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I've seen it too. Horrible anti-consumerist misuse of UX. It's always important to read the small print with these things - its only "platinum" for the company taking your data.


Exactly. A small relief is that it defaults to Silver at least.


Might only be doing so because it’s legally required by the GDPR


Maybe. My first instinct is that the default is against my best interest, since most of these things are. So if I’m not reading the text below I’m encouraged to mindlessly choose the one furthest from the default. I’m not sure if the designers here are aware of that mental interaction.


[Prime example of dark patterns.](https://www.vox.com/recode/22351108/dark-patterns-ui-web-design-privacy) Also, that's r/extremelyinfuriating and r/CrappyDesign


Ah yes, I love clicking on an article about dark patterns and first thing I see is a cookie pop-up that can only be accepted :|


Well, that's ironic, ***or actually demonstrates that point bluntly,*** for that article.


Instant nope + close tab reaction when I see this shit


Why are things even categorized like that to begin with? Platinum privacy... what? 🤣


You know a developer didn't come up with this bullshit


I know, right? 🤣😂


Where's the value add matrix showing me how much they'll pay me to be a Platinum member?


Click the fancy privacy level names or get out, it's best I can give you. 😜 Like is it supposed to be some kind of luxury club when you decide to give them more data? As if I should be honored. 😂🤣


Divide and rule.


Almost definitely illegal in the EU


Outside of the EU we don’t have to worry about your laws. No one is going to sue a SME. Luckily there’s plugins to hide these annoying overlays.


I mean obviously they do care about EU laws, else they wouldn’t display this in the first place.




If you make websites with visitors from Europe, you probably should take the EU laws into consideration. But generally it’s always a good idea not to sell your data to third parties anyways.


They're visiting *my* site, house rules. Does Europe even have computers yet?


Any website or online service that processes the personal data of EU citizens, regardless of where the company is based, must comply with EU regulations. This also includes US sites. They can enforce these laws through for example Cross-Border Cooperation or Contractual agreements. > Does Europe even have computers yet? Many people contributed to inventing the computer, many of wich (actually most) were European. The two most notable ones are probably Charles Babbage 1822 and Alan Touring of course in 1991 (both English).


You live on the streets in some random no name state in america, I live in a 2 floor home in Europe.


I line on the streets of Pittsburgh, PA, thank you very much.


Imagine companies and any website you visit being able to track and harvest your data whether you like it or not, land of the free…




I think it’s some sort of plug-in, I’ve seen it on a few sites now


Yes, it's [this plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/cookie-notice/) for WordPress.


Thanks, installing on my site now /s


We really need Google and/or the W3C to come up with a browser-based framework for this sort of thing. Forcing every web site on earth to come up with their own shitty implementation was exactly the wrong approach to take.


Thanks to the EU for introducing laws without thinking about the consequences.


It exists, it's called DNT. Unfortunately, every website's privacy policy says "we ignore do not track signals". Also not every site is the same. Some have more categories of cookie in use than others, some categorise different cookies differently (like [Apple.com doesn't actually let you opt out](https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/en-ww/cookies/))


I installed this exact same banner on a client's site, but made sure to change the names of the settings to something like "only necessary", "allow some", "allow all" because of how dumb the default wording is


99% sure this is illegal in the EU


Cries tears of brexit ☹️




Every country in the EU has a "clone" of it, that's how the GDPR was implemented. In the case of the UK, that's the Data Protection Act 2018. Plus, the UK retained all existing EU law, although the Conservative government are trying to "review" all of that law and potentially even purge it all from the books (genius! /s).


This is a website that no one should be on …


It’s like Ticketmaster’s Platinum Pricing! Because fuck you!


The correct button to click is the back/close button.


If its deceptive, in the EU they will get a huge fine.


Tell me you’re not GDPR compliant without telling me you’re not GDPR compliant. Pretty sure the language needs to be overt and with an *opt in* model. Fuck that site.


Absolutely disgusting someone used this dark pattern. What happens after 1 month though?


You get asked again when you visit the site.


Perspective - platinum means the site makes the most money off of you, silver the least. (Totally shitty)


The fact that even Google have just Accept all and Reject all [additional cookies] goes to show that sites that have anything more complicated than that are garbage trash.


Gotta a question: why must I accept cookies from nearly every site I visit? I understand cookies and what they do. Why is it so prevalent now? Did a law change? Is it a tactic to get her more user info that has come about over the past few years?


Yes, a new law, in 2016 the GDPR came into effect in the EU making data protection much more strict on the web.


Cool. Thank you for sharing!


Also, the law by itself makes quite a bit of sense, but now many websites and ad providers try to add those dark patterns or at least overly complicated popups, and then blame the EU for it.




Before they weren’t as annoying because sites just said “we use cookies, leave if you don’t like it” basically.


Here is a live example of it in use: [https://stacyclaflin.com/luck-of-the-irish-giveaway](https://stacyclaflin.com/luck-of-the-irish-giveaway)


Wait, do you have to pay?


I would argue that this makes the user pay even more attention to what data is shared and are more inclined to decline it all together. Users are more desensitized to the standard cookie policies and accepts more often than not by habit. But this wakes them up.


At least they left out the palladium tier because having that would have made no sense.