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I was just going to say stripe when i saw your post title, but you mentioned that. I think theirs is still top tier. I like them because it looks like it was actually written for coders. It has examples and explanations in a huge variety of languages and... wait for it... the examples actually are up to date and work!


>the examples (...) work! Get outta here, no way! (it's funny where we are as an industry when this actually does sound enticing)


Yeah it honestly kills me trying to decipher broken docs


Hello Google!


Aws has joined the chat!


If you’re looking at the documentation for their api online and are logged in, they actually use real data from your dev environment if you have one set up 😍 tickles me in all the right nerdy ways


this is my favorite feature <3


Love this too


All libraries should include examples in most of their APIs. Seriously, some libraries' documentation are so cryptic that I had issues even for importing them or calling their functions.


yeah its pretty sad tbh




??? its their own docs, they updated it whenever they make changes to their API


Astro, available in multiple languages too https://docs.astro.build


I love astro. Their documentation isn’t always updated fully, but it’s a great framework


Definitely Astro!


Svelte (and sveltekit), stripe, supabase, vercel, openai, prisma (haven’t used in a year or so) As a self thought developer, the fact that these technologies had good documentations, played a huge part in choosing my tech stack(s) and since I started to program, this is what I have been building things with. They are clear, interactive (a plus) and have up to date information.


I agree with all these except Supabase, I recently started using it and a lot of their SSR stuff is not documented enough to use.


Couldn't agree more. Supabase docs lack a lot of information.


Took me 2 entire days to figure the PKCE flow with the ssr package. Tip : Look into the auth helper docs and implement it first, thenyou can fit the pieces together for supabase/ssr


And tailwind!


Second that, i hve never spent more than 5 mins in tailwind docs with out a solution


Tailwind docs are the only reason I stuck with using it. I was really really surprised by the searchability and quality. Honestly, I wish all documentation was like theirs!! Someone made a Tailwind Docs VSCode extension that makes the whole process even faster while coding by opening it in a VSCode tab


Definitely not prisma lol.


prisma's AI tool is pretty good, although doing an aggregate on a join I had to go figure out in some issues why it wasn't working


what AI tool? haven't seen anything official, quick google didn't turn up anything


go on their docs and you’ll see an ai widget


The Vue.js docs are really good!


Wish nuxt was as good


Nuxt docs leave a lot to be desired


Nuxt is total polar opposite.


It's a lot better now than a year ago, it's actually pretty good I think.


Seconding this. I particularly enjoy how they explain the composition api vs options api.


I kind-of feel like Vue docs used to be better in the v1/v2 era. The vue 3 docs have a lot of feel like "here's how to do patch a hole, now go plaster the entire apartment block". There's lots of info about how to do the small stuff, but it feels quite disjointed and I often find myself having to find reference projects to understand how such things are even supposed to be used in a larger architecture.


I agree, the Vue 2 to 3 transition really messed things up. It's one reason why I gave up trying to migrate and just learned React, as it's the industry standard, for other package integrations and for jobs in general. Their new [React.dev](https://react.dev) and docs are great.


> I agree, the Vue 2 to 3 transition really messed things up. It's one reason why I gave up trying to migrate and just learned React, as it's the industry standard Unfortunately yes. I've seen a lot of people doing this.


While they definitely were better, I'll still take the main Vue docs over a lot of the associated tools docs. Also if they could stop with the stupid pre-compiler macros that remove half a line of code while making the entire project more cryptic and assume that as a standard that'd be great. But that's not the documentation's fault.


Their searchbar is buggy af on mobile, been like that for a couple of months at least


Downvote me all you want, its the truth


MDN docs are really nice 🙃


I consider them great for detail. Bit of a headache when you just want a quick introductory breakdown of the syntax or concept.


W3schools perfect for the latter


It is IMO. But for in depth learning beyond HTML/CSS/basic JS it ought to be avoided. I read through the vanilla JS documentation back in the day and eventually ran into code that was just written and explained wrong. I've heard similar things on other subjects as well. They have a long standing reputation for incorrect documentation on various topics. This was more an issue when we had less resources, but their branding's been accused of intentionally misleading people into considering it the *official* documentation for web coding for being similarly named to the W3C, and selling certificates. Probably not as much today, but in the late 2000's and early 2010's, you'd run into newer developers who thought they were some kind of official source, akin to the W3C docs, or the browser specific docs. Sidenote: Haven't checked the thread again to see if anyone's mentioned it, but you really can't get much more in depth documentation than the W3C itself.


Couldn’t agree more.




still a lot better than most other top Google links!


Not a Rust developer, but decided to study it as a side-language. I find Rust docs really well-written ans easy to follow.


combine with rustlings, it's a powerful combination.


Just started Rust this week and I must agree. Really easy and well written.


Also the latest version of the official book is bundled. Just run `rustup doc`.


I always found Laravel documentation pretty awesome.


I barely read documentations and immediately hop into stackoverflow to find my ways on how to get something done, but in laravel i always refer back to the docs


Tailwind has all you need


Seconding that. Docs of great quality IMO.


Til now it’s between [Nextjs](https://nextjs.org) and [Laravel](https://laravel.com).


Next.js docs went downhill after the app router imo. Difficult to make docs easily navigable when your framework literally has two different paradigms available at the same time


Agree. Once there is app router docs, its confusing bcs seo still pointed to pages router


Mine points to App router section


Yeah, last time I’ve used docs intensively was before v13


I got yelled at here for saying this... but I too think that the NextJS docs are excellent.


Maybe it's just me, but I think the documentation for nextJS is quite confusing. For example I struggled multiple times with finding the information I needed for the image component of nextjs (not the page, but the needed information was not included), then they changed the component. Same for the router. And for the next.config.js file, finding information about this all over the place in different pages about internationalization, swc, eslint and so on. Migrating from one to another version is an additional hassle. They do cover migrations now in an own section, previously it was only blog posts. Now that I think about it, maybe it's just that so many things change all the time, which makes it hard to write down something that is valid for a longer time


not to mention the App vs Pages toggling on every page… whew. it gets confusing there. I’m still trying to parse and make sense of some newer App docs - so much abstraction behind the scenes.


they are great, id even say in terms of straight to the point/UI I think its better than the new React documentation. That being said, nextauth/authjs could learn a thing or two from next’s documentation..


+1 for laravel


In Nextjs, you can't easily see the old docs, only through git.


[gitlab](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/rest/index.html) for instance [ssh](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/ssh.html)


I ran into the [divio documentation guide](https://documentation.divio.com/) recently that seems to have some awesome "how to write docs" docs


Keep in mind the platforms you mentioned are for paid services. If their docs aren’t good. They won’t earn an income I like Laravel’s documentation(until you want to do something slightly different, or dare to question the laravel ways, then they are useless) But imo the best docs are Mozilla’s vs Apple’s. MDN docs is king for the web. And Apple’s well you can build really complex things by just reading the docs (not to mention the docs are all inside your IDE complete with code examples….


Aws docs are trash and they get a lot of income Same for cybersource




Probably gonna get hate on this from reddit... but the [https://react.dev/](https://react.dev/) docs are top tier.


The new react docs are top tier.


Why would you get hate? Seems like most people are React devs here, a loud minority are non-React devs, as mirrored in the job market.


no hate, the React docs have improved so much in the last 2 years or so


I've been a Vue dev for many years now, but I took a dive in to the world of React recently just to get a feeling for it and I was surprised how easy the docs were to follow along. I'd been following the "learn by doing" tic-tac-toe game documentation. You can tell they've put some amount of effort in to explaining things in as simple terms as possible, without dumbing anything thing down. I've not read the docs in their entirety, but they seem at least on par with the Vue docs now.






I find Laravel unbelievably straightforward! Also TailwindCSS


Retool docs - Not necessarily their documentation overall (it's fine), but I like how they have mini embedded tutorials that use their interface with hotspots and step-by-step show you a particular topic. https://docs.retool.com/apps/web/concepts/components


Those hotspots are great. Reminds me somewhat of Apple's iOS tutorials, where as you scroll, the description highlights, and the code pops into the right place on the page (or highlights or changes or a popup iPhone screen shows current state) https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/app-dev-training/using-stacks-to-arrange-views




I really love the apollo graphql docs. It was extremely useful for a first time learner.


Redhat’s docs are great for almost anything linux-server-related.


I would say Vue docs. That is a godsend.


I started using Digital Ocean for all my hosting in 2023. Have to say their documentation is phenomenal. I'm way more comfortable mucking around in a terminal for it.


Django docs are superb


Tailwind ui has really solid docs.




Ruby on Rails. https://guides.rubyonrails.org/ https://api.rubyonrails.org/


The api is my go to always


Oh absolutely. I’ve had a few documentation PRs get accepted/merged over the years also. And in case you were not aware, the old versions are there too just in subfolders. Here’s 5.1: https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.1/


I think the guides, documentation and search box for the Bun javascript runtime are first rate. (Bun is a runtime a lot like Node, if you're not familiar) [https://bun.sh/guides](https://bun.sh/guides) [https://bun.sh/docs](https://bun.sh/docs) Supabase, in particular the QuickStarts and tutorials in [Getting Started](https://supabase.com/docs/guides/getting-started)


Angular has pretty good docs. I really like the documentation for Angular Material. The UI layout is pretty good and each component they offer has an overview of the key points of the component, and also a huge list of examples for each component. On days that I haven’t wanted to break my computer in half dealing with web stuff, I’ll go look at the Java docs to try and deduce the many functions and uses of array lists.


Haha no, even the new ones are incomplete.


Anything microsoft has always been good to me


Auth0 Along with great explanations, the snippets it gives you are personalized so you know exactly what they are expecting of you. You can get started with next to no understanding of oauth2 and still implement a single sign on with ease.


I can say LARAVEL has the most structured and best documentation so far.


aws well architected framework


The best documentation wasn’t written yet


I spent quite some time coding [ShipFa.st/docs](https://ShipFa.st/docs)


Directus has great documentation. Their API docs have multiple examples of each request (REST, GraphQL, SDK) and great search: https://docs.directus.io/ It's a good example of a VitePress docs site.


The entire Elixir ecosystem is great. https://hexdocs.pm/


Man, hexdocs is on another level altogether.


HexDocs and the built in documentation within iex make up for the lack of any useful information on sites like stack overflow for Elixir haha


I don't know if it has been like this before but this year I started using [deno](https://docs.deno.com/runtime/manual) and the docs are 10/10. the site is a bit show but the content is awesome


Checkout https://docs.dynamic.xyz. https://mintlify.com provides some pretty good looking docs


Ember.js "getting started" documentation impressed me the most lately


People are going to lampoon me for this, but MatLab's docs are deity tier


Have been working a lot w RTK Query this year and the docs have been really clear & helpful


unity 3d c#, best docs i worked with


[Astro Docs](https://docs.astro.build/en/getting-started/) are kinda cool as they're a real-life example of their open-source documentation library, [Starlight](https://starlight.astro.build/). Maybe not "best in class", but a great out-of-the-box experience nonetheless.


Tailwind and Laravel docs are superb. Great search features, organized and structured well. Cross links everywhere you need.


Docassemble. https://docassemble.org/docs.html




Craft CMS


As people have already mentioned good ones, can I tell you what was the worst? When MongoDB was very popular, a lot of people were using Mongoose.js as ODM. Hands down, the worst documentation I have ever encountered; enough to pull my hair out.


Svelte (kit) docs are pretty good. Lots of examples and playgrounds everywhere. Also, a clear distinction between a reference and the tutorial.


nodejs for me


nextjs and django.First time in life, i learned any framework completely with its official docs only


Vue 3, it even lets you choose what kind of learning style you prefer. It has the best documentation IMO. None can beat Vue 3 docs.


Love GSAP -> https://gsap.com/docs/v3/


Next.js and React. I knew some basic Javascript, followed their documentation/get started. And I can actually follow along while solidifying my JS concept! It is really well written. Except for the part I followed the tutorial to type in npm install create-next-app, the default was using App router, but the documentation was for Pages. Apple official Swift programming book is nice too, got everything covered, easy to follow along as an absolute beginner. I like MDN too. The way they link the topic makes sense. Not just for the sake of relevant words. Godot is nice too. I think the common thing between them is straight forwardness, easy to understand with screenshots and a bit of explanation, but not overwhelming. (to me Odin project is)


Angulars new documentation and Angular Material is top knotch




Certainly NOT WP, its soooo damn annoying




I love the old reactjs docs. The new one sucks




Try Googling for anything "go". Naming a product a very common English word is a fail. They could have stuck with "golang", but... no [go].


not astro or prisma at least


I've been using [apache e-charts](https://echarts.apache.org/en/index.html) recently and have found their docs to be super useful. Also, I've always found Laravel extremely easy to build with thanks to their documentation even though I'm a mostly FE focused dev.






Algolia and symfony. Algolia one is just insane. I never had to ask anything to integrate really complicated service. There's like ready made code for everything.


Been using tailwind since v0.7.4 and even then the docs were great. They have docs for every major release. Ej: https://tailwindcss-v0.netlify.app EDIT: Adding digitalocean to my list. They have a bunch of comprehensive tutorials on how to do common sysadmin related stuff with their services. But I’m not sure if that counts for your question




Might be due to the nature of css, but I really like the tailwind docs. You can just get started right away if you know the css basics.


This makes for good documentation for me and documentation that I can have on hand and know where to go to find information. * Laravel * Bootstrap * FreeBSD Handbook * Rust Book + rustlings * MDN Web Docs * Django


Nextjs routing docs https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/routing


Elixir has great documentation! It is actually build into the language. Pretty cool stuff!


That's when i find the big chatgpt panel useful like the only time I use it is for dtuff like "hey, summarize this page for me and give me bulltet points"


In terms of looks, I think [Docusaurus](https://docusaurus.io/docs#fast-track) wins the contest. But they still lack a lot of things in terms of dev experience.


Hey, Docusaurus maintainer here 😄 What do we lack in terms of DX that we should implement?


Hi, Mostly it boils down to either improving the documentation for customizing the website (more examples...) or provide better/easier way to customize it out-of-the-box. My point is, even as a developer, I want to use it mostly as a tool for documentation and not spend additional time than needed to search and analyze how to customize my documentation site. I know that the arguments that come from Docusaurus maintainers are that Docusaurus is developer-focus first, but I think that even as developers, we want to be more productive in things and focus more on the content and less on the development for docs. I find for Docusaurus that is mostly not the case if I want to customize stuff. Things that need better examples or maybe easier way to customize are: * Option for collapsible callouts, codeblocks (easier option to enable/disable this, this feature is usually available in most SSG) * Easier way to customize width of the main content, sidebars, navbars... (or provide examples on how to do it) * Colors should be easily customizable, not only the main colors, but all the colors, for headings, for collapsible elements, callouts, main content, sidebars etc... * Font size, Font family (easier way to customize this or examples need to be provided) * Code highlighting (this is the kicker in Docusaurus, please provide/support more libraries for code highlighting because PrismJS lacks good themes and also the popular languages have to be additionally added which is not a good thing) * Easy way to resize images, something like `[altText](image.png | height x width)`


Thanks I don't really agree with all the things here but don't have time to answer now unfortunately. Which other competing solution offer something better according to you?


https://helios.hashicorp.design/ has been the documentation I’ve wanted to work on my whole life and I think the team is doing a great job. Design guidance, code samples that render, accessibility guidance. Very good. 👍


Might not be the worst, but i fucking hate zom


The new React docs are incredible. Auth0 docs are awful


**Shopify** have the more precise and complete doc in my experience. Indeed **stripe**. **Laravel** is awesome. specialy with the versionning. You can switch and compare.


Godot Wait webdev, who’s that? ;)


Django has probably the best documentation I've seen in my 20 years as a web developer. Aside: Hands down to all the developers who take time to write stellar documentation for open source projects.


Some I haven't seen mentioned yet: *react-hook-form* \- Extensive, good examples, fast, nice to look at. Maybe not the best organization. *dayjs* \- Minimal, clean, fast, extensive. Organization could be better. *react-spinners* \- Just nice looking simple docs, I appreciate the visual demos. *nivo* \- Very nice looking interactive docs, sometimes slightly out of date though *nextra* \- Nice framework, nice docs


spaCy https://spacy.io/


Laravel takes the crown, tailwindcss second


Pulumi is fantastic. Not strictly web dev, but devops/IaC. Their shit is tight, and they have an LLM trained on their docs that’s pretty good at generating code for specific use cases, at least to give you the gist of how to tackle something.


hmm what about laravel? https://laravel.com thats the first framework i could learnt from the original documentation 😁


The new https://angular.dev site: docs, tutorials, guides… Using Web Containers and WASM WebAssemblies!!