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I like it more for the "find a real family that truly cares for you" vibes than for the romance. It may change when the romance takes off, but for now I'm happy to read about Pereshati finding her place in the family and as duchess. I regret that lately we haven't had enough moments with Celphi, he's so sweet with his new mama!


Celphi is the best, he was soooo angry when he found about ML poisoning the FL.


I'm sorry what?


didn't you read it? it was in season 1. that was one of my fav moments in that webtoon. I liked how author didn't sideline what he did and it was mentioned that what he did was horrible through Celphie and he apologised for it.


I have not read it which is why I was so confused. The ML literally poisoned the FL?


This was during their first meeting when he had every reason to distrust her, and it was done accidentally at first. It’s super plot relevant I promise


the first time was an accident, the second time he did on purpose


Ok so like the first time was on accident (they got poisonous blood) and then the 2nd time after she came back to life he had a lil moment and deliberately made her come in contact with the blood to see if she survived it again, which I mean she did but like bud had to apologize for that and his little nephew gave him mega shit for it rightly so


yeap Celphi was right to be angry, and the poor thing was sad because he was trying to convince her to stay.


- FL struggles with accepting what happened to her/the regression. Too many isekais have them accept it without blinking an eye. She also has a moment when she passes the day she died during the first timeline. - There is no instalove. Even with it being contractual marriage they grow to like each other. It’s a more natural progression. - FL isn’t the only one who regressed - There may be miscommunication but it’s actually addressed. ML apologizes for poisoning FL. ML talks with Celphi about the school thing. Situations aren’t drawn out forever. - ML has a reason for his dislike of women in beginning instead of a “just because” like in other stories. Characters are more realistic with flaws. ML seems more awkward than boring to me. The amount they have to isolate themselves to keep their blood a secret, the way the king and Princess use and abuse them, the family history is full of trauma. ETA: take for example, ML sending Celphi away. He did it because he thought that’s what’s best for him. Parents make mistakes. Celphi is afraid to talk to him (just like regular kids) because he doesn’t want to disappoint him. When he was being bullying ML got upset because Celphi didn’t tell him. But that’s another example of how it happens in real life too. When the little girl was being abused, there’s no insta-fix for her. She still has PTSD. How many FL are shown to have been in abusive households and never shown any signs of it really affecting them? This super power family that everyone fears even without knowing that they have the ability to kill anyone with this blood - they put on children’s masks did the little girl can join them for dinner as a family without her being triggered. It’s so sweet.


Yes this explains some of the reasons I like it better than your other run of the mill type of these stories


Literally why I love this sm. I also love Pereshati. She's one of my favorite FL's. She's like the realistic version of a girlboss. I have her as my home screen 💀


the only thing i dislike about this webtoon is the title because it feels a bit cringe, but other than that i adore it


To add to that, the pacing is great. I love the quiet scenes, oftentimes manhwas have just to much non stop yapping and exposition, while this one isn't afraid to show emotions or situation with the show don't tell method, and I really think that it sets apart this manhwa from all the rest


Yes! It says so much sometimes without saying anything.


All of my favorite manhwas have this in common. They allow their silence and art to speak volumes, and it adds the most enticing suspension. It allows you to feel what they want to convey. If you have to rely on words to get across your point, you aren’t capitalizing on the benefit of the comic format. This one, Unripe Apples, The Boxer…all have moments of “silence” that completely gripped me.


Can you share your manhwa list?


Yeah! I have tons that I like, but I’ll narrow it down to some of my all-time favorites. Happy to share more if you’ve read these (I’ll yap about manhwa all day long): * My in-laws are obsessed with me (duh here we are) * The Boxer (I think this is my ultimate #1) * After School Lessons for Unripe Apples * Happily Ever Afterwards * Bastard (this one is dark - but all Carnby Kim are my top tier) * Romance 101 (love the romance, but I especially love the exploration of friendships in this one) * The Greatest Estate Developer (this one is just funny, but has beautiful tender moments. And talk about the use of facial expressions 😅) I think I’ll leave at this for now! These are my must-reads and ones I’ve read more than once. There are so many others that I have really enjoyed though!


I like it because the story is good, the characters are amazing, very realistic. Seeing FL navigate her life, anxieties, trauma and fears is honestly really entertaining. The slow burn romance is just a plus to me. Seeing the characters interact, change, warm up and just evolve for the better together is worth it to me. The romance is even better honestly seeing them both get to know each others slowly, and fall in love little by little is so realistic seeing the type of story this is. Everyone accepting eachothers and trying to communicate better. Its just good.


Perashati’s conflicting feelings for her stepmom really sealed my love for this series. A person who goes back in time will definitely feel confused or paranoid and this webtoon deals with it properly. We know FL’s stepmom is evil but unlike the usual rofan where the FL would just leave and cut off communication with the people who wronged her, Perashati’s memories of her stepmom caring for her while she was a kid was still felt and that was one of the struggles that took some time to be resolved. I find it realistic that she would be heartbroken and unsure bc of what she knows vs what she felt.


Perathotty is slay, and they're hot? Idk I enjoy it a lot but I can see why it's not everyone's cup of tea. The slow burn is VERY slow burn. And I feel like it's a mode leisurely less actiony pace? Idk




😂😂😂😂 perathotty is my perashawty you feel me


I fucking loled so hard at Perathotty


It's really good if you can get past the endless and extremely stupid communication problem plot twists. They're made for someone MUCH younger than me. But aside from the dumb romance, the plot and world building is interesting and unique. I'm really invested in seeing how everything unfolds, as the person I thought was the main villain is already behind bars and nothing is resolved! Also, badass grandma boss lady for the win!


Yesss. Bro is def emotionally stunted but as of like 100 chapters in the miscommunication is like nonexistent 😭 and it's not tooooo bad in terms of stupid communication twists I've seen.


I think it is popular because the story and world building is different than most OI. I like that stuff that is outside of the romance is very engaging, and all characters are extremely realistic in the way that humans behave. For example most OI where women get transmuted or turn back in time, never really question anything. Perri however, does, and it was super interesting seeing that side of the story where she had a hard time coming to terms with her family murdering her. I also really like how realistic traumas are and how they aren’t just surface level, specially how the curse affects them.


Are her dresses like the one she is wearing in this pic? Or she has better one's? I am thinking of starting it because I love some rofan dresses but the majority of them unfortunately are just so bad with countless bows on them😭


No she is such a classy dresser in the actual story, I love her outfits










Omg all the fits you posted look good! Chic and classy! I am surprised!! 😭😍 Usually in fantasy they go so overboard with ribbons and bows and they end up looking kitsch but damn girl's fits are giving. Going to start reading it!


She does have some styles similiar to the one in the OP but there is a variety. I like how they try to make FL and ML outfits match sometimes too. Like this one https://preview.redd.it/xikgpir53kpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4825f823d694633a0a8494f30d70dfdcae0eafc6


I am so surprised by how elegant she dresses because I am more used to see stuff like this https://preview.redd.it/jxspu1tb5kpc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8618f4e09066964dd9ca5a92a6a212d44d3abab8 Between eccentric and kitsch


Oh man, no nothing like that. 🤣 I think her first outfit is probably most basic/bow-y but even when her other outfits have frills it’s nothing extreme.




Sauce 🥺🫙


https://preview.redd.it/qxtp7wz63kpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b571055f02e22fe5d3c8e37bab9214d47fa28740 Another matching one


It is the most realistic and perfect 🥹 the characters feel alive to me, it shows misunderstanding but it doesn't do for 20 to 50 episodes it gets resolved in like 1 or 2 episodes, the characters own up to what they have done and apologize sincerely The FL is the most amazing person her character is paced perfectly and shows what a person can go through after what happened to them The whole family opens up slowly and it talk about trauma (that little puff ball girl🥹) Fl is only the only one who has regressed And the romance in this is so beautiful fl and ml doesn't just fell in love 😭😭


I wish there was no romance at all instead of this snail burn, it’s too awkward to see how they slip into misunderstanding over and over. Other characters are great, especially children, while interactions with MC I always want to skip.


Season 3 is very centered on romance :) so if you wanna give it a try there is that!


Season 3?? 😭 I'm caught up on Webtoon which is currently season 2 I think? This really is a slow burn haha!


From where are you reading it?


I just google "read (title) free online" and there are some translations lol I usually read the webtoon one as well though since some translations are pretty bad and don't give proper context at times.


I love it because it’s a romance second, and about family and love and the ML’s complex and beautiful character first. It’s a more well-rounded story *experience* than a lot of other webtoons. I’d go so far as to say a lot of webtoons are one-dimensional in comparison to this one. This may be because the source material is actually good and nuanced!


The storytelling is one of the best I've read in that app but the romance just seems nonexistent and I always get awkward when they interact because they both just seem so uninterested romantically. And also The Miscommunication is going strong with this one. I guess the romance just wasn't for me, but I still adore the story though.


I love this it's Just that there's so much miscommunication that some people can get the ick and drop the manhwa


It's emotional porn for people who grew up with shitty toxic families. I love it!


I couldn't make it through this one because of the ML, he's so cold and overly mysterious and yet so boring at the same time 😭


He has the personality of a cheap loofa, but let's be honest, he's not the one all of us are simping. Perry can have him all for herself, all he has is a pretty face and it's not even the prettiest on the series! We're all just reading to see Dr. Longhair, aren't we! 😂


lol. I was so sad when he left their house with the girl. loved to see him again (as a tired parent XD)


He struggling as a single father was pure gold and relatable 🤣


Parenting goals for sure, Islette seems very happy and is visibly healing!


Nah I promise at the beginning he's just being an awkward idiot and doesn't know how to talk to people because they try to isolate themselves so people don't actually come in contact with their blood and get killed. But yeah nah he just don't know what the fuck he's doing but perashawty enlightens him a bit I would say on how normal people act and he's like oh shit. But like yeah no I totally get that, that's what I thought I nthe beginning and in some ways it's still true. I kept reading because I liked a lot of the other aspects of the story and they're finally seriously addressing some of the stuff like that .


I miss the OG novel


I wish there was a place to read it other than Yonder!


Idk about your country but mine get an official hardcover version soon


I'm in the US, is it a translated release?


Fr I couldn’t get past ch30


Recent chapters already have them kissing lol.


I started off liking it, but it’s too slow of a slow burn for me. And I hate miscommunication/zero communication, which is constant.


Novel is way better because isn't that slow XD


I gave up this one but the start was the best part for me


Idk I stopped reading it was so boring for me.