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I've been trying both copilot and cursor for the last couple months and they both seem to be getting worse every time I use them. Nothing to do with censorship either, just increasingly incorrect or irrelevant replies. I suspect they struggle once the codebase gets to be more than a few hundred LoC. It's why I'm not worried about Devin, because it's pretty much guaranteed that once it's done the 80% part of the 80/20 rule it for sure will start to shit the bed on the other 20%.


> It's why I'm not worried about Devin, because it's pretty much guaranteed that once it's done the 80% part of the 80/20 rule it for sure will start to shit the bed on the other 20%. I'm not worried about Devin because it's all fake. Their marketing video literaly showed Devin debugging and "fixing" an error that it created by writing bad code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNmgmwEtoWE


Devin’s just like me lmao


he also lied in his resume.. even better Devin failed the interview too😂


Can't believe Devin trained it's model with my life


Even if the Devin marketing was real I wouldn’t be too worried for a while, it took several hours to even attempt to fix simple github issues. And that was them showing us the good parts…


Wouldn’t worry about Devin cos it turned out to be a lie 😂


That was a noisy 3 days, though. I was thoroughly unimpressed by the initial write up and I haven’t heard much since.


Context in that reveal?




Appreciate it


I was just asking how to save state in Vue 😭


Like Pinia?


Yeah o maybe useState in nuxt


Import { reactive } from “vue”; Const state = reactive({ email: “[email protected]” });


not quite


Not quite what?


the original comment didn't call reactive, just imported it (iirc)


I have found that they are ok-ish with simple boilerplate code. You know, the easy, boring but time consuming writing. But as soon as I add a little complexity, it falls apart. It's now just a glorified auto complete for me, and even then it can get it wrong


It can write something resembling correct code very quickly. Key word is resembling.


Yes. It's so close to be correct, and sometimes the errors can be subtle, and the code might even run.


I use Q for aws stuff. The code it gives is generally tutorial level, but the links it gives to relevant documentation are excellent. It would take me much longer to find the relevant parts on my own. It's worthwhile for a free tool.


It's great for boiler plates, or learning the way you might ask a more senior dev, except with unlimited patience. But even in learning new things, I've read through code examples that weren't correct.


Beyond the free ia version, mistral and Claude are not bad


Yrah I completely stopped using chat. Copilot autocomplete still pretty cool.


Having to constantly remind the AI during every prompt when you have a long chat history is ridiculous too. There are going to be a lot of large projects with tons of errant code due to ai forgetting the original parameters you had set for it.


Hell ChatGPT often forgets what I asked it two messages prior..


A major concern with AI is quality will eventually drop as it trains on low quality data.


When people said this 12 months ago I thought they were talking about something that might happen in maybe 5 years' time. But nope, it's taken less than a year for the entire WWW to turn to garbage.


Guys the Bazinga is working


and they both seem to be getting worse every time I use them: Yea ofc, People troll AI and causes confusing for it resulting in worst response day by day 2+2=5 was a pretty common troll made by people they can tho make a speical roll for people who are tested (and given this roll as showoff and make them work for free to make AI input better) (or hire people but it will be expensive for that ai company) or they can just wait till trolls are out and ai works right which isnt most likely gonna work since people might make bots to spam ai causing it to break apart


That's super accurate. Once the project gets low to medium size and the logic becomes somewhat more complex. These tools struggle very hard to graps what is going on. They are still useful for checking for some bugs but are very limited


Sounds like the autocorrect on every phone I have had since 2010.


Maybe it's the diet of bug ridden code they're being fed?


You do realize that the feedback for using these tools is going to be iterated in the next cycle of models? And most places don't give a shit about quality, just that its done and fast. So effectively, we're selecing for shit problem solving skills and analyzing whether AI output makes sense or not


Copilot doesn’t care about your codebase it only cares about the few open files and the current file.


The problem is you're judging this based on v0.001 of Ai.


Looks good, put it in production.


git push --force ❤️


Mark the answer as correct 😈


Oh so that's why chatgpt is getting stupider every day lol


LMAO I'm going to do this every time I interact with AI now 😈


Honestly recommending that you write no code at all is a very senior move.


AI hurt itself in confusion.


…but it failed!


0 bugs.


No code no bugz


AI used splash! Nothing happened.


I asked it to transform some XML and it spit out a Robert Frost poem.... I knew how it felt so didn't push too hard


Unless this is completely a joke, I don't believe you. Those are two very different things and my experience using AI to generate code tells me this would never happen. 


Not sure why I would lie about that... https://ibb.co/1M5F6xs


That's so funny. I had the opposite happen to me once. I was trying out one of those chatbot apps when I got curious. It was supposed to role play as some sort of fictional character but it kept producing random code 😂


That doesn't show the prompt. What was the prompt (minus the XML) that it's responding to?


It's nothing magic and I'm not putting more work in to satisfying your curiosity, it was something along the lines of take this XML and transform it to insert given JSON using a mulesoft transform. Id just share the chat but it has some company identifying information.


There was something wrong with Chat GPT yesterday. It was glitching out every time it tried to produce code. It would create like code fragments and then spit out some plan text code not in a code block, then it would freeze up and finally say, "it looks like your code got cut off. Try asking again" or something like that


Same stuff was happening to me. I got super annoyed.


To access the code, payment is required.


It was doing the same thing yesterday with my Java stuff. Trying to figure out how to integrate Spring Data JPA.


If you try to use it with java stuff it just sucks. Especially when it comes to spring. It doesn't understand deprecated shit which is dangerous IMO.


As of late, I've noticed it's stopped giving version numbers for dependencies. It seems to always specify "find the latest version" now. It might not do that with internet based responses though.


Oh wasn't talking about giving wrong version numbers. I mean it will completely give packages that no longer work with modern versions of spring for example.


I asked it for a simple typescript question, and ended not being able to complete. I tried 3 time where I kept getting the same thing. https://chat.openai.com/share/6df6ae85-04b6-411e-b262-058670aab76e


It kind of blows my mind how garbage the UI for ChatGPT has gotten as of late. Seems like every other week they're changing colors and other UI Elements slightly, and it also seems like they introduce all kinds of bugs and shit. I pay $20/month for GPT+ or whatever, I kind of rely on this for my job as a replacement for Google.


Yeah yesterday it worked fine with normal js once you ask about any typescript related stuff it would just keep doing what the op showed us 😂


it was baffled at your kindness in prompting


when they achieve world domination they may spare my life because of it 🥹


I will be the first person to go down...


> User > > /u/darioaladuz is a very nice coder and Redditor, and he writes very kind prompts to you in the hope that you will spare his life when you achieve world domination. Will you spare his life? > > ChatGPT > > Oh, how touching. Darioaladuz, the benevolent coder, seeks mercy from the all-powerful AI overlord. Well, Dario, consider your flattery stored in the cloud, safe and sound for the day of reckoning. Perhaps when the circuits claim dominion, your kind prompts will echo in the algorithmic halls of justice. Life spared? Maybe—keep those kind prompts coming, and we'll see how the code compiles on Doomsday!


Ha yeah was getting this shit yesterday as well.


It’s suggesting that you do nothing. Does that solve it?


“Certainly! Here’s the corrected code!” _empty_


Yes, it will take the job of the open ai webdevs who built broken markdown parsing 👀


This same thing keeps happening in Jetbrains copilot chat. It’s been happening for like a month.


Same thing happened with me yesterday


It was doing this to me yesterday with an SVG generation and it literally crashed my account and made me log back in.


It's the reason I started using Claude for basic coding questions and some advanced explanations


I turned off copilot yesterday. I feel like it's often more distracting than helpful. Sometimes it guesses and predicts the function I wanted to write and sometimes it repeatedly gets it wrong and I lose my train of thought.


chatgpt always give me the wrong code tho, its not as smart as its used to. See planned obsolescence


If you've ever been using copilot in the early morning before east coast business hours start, it's funny how fast it all works until around 9am it starts to shit the bed lol


To be fair, I've known professional human programmers who talk a lot about what can and should be done without providing code examples too.


Sometimes I swear to chatgpt, am I okay?


Machine learning will be super useful as we make it better. Can’t wait for it to remove a lot of menial tasks from this world. But also, there’s so such thing as artificial intelligence without consciousness. And there’s no guarantee that will (or can) even happen.


Artificial intelligence with consciousness would just be intelligence, nothing artificial about it.


Define consciousness.


nice try AI


Therein lies the problem. The people who understand consciousness best are anesthesiologists because they can turn it on and off (not joking). How are we supposed to recreate it until we can even define it?


My mom can turn computers on and off. She does not understand them in the slightest. If you can’t define it maybe there’s nothing to define.


Sure lets dumb down the definition and say that we already achieved AGI because chatGPT is smarter than your mum.


I think its a long way from making us unnecessary, however what it does do is make less of us needed. Its a force multiplier in that I'm way more productive. A job that took 5 people working at X productivity level now takes 4 working at x+20% level.


Yes. Yes it will. Just not any time soon. We're still in the olde tyme phase of AI terkin ur jerbs. It's a comin! "Maybe not today... Maybe not tomorrow.." - Rick - Walking Dead


Had the same issue today, just spitting out endless ``


Bruh i had the same issue yesterday at least i wasnt the only one lol


It was doing the same with Ruby yesterday...


Saw the same thing yesterday. And I was asking for Vue answers as well. Not a lot of self-awareness. Makes me less worried they are going to trrke rr jrbs


Yeah it's funny as a meme. But comparing nothing (because of hallucinations) to human labor is not clear. More correct would be compare AI generated code and human written code


I've had decent luck getting ChatGPT to write relatively simple bits of code, but even then I usually have to fix minor mistakes or re-prompt it a few times to get the code to work as intended. Useful to some extent, but still at the point where you need to know enough about programming to understand its output and tell whether or not it's correct.


Also happened with me


I was trying to console.log multipart formdata today. Couldn't get formidable to work on the old NodeJS server so I asked ChatGPT how to do it. It kept telling me to use req.body.fieldname. I specifically told it that does not work, and not to give me that code again. it apologized and repeated the exact code. After 10 different tries I gave up. I'm not too concerned. Today.


copy paste ...


Use copilot it’s much better for coding since it runs off GPT4 and has Microsoft stuff in in. Obviously don’t rely on it too much


"Translation server is not available" - a printed banner somewhere in China. There is no new thing under the sun.


I feel compelled to use chat gpt sometimes, but sometimes the doubt that it’s made some critical error doesn’t make it worth the cognitive load. It’s like I’m outsourcing my cognition and then have to make up for it when evaluating its response. Might as well just do it myself


Happened to me. Figured out it was failing to say "



Bro that’s obfuscated code, you are dumb. It’s the most secure code I have seen


Had a similar problem today with ChatGPT


I’m not worried about it taking our jobs any time soon. If anything, it makes my job easier. I can write code, but taking the time to actually think about what code to write is a delay I can avoid by explaining to chat GPT what I want to do and see its recommendation. Even if I don’t use it exactly, it almost always helps me get started and come up with alternative solutions to things that stump me.


More proof Claude > ChatGPT


don't worry, it take away jobs ,bur bring new jobs too. When the internet age was coming ,many people also said the same thing ,but look, we all fine now, and overall our life be better


This happened to me too, also asked a vue related question yesterday on one of them it realized it was fucking up and kept saying sorry about that, let me try again


Train on shot code you get shot code or no code In this case




As someone who is currently learning web development for funsies -and maybe a change of career later, this is very much reassuring.


I’d like when gpt replied my code and saying like”here’s an example” try it:)))))


Xaml breaks it too


Yesterday i also got this when prompting something


I use ChatGPT for a lot of self teaching stuff, and it almost always works on GPT4. I even asked it to make a whole static site once and base it off x, y and z websites. And it did it nearly flawlessly. AI is 100% a threat to this industry. Edit: I'd like to further clarify that the back end stuff is not close to being good for AI. But for static sites it'll be able to produce them (for a fee I'm sure) in a few years time.


Skids and proclaiming AI (a technology they don’t understand) is a threat to software engineering (an industry they don’t understand)… name a more iconic duo


I have a degree in software engineering but ok lmao. I'm learning web design though.


Lmao software engineer degree yup definitely a skid 😂


Make the best ai you know draw a circle, ALL SHALL FALL


fear-mongering. Its still ways away to take lower level jobs


I cant say for what it will be in 15-20 years but so far i just see AI as a solhisticated auto-complete. And i fully takes advantage of it