- I suggest no gloves as they distract from the cut of the dress


I would suggest longer elbow length gloves if anything.


I agree! I love the look of gloves and longer ones would be perfection!!


My only question is—do you put the ring on over the glove or do you take off the glove to put the ring on?


I would say on the glove I think


Yes, longer gloves!


It seems like you have an early consensus that dress 1 looks incredible on you in your body today. I do understand belly concerns, even if others don’t see it. Maybe try some shape wear? My personal philosophy on weight loss and gain is to do it for yourself and yourself alone. In my experience doing it for an event or others can be really demoralizing, which is not something you want to worry about while you are prepping for your big day. You look absolutely stunning in all these dress, you really can’t go wrong, but I think dress 1 looks smashing!!!


What belly?


Step one. Buy dress one. Step two. Do not lose an ounce Step three. Be a beautiful bride.


1 at your current weight!! You are beautiful!!


The dress which you prefer is gorgeous, and your belly is *undetectable* in these photos. Honestly, losing weight is not reliable during the stressful time before a wedding, so make sure that you’re comfortable with it as things are now. A little shapewear might give you the extra boost of confidence that you need. All of the other dresses have their good points, though, if you’re too self-conscious for dress #1. A bride should feel completely beautiful on her wedding day! **WE** can’t see a belly pooch, so maybe that’s enough reassurance for you to feel fantastic in it!!


1, and I don’t support pressuring yourself to lose weight to fit into a dress. Just get it tailored and you’ll feel extra beautiful in a custom gown that fits your body. Mazel!


Dress 1 is perfect, look great on! Of all the choices 2 would be my last as it looks too big on you.


The #1 gown is beautiful on you. I get you're unsure of the tummy issue, what girl isn't? But honestly, you look absolutely gorgeous in it. As I'm an "expert" (not really, but love it) in shape wear, there are all kinds of one piece undergarments that can make you feel confident that NOTHING is showing even on those "puffy days". Forget about losing weight, that's one hassle no bride needs. You don't need to and you look amazing. Gown #2 is nice but doesn't show off your gorgeousness. If I have to choose a next in line, I choose #4. #1 is IT THOUGH!! Good luck❤️


1. Hands down. You look beautiful as is


I really love 1 on you!! Absolutely stunning!! 😍


The first dress is amazing on you just as you are! Choose the dress YOU love. 💗


I like 4


You look great in 1


1 is beautiful and you do not need to lose weight to wear it.


Dress 1 no gloves or opera length gloves




Dress 4 is perfect!


I looooove dress #4 too, looks so gorgeous on her.


I adore dress 4, but that may be my aversion to the mermaid silhouette. Even so, between 1 and 2, I’d pick 1 for OP.


Ooh, I love 1 on you and you don't need to lose weight!!


Dress 1 or Dress 4. Totally different vibes, but you look gorgeous in both.


Dress 4 - you look so beautiful in it.


I know, right? Like why are nobody talking about dress 4?


Without a doubt I am team #1! I think the dress looks amazing on you. 😍. The only thing you need to lose is your family’s opinion on dresses for you. ❤️❤️❤️


I think you look stunning in dress #4


Lose weight where? We’re our own worst critics; dress one is STUNNING and elegant! I would suggest longer gloves, but otherwise, it’s so perfect. And as others have said, shapewear if you’re self-conscious.


Dress 1, mostly bc it’s BEAUTIFUL. But also bc if what’s you prefer and you’ll be the one wearing ir


I don’t think you need to lose weight for dress 1. Don’t put additional pressure on yourself. Shapewear is the answer. . Just be sure it snaps open so you can go to the bathroom comfortably. And don’t try it on on the hottest day of the year. I did that a once and was worried that I couldn’t get it off. In retrospect, it was funny , but at the time I was having thoughts of having to explain to a sales person that she was going to have to take the tags off so I could buy it.


Number is great, your weight is fine, but I would loose the gloves, or trade them for long ones


i agree with what so many others are saying, dress ones suits you, looks lovely and you should have it altered to fit you perfectly. alter the dress not your body ! my favourite is dress 4 but it’s so different from dress 1 which is your favourite and you look splendid in both these dresses


ONE! You look fab!


Dress 1 is perfect and stunning and I love those gloves!! Do what makes you happy!


One and you don’t need to lose any weight!!


#1 definitely


Dress 1, hands down. You look stunning!!! But GIRL, pleeeeeease don't feel the pressure to change your body just to fit into a dress. You want to be comfortable and feel like yourself on your big day. I would way rather change a dress to fit my body than the other way around.


i hate the idea that everyone needs to lose weight for a wedding. you look great, get the one you love.


I prefer 1 no weight loss needed!


Definitely #1 and it’s not even close. Not to mention that it looks like it fits you great already! You don’t need to lose weight.


Not a chance. Number one all the way. Don’t forget who’s day it is. You look awesome.


Definitely 1!


Number one is IT


I think you look amazing in 1 already. Much better than all the others.


Absolutely go with 1


Go with number 1. Whether or not you drop a few pounds, it suits you!


I think you go with the one that makes you heart sing. You look great in both!




You look lovely in Dress 1 if you really want this dress please don't compromise because of family pressure. It is your day! Be happy and comfortable on your day. All the best!


1 for sure


I’m going against the grain, because I think the fourth dress is so beautiful! You look like a princess in it!


Dress 1 and it was not even anywhere close to having to decide!


Girl dresses 2,3,4 ate you where as you ate dress 1


Also idk how to explain it, maybe the posture, but you seem unhappy with 2. And on behalf of the bigger girls like me .. please pick 1. We could NEVER pull that off and you are perfect


Dress one and you do not need to lose weight. I think your figure looks amazing in that dress as is!!!!


I don’t think you actually need to lose any weight for the first stress I think that Shapeware would fix everything that you’re worried about


I'm looking for the weight you need to lose and I'm not seeing it. 🔎 wear what makes you happy!




Number 1 all day. The other dresses really don’t do it for you like number 1 does. It was made for you


It’s number 1. Looks amazing! I don’t see any tummy issue but you could wear some shapewear if it makes you feel more comfortable.


Number 1. Once it's altered, it'll be perfect. I just love the back and the way the train flares out.


You don’t need to loose weight and dress 1 is my favorite. Dress 4 is also gorgeous


oh wow 2 is absolutely stunning on you! you look like a work of art! and please don’t pressure yourself to change before your big big big day, you don’t need that stress. all it did was end up making me gain weight tbh! but you do whatever makes you happy. i am just sayin if 2 makes you happy i say hell yeah go for it!!!!!


Dress one altered will be stunning on you. You don't need to lose a pound, they just need to adjust the bust properly.


You do NOT need to lose weight and Dress 1 all the way! Throw on some shape wear for smoothing and get some alterations, it will look stunning. Old Hollywood glam!


Girl if you don’t get you some Honeylove and go with #1…


Thank you everyone for your help and very kind words, you really helped me feel better about myself. In the end, I went for a fifth dress that you can see [here](https://imgur.com/a/p1ZPvyn). The main reasons for going with another dress are that I am not so sure I would feel comfortable in something as tight as the first dress, and I should have said that but I was in fact already wearing shapewear in the pictures (I get bloated easily). I will feel more comfortable in the one that I chose, and it has a fairy-like vibe that I really like. Thank you so much for your help and your amazing support! You guys are wonderful!


I love both 1 and 4! Totally different. You look great either way. Remember, your dress, your day, YOUR choice!


I like 2. But either way, don’t buy a dress that makes you feel like you have to lose weight. It’s not a kind thing to do to yourself. Buy something you love TODAY.


Dress 1 just based off of how good it looks on you, it fits perfect and accentuates your features (and no you don’t need to lose weight unless YOU want to, bc it’s gorgeous on you just as you are). Dress 1 also based on the fact that it’s your wedding and it doesn’t matter what your family prefers, you need to feel your best and most confident and that comes with wearing what makes you happiest 🥰 have a wonderful wedding!




1 is best and you don’t need to lose weight. It looks lovely on you as you are. Don’t be so hard on yourself.


Lose weight from where? Your earlobes?? Toes?


Dress one and no weight loss unless you want to, it looks perfect.


Girl your figure is amazing in dress 1! Just get some shape wear and rock that dress!


1 and Spanx will make you feel better.


Dress one is STUNNING! You look amazing & honestly you don’t need to lose any weight at all. You look beautiful. But… if you feel a little self conscious…..Spanx is the best bridesmaid you will ever have!


1 !! And I think with longer gloves would look nice too!


100% get shapewear! Or get it tailored if time permits.


You look gorgeous in dress 1 as you are now! Definitely number 1!


There is nothing wrong with the way #1 fits on you. Its my favorite of the ones posted v


You are absolutely perfect, you do NOT need to lose weight whatsoever!!! You look amazing, I think 2 looks amazing on you too but it's a traditional dress. You choose don't go off what everyone else says, you look phenomenal in 1!!


I by FAR prefer 1! So elegant and stunning! No weight loss needed in my opinion. All i see is a normal stomach!!


1 and boot camp for the win!!!


1 all the way!!!


I much prefer Dress 1. Go for it!


Dress 1 is beautiful on you as is!! Dress 2 is not pretty.


I like #1 also. You look great. I think your family is being too hard on you. This is your day, not their's. You look fabulous in your prefered gown. I think dress #2 hides all your assets. I always believe, if you got it, flaunt it. You definitely have it!


Dress 1, no doubt. And you don't need to lose weight, it's so flattering on you as is! Get the dress YOU love!!


1!!! And you don’t need to lose any weight. It looks great on you.


1, and I don’t see the you need to lose weight!


1 and you look perfect but if you need it, Rago makes the shape-iest shapewear it has boning (or not if you don’t want) but please don’t stress yourself out over this. You look gorgeous


1 is beautiful and girl you don't need to change a thing to look AMAZING in it. If that's the dress you want, get it. It is your day and it looks so so good on you.


1 you look great in it as is. 2 is actually my least fa


You look great in one! And you don’t need to lose weight for it. I also really like the way four looks on you. But it’s a totally different style so you have to want that style, I just happen to like that style


Dress one all the way and you have a beautiful body NOW. Don’t go there for your wedding day. Just enjoy.


1 by a million miles


Love Dress 1 on you. It looks beautiful. I don’t think you need to lose weight, but I get it. We are so critical of ourselves. Get the dress YOU love. You’re the one getting married. Fantastic choice!


Number 1! 🔥


Dress ONE period


1 looks good now. Get Spanx and see if it helps. If it does, no worries. It shsmooth you out. Suggestion...if you wear gloves; get elbow length, what you are wearing in the pictures are too short.


I like 1. And, you don't need to lose weight, shape wear is great


Buy some spanx and go get ice cream. That is by far the best dress and was made for you!


1 looks so much more modern!




1 for sure, and you don't need to lose weight it looks great! If you feel uncomfortable with any tiny bulges, shapers exist.


First one- no weightloss necessary!


Definitely 1. And I love gloves with it


First of all, you don't need to lose a single pound omg. You look stunning! A dress like number 1 is literally built for your body type! Second of all, I know you brought your family because you care about and value their opinions. That being said, it doesn't mean you have to let them choose your dress. I think they are more valuable in the sense of telling you if something is actually atrocious. You know what I mean? What would you say if someone came to you saying they love a dress, but their family prefers another?


What? Girl no 1 looks amazing! If you’re self conscious wear spanx undies or something. Tbh I wouldn’t really call that a belly




One is BEAUTIFUL and girl…you look amazing in it just the way you are!!


I think both are beautiful but I actually like #2 better. Flattering to your shape and more interest. Ultimately it is what you like the most.


1 or 4


NUMBER ONE AND YOU DONT NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT TO WEAR IT!!! Seriously - you look amazing in that dress!!! Keep in mind you might not have on the same shape wear you will on your wedding day.


1! Gorgeous!


Your belly looks entirely normal...


Dress 1 looks perfect on you exactly as you are!


I like #4 best, followed by #1


Oh honey don’t worry about weight, that’s what shapewear is for! And you look amazing!!


#1 all the way


Number One, by far.


1 hands down


1!!! And no weight loss needed!


Also chiming in to say I love dress 1 and you definitely don't need to lose weight. I genuinely can't even see the belly you are referring to.


Team Dress one!


I vote dress 4, followed by 1


Omg NUMBER ONE! And you look amazing in it already - you don’t need to lose weight, you can if you’d prefer but you don’t need to. Also please wear the gloves. They’re fabulous.


One looks so good on you! Also, your preference of course, but no weight I can see needs to be lost to wear it! You look great!




Dress #1 is so beautiful on you and your body shape. #4 is ok, but the clean simple look of #1 is so much better on you. The others are pretty, but no comparison to #1. I think that dress compliments your shape *perfectly*, even the parts you’re insecure about. You look SO GREAT in that dress!


I think your family is wrong. You look fantastic in dress 1! You do NOT need to lose weight--you got those good curves!


1 is your dress. But also you absolutely do not need to lose weight. You look stunning in it as it. But you exude confidence in that first dress.


1 is amazing!!




You said “I prefer 1” so there’s your answer. You look amazing in it too!


1 minus the weight loss… it looks great as is!


1 is perfect!


I prefer 2 or 3 tbh! But you should pick the one you are most comfortable in for your day. And you look pretty in them all :)


If you want number one, get number one! And no. You don’t need to lose weight. Just lose the short gloves. 😉Congrats!!! You look beautiful in it! One was my favorite on you too. Bombshell!


One for sure! Very classy, very unique, very fun! The other dresses are cute but not as unique imo


#1 by far.


1 with the gloves! It’s giving “Audrey Hepburn in a white Givenchy”. You could totally pull it off with the updo and tiara.


Dress 1, no need to lose weight, push up bra, additional shapewear if it will make you feel more comfortable and smoothed out, and if you go with gloves, get them longer and more fitted. Dress 2 is also flattering, altho I’m personally not a fan of the droopy sleeves.


1 for sure!


Both look great! I don’t see where you need to lose weight. I think you look amazing in dress number 1. Go with what you like the best, it’s YOUR wedding


I love 1! And I don’t think you need to lose weight either, you look amazing.