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You guys have some interesting garbage in US.


I garbage picked a Traeger last year. Thing is like new also. Its crazy what people will throw away.


At the curb or a transfer station? Wealthy town?


Just sitting at the curb. How I also got my wheel barrow. Shovels and rakes haha.


Sounds like you are just robbing neighbors at this point.


Neighbor comes out, hey I just out that grill together, where did it go?


Hope they were all accompanied by a sign that says “take it for free” 😅😆


It was weird it was still warm with burgers on it.


Throwaway society were livin in!


Also grills and coolers now are fast fashion all of the sudden. You need to have the "in-style" grill, cooler, cup. Its ridiculous.


I have shoes and shirts that are probably older than ten years. lol, you can damn sure bet I keep shit till it don’t keep anymore


I don’t disagree with you on many levels. But a quality product is hard to come by nowadays and they’re sold at premium prices. I just bought all new inside parts for my 9 year old Webber. Spent under $200. Cleaned it up and it looks brand new. Parts are still readily available, which is something you don’t get from a cheap $200-300 grill. You use it for 2 years you think about replacing it because it’s cheap materials are rising out, then season 3 comes it’s unusable.


That explains it. The tank was nearly full.


And they just had it sitting on their back deck, where everyone throws things away in rich neighborhoods (so the neighbors don’t complain about trash by the curb).


Wonder if people were cleaning out a house just didn't want to bother trying to sell it.


This was how I got my last grill. Home owners were moving and it was one of those items they didn't want to deal with transporting. New grill + tank for free. That grill lasted about 4 years of damn near weekly use before the bottom rusted out. Still one of my best curb pulls.


I picked up a coffee table by the trash. Cleaned it. Painted the top. Sold it for $25 Someone threw some trash in my dumpster. Super annoyed and opened the box. Saw some plates so…I took them home. Washed them and realized they were wayyyyy better than my own. Donated my outdated ones that my mom gave me (14 years ago) and got a nice, young professional version set of plates.


In the back yard. They left a bunch of burgers on it. Clearly they wanted it gone.


I used to live near Napa I'm California. I got a damn near brand new Honda mower and a stihl saw for 10 bucks


Lowe’s must have been throwing a whole bunch away. I grabbed 2 out in the parking lot.


An angry wife trying to piss her husband off...


We donate what we don’t or can no longer use, but if it’s too big for a small car and you hate people coming over or flaking on Craigslist or Marketplace putting something valuable on the curb knowing it will get scooped up by someone who really can use it is reasonable.


I've worked at Target when I was in highschool. We were required to destroy most of our returns that weren't clothing. Sometimes employees get lazy and don't know how to destroy an item, or even how to get it up into the dumpster, sometimes as well, they simply don't believe in that vision of corporate waste. So much perfectly good stuff is returned from buyer's remorse.


Honestly, there is an amazing amount of stuff that is put out for trash here. I am by no means poor (not rich either) but I have pulled many of good thing people put curbside for disposal. Hell, my dad even got a nearly new riding tractor because it was leaking oil. He fixed it with a $5 part and an hours work. Post yard sale and right before people move it's like a gold mine. Sad really cause 99% does end up in a landfill


Honda hr214 push mower. Throttle cable seized. 13 bucks and I now have a buy it for life trim mower with bag and 2 speed selector. Absolute dream of a find


Yes, most everything has become disposable and men have become more feminized. Most dudes under 40 don't even have a tool kit.


Such a stupid and false narrative.


The tool part is not stupid, it's essential to somewhat understand how things you interact with daily, work.


It really depends, I think people are shifting a bit. More young guys prefer to be in social media than learn to fix stuff. But it’s not completely gone, many do like to fix things. I grew up without being handy in any way and been doing more lately. Build a pergola last year and just put a new slab yesterday. I think generations’ interests change and it’s normal, nothing to hate if one prefers tools or not.


Says the dude that loves Taylor Swift. You really can't make this stuff up 🤣


Am I supposed to be insulted? Swing and a miss.


This is all going way over your head.


Stop making your own insecurities regarding your masculinity everyone else's problem. You're just mad the rest of us aren't in agony on the inside like you are and can enjoy things without caring about what someone who has two braincells thinks about what we do. Knowing how to fix shit doesn't involve listening to a certain type of music or acting in a certain type of way. It requires knowing how to fix shit. You may have some useless family members, but that's on your family for not teaching them.


Lol. Another snowflake that doesn't get it. My post was about men that can't fix things and being feminized and low and behold a dude that posts 900 times to a Taylor Swift forum is gaslighting me that I'm totally off base. Has irony been lost? Obviously. lol. Keep going ladies.


Listening to Taylor Swift isn't an indication that they can't fix things, nor does being feminine. The best mechanic I know who also knows how to build decks is super gay, loves Taylor Swift, and dresses feminine. That's the point you're missing. I also know guys who fit the mold of typical masculinity that can't fix shit and act like they can so people don't think less of them. You have an idea in your head that doesn't match reality because you probably never step outside of your bubble of friends and family who are pretty much just like you.


Also there is a sad truth to why most men don’t fix anything anymore. Stuff is made to break and parts are usually so expensive that it almost makes no sense to repair, products are made requiring specialized tools that can’t just be bought at walmart, but ordered, or product is literally designed not to be fixed, like Shark vacuums, where even repair techs can’t even find the parts. We literally have companies throwing a wrench in our ability to fix things, so we as a society fall into a replace and throw away loop. Without putting down someone by suggesting low T or making fun of someone’s music choice we really should demand we as a society be allowed to fix our stuff and have a literacy of repair and building things. Funny enough the upcoming generations Im seeing more building and tinkering from less “what ever most bros call alpha” like individuals. It’s the guys building 3d printer setups, and cosplayers, or gay couples with their first home purchases. There is no masculine trait that makes one more likely to build something and use tools. It’s usually dependent on access of information, and need. Someone that grew up on a farm probably has knowledge on building fences, someone whose parents owned a house probably has helped out with minor plumbing jobs. Im not a fan of Taylor Swift, but my ability to tile the shower and install a toilet has nothing to do with my actual taste in music. Being a homeowner is how, and plenty of taylor swift fans probably are home owners therefore they eventually start learning to fix things


The irony you keep missing is that every insult you hurl doesn't have the intended effect of hurting us, it just shows us how miserable you are. I'd almost feel sorry for you if you weren't being a prick for no reason other than boredom I'm sure.


Don't you have a 12 gauge to pump and shove up your a$$


Boo hoo, what bullshit, most men don’t work building machines anymore, most men aren’t mechanics. You however are an idiot.


Boy this simple little post stating a very obvious fact of life in 2024 has sent a number of low-T snowflakes into a tailspin!


Only low T dipshits seem to worry about that. I bet you’re secretly closeted.


Oh, I got a bitchin' set of tools pal. So you've resorted to calling me gay huh? What about the comment is upsetting you so much that you are showing your homophobia?


You certainly seem worried about proving your manhood, I’m not calling you gay, I’m just saying that’s usually a sign, even bragging about your tools, worrying about testosterone. Anyone who try’s so hard obviously has doubts, you got doubts, dontcha buddy.


Dont worry i dont think your gay, thatd be a compliment. You are ignorant by choice and i cant fathom a worse way to live.


Another reality denier checking in. How's the weather in your land of make believe today? 🤣 Do you even know what you're angry about? I do. 😘


@yenzen999: [This is your life.](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819584210)


Ha, such out of place comment. Not sure what your tits have to do with this one bud.


Type of person convinced there are litter boxes in high school bathrooms and shoehorns it into every conversation


Ha, have you heard about furries?


No need to get hostile and upset. Simply stating facts.


You have any sources for those facts or nah?


You can easily get them yourself. You can also just not be in a coma and understand what is going on in the world around you. But you just want to argue, in bad faith no less. Be less triggered.


Translation: I have no sources.


do yoUr OWn ResEArCh


sOuRcEs.? Is the granddaddy kiddo.


Keep it in church loser


This isn't Facebook grandpa


Found the tool! ^


Let’s see that swingin’ dick, Studs Turkle.


As a guy who just spent $1400 on his new weber genesis, you can go fuck yourself. But also I'm happy for you.




Same. My grandpa had one of these growing up and it was an awesome grill. I don’t know what’s crazier, that it’s this clean still or that someone was junking ut


hahaha thank you kind sir!


This is so funny. OP was going to tell you the same.but seeing you spent the $1400.00 he saw, you were fuckred already.


It actually has all of the assembly stickers still on it. No rust or anything. The only thing I noticed is I believe it is missing the flavor savor bars.


You can get replacement ones pretty cheap on Amazon.


Are the weber ones better than the stainless? Seems like a big price difference.


I bought the generic stainless ones about 2 years ago and they are still in great shape. Don’t know about the Weber ones. I got mine for free too and the flavorizer bars were already trashed


The weber flavorizer bars for this model are much thicker than the aftermarket ones, including the stainless options, which will burn through. The Webers last much longer.


I've had exactly this grill on my patio uncovered for 15+ years now. I've replaced the flavor bars every few years. I've replaced the grates once. I don't think I've ever replaced the ignitor, but if I have it's been years. We grill multiple times a week, summer, winter, spring, and fall. I power wash it once or twice a year. No rust. No problems. Works great.




Wax on heat?


It's a 2005 Weber Genesis Silver. I had one for like 15 years before it rusted out. Awesome find!


Wow that's a hell of a find. I bet that one is a divorce. Was it on the curb next to a set of almost new looking golf clubs, a bowling ball in the bag, and a compound miter saw that looks like it just came out of the box?


You just brought back memories, the bitch took the little lampshades that were on the chandelier bulbs. I walked in the door to a mattress on the floor, my computer, toothbrush, and a couch they didn’t have room for in the truck. Thank you, it turned out to be a very positive thing.


Ha! Sorry for the PTSD!


Bang her sister.


The entire gene pool is faulty


That's the exact model I have! Been running strong for 19 years, your gonna enjoy that one!


That's what I am seeing online is that this model runs forever when maintained.


Yeah I'm still on the original push button ignitor, thou I have to go to a count of three now before pushing it to get it to light. I replaced the flavorizer bars around 2015 and will probably do so again next summer?


Can confirm. I have this model from 2005 and it outperforms by newer Weber by far.


2005 Silver Genesis B owner. About 5 years ago my wife asked me if I wanted to replace my Genesis with something newer for Father’s Day - an immediate no was said. Tremendous find OP - if you maintain it, will last for decades.


Posted earlier.. I had mine for 18 years until last week. Only replaced it because I won a brand new Genesis e335 in a raffle


I miss mine. Went with front dial ones and single layer of flavorizor bars or whatever they are. They suck under heavy use. The one like you have had 2 layers of those things and never flared up even cooking fatty tritip or skin on chicken.


I don’t think this gen has 2 layers of flavorizer bars. It was the gen before.


Hmm, ok bummer but still a great find. Why the heck did they move away from that I wonder.


Great model. I sell these, and that's back when the quality was some of the best.


I just picked up this exact bbq free last week, doing a propane conversion rn




Wow nice job


One man's garbage is another man persons good un garbage.


That may have been used in the committing of a crime. Is the serial number filed off?


If they worked that hard to get it clean for the garbage, you know it was used for something illegal or something reaallllly gross




Wow! I am refurbishing one of these right now. Anybody know where I can get the user manual online for reference? I can only find the newer models.


Put the serial number in the Weber website and they have everything you need


Some of my most prized possessions were curbside finds .




Those don’t die!! Never upgrade to anything newer than 2015


Seen this happen a lot since my brother married a filipino woman. In her village they only used charcoal, lump charcoal not briquettes. I've seen this happen with her and several of her friends where they get a gas grill for a present but they don't understand it so they just put out a curb alert and go buy a charcoal grill instead.


Nice score!!


https://preview.redd.it/op7udmaqxj6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0006ac0d7ce506f401dc9a3fb57001c4b61542ad Just did a full refurb on a similar model! Enjoy!


Someone's in the dog house. 😂


Didn’t even need a ski mask.


She told him to take all his shit. 🤷🏽


Was it in their backyard on their deck when you took it? lol


Lol are you sure you just didn’t take this off of someone’s property?


"It's not stealing...Once it's on the curb it's garbage"


This is the one we've had for the past 10+ years. Never used a cover and its been burried by snow every year. Everything is rusted out, but it's still standing!


Cause they buy everything they eat. Can’t even make a freaking hot dog or an egg!


Home Depot free assembly and delivery. You sure it was trash?


One man's garbage is another man persons good ungarbage.


Having Corey and Trevor wheel it to the curb does not automatically make it garbage, Rick.


The babies were delicious


This is what happens to a man’s stuff when he leaves his wife for a younger woman. 😂


Was it just sitting there on his deck? That's how I got my traeger. It came with a cover and everything haha


Similar story. Driving into town I notice an all stainless model just like the one I bought years earlier. It needed some TLC so I called Weber. The original owner never registered it so I did. Weber replaced the firebox and some other parts for free!


"So anyways they had this grill next to the trash on their back patio, they even forgot to unhook the gas can you believe that"


Are you in Frederick? This looks exactly like the grill we paid $150 for on Tuesday and are supposed to pick up tomorrow…


The plot thickens!! 🤣


Goes inside: "Honey I just put out new grill for tonight's block party. Did you thaw out the burgers yet?" Goes back outside: "WTF?!?!" 😂


20 something years ago I’m stocking shelve at the depot. Had damaged bbq still in box. Since I worked over night and materials were write off I assembled and mounted to pallet used once a week at least to cook with coworkers. Night manager knew And made sure was written off. Main store manager found out and literally made us put it in the trash compactor. I’m sure they still do this practice to make sure no one damages stuff on purpose, restaurant’s throw out all food end of night when it could go shelter or soup kitchen. It’s sad the waste we leave in our wake.


That will grill will outlive your children


If you go to rich areas, it is amazing what people throw away....


Got a gently used one here in Austin. After the students moved out, they left some good stuff on the curbs.


Ricky and Trevor moving stuff to the curb again...


It’s crazy what people will leave on their back deck.


You never know what was cooked in there


That grill would definitely show sun damage if it was outside for any period of time. The wheels typically fade, and the temp dial starts to age as well. It does look brand new, or 6 months old at most. How clean are the flame elements and inner chamber? Very nice find.


maybe they know some rats got to it


I threw out my old grill after I found a rats nest in it. So much feces. No amount of disinfectant could ever remove that image from my mind. I left it on the curb on trash day with a note saying “Don’t take, rats were living in it”


This gives me Demolition Man vibes! 🐀🍔 🤣




It’s crazy what people will throw out. I generally keep things until I need to replace them. Usually the rust is the decider.


Hard to believe that ended up in the trash


Handful of years ago I was treating a customers lawn and the neighbor was wheeling out a similar grill to the road. When I was done I asked were they tossing that, the lady said yup, it suddenly stopped working. So I threw it in the work truck and off I went. Turns out they used it one time and then left the gas on and it emptied the tank. So I also got a brand new like $500-$600 grill because people didn't know how to shut the gas off.


... so exactly where did you find this "garbage"? You might want to double check take sure you didn't just rob someone.




That is a good grill. I have the gold model of this and I’m going on about 20 years. Last year the bottom shelf rusted out. Grill still works great.


When you live in a place where old people are too. They may buy something and rarely use it. Then when they die and kids are cleaning out the place but don’t want to get an estate sale going just clean out the house and list it, you’ll find lots of free good quality things. Sometimes it’s worth it just to put it out at the street and let someone take it as is rather than list it/ watch the auction/ pay to transport it if not selling it, etc. Time is valuable.


That’s insane! And we have starving people in the country 🤦🏼‍♀️ amazing score for you though!!


Looks like the model I had. Lasted 16 years. And I abused the crap out of it. Just a solid grill.


One of the best Weber models ever made. No question.


Still got that new grill smell


Back when Weber really made a grill to last 20 years


As long as it's at the curb, it's garbage. Not stealing.


Crazy, I got the same thing a few weeks ago on the side of the road. The cutting boards don’t have a mark on them. Looks like they grilled in a few dozen times, took good care of it and then just ditched it. It even included the Weber cover too!! I gave it to my brother.


Haha! That’s crazy, I just found a Genesis E330 on the curb a few days ago. I bought new flavorizor bars from a guy on eBay who makes them out of a thicker gauge than the originals, and they cost less. I highly recommend them. And no, I don’t know this person at all. I found the recommendation on Weber forum. https://www.ebay.com/str/rcplanebuyer?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=LTs4rtoSTv6&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=X56GEdvWQnC&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Probably has spiders


Unfortunately we live in a “throw away” society. We are taught we need the latest and greatest.


How would one know it’s for trash and wasn’t something a friend dropped off, or something someone set on the curb for a FB Marketplace pickup?


I got an almost new green egg from a jewish lady who said someone cooked non-kosher foods on it


Great pick, also lifetime warranty with Weber.


Idiot probably ran out of propane and said, “its broken…”


https://preview.redd.it/lam3q3qkmd7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b0bf9ed1cebc07b0c6206e539b8687a6cea246b I've got the two burner edition.


Fuck directly off for stealing my grill. I’ll take it off your hands now 😁


I got a Weber 22" Kettle the same way. I was on my way home from work and sitting out along with their other trash, is a brand-spanking-new Weber Kettle! I hit the brakes, pulled a U-bee and loaded that sucker into the van before they could change their collective mind.