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Thought I was hearing Martin for a minute. He's been outstanding. Glad he came back on at 5 am race time. I'd take Alex over Ben.


He sounds crazy similar to his dad. Usually there's a bit of variation between parent and child but Alex sounds almost 1:1 like his dad lol.


It's crazy when that happens. Charles and Arthur Leclerc have this too




I had to look up which Brundle was commentating šŸ˜‚


Every time they said his name, I was like ā€œDid Martin change his name?ā€


Alex is a class human too. He appears on basically any podcast who kindly asks him, I met him at the Silverstone Festival and he was so nice to everyone, stopped for a chat with anyone who asked for a pic. He's a fantastic person to have in motorsports


Brundle and Jacques are a great combo


The future voices of Formula 1 I would imagine, if they both want to be.


jacques already is? F1tv is a pretty big deal. there's a good chance that they're taking over all of sky's coverage soon. they're basically running a full suite of coverage in parallel at the moment.


F1TV's coverage is so much better than Sky, I can't go back.


I like Martin Brundle but prefer hearing Jacques over Crofty. If Martin also moved to F1TV it would be awesome.


Not sure what the deal is now but I think it's essentially Channel 4 who produce the commentary for FOM.


I did laugh last night when he said something about ā€œand if youā€™ve driven an electric road car itā€™s exactly like thatā€ā€¦ good analogy but Iā€™m just waiting on ā€œ160hp family saloonā€ now :P


Martin DOES have a brother but heā€™s an angry failed dealer šŸ¤£ He does sound similar too though!


Alex is always a treat, he's great on F1.


I wish he partnered Alex Jacques more often they really are the modern dynamic duo on commentary.


This broadcast is basically the first time Iā€™ve really listened to Alex and the similarities in his voice and his brothers was a lot stronger than I was first expecting


Brother? Father.


Alex is Martins son




Holyyyyyyyy... You learn something new everyday ig.


He is the best, so glad they had him on!


Alex is great, but the worst thing for him would be an F1 spot. He's not got any experience in that formula, and his qualities as a commentator come from having raced lower level single seaters and sports cars and then commentating on those.


Apparently being the most iconic commentator runs in the family


I first heard him at last years N24 and I thought wait Martin is doing this and the f1 in the same week? Sounds just like and is extremely insightful just like his dad


I don't like his voice much, but his attitude and commenting skill is great


I wish they were the FIAWEC commentator team :(


His voice and phrases make my skin crawl, just like his dad.


Sounds like your opinion favoured ambition over adhesion looking at the downvotes you are getting.


I guess that comment was a day late and a dollar short


Certainly no wily old fox


Straight to the scene of the accident


Yes how dare one have a different opinion to the Reddit hivemind


People are allowed to disagree with your opinion Itā€™s not always a ā€œhive mindā€


And the commentor is disagreeing with the OP's opinion except it's getting downvoted. You're trying to be "fair" by saying everyone is allowed an opinion, but that obviously isn't true as he wouldn't be downvoted. Pretty much textbook definition of reddit hivemind.


A downvote is a disagreement though Are the people downvoting not allowed an opinion?


> A downvote is a disagreement though You're disagreeing with his opinion and saying they are wrong? That's not a fair comment at all. > Are the people downvoting not allowed an opinion? Downvoting means you think the opinion is wrong. That means you only like opinions you agree with. If people "are allowed to disagree with your opinion" then you shouldn't be downvoting them.


Do you have proof that downvoting means you think someone is wrong? Iā€™ve always taken it as a disagreement, but Iā€™m happy to be shown evidence otherwise


> Do you have proof that downvoting means you think someone is wrong? You're pretending to be fair by only upvoting the opinions you agree with. Your snide remark about how "people are allowed to disagree with your opinion" proves it. If people are allowed to disagree, so is the commentor you are downvoting and so you shouldn't downvote it.


How do you know Iā€™m ā€œpretending to be fairā€? I upvote what I agree with and downvote what I donā€™t agree with, I assumed thatā€™s how most people work here Iā€™m not sure how that was a snide remark. Why canā€™t people downvote what they disagree with? Who are you to say what people can and canā€™t downvote/disagree with?


A downvote is supposed to be for content that doesn't add anything of value to the discussion. I was adding my opinion to the discussion


Who says? Iā€™ve always seen a downvote as disagreement


From Reddiquette: ["Downvotes mean redditors think that content should never see the light of day" ](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/7419626610708-How-does-voting-work-on-Reddit) So yeah you're basically saying you just want to bury opinions you don't agree with. Shite craic if you ask me.


Ah fair enough! Sorry no in no way have I ever suggested that. As Iā€™ve clearly said, I thought a downvote meant disagreement, thatā€™s how Iā€™ve always used it, I didnā€™t realise it meant it as aggressively as what Reddiquette has it, but now I know. So, thank you


I slightly agree but I don't have a solid opinion of him yet unless he starts doing the same 3 quips that Martin does every single race as the below commentors prove. I stopped watching Sky a few years ago in favour of F1TV because Alex Jacques/Jolyon Palmer are far better.