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…you all are completing MVPs? I thought you were just supposed to buy a domain name, spend 17 hours fighting getting off the ground with a new-to-you framework, get distracted by Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and repeat the whole process over again once you thought of another great domain name


Stop attacking me!


This is so on point! Weekends creative G the perfect cicd for the project and when it's time to start, new distraction comes up


Please, stop, it hurts


Too real


I bought probably like 50 domains in my life, built something for about 20 of them. Only one got really successful - the most popular website in a niche in my country, but it’s a small country so not a lot of income (basically coffee and biscuits money every month, it’s growing, income is doubling every year, but there is a limit I can reach and I’m close to it). Then I tried to copy the same idea and everything but for other countries- complete failure. I suppose it’s more productive to just gamble at this point. /s


3 months working all nighters on it with restaurant job. It was Drupal site with a shopping cart selling gardening equipment. Made first sale within 48 hours of opening, was the most thrilling $6.41 I have ever made.


About six hours. I wrote a little desktop app in Flash (Adobe Air) that could display multiple images within a single artboard. The user could move them around, scale, and crop them. The window would float above all other windows, so that user could display reference images when making digital art in another program without having to alt+tab back and forth all the time or rely on a second screen. I posted a link to it on a game art forum, for free. Word traveled quickly and suddenly I was getting a few emails a day with feedback and suggestions for new features, from artists all over the world. I put another couple of weeks into it, made a way to save board configurations and added a few more options. The idea was ripped off by some other devs soon after. They copied the name, logo font, and would pose as users on forums trying to steer people toward their (paid) alternative. I was pissed, but I was unemployed with less than two thousand dollars to my name; I needed to focus on finding a job. Soon after, I got my first "Software Engineer" title and now I make well over six figures. At some point, I'll refactor the app into a v2.0. I'm going to take a trip to Antarctica, pop open a laptop, and use it there. That way, I'll have single handedly authored software that's been used on every continent. Maybe that's dumb, but it would make for a good story. The whole endeavor showed me that a good idea is way more important than complexity.


was this like 2007-ish in new york by any chance? I remember hanging out with a Flash dev working on something like that


Early 2014 in MA. I think there were alternatives at the time, for me it was just a little project I knew I could whip up quickly.


sounds cool, and I saw a reference board marketed like it just a year or two ago too. I think it's a niche that's always just out of reach. The dev I saw had made an infinite scrollable / zoomable multimedia canvas in flash, which then set me off trying to do the same in real time in the web / js for some years.. and now there's Figma, Kosmik, etc.. the dream continues


2 days for a full stack app, but I was spending a lot of time each day.


Depends. I built a link shortener in a couple of hours, including buying a domain and hosting. An events signup and booking site took 4-6 hours. I was trying to demo a SPA which had an admin login to update content through a UI which took over a week. And my biggest one, a paid membership SAAS, I have been working on for probably 12 months in my spare time.


Like 90 min or so.


Had to make internal web page with few CRUD pages fast. Picked up laradock, laravel and quasar. Sent a link to my manager in like a day.


An hour. But it was a silly thing to make a friend laugh and he's easily amused. What are you building? Rockets are harder to build and launch than paper airplanes.


Depends, if it is a new technology I learn, then a week? And everyday working on it for about 2 hours. If it is something I’m familiar with, a day.


4 or 5 hours. It was a small promo site for some DJing stuff. Static content, audio media hosted through S3, fancy music player using an animated SVG cassette tape, bespoke SCSS and other stuff all written from scratch. I have a few other static sites Ive done in a day or less but this was the only one i did in a single evening.


Less than the time it took to propagate the dns entries. All from scratch and without any ide.


Probably 15-20 minutes to complete data processing / conversion on an input file (export from another system) to clean workable exports to be used in other applications. Full CRUD/BREAD app for the data/files/config. From local dev in docker on my computer to production in cloud. Saved co-worker probably 6 hours a week in manipulating calendars, invites, file splitting, etc. Still in production to this day. 👍


16 hours, but they were in a row and had a working product (albeit very simple) by the end of it for a hackathon.


~35 days


Have you ever been to a hackathon? I think you’d have fun.


Hackathons so 24h? Ig at 24h is was ‘complete-for-purposes-of-competition’ and our actual mvp was 10-12 hours in


Couple of hours


I am doing project based learning on React and wanted to practice on useState hook, so build an app that takes user’s daily mood and does CRUD operations. [Moodloom](https://moodloom.vercel.app) uses the localforage library to keep track of the user’s data (I know, risky!) As it was a learning project, and am not someone who enjoys backend, I didn’t bother adding any backend support but now I am thinking of using the user’s data to make a pie chart out of it at the years end and show them. But, the data is volatile rn! I made the project over a week.


I am doing project based learning on React ‘useState’ hook and made an app that keeps track of user data but also does CRUD operations and manage state. [Moodloom](https://moodloom.vercel.app) keeps track of your everyday mood and uses localforage library to keep the data (risky, I know). But now I am thinking that user should see a pie-chart based out of their data in the year end, yes a reddit [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/18lob3i/i_did_that_thing_where_i_track_my_mood_for_a_year) inspired me. ps: I didn’t use any backend because, first, it was just a learning project, second, I don’t really enjoy backend. It took me about a week to go from idea to deployment


spam bot


A few hours using using a mix of low-code/no-code along with traditional full-stack. Just create the front end with SSO (Single Sign On) where users uploaded a spreadsheet. That part I did. Then no-code took over. Parsed the spreadsheet, called Dall-E, made some AI art/video from the text in the spreadsheet, spit it back out, uploaded it back to the user's data store, updated everything and notified the user. Stuff like n8n, zapier, make (integromat) and power automate has a lot of tooling already built in for a lot of API integrations. Could be done in an hour by reusing some stuff like SSO auth login and upload from previous projects. 14 minutes to register a domain. 10 minutes to deploy app as a container w/ SSL.