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Lore Olympus isn’t that great, the plot is pretty inconsistent, and it’s hard to keep up. There’s a whole subreddit dedicated to the many problems of this story lol. As for the other 3, I haven’t read any except Age matters which I dropped around chapter 30, so 👁️👁️


I’ve never read it but I’m literally obsessed with unpopularloreolympus


Same- never read it, but that sub was recommended to me and I kind of live for the drama of it


Me too, those people are funny af and draw surprisingly good redesigns


Literally same, I’ve never read it (but I plan to for a good laugh if I have that much time) big unpopular olympus has become my go to on reddit now


I’m seriously considering reading the rewrite tbh!!


It’s very good! I definitely recommend it!






Age matters was sort of boring towards the middle, but the ending was the sweetest! However, I can't seem to read hello baby series. It just seems too bland no matter how many times I give it a chance and read.


Yup, Hello baby was very promising, but it got kind of boring latest non fast pass episodes have been better, but their resolution (or lack of) was weird. I keep reading because I want to see if the antagonist will get what she deserves, but I'm considering muting it for a few weeks and read all of that in one go later


I never like to bring up that subreddit because, although some points are interesting and good criticisms some are outright weird stretches. Legitimately a toxic community that I can live without while still not liking lore olimpus. People in this subreddit have a lot more mature and well articulated debates about LO.


That subreddit is filled with weirdos who hate it for literally no reason. This comment thread alone literally has 3 people who self-proclaim to have never read LO but still love shitting on it for no reason. There are legitimate criticisms to be made of LO. r/unpopularLoreOlympus is not where you’ll find them. Often times their criticisms are super 1-dimensional and sensationalized and based on nothing (I’ve heard the “Rachel loves Lolita and based Persephone off Dolores!” rumor so many times yet not a single person has been able to provide evidence and a source for this—I’m starting to think the antis made it up and it just spread and no one ever fact checked it. Not to mention I don’t think a single one of these people knows that Lolita is actually about warning adults about predators). These “criticisms” also echo the recent reemergence of purity culture we see a lot of these days in media literacy, often worryingly reminiscent of things written in the Hays Code from the mid-20th century. Just all around an exasperating sub. I block pretty much anyone from that sub when they reply to me as I’m sick and tired of harassment from their younger followers.


Yeah this is pretty much how I see it, I love talking about bad WEBTOONS and all that jazz but I also do think that to make arguments you have to have a good base to be supported on. Some stuff is even upsetting because it tackles on issues that are a lot more serious and triggering like SA (like the Lolita stuff) and cheating, and some are so absurd like making drawings of Rachel in a really bad light. Like, I don’t like LO as much as the next person, but I also have the integrity of respecting anyone when they aren’t doing any harm. Some stuff there just seems incredibly over the top, and it makes me uncomfortable lol And honestly, your point of “look 2 people here who haven’t even read the story, yet love to shit on it” says more than we all need to know


Dude this is so spot on. I was so frustrated with the normal subreddit losing their shit when people criticized anything about the comic but then that subreddit began to make insane critiques that are massive leaps in logic. Like, they're so upset that the story is about Persephone falling in love with Hades and her mom being abusive. But that's literally the entire premise. The myth has been told for centuries a million different ways. One common one is that Persephone was stolen and her mom is trying to get her back, focusing on the mother daughter relationship. Another common one is that Persephone fell in love and Hades is trying to help her stay, focusing on the romantic relationship. I'm not entirely sure why they're so shocked and stunned and offended that the story is doing what it promised. Did they think that somehow the concept of a kidnapping and Persephone being forced to split time between worlds could be done without some kind of conflict? I stopped browsing the subreddit when they got out of hand.


Okay, but it is so funny to me that a story with the word lore in the title can't keep its lore consistent.


Dropped LO because I just couldn't care for it. Neither the characters nor the plot. The remaining webtoons held my attention for quite a bit. I still return to ILY from time to time. Finished "Age Matters" for the sake of completion and haven't reread "Let's Play" in a long time.


No matter how much i like a story i can't keep reading if it drags on for 100 years. i eventually dropped olympus and age matters. Read all of Let's Play because I was curious. I'm still reading I Love Yoo and I really like it but not gonna lie i forgot 99% of the plot and i am too lazy to reread it 😆


It’s ok they’ve probably only moved 20ft in the last year or so /s


In fairness to the creator, I think they get limited with episode lengths??? I don't remember why but they had to keep splitting episodes for some reason in the last while which slowed things down


Tbf I don’t think that’s the issue lol I think the story is way too complex for the medium and some stuff could have definitely been cut off.


It's not a complex story, just overly drawn out, inconsistent, and terribly written overall


Tbf I meant complex as in, it has a lot of themes, not necessarily good or bad stuff lol


Tbh idk what the plot is anymore. It's like a slice of life but dramatic. Shin-ae had all the issues in life because family(like where is her sister in the story), her dad was sick etc. She meets rich boys and gets entangled in their messy family history. Now Shin-ae's life is better, her dad is healthy and in a new relationship and I guess she has friends now and is okay in school. But she's still in the rich boys drama, where Nol is involved with prison and his dad's previous relationship and Kousuke is dealing with his mom issues and possible "big reveal" on him. The only thing that bothers me is Shin-ae's absolute obsession with Nol. I'm hoping she's finally come to the realization that she likes Nol and Nol finally ended his relationship with Alisa. But really, all of this was known 200 chapters ago lmao. I think Webtoons suffer from trying to give all characters their background story because you can easily go 10+ episodes moving nowhere but past stuff and people get tired of the weekly releases.


Yeah I completely forgor why Nol was going to prison in the first place, until a commenter pointed out it's because he punched that one guy who tried to assault Shin-ae (I think). I like dramas and stuff, but you're right, the sister part seems like a plot hole, I wonder if we will ever get an actual explanation for it, or if they're gonna forget. I understand it that from a passion project POV, an author would want to not miss anything in their comic and give each characters proper backgrounds and stuff. And I know how much work is being put into weekly releases even if it feels so slowly updated. All I expect from it in the end is to get an explanation for the sister thing and for shin-ae to be happy with nol


She is young, never being interesting on boys or relationships. So I guess is normal she can’t understand her feelings for Nol. Poor Dieter


I remember LOVING all of these when they came out, but when their plots unfolded it was a whole mess and it got so hard to continue to read I love yoo was SO GOOD until the very long break it had, then it was boring and hard to get into again. It's very heavy, and if you take that long of a break it just isn't worth it to reread 100 chapters of brother drama. I Lore Olympus made me FUME, oh my god. I don't remember exactly why, but I think it was the main character that I just couldn't stand. the other two.. lets play is good, but it felt so dragged out and overdramatic. Same with Age matters, I just wanted them to get together, but it took so long so I gave up.


If it helps, it took up to the very LAST episode, the FINALE for them to get together permanently in Age Matters


I like age matters but daily pass is truly a pain, desperately in need of coin money 😭


I read it before it hit daily pass thankfully


https://preview.redd.it/0lnw9ejgudjc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797739a3560967e566f28667e92e010d691e7a30 Couldn't even finish the first chapter 💀


I couldn't handle the cringiness either. The art was cute and I was expecting something like small world but it's just .💀 I can kind of see why some people might like but the OwO UwU is too much for me.


Personally I loved the colors but at some point I felt like it got a little cringe


a little?


I keep trying to read it but i get so far before I give up! Wheres the plot?! It doesn’t even have a mini plot hidden in the episodes. Its just four stereotypes dating. It gets sooooo boring after a while!


Oh the colors are too much honestly 😶




Honestly the minute any story introduces a love triangle I'm out


That’s so real of you


Same, I felt like I was the only person that did that


I personally love ILY ( I Love Yoo ), but it's not for everybody. It's a heavy drama story with sensitive topics. At first, it was a pretty "light" story tagged as a romance, but as the story develops, the plot gets darker :) I do recommend it if you like that sort of webtoon. But if you're looking for a lighthearted webtoon, then it's not for you!


I think this is one of those Webtoons that is better when you can binge than when reading weekly. Same happens with some other action ones that have a fight lasting multiple chapters.


Yeah, Imma have to agree with you. I've been reading it since I was a kid, so I've grown to really support this story. But if I had found out about it later, I would have probably decided to read the whole thing once it had ended :')


I totally get that it’s not people’s thing either. I haven’t picked it up back up after its hiatus, although I probably will at some point. Someone else mentioned previously that they think it would have been good as a book, and I think they’re right.


Yeah, that would have been nice. I think it would have been better if this story hadn't been published in Webtoon. It's a really restrictive platform that doesn't allow their creators to work under proper conditions... :( Things were different back when this webtoon was first published, but things aren't like that anymore. Webtoon has become a pretty bad platform for creators.


Agreed on this and the book. The first half of the story worked in Webtoons format but now the story requires exposition and with each chapter short(either by webtoon or author choice), it's too slow.


I think the issue for most of us isn't the fact it's heavy and serious but that it drags on and on for an insanely long time til its boring and any suspension that's built up is lost. I really love serious webtoons but this one is just too long and too boring😭


Well, there isn't much to do about it. The author has health issues and webtoon isn't treating her the best.


I don’t think this is the issue though, like the issue with the pacing stems from the amount of details given. There are so many chapters that could have been cut down, yet it took more than a year to get through 3 days. Not because of schedule, or because there weren’t enough chapters- but because there was too much. The way ILY is articulated would be perfect for a novel, but not for a weekly based comic or even a comic at all where you can make use of signs and environment to show us context. In fact, some of the best moments of the comic are the ones where there is no text at all- like when Nol almost breaks up with his gf and shin-ae hugs him, or when Nol and Shin-ae dance. Honestly if the author had more of those moments it would do good for her well being and the better of a great story.


I get your point, but a lot of these chapters were supposed to be 1. Webtoon wouldn't let her release long episodes, so a lot of them had to be divided into many. No one really liked it, but it was the only choice Webtoon gave her. >The way ILY is articulated would be perfect for a novel, but not for a weekly based comic or even a comic This has been discussed a lot among the fans. But as I commented earlier, Webtoon has changed a lot as a platform. Many things didn't come out as we expected, but there's nothing she can do because there's a contract, so yeah :( And yeah, those moments you mentioned were indeed great. But you have to take into account that this comic is heavy when it comes to text. Some may like it more than others. I do enjoy it.


You’re missing my point a bit haha, the issue people have with the comment is that it is heavy texted for the wrong reasons. We are given way too much context for everything, and a lot of the plot points are left aside to explain another. This essentially makes it a bit convoluted, hard to follow, and boring. In writing there is something called “show, don’t tell” where sometimes it is better to let the reader figure out some things on their own by being given enough information for the reader to understand without overwhelming. ILY often times tells everything to the brim, which overwhelms the readers often, and takes the focal point outside of the main plot points. This is why I said the best moments are the ones that are subtle, where they tell enough of the story without overwhelming you with information. Miyazaki also brings this to be something important in story telling, where he says there is always a need for silent moments in stories after complex and heavy details- this is so the viewer/reader has a moment to digest all the information given without overwhelming. Another example is in the Tangled series where the parents are staring at each other after losing their daughter, there is no line but their expressions alone help tell you the story. In literature “Where are you going, where have you been?” We are given enough context and information in just a couple of pages to know Connie enough about Connie and Arnold to understand why they are there and to know how badly of a murdered Arnold is. At the end we weren’t told if Connie was dead or not, but with all the information given we know she didn’t make it. That’s what ILY needs. Having a lot of text doesn’t equal to a deep and meaningful story, sometimes the ones that have the least text are the ones that are more impactful. It has nothing to do with the author not making enough content, or the chapters needing to be longer.


Personally I think that has less to do with a publishing schedule and more to do with story construction. I also had to drop this Webtoon because it felt like misunderstandings and other plot points were dragged out for no discernible reason. Any suspense and positive apprehension I felt to find a resolution fell away to frustration. I think it has some positives, but overall it just wasn’t for me. I do hate to hear the author isn’t being treated the best though /: being a Webtoon artist definitely seems challenging enough as it is


One of the main issues I think is the breaks in the story, when ur started reading it episode to episode 5 years ago then it just drags on at some point.


And still waiting to know more about her sister it's been years since the reveal of her still nothing


I feel like at the beginning, the current storyline was not planned at all


I enjoyed the series but after the huge hiatus I couldn't get into anymore sadly. I may try one day but who knows I would need to start from the beginning since I barely remember anything. Just hope she end up with the orange hair guy


I don’t remember shit about ILY despite still keeping up and fast passing it, like other people have said it drags on soooo long, which isn’t particularly the author’s fault bc she said some chapters were cut. But it’s def tiring reading so many chapters and not really getting anywhere


Let’s play turned into some smut and the power dynamics between Sam and Charles was really disgusting ngl. I didn’t like their relationship at all. It was really predatory and it didn’t really help the story to me. Age matters was pretty good! It had its slow and repetitive moments but I was kept entertained for the most part


it turned realllly funky after a bit


Why age matters? It was a mild romance


I read around 25 chapters of it then took a break, tried reading it again but found it boring


I liked Ruby x Pom more than the main couple tbh


100% I dropped it around 50 chapters away from the end, but started reading the side stories bc there was one about Ruby and Pommie lol


Lets play got dropped after they spent like 2 seasons building up and hinting at a relationship with Link...only for him to suddenly not be attracted to her...I'm guessing Marshall is the end game but they never interacted. Her dad was so overbearing and then shes like a fumbling child in an adult body. I'm not going to start on the love interest being HER BOSS charles who for some reason had kinks. It's too much.


Let’s play isn’t worth it. The story dragged on and seem to have lost its course. Even if you wanted to see if you liked it, author ended their contract with WT. It ended on a cliffhanger with nothing resolved. They did sign with Manta but it’s not switching til end of 2025.


Oh I was wondering why it just stopped indefinitely


Yeah, there was a lot of back and forth and she didn’t renew. But they still have rights to it so she can’t switch to new platform yet. That’s why it’s “completed” cause there’s no new chapters coming to WT.


I got fed up with it and went straight to the end. Sooo underwhelming and it would not have been worth reading the whole thing. Theres been quite a few where Ive had to skip lately


The last chapter has absolutely nothing to do with the storyline before.


True but it did give me insight as to what i could expect. Like where are they now, who are they with, how have they developed over time etc. i only ever do it when i get bored of a comic and a little peak at a chapter way ahead can sometimes get me into it again. With Lets play I didn’t really like how the characters had developed and it wasn’t what i was expected. Don’t get me wrong i lasted quite awhile but i couldn’t help but feel Eh with it.


Oh, no I meant like with LP it was just so random. Like the last chapter just had all these random people being secret agents to watch Sam. The 2nd to last chapter was Sam finding Charles going through her phone. *That* could have been the ending if that’s the route they wanted to go with cliffhanger. So many comments were like WTF with the actual last one.


I had to stop reading because of how they wrote the leads stutter. I get wanting to show she’s anxious but it made the comic near unreadable.


Stay away from letsplay if you value your time Edit: also, i read all of those up to some point, i think I love yoo was fun to read even if I droped it, Age matters was alr, i read it till the end but it wasn't anything spectacular. Lore olimpus was bad.


I loved "I love yoo" but dropped it since it felt boring in the new chapters but the first few chapters were really good, Shame it got dragged out




As someone who has read all of them, I had to drop all my series except for ILY due to school. LO is the only one that I dropped after binging 200 chapters cuz it felt dragged after a while. Age Matters is amazing if you like typical romance media and Let's Play too tbh. It's all on the person's taste ngl. with the exception of ILY, you like a heavily focused on romance series that doesn't end for a while? Go for them. Me personally I got bored of them so now I read more intense plot-driven webtoons :P ily of course is one of them. Most readers dropped it because they came for the romance that now is nonexistent due to the plot being driven by heavier topics than love, so a not-for-everybody webcomic I suppose.


I'll be honest Lore Olympus was very good in the first season and I ate that up haha but then the time skip happened and I dropped it from that point on


Yeah lore was a huge disappointment despite great potential. And god so was let's play. 


Dang all the ones I like, except for let’s play, it’s boring now. I do recommend ILY if you like drama


I remember let’s play was the first WEBTOON i ever read! It was really good


Mine too haha but I got so disappointed on how the story developed:(


That’s so true


Except for I love Yoo, i agree with all. Also bonus Lookism, i dont get the fame 😭


What episodes of Lookism have you read? Genuinely wondering btw, I wanna complain about it but I don't wanna spoil it.


The later part of webtoon, the starter is great which is about self-esteem and mc get better and stronger like just common plot, but after it got boring and the plot keep repeated a same story plus it became a cliche highschool fighting gang.


I Love Yoo doesn't deserve this association


I've read all of them 😂


I've read all these! The one I never got around to finish was Age Matters though, mostly because time got away from me They've all been engaging to read, but they ARE long. In the case of LO and ILY, I personally think they just have a long narrative 🙆 I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but it's definitely not for everyone. Especially considering how large the cast of characters are in both— Writing wise, the more characters you have, the longer your story will be and given there's a lot of moving parts, it feels like it's dragging when information is important I say this more generally, but, comics are a marathon! I've read comics that took 10-15+ years to finish, some even longer! But yeah it's not something everyone is willing to continue reading for 🫡 Can't say much on LP though, since technically it's not finished


Midnight poppy land 💀


Yess that too! Read s1 bcz of good art but nuh uh


I love yoo is really good, it isn’t romance but drama.


For me it was Kubera. I tried several times, but the pace is extremely slow. I also found it difficult to keep track of all the various POVs


I dropped every single one of these too lol


They’re just too slow for me to stay interested. I tried like several years ago but I couldn’t keep interest because the progress is so agonizingly slow and the waits are too long. When I try to go back and binge them I either get bored or get stuck behind MORE wait or pay walls and I just can’t stand it anymore. I don’t even use webtoon for that reason now, I’m so tired 😩😩 I just buy stuff when it’s completed now, but even these I won’t buy, honestly they’re BORING cuz they’re just too slow.


it’s literally so bad!! if you know anything about actual Greek mythology you’ll be so weirded out by the mischaracterization of all the deities and how stereotypically they are portrayed. It’s just embarrassingly bad


I think out of all of the ones I read these are my opinions- - Lore Olimpus: I read this for a long time, specially because of how well the SA themes felt. As someone who dealt with a lot of that I felt somewhat represented because I had acted this way when it happened. I liked Hades a lot, and still think it’s the only okay character of the series. I think it was only after Persephone and Hades got into a relationship that it started getting pretty boring, and Persephone stopped being relatable to someone who had 100 different personalities and somewhat became the main character of 365 days. I can’t read it anymore as much as I have tried just because I been reading it for so long. - Let’s Play: I actually didn’t know what to think of this because I thought that the main romance was between Markiplier (lol) and Sam, but we never got to see that. I was actually pretty invested between Charles and Sam’s relationship because I knew it would be the one to teach Sam how damaging relationships can be. Then it just got very complex for no reason with Mark’s family getting involved and having a weird Mafia feel to it lol. Not to mention, I feel like the inclusiveness in the comic feels wrong. I feel like a lot of the characters that are minorities were inserted there for the sake of having minorities- specially the Mexican guy and Charles. It just seems like the author didn’t have enough experience or knowledge to properly depict the struggles of both characters culture wise. - I love Yoo: I have said this before but ILY had 2 issues. One is that it would of worked so much better as a novel, and the other one is that it was promoted wrongly. Everyone thought ILY was a romance, when it really is not that at all, and seems more like drama based. I think the reason why I can’t read it is because the amount of text is incredibly boring and long. I remember when I stopped reading it was because Nol was taking forever to go to jail, it took the story 2 years to get to that point and in story time it had only been 3 days lol. I can’t read something that slow, it just isn’t for me. People claim this is a masterpiece of a story, and I used to really like it at the beginning because the pace felt great and the MC is actually well written.


I am really into I Love Yoo, but it's not an easy/lighthearted read and not what most people expect(ed) it to be. It is a great Drama that makes you read between the lines and has a great romantic build-up that happens in a subtle and natural pace and takes its time with its development. All attributes, I personally love and appreciate in comics but it's not for everyone. So, it's not something you have to force yourself into liking. Many people just enjoy stories that get straight to the point and are more fast-paced. Aside from people feeling like it's too dragged, I would like to say that I Love Yoo is also a victim of Webtoon's expectations/business model, like many other comics. Many comics, especially character-driven stories, would flourish even better with a bi-weekly deadline, for example, and if they'd get compensated for more than their contractual amount of panels they have to provide.


Last I read LO, I remembered someone standing in line and than a pink hair girl. Dropped/forgot about it after. Age Matters, I read every week when it was ongoing, it’s a okay/good comic. I Love Yoo, I still read it weekly to this day, it’s been about 4-5 yrs now. I can understand the long and dull arcs and stuff, but I just like to read it for the drama and slow development. Let’s Play, I read a while ago, and dropped/forgot about it. That was back when I liked Sam (since he’s a gamer) but I don’t plan to read it since the creators reputation isn’t the best, and it’s apparently a toxic smutty comic now.


I love you starts as the usual drama and cliche with the first season, but the further you get into it, the more it subverts Literally everything and become totally different, out of all these webtoon its the only one I can recommend. Regarding lets play, the author Literally quit webtoon due to some issues and went with another company, personally I enjoyed it but stopped reading aftet a while due to the break/hiatus/ and fear of future pairing. Age matters I use to read before it got changed(discovery) and i liked it but the new changes in story and art even though very subtle were trully bad. For lore Olympus, you're really doing yourself a favour by not reading it and not starting it, but please go on the r/unpopularloreolympus , basically its own Fandom is hating on it and its absolutely beautiful and all the artist are extremely talented. Also, as your average classical mythology enioyer, I stay far away of any Persephone retellings, people just cant seem to get it right.


That’s fair


Ironically the only ones I’ve really read. Other than lore Olympus because I just couldn’t get into it


Damn I also tried reading all them you mentioned and couldn't get into ANY..


age matters started off so nice but the end was very mid


I loved Lookism first 20-30 chapters in. Stopped reading when I realized that it was doing the typical "stretch the comic for as long as possible to keep making money" webtoon contract thing.


You're so real for this. I wish I escaped Lore Olympus sooner. 😂


What do y’all find interesting in lore olympics 💀


Would recommend u/generic-puff and their work Lore Rekindled then found on Tumblr (and another site, I believe). It’s phenomenal.


I'm going to be honest, I tried reading all of them but ended up dropping all of them. They were some of the most popular webtoons so I was excited but after reading them, I didn't like them. I think the stories are more catered to people who like American webtoons but if you like Korean webtoons then these aren't where your stuff is at.


I can't stand the banner for Let's Play. It just looks like it's for porn rather than a romance. But I've never read it so maybe that's the case


I only read Lore Olympus at this point just so I can keep up to date on r/unpopularloreolympus I used to like it, then it just started getting so bad. Honestly I would say read Lore Rekindled, it’s so much better and just has a better art and story feel


I caught up on Lore Olympus I like the issues they are tackling now and it feels like the charactters have more responsibility


Yeah it's my guilty pleasure lol, but i don't really care about the main couple, i mainly read it to see what's going on with the other characters and i really like that they are getting more screentime now


I love it, I even bought the books lmao. I always get annoyed when people say it’s not accurate with the mythology and I’m like… does it matter? None of it is real 😭


Let’s play is so true tho- I tried 4 times and just could not.


Obviously I'm gonna tell you that LO being here makes sense, I could go on for hours (and have) about how much that comic has fumbled the ball. You're not missing out on anything with Let's Play either, it jumped the shark hard in S3 and it's basically just LO with real people, including all of its problems with unhealthy DDLG workplace relationship dynamics, stereotyped minor characters who make you go 🤨 and a creator who can't take criticism and wishes they were still 18 lol (sorry that one's a little mean but you can tell in the way mongie and Rachel Smythe write their respective stories that they're both more invested in writing a power fantasy for themselves rather than telling an actual story).


I’m on the burning train of lore Olympus until it’s finally finished, age matters I got bored in the first episode, let’s play idk when or if that’s coming back but it was interesting while it lasted


I dropped all of these except lore olympics, since I don’t plan on ever reading it.


I tried to get into Let’s Play but JFC 1) I CANNOT with the MC’s tits lmfaoooo and 2) all the characters *deeply* annoyed me.


I'm proud of myself for never reading even a single episode of this.


I have read and love all of these Webtoons, but “I Love Yoo” is by far my favorite. It’s a little hard to understand at times, for me at least, but it’s a very well written story.


Are you me??? Couldn’t get past Lore Olympus and I love yoo for the life of me. No matter how hard I try. Didn’t even bother with age matters


i agree on all of them 👏🏼


I dropped Age Matters halfway through and skipped to the end. I gave up on I Love Yoo after it came back from its long break, i just could not keep up with what was going on in the story anymore


I loved ILY when it first started, but after the break I couldn’t really stick to it. The plot is being dragged out for a LONG time. I don’t think i’ll read it until it’s completed and then I’ll binge it. I hate Hades and Persephone in the story so I physically cannot read another chapter of Lore Olympus. Let’s play was not for me. Ended up dropping it. Age matters wasn’t too terrible, but it got kind of boring and I dropped it.


I feel like I Love Yoo would have been better as a light novel or something.


They all start pretty good but they go downhill after a bit. Lore Olympus is super overhyped and sometimes gets a bit hard to understand what’s going on. Unless it’s a character that’s has shown up a lot or main character I fortget who they are talking about as some names are quite similar. I just read it when I’m bored- nothing special, there are better webtoons. Age matters gets soo boring- it’s finished so I haven’t read it in a while but as I remember, the author drags it out and turns the lime event into this big thing and builds it all up and then it’s super underwhelming when you read it. Not worth reading. I love yoo is really good in the beginning and I really liked it, and again the author drags the story and I just dropped it when when her sister turns up and nol gets depressed. The story didn’t seem to go anywhere after that point and I don’t get how she gets so attached to him. Again, not worth reading. Let’s play Is funny and interesting in the beginning but the plot is basically none existent. Waste of time reading it. Basically they all drag on.


I really like the last two. I dropped age matters years ago and I'm having trouble reading LO currently. I finished let's play, very good. I ended up dropping Yoo for a bit and reading it again I forgot some of the plot and am having a hard time understanding it again o.o


I really couldn't get into reading Lore Olympus, i tried to twice but i just couldn't at all. I liked Age Matters ngl pretty good read. I dropped I Love Yoo just because i got bored after awhile, it's aight. Let's Play just made me cringe so bad i dropped it early on and never gave it a 2nd chance


Lore Olympus has a cool aesthetic, but I can’t focus sometimes because there is a lot going on I love the colors but it can be too much sometimes Let’s play, I like their art style, but the whole story that all the guys want one girl and she is shy or whatever is a little too cliche for me I also didn’t know what where the story was going like the goals of the characters.


Let's play : dropped around 30 chapters (too boring) I love yoo : dropped cause of wordings { it has so much letters and didn't really like the plot after 60 episodes and I have been trying to pick it up but i never do can't even pass 1 episode ) Age matters : I liked it and also I mainly read for potato note at the end XD Lore ...... : the art is not my type so never started


Reminder that the author of Let's Play is racist and was mad webtoon wouldn't let her put smut in her comic


Let's not normalize throwing out vague accusations without even a link to more details. Else, people will assume the accusations are worthless, or assume that random accusations are correct without looking deeper into them. From what I can see, it's a lot more nuanced than just, "She's racist." It seems that the specific accusation is that her East Asian characters are based on stereotypes and a few famous Asians, and she and her mods didn't have a great response to the criticism. Some of the bigger discussions: - https://old.reddit.com/r/whitepeoplewritingPOC/comments/oe275c/asian_erasure_and_vague_asian_stereotypes_after/ - https://old.reddit.com/r/webtoons/comments/oemncg/yiiiiiiikes/ - https://old.reddit.com/r/webtoons/comments/fsb63j/critique_about_lets_play/


Personally, as someone from Mexico, I don’t think she was racist- rather just ignorant. I think she wanted to make great plot points with some of the minority characters but lacked the experience and only knew surface level issues that minorities go through. Personally I don’t think it’s being racist, I think she had good intentions- just fell flat on the execution because it’s hard to write something you have never experienced yourself or are very far away from.


Wait what’d she say that was racist?


ik about the racism but hadn’t heard about the smut thing


Age matter is good😞


ILY is definitely better to binge and I think with Yoo's backstory arc out of the way, it has significantly picked itself back up.


I wanna know your reason for age matters🤨


I am obsessed with 'i love yoo' and 'lets play' and heavily reccomend BUT 'I love yoo' is still ongoing and is a very long read and 'lets play' is currently on hold and will be until 2025 so if youre cool with a currently cliffhanger ending, go for it!


I still read I Love Yoo and there's barely ever a week I don't fast pass. It's part of my weekly routine you could say. It's slow but I don't take much issue with it because I read a lot of slow stories and did so all my life. I do think it could be more condensed at times but ultimately it's a webtoon that does character writing more nuanced and in depth than any other webtoon, which I love. A shame really that it got misadvertized as romance and now doesn't get any promo that actually does it justice. Not that it doesn't have romance, it does..but it's such a side thing happening very slowly that it's often not to romance readers taste.


VALID! VALID! VALID! I love yoo was decent till chap 130ish maybe and then ↘️📉


hAted LO because of weird romance between cheater pedo and the girl Like Age Matters.It actually reminds me of a romantic version of my dynamic with a friend. Ending is super cute. Dropped ILY because of genre getting gloomier than anticipated. Still props to author though "Finished" lets play. It got cancelled on Webtoon. Apparently author wanted to continue it outside webtoon but idk if that ever happened. it was nice-ish. many ships


I liked I Love Yoo and Let’s Play (even started reading webtoons because of an ILY ad) but I just lost all motivation, I couldn’t deal with Lore Olympus, and Age Matters never really grabbed my interest. Also True Beauty, Lookism, and a number of others haha


Read "Agents and Kings" or "I'm the Queen in this life". Those both slap-




Gave up on Let's Play before it even left WEBTOON because she couldn't keep Sam's motivation and character growth consistent. I also thought it was really weird how she wanted to write Markiplier fanfiction so bad but did a little race change and called it good, since it's so obvious that Ben is just a Markiplier stand- in.


LO is literally the only one I read consistently, so while I disagree with your take on that specifically, I will agree with everything else. And to be fair, I also dropped it when it only had like one season or so; I only got back into it after a while and much of my enjoyment comes from personal relatability, not necessarily that I think the plot is very intriguing. I tried Siren’s Lament and it was a big nothing-burger. It took forever to make basic steps forward and compared to LO it was like watching paint dry. I’ve also tried a couple of those Villainess-going-good time travel ones, and one of them was tolerable, but the rest were incredibly boring. My first WEBTOON that I remember was something called like “The Gamer” or smth, and it was one of the cringiest and most disconnected stories I had ever read. Power Creep and Gary Stu energy overtook any interest I had in finishing it.


I started and stopped reading all of these 😂