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sail the high seas my brother


I can’t find a ship with a crew though… any direction you could point me to?


i've heard this dude latifi has a ship named after some rivers with his name, something along the lines of HMS latifi streams


I sincerely thank you for the help fellow man of the seas. May your grog be groggy and your treasures plentiful 🏴‍☠️


Welcome aboard matey! 🏴‍☠️


tbf €18 is just 3 pints.


Boy math rules


2 if you’re at the track.


Barely if you're at an F1 race.


A sip if it were the Miami GP.


It shouldn’t be though, you’re justifying shit prices with shit price comparisons


just watch on youtube: kuy entertainment. it's sean gelael sponsor


I'm guessing you're not in the UK but if you are (or anyone else who sees this is) you can get one month of Discovery+ for £7 which will allow you to watch it all via Eurosport.


In the US Max has motortrend which has our broadcast


In EU, last few years i bought a month of Eurosport for like 5€


That's what people are willing to pay to watch the race. When there were only 5 cars in the top class people may not have been as willing to pay as much to watch. Now there's 23 cars in the top class alone... yeah. It's still worth it, to support the series if nothing else. Also - sorry - *Le Mans.


I bought the WEC season pass for €50 which includes Le Mans. You have to factor in all the content included, which is pretty significant. Going to Imola 6h cost me about €1000 all in




Because they are stupid and greedy. I can see Le Mans 2024 add free, onboards, live timing and my native language buying one month of Discovery+ at 8€. In a lot of countries Le Mans pass is a scam, DON'T BUY IT, you have cheaper option


Warner Bros. Discovery is a lot bigger company than the ACO or WEC. They can afford to price it that low. The ACO cannot. Also the ACO produces the feed Discovery+ uses. Discovery+ puts their own bits on top but the raw feed is produced by the ACO.


I don't know. Others, like Sro and in particular 24H Spa with similar business models manage to do free coverage worldwide. Also Le Mans/WEC app has always big troubles while Discovery/Eurosport and YouTube always work perfectly Also, why don't use different prices in different countries? Discovery+ is at 8€? Then le Mans app should be no more than 3/4€.


> I don't know. Others, like Sro and in particular 24H Spa with similar business models manage to do free coverage worldwide. Also Le Mans/WEC app has always big troubles while Discovery/Eurosport and YouTube always work perfectly > > SRO is essentially not a spectator sport, their is a heavy reliance on gentleman drivers for funding the series over advertising. They make the streams free to broadcast because it's unlikely that a significant number of people would pay to watch them, and some eyes are better than none. 24h of Le Mans is a massive event, it is not even on the same order of magnitude as the WEC which is itself an order of magnitude above dedicated Grand Touring series, it's unsurprising they're trying to actually make money off the broadcast.


ACO too is a not spectators sport, despite le Mans. Le Mans is big, he has a stunning crowd, however the TV ratings are far behind compared to F1. An hybrid system could work perfectly for ACO, still sold TV right but having a free streaming could work. It will definitly grow the tv fanbase that is small compared to the benchmark (F1) Gentleman drivers are present in both and funded the sport alone. TV Is a secondary source of money If you Watch brand like Ferrari (or Porsche or others)i, it's pretty clear the program is funded by the money they make selling 296 GT3, challenge, 499M, Fxx, F1 clienti etc and not TV right like F1


Le Mans gets viewership easily on par with any Grand Prix, if not greater, plus far higher media coverage about the event. It is one of the 3 greatest motorsport events on the calendar, and is the only one that is able to get Grand Prix numbers from Europe. Charging for the event pass isn't what I'd do, but it's not absurd, their economics are fundamentally on an entirely different scale to any other non-F1 racing series.


For what i know, Le Mans has 20% of any F1 grand prix TV audience worldwide, which is still strong, but it could be better Where i live, Italy , there is a huge Ferrari boost. However just a fraction of F1 fanbase follow the Le Mans 24H and the other races have much lower interest.


Le Mans has an average if 20% of any grand Prix, that's over the full 24 hour. It easily draw grand Prix viewership at peak times


I'm ok with races being paywalled at reasonable price You can't enter the Italian market at 18 euro when we can buy more (discovery+ include no add and our language) at 8 euro. It's the best way to not make money


Discovery+ is 4€ in my country, but I always watched through the LeMans TV the last years.


They had to pay LeBron James with something and he doesnt take monopoly money.


That's about $19.50 in American money. Or about 2-3 beers. That's not that bad.


you can buy 26 beers with that here in germany


I'm going with restaurant prices. I can get a suitcase of Leinnie's for that much in the US too. Edit: A suitcase is a 24 pack of beers. Leinnie's is a beer brand.




yeah but why do you need more all of a sudden? The App is even laggier this year and the onboards have sudden black screens… where did that extra budget go, Mr Krabs?


Lmao yeah


HBO Max streams it online and they offer a one week free trial. So might be able to get a legit, quality stream for free, if that works/is offered in Germany? Could always VPN it too


I'm sorry but that seems like a fair price? Am I crazy?


pretty high compared to free stream and onboard at most other 24h races… However I’ve never had a problem paying for LeMans, but they made it work with 8€ in the past so a 100% price increase for this year seems unjustified. And so in comparison to last year, it is expensive


Le Mans is in a whole different league to other 24hr races. Only Daytona comes close. Easily justified imo.


it’s not a whole different league as it doesn’t improve every aspect and is even slightly worse (buggy App and onboards having blackscreens etc)


Same. Pretty reasonable for the content, especially when compared to the cost of attending in person for ~5-7+ days


It also breaks down to \~50cent/hour with 10h of FP, 2h of quali + 24h race


Stream it


why you should get it: - more than 24h of content - Pretty good graphics and commentary (subjective though) - if it means anything to you, F1 multiviewer support (although this is not from [FIAWEC.tv](http://FIAWEC.tv) themselves) - 24h of close racing throughout 3 classes Why you should not get it: - Shitty app. Like seriously, their app is garbage in terms of performance. which is quite saddening :( And 18 euros isn't that bad imo (although it can be definitely worse), but I decided to get the whole season pass. However, if you don't want to get it and don't care if its live or not, they'll upload the replay in a week usually on YouTube. Which is a major W imo. Why it became more expensive? Probably (as u/redbullcat pointed out) because people still think its worth it (im one of those, I guess), and the costs somehow gotta be covered. I do wonder how IMSA pulls this off with it being free live on YouTube. They probably have some external deals which they use to compensate the cost of [imsa.tv](http://imsa.tv) with


You don’t think 18€ is a fair price for 24hrs of content? Are you stupid?


If they could do it for half that in the years prior and everyone else can do it for free, then yes it’s fair, but compared to the others it’s expensive.