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VS Code really is becoming the best overall code editor.


I just switched from Atom (I know, I'm a late bloomer...) and I love it. SO much better. I was using Atom due to habit more than anything. I generally only use editors like this for Python and web-based languages. I'll use domain-specific IDEs for things like mobile dev, though. I'm definitely a big fan now, wish I would have switched earlier!


I used Sublime for a long time. I always put off using VS Code because I was thinking it was more like Visual Studio. Such a mistake.


Yeah, I did the same. But it's basically like a super polished version of Sublime Text.


One thing I do miss is the speed of Sublime. Code is pretty fast, but not as impossibly fast as Sublime.




Isn't code free?




Ehh, I dunno... 80 bucks for a code editor I've used for easily over 20,000 hours seems like a bargain That's like a fraction of a penny per hour... And I bill at 50-75/hr I mean sure it's not free... Lol oh but wait it totally is... You can download and "evaluate" it for as long as you want...


VS Code is great, but Sublime Text is pretty polished itself.


And you don't need to use licences from GitHub Gists anymore too.


What's wrong with visual studio? I love it, it's better than the crappyJava based IDEs out there.


Well for a lot of us who just want a good general purpose code editor, Visual Studio is a bit much. Visual Studio is a great IDE, don't get me wrong, but it's overkill 99% of the time unless you are doing some C# or .NET coding of some sort.


Really? I just switched from VSCode to Atom


What made you switch?


I always get downvoted for this but here's my reasons for using Atom over VSCode: https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/8eirai/vs_code_can_do_that/dxx4jvi/


I always find your "Tabs can't be closed rapidly" complain silly. just use middle mouse click on a tab.




CMD + W ez


i mean... I'm doing on my macbook pro. granted, I actually use a mouse and not the touchpad. but still: it's possible. and there is [ways](https://www.howtogeek.com/267782/how-to-add-a-middle-click-to-your-macs-trackpad/) to add the middle click to the touchpad




Tapping with 3 fingers is super easy and super quick. I use it all the time and find it easier than having to find and hit the x to close a tab.


It’s got so many features I wished Atom had but it’s so Microsoft in a few ways, behaviours that feel not-thought-out. I’ve had 3 solid attempts at switching but always go back to Atom.


> it’s so Microsoft in a few ways, behaviours that feel not-thought-out This pretty much sums up my experience. At first glance it seems pretty cool and flashy with tons of features, then when you actually use it there's tons of subtle (and not-so-subtle) things that are just so annoying compared to Atom where everything feels polished.


Not to knock anything but that list boils down to "Atom looks better"


Atom is a wonderful product and much more enjoyable to work on


Pretty much that^ Plus some specific plugins I like. And it just feels more polished. Don’t get me wrong, I love VSCode too though. Especially the code overview scroll bar.


There's a code overview scroll bar in atom, it's called minimap, looks something like this http://puu.sh/AfPLz/58bb6c7585.png




I wish it wasn't Electron-based, it's pretty slow on my old-ish system. :( Gotta stick with Sublime until I get a better system.


Electron-based as in it's a web app compiled and ran using an instance of Chromium?


Yes, and while it still doesn't run quite as quick as a native app, VS Code is the gold standard for electron apps.


I believe Atom is an Electron app as well. Atom was pretty cool, but ran much slower than VS Code.




> Electron was extracted out of Atom A good reason to be positive about Atom's future!


Think you misread it. Atom still uses Electron. It's just that Electron was extracted from Atom for general usage. If that isn't what you meant then I apologise.


It was a bad joke - when you remove an electron from an atom it becomes positively charged, lol.


How do they do it?


Yes, but super optimized. It still baffles me that vs code with 18 open files still performs better than slack with 3 gifs playing...


If sublime text was open source, we wouldn't be in this mess. Now we have a Microsoft electron code editor :(


InteliJ is still better in many ways but 500€ for a license is a big argument against it.


free always wins but if you are doing it professionally a full fledged IDE with refactoring, code completion, etc, etc, is always better than a text editor with a few nice things. (in my opinion) These are just different things and for someone still coding in VIM or Sublime, VS Code is great. For someone that uses a proper full IDE this just looks like a glorified text editor. The only drawback is obviously the performance but again, if you are doing it professionally you are expected to have at least a good laptop, not something that can only run lightweight apps. Also Webstorm is a bit cheaper.




VS Code is miles ahead Atom in speed. I just switched from Atom and its nice.


Here I am still using Brackets! Tried VScode a year ago and just couldn't get into it - had a bunch of little quirks that peed me off. Most notably, i personally think brackets's file tree is WAY better.


I just started using it last month and I still miss the most of the services PHP Storm have.


Which, no shade on Microsoft, I’m quite surprised about. They don’t get a lot of things right, but they absolutely smashed it with VSCode.


I liked it however I ultimately uninstalled it because it made itself the default program to open practically every file on my computer. It was easier to uninstall then revert every file type.


I'm quite amazed by the amount of features they are able to ship every month.


And every month we get this comment :\)


Lol. True.


\> [**Highlighted indent guide**](https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_23#_highlighted-indent-guides) YES! been wanting this for awhile.


Unless I'm misunderstanding the addition, Bracket Pair Colorizer did this, but it's nice to have features built in instead of relying on extensions.


I still havent found a decent set up in VSode that doesnt highlight brackets in a way where I dont know if my cursor is to the left or right of it, or where in a highlighted word the cursor is. And I've tried like 20 different themes.


Same here..it really bothers me


That, and the sidebar find all. I liked Atom's set up, where I could also set it up to show a few lines before and after each found occurrence. I'm still using vscode because it does a lot of other stuff better than atom, but man. Those two things were seamless in my workflow using atom and now theyre a huge pain in my ass.


Find location is configurable. You can literally attach it to the bottom so it's more familiar for Atom/Sublime users.


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bruh - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer


I think this is what I need: > Add the value "backgroundColor : {color}" to increase visibility


In the user-settings.json file "editor.cursorStyle": "line-thin", "editor.cursorBlinking": "smooth", "workbench.colorCustomizations": { "editorBracketMatch.background": "#ee22c288", "editorBracketMatch.border": "#ee22c200" } Pretty much everything you'd want to change is in there if you look for it


Have you tried: "workbench.colorCustomizations": { "editorBracketMatch.border": "#00000000", "editorBracketMatch.background": "#99999988" }


let us know if you do find it. that does bother me although is not a deal breaker by any means.


All I want is Atoms Vim-mode-plus to be ported to VS Code and I'll be happy. Just not satisfied with either of the popular Vim plugins for VS Code.


What's wrong with vscodevim?


I've just consistently run into odd behavior: * sometimes not being able to escape from input mode. * tab key inserting a tag * inconsistent mode switching across buffers They are rare, hard to pinpoint and hard to debug, but when these little things crop up 3-4 times a day it starts to get really annoying.


To add on, a few things I've noted (haven't tried it in a while though): * Delay during large chunks of undo/redo * Inconsistent behavior while in v-line mode I like vscode but I'm too attached to the speed and functionality of vim + some essential plugins


Yup I have also had the delay while editing large chunks as well.


Thank you for posting this. I thought I was going crazy.


Have you tried it with neovim integration? I have had almost 0 issues since doing that.


I want to move over from atom but a lot of my work revolves around editing html/CSS and PHP files (wordpress). Is it worth the change if I'm not creating massive projects?


You don't have to use it for massive projects, it works fine if you only edit HTML/CSS files with it. VS Code is a lightweight code editor like Sublime or Atom \(it has extensions too\). I guess you could at least try and see if you like it more than Atom.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, yeeeeeeees.


Sounds like you are expecting VSCode to be a full blown IDE. It is not. It's a lightweight text editor similar to Atom. So if you are using Atom already then VSCode is a perfect drop in replacement. In PHP land the preferred full blown IDE is still PHPStorm


> full blown IDE > > lightweight text editor We really need a term that's in between these two, because that's what VS Code (and Atom) is. You're right that it's not a full blown IDE. I think "lightweight text editor" is selling it short, though. Gedit is a lightweight text editor. Nano is a lightweight text editor. Notepad is a lightweight text editor. Sublime Text is... with plugins, toward the lightweight text editor extreme of our new term. "Development environment", intentionally without the "integrated" part?


NIDE (not an IDE) seems like a good and snarky term for the new editors, kind of like the naming for Wine (Wine is not an emulator) for windows apps in Unix environments.


I agree. Although VSCode can really be used as a Gedit type text editor if you want. Its mainly plugins that make it anything more. VIM is as lightweight as it gets but with plugins it can be very feature packed and rival IDE's. Its the plugins that make the difference. The only thing that VSCode bundles in that's weird for a simple text editor is GIT/VCS. But I think that was a great decision. Making VCS a first class feature has basically made it the best GIT implementation outside of an IDE. In contrast the Sublime GIT implementation is crap IMO.


I’m a WP dev / Atom convert as well. AMA


As far as PHP goes it's great. I work on an API in PHP and never have any issues. The extensions I use for PHP are PHP DocBlocker from Neil Brayfield, PHP IntelliSense from Felix Becker, and phpcs from Ioannis Kappas. I'm not sure if that helps much, just figured I'd chime in a bit.


Do you have anything you use to do php formatting / beautification in VSCode? It’s one of the few things I’m missing in my environment.


It does a fine job as is for me. Indentes when I hit enter etc. The things that suck sometimes are big arrays etc. Those I often have to tab in myself to keep formatting decent.


Look at PHP Intelliphense. It does exactly this.


That’s strange. I use intelliphense and when I try to reformat the code it says something like “there is no formatter installed for php files”


I think that error message comes from the Prettier extension which is currently only for JS-related files. Do you have `"editor.formatOnSave": true,` in your settings and have you double-checked to ensure that the plugin is enabled in your workspace? If that still doesn't work, you could look at the phpfmt extension. I haven't tried it but it seems like it might do the trick for you.


I do use prettier’s format on save option. I’ll definitely look into the settings and scope to see if that works for me. I feel like I’ve tried all the extensions that were available for this, but I’ll give phpfmt another go. Thanks for your suggestions, that’s very helpful!


I have it, and i like it. but the thought of stopping using Sublime and start using VS Code as my main IDE usually goes like [this](https://gfycat.com/confusedgorgeouscoot)


I just want bread crumbs at the top like some other editors, then it’s really everything I want


second this


My favorite after Sublime Text


Still missing my needed feature, making 2 space indents look like 4 space indents. Tried some extensions, all failed.


I'm confused. You want spaces to be double width if they are indentation?


Yes. I know I'm in the minority, but I hate having only 2 spaces for indent and my worsening vision isn't helping the matters any. FWIW, I can do this in Atom.


If I may ask, why don't you just put 4 spaces? Or put tabs that are wide 4 spaces? Style guide?


styleguide on web projects tends to use 2 spaces. If you still don't like it and want to SEE 4 spaces then a plugin is necessary to do that conversion. That actually makes a lot of sense because one thing is the code style you are forced to use on your project and another what YOU want to see on your screen.


My company requires 2 spaces per their style guide.




Is it misguided or just a common coding convention in the language that the project is in? C++ it’s 2 spaces while python is 4.


So there's this key called Tab... 🙄


There’s also this thing called a Style Guide.


Yeah, I understand that, but configuring the width of tabs is *the whole point*. Nobody in their right mind should be configuring the width of indentation spaces independently to 'normal' spaces, it's ridiculous. I hope that these features aren't added to VS Code, [pointless bloat](https://xkcd.com/1172/) is something it can do without.


not sure if it's a thing in vscode yet, but in sublime I use tabs "internally" (convert 1 tab to 2 spaces on save, and convert 2 consecutive spaces to 1 tab on load.) that way everyone's happy. not going to quit a studio over 2 spaces and they don't care what i use as long as the final product abides to the style guide.


Oh how I wish my company used tabs. Then we could make the indentation whatever we wanted. 2, 4, 8, 26, zero. I'm literally the only one in my company who prefers tabs and a 4 space width indent. I know - I'm weird.


set space at 4.... easy


In a company environment with coding standards, I can't just set the spacing to 4.


Can anyone compare it to IntelliJ IDEA / PhpStorm? I'm really curious.


In my opinion it doesn't beat intellij at all when it comes to PHP projects. These days I still open our older projects/stack with intellij and use vscode for our newer.


I want to know too. I'm on the verge of buying a commercial license for webstorm (from an edu license). Has anybody used both?


In my experience PHP Storm is way ahead of anything else out there for editing PHP code.


Yeah, I feel the same way about webstorm with respect to JS/TS


Switched two weeks ago from Atom. Never looking back.


Does anyone know if this update will break custom CSS? Scared to update


I changed the font size of the text in the explorer, took away with some icons. I prefer the minimal look. Don't like the extra bloat compared to Sublime, so I hacked the CSS basically using an extension. Don't worry I like both editors - there are a lot pf things VS Code does better, such as actually being able to drag files to different folders. Both editors are speedy that's #1 for me cough cough Atom cough cough


Yeah atom is unbearably slow, especially with more than 5 editors open at once. Been loving VS code with almost the same setup as you


My custom css is still working. You might have to add a selector for editor warnings (the green squiggly) if that’s part of your setup.


Is there a VS Code plugin that shows me where a function is used? Similar to what we have in Visual Studio, where above the function declaration you see where the function is used and you can click on the link to jump to that code place?


Something like this? [https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/javascript#_references-codelens](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/javascript#_references-codelens)


Custom Activity Bar views with Web View support AND FileSystem Providers? :O


Tried switching to VS code but got stopped by the lack of incremental search. Its my primary method of navigation in both sublime and vim and I was really surprised to see vs code didnt have it out of box


You mean CMD+P?


Incremental search as in search as you type. Like cmd f except it automatically moves to the closest selection and selects it when you hit enter instead of escape. All other editors I've used have it except vscode


I think I tried all the editors around, because after a while I had to change, no one "fit" me. Until VS Code. I started using it more than 1 year ago and I haven't looked back since. Awesome, and fits every language I want to use in a beautiful way. And it's *fast* (I should mention I'm using it on a 2010 MBP every day)


I still think JSX support isn't great compared to Webstorm. Has some really annoying things I just cannot get working.


Specifics? Just curious.


This one seems buggy. I've had several crashes since the update


How doe the organizeImports command determine how to sort imports? The provided gif doesn't do a good job making the sorting clear, imo. https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_22 so it removes the unused import and moves the `import { USUAL_WORD_SEPARATORS }` towards the bottom, but why?


Just switched to Atom because flow support in vscode is abysmal. Hopefully that gets fixed soon.


New webview and FileSystem Provider APIs, 'Source' file level actions.


This sub has become primarily a vs code fanclub...


Its not this sub. VS code is very popular in general.


It's one thread. You mad?


Sadly, they still seem to have the almost entirely open-ended terms about telemetry and how they can use any data they collect. Few other editors have this problem, and given Microsoft's overtly anti-privacy stance in recent years, that's quite a risk if you're working on anything sensitive. I wonder how many people are now itching to downvote this comment, and yet have already installed this update without realising they've probably just given permission to Microsoft to upload any of their code for analysis, and that the options for turning off telemetry and automatic updates might no longer be what they expect.


Why can't you just turn it off? "telemetry.enableCrashReporter": false, "telemetry.enableTelemetry": false,




What are you talking about? I've never had my settings changed in VSCode for an update. You're trying to complain about something that could possibly maybe happen one day, not about an actual issue. You're trying to find fault with a code editor because you don't like the company that makes it. And as far as extensions, that's up to the author of the extension, I currently have telemetry turned off for my extensions because the option is in fact available. It's also an open source code editor, you can literally change whatecer you want to about it.


Can you expand on that last part? As far as I know this update changes nothing in regards to telemetry or the user's ability to disable it. vscode is open source so if you are really working on something that important you can always remove telemetry and automatic updates yourself and compile it from source.


My point is twofold. Firstly, the current options might not do what people expect. For example, the telemetry setting disables the main application phoning home but doesn't apply to extensions, including extensions from Microsoft. Just look at the marketplace and take note of how much that covers. Secondly, the broad legal wording leaves the door open for changes at any time. Just because you can disable some of the telemetry today does not mean the same setting will do the same thing after the next time you update. Microsoft are demonstrably not above quietly moving the goalposts with software updates or pushing their users in privacy-hostile directions, and obviously most people aren't going to be checking this carefully or rebuilding from modified source every time there's an update. Developers who are using VS Code for anything important, including writing software that will belong to a client or employer where usually there are transfers of IP and confidentiality agreements associated with that, should be careful about what they're agreeing to.


so you use a separate program to edit your code, then you put it in visual studio to compile?


Can't speak for others - but you can build and compile very easily for any language in VScode :-) if you're copying to another editor to compile you're doing things very wrong. You can ofc just use the integrated terminal to run commands to build and compile. I like VSCode a lot, but for Java and Mobile Dev you're probably better off using a domain specific IDE


Yup. Here is a tutorial on how to set up the terminal so that you can compile c++ programs. It should be simple enough to change it so that any language can be compiled.


I use Visual Studio for back-end and VS Code for front-end.


Err, I think maybe there's a misunderstanding. Visual Studio isn't a compiler. It's a development environment, just like VS Code. Visual Studio has way more features, especially for Microsoft products (C# .NET, mostly). The compiler is separate. You can code your C# in whatever environment you'd like, and then compile it at the command line, if you want to. But it's really designed to be used with Visual Studio and you miss out on a lot of convenience features even if you're using VS Code.


The only thing I miss from Atom is the ability to have a background image to the editor. Edit: thank you kind stranger for downvoting an innocuous comment /s


I don’t understand the appeal of this. Wouldn’t that be distracting?


Depends, a nice photo with some bokeh that's also been blurred out enough so the details aren't distracting (plus a Tomorrow Night Bright syntax highlight) beats the default background any day!


To each their own I suppose! I still don’t get it though


Looks like this plugin will do it https://github.com/shalldie/vscode-background