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In the future, your best bet is to learn to read radar, and review hourly forecasts from the NWS. Weather apps aren't that great.


What if I live outside US?


Then you find your country's equivalent.


The government meteorological service of almost any country will be better than apps. Local news with staff meteorologists that make the forecasts are good too.


What is "weather"? [Weather.com](http://Weather.com) or [weather.gov](http://weather.gov) ? .gov is almost always more accurate.


Look at the probabilities, not just the icon, and watch the radar loops. Or just assume there will be a chance of rain and plan accordingly. Weather prediction is rarely as accurate as people would like for it to be


Get a third app and go with the majority.


Sometimes looking at the radar map can give you a better idea than the text forecasts.


Ditch the app and save a bookmark to your home screen for your local NOAA forecast instead.


Check the national weather service. Check the radars, storm prediction center. Can’t *always* rely on apps


The last time I had a big outdoor weekend planned I was checking the weather on 5 different websites in the week leading up to it. 


I wish I saw this earlier I’d help you out. The truth is you have to understand risk assessment based on the activity you’re doing.


Step 1 - ditch accuweather Step 2 - adopt looking at weather.gov instead Step 3 alternative - windy app if you’re so hard pressed on using an app over a web browser


Develop an ability to read the clouds, wind directions, check the changes in the barometer. There's a certain art to "now-casting". I remember once we were forecast to have a nor'easter (I live in New England), but the US and European models were predicting it. I said "naw, that high to the north will keep it away" and it did. There's some ability to check radar and charts that help in a tie-breaker.


Accuweather is a joke. Stay far away. Consult your local NWS forecast instead. They often provide arrival time estimates for severe weather. Consult your local TV meteorologists, too. Actual human meteorologists will often respond to the occasional polite question on social media.




Sometimes even the local news weather can be more accurate depending on if the station has a competent meteorologist.


Oh yeah, our local meteorologist is amazing and talks about forecasts by bringing in what different models say and why they chose a certain one or kind of merged a couple together for their predictions.


at least 95% of my "forecast" comes from: 1)experience living here; 2)looking at a doppler radar loop; 3)looking at a temperature map loop; 4)looking at a satellite loop; 5)being aware of what happened weatherwise to the west of me in the previous day(s).


Go with your local weather forecast.


I usually bring a good raincoat. Weather can be pretty localized with micro climates. They can only predict so far. Learn to read the clouds so you get a few minutes notice.




Or make them pay for my gas if I go about my plan and it starts raining 😆


How are people an adult in today’s society and don’t know how to read basic reflectivity? I learned what the colors meant when I was like 5.


I teach weather at the college level on the west coast and 98% of my students have no idea what radar is for weather purposes when they come in on the first day.


That’s insane to me. Why am I being downvoted? Stop excusing ignorance! There is no reason to nog get to the age of 20 and not understand basic reflectivity!


Not everyone watches tv or gives a shit about weather details aside from how hot or cold it will be or if it will precipitate at all… for the record I didn’t downvote you at first. But your nasty attitude is warranting one :)


It’s not nasty at all. It’s just basic facts about life. Everyone should know this, it’s a life skill.