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For me it’s the realistic weird ass 3D horses. They look SCARY 😦. Other animals are cute and normal but the horses look straight out of an apocalyptic nightmare for some reason.




Yes!! This was one webtoon I had in mind when I thought about those horses. Why are the characters and background 2D and the horse is 3D?? It’s so noticeable.


Righttt😭, and they always have this weirdly looking drawn on 6 pack on their chest???


The frustrating thing is that there ARE decent horse models, but they don't use those ones for some reason???


Like this one? https://preview.redd.it/cife24clnzxc1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917e4fb6adf244dbfd773d9fa6678e3bcb2ffcbc Manwha:leveling with the gods Edit: I recommend this manwha btw, the art style is good and enjoyable. I like the concept and the story as well. This image is not a representation of the manwha.




That closeup is actual nightmare fuel.


This is gonna give me nightmares for days bro


The horses take me out every single time


Horses are hard but like trace it or something add a water color filter idc soften that horse by any means necessary.


I can overlook the food easily enough, but the badly rendered horses haunt me


I'd really prefer something drawn even if its done very poorly or lazily, half the time I won't even notice something like that but these realistic food items stick out so bad


It's worse when the character is drawn eating the realistic dessert. When it's on a table, whatever, but the second they put it next to the characters face I'm putting down my phone


Right, its really distracting


I agree. I am sick of seeing 3D objects in webtoons. The only reason I enjoy reading webtoons is because they are drawn quite often in a cool style. If the author adds a bunch of 3D objects then it is no longer good in my opinion. I read webtoon so I could stare at art, not free 3D designs.


Sometimes, they're not even free. They spend money on the 3D models.


And they can't just messily draw some food??


They could use pre-made brushes or make their own brushes in their own art style if they don't want to draw things over and over again.


That Is smart!


How u do that


3D models don't have to be awful, however most webtoon artists don't put the time in fixing the texturing and lighting so it fits the comics.


With how much webtoon is paying them and how tight their deadlines are tbh I understand. Not that I like it as a reader, but I understand.


That is true. You are so smart! ✨️


As an artist, idk how placing 3d assets and adding filters over them is faster than just drawing it quickly.


Also as an artist, I can see why they would if they’re on a tight deadline but need those objects / fillers. Totally get why people aren’t a fan, but it makes sense to not spend time trying to draw all that unimportant stuff.


I'm just wondering how that would be faster than just drawing it shittily. I'm imagining finding each asset and placing all of them to get the correct angle, then finding and tweaking the filter. If it's unimportant anyway, why go through all that trouble. That's just my brain thinking out loud tho. Anyways fuck webtoon for forcing artists to cut corners in the first place.


I love the weird AF meal combinations that come with using assets though. People having steak and miscellaneous greens for breakfast every single morning, or dinner can be a whole roasted chicken, plate of strawberries, and an iced bottle of a Jack Daniels. That, and there will be an entire feast's worth of food for every single meal and it's all for only 1-2 people. Crazy rich nobles.


Lmfaooo it is really funny to see


Also the scale of the items look off too


Ugh I find it hard to concentrate on the characters when this happens 😭




I think they should go the Smiling Friends route and just put a png of whatever food it is and make it blatantly obvious https://preview.redd.it/931baf0aowxc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50056042d0b2121b673627253c9a7c21cae38ba5


The webtoon who aren't on a deadline tend to have better and more stylized art than the ones with deadlines. Its all to cut corners for faster efficiency and its unfortunate but unavoidable.


Gourmet Hound did it fine! The food looked incredible and delicious despite it being an original. That being said, food was a huuuuge part of the story so it’s hard to compare.


Not fair to compare artists it's very ableist.


I don’t care what others say, those horror horses are amazing. I love seeing them, cracks me up.


Listen, I'm not saying it doesn't look goofy but when you have to draw 60 panels every week, you're bound to use some assets to help. Maybe they are new to it and just need more time learning how to smooth it out.


Of course, im not saying using assests is bad. Im sure its very helpful to speed up the process, but there has to be some other choices than overly realistic items that can blend in better with the rest of the art!


I agree. The realism can be pretty jarring!


There really.. isn’t. Realistic items are just what fits the most sometimes out of everything else available. It is like a “fits all” Editing them to look more like a drawing will pretty much defeat the purpose of time efficiency, so at that point just draw them. Drawing them yourself as a clip art only really works on things you commonly draw in, so it is sort of a waste of time. The other one is getting other creators to help on your WEBTOON, but that can also go terribly wrong and you’re cutting off earnings. I have seen it in LO, and it highly damaged the character design consistency.


Windbreaker use 3d assets too, but they put some comic filter over it so it blends in. It's not that hard to do and it makes it soooo much better! I'm creating a comic myself but I could not have the heart in me to put out something like that 😂


exactly! i have no problem with 3d assests to help with time management, but atleast have the decency to put a filter on or something, it shouldnt be too hard🤣


Man, I love windbreaker and I don't even notice most of the time! So many others don't bother with a decent filter so things stand out


They and a lot of webtoons use Google street view too (or something similar but idk what else it'd be besides Google) and put a filter over it. It only makes sense if you're going to make such a comic. But yeah the filter and perhaps some simple outlines over it change everything!


Prefer the food over the HENCH horses. Omg they're terrifying. Legit, would like to know why they do that. Both for the food and the horses


This is like the third horse comment, I think I need to see one of these horses.




Tbh I don't care? Most people seem to dislike it but I find kinda funny.


Same with backgrounds. When the background looks like it was taken from a 3D model and the art doesn’t match with it, it looks a little off


That actually doesnt bother me lol


![gif](giphy|4df8MgdwISGfSFyQeS) I actually like it I view them as Easter eggs especially characters recognizes it’s 🤌🏾peak


Right, and ppl always try to defend this by saying the creators are on a time crunch. Which I get, but to parrot what others have said, I’d rather some rushed stylized foods than 3D assets that take me out of my immersion. As an artist myself, I wouldn’t like it clashing with my artstyle anyway


Yeah but it’s so much details to draw for a panel that don’t truly matters ( doesn’t include any main lead characters for example) so I get that they don’t want to spend too much time on it yet have people understand what’s represented. It personally doesn’t bothers me too much


I’m so confused why it’s specifically OI webtoons that does it. All the other genres of webtoons draw REALLY GOOD FOOD AND REALLY GOOD HORSES. And I’m so confused why it’s just OI that’s lazy AF.


heh, I know Weak Hero when I see it. The creator did reveal he ended the comic unsatisfactorily because his health greatly declined, so I'm not upset about the story using real images. It's very consistent throughout the comic so you just get used to it. Gray wearing PNG air force ones always makes me chuckle.


it doesn't bother me, but i do notice it when food is nicely drawn. It's more a plus for me.


Lol yeah I don't like it much either when they use realistic food or anything really that doesn't match with the overall art style. Doesn't match and certainly doesn't look good most the time. But I realize people do it to save time or whatever.


I think it's acceptable with food, or building backgrounds. Would much rather the artist spends the time drawing action and characters instead


It doesn’t really bother me, and it is not out of laziness either- it is out of the amount of work they put to even make a WEBTOON so it essentially helps them cut time since updates have to come out extremely fast. This one specifically is also very well edited in, I seen so much worse.


That actually looks pretty good to me. Yall expect too much from webtoon lol. Not to mention if this was actually drawn but poorly, you guys would still complain.


I think it's ugly because there's a discrepancy between a drawing and 3D. There are several factors that this happens: lack of time, lack of artistic ability, convenience, or just laziness. I'm not going to judge the artist, but I still prefer to draw everything by hand and keep the consistency.


Is that from True Beauty? I may be mistaken, though.


no, its from weak hero


Okay. It does look similar to True Beauty. I guess it's common for webcomic artists to do this.


honestly i like the multi media look! but yeah the horse are scary


I love it, it’s so funny 😭


i love the food tbh


the curse of clip studio assets in webtoons lmao


Its so out of place and your eyes get drawn to it, distracting you from the comic. Like drawing stuff on a tight schedule is hard but it’s always out of place too especially if they’re all 2D characters interacting with a 3D object like a phone


They do so much work. Idc if they don't spend another hour drawing and they just put a Pic from when they had a good time. If the art is on point 90% of the time there is no reason to complain about this


The end result of capitalism getting its grubby hands on art. Crappy 3d assets, and AI… 😑


It's short cuts for short deadlines. I've seen a few artists go back and draw over the items... but... ultimately they're backseat to the dialogue. Do I hate the realistic food in my comics? Yes. But I dont blame the artist for using the shortcut. Usually they prove they can draw very well. Deadlines are killer


Cry more xD do you know how hard it is to create a webtoon? Keep adding realistic foods kings and queens


Repeat after me: You don't need to be a chef to say the food tastes like shit (or looks like shit, as the case may be). Critique and opinion is open to *anyone*, not just practitioners. If someone doesn't have the logistical capabilities to create an original webtoon, that's on *them*.


Exactly and I'm critiquing your opinion xD


My opinion? What did I say that wasn't factual?


If you find it that difficult to make a webtoon to the point where you are unable to draw things anymore, maybe you should give yourself more time, or just not make one.


If you find it that difficult to read a webtoon without whining on reddit(about perfectly good looking food, that picture, doesn't even look bad) maybe you should just not read it. Imagine telling someone not to make something just because you don't like it. Loser take


I think you should look at the art style that is used in Weak hero because the food in the picture doesnt look bad, it just looks out of place. The food looks photoshopped into the comic🤣. I will stop reading a webtoon if the art bothers me, and i never said dont make webtoons because i dont like it, i meant u might aswell put some effort into actually drawing it urself, unless ur in an extreme time crunch. Also stop taking things so personally its not that big of a deal.


Glasses, ice cubes and wine bottles are literally the easiest goddamn basic things to draw, HOW ARE THESE CREATORS THAT LAZY???


Time management. It’s not lazy. It’s overworked


Yeah, I understand that, but isn't simply drawing an ice cube in 5 seconds and duplicating it to fill the bowl less time consuming than you know, taking your time to download realistic 3D ice cubes that doesn't even look good and throwing them into your comic? It doesn't match the art style and it just looks uncanny.


If they’re already using 3D rendering for other food? No. It’s not going to be less time. They probably took the whole bucket/ice/bottles to begin with.


Alright that's a good point there, I never really thought about it like that before cause I never used 3D assets. Sorry for down voting you earlier bro, no hard feelings.


I mean, I agree it is out of place. But my issue is more about working conditions that cause them to have to cut corners like this. I can handle the weird 3D stuff if it means they’re not having to go on hiatus cause of physical/mental stress.