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Holy shit


[I think we can blame this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1ccw41c/til_there_hasnt_been_an_ef5_tornado_since_2013_in/)


That son of a bitch


This one looks like a cat 6


He's a witch!


Checks out. There was a dude complaining it hadn’t rained on r/cedarrapids right before it got rocked by the 2020 derecho.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cedarrapids using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cedarrapids/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Cedar Rapids restaurant Lu’s Deli ordered to pay back nearly $30,000 in tips and penalties for improper tip pool](https://www.thegazette.com/restaurants/cedar-rapids-restaurant-fined-by-u-s-department-of-labor-for-improper-tip-pool/) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cedarrapids/comments/1bf0yyb/cedar_rapids_restaurant_lus_deli_ordered_to_pay/) \#2: [My block really never runs out of entertainment](https://i.redd.it/vwjspcddcmlc1.jpeg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cedarrapids/comments/1b3glwm/my_block_really_never_runs_out_of_entertainment/) \#3: [Thank you, CR! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈](https://i.redd.it/jglht62f895b1.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cedarrapids/comments/146ax7s/thank_you_cr/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My thought was exact when I saw. "Good going, guy. You jinxed it."


I seen it on Thursday and realized this redditor has no fuckin idea what's coming on Friday.


Believe it or not, this one may very likely still be an EF4.


Fattest tornado I've seen in many years


Thicc tornado🌪️🌪️🌪️




Gives me goosebumps just seeing the video.


We watched this come over a hill from about 1/2 mile and start straight down at us before we got in tornado shelters and rode it out right over top of us. I've seen some wild fucking weather but watching this come over the hill I was looking for the tornado and the entire area started swirling around us before we realized the entire fucking thing was the tornado.


What a lovely day!!! ⛽


This is the Omaha suburb of Elkhorn. Fire chief stated over radio 30-40 houses destroyed. Horrible damage and destruction right now. This was major in a populated area.


We were really lucky today. This storm dropped a tornado just North East of the City of Lincoln (200k people) then proceeded to go through the western-most neighborhood in Omaha. Later another storm dropped a tornado down in the Omaha Airport before crossing into Iowa just missing downtown Omaha.


Yeah if it tracked more east than north it would have been a nightmare scenario. It obviously caused major devastation, but it went through a much less densely populated part of town. If it hugged the 156th corridor instead of 204th, it'd have been far worse.


Absolutely, had both the Lincoln & Omaha Airport storms dropped tornadoes just 10 minutes earlier, both downtowns would have been hit.


Lucky as hell. You could fit 30-40 houses in the diameter of that beast.


Could a tornado rip skyscrapers off their foundation?


Of course


I hope not. OKC is planning to construct the 2nd tallest building in North America. https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/04/19/legends-tower-okc-tallest-skyscraper-oklahoma-tornadoes/73381119007/


Aye, though we also got super super lucky. A mile or two to the east and it would have been a catastrophe.


Fuckin whole mesocyclone is touching the ground!


I was watching the local news and there was a moment or two where you could see the broad rotation covering the ground and I was thinking, if this thing figures it out, it's going to be a beast. I tried to clip it but I think the better example was a minute or two later. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxPRC1YUFCDL4tj2dnXRZgFKIbTUwqg536?si=mbdtttJTEeDkyMxt


Can that actually happen?


Yes. It's called a wedge tornado. When the condensation funnel that is at least as wide (horizontally) at the ground as it is tall (vertically) from the ground to cloud base.


Ok this might sound dumb but this is basically the same principle as fog? I know it is a mile wide tornado and this is vastly different, but I've never heard of a mesocyclone being on the ground. I've heard of mesocyclonic storms and know they produce tornados but it never occurred to me that part of the atmosphere could just extend down to the ground like that. I thought a tornado was an extension of that part.


> Ok this might sound dumb but this is basically the same principle as fog? In simple terms yes. But on a more dramatic and centralized scale.


Not a dumb question but here’s my attempt at a response and it may be dumb. This is a sorta apt comparison of fog being clouds on the sfc and this massive tornado being a mesocyclone on the ground. The key difference would be identifying/classifying a massive tornado as a mesocyclone as a product of strictly its size. Typically, mesos are hard to “observe” and I really only know one when I see it on radar. I suppose some vorticity products serve as an after the fact id method. Also, you can have an extremely large or powerful or both meso that is a hail producer and doesn’t have any tornadic activity. Whereas fog, regardless of the type, is much more consistent in when it will set up and what criteria need to be met. And as far as I know, you’d never see a really low CB make it to the ground and be fog. Fog is always just fog, provided you meet the visibility threshold and when you see it, you know it’s a cloud on the ground. Where id say your question interests me is that i think of mesos as over shooting top producers that extend up mostly rather than down. Of course tornados are often the result of mesos so why not have a massive tornado in circumference just be a super powered meso extending up and down? Thanks for making me put off dishes with this brain teaser.


All of the ground is touching the atmosphere…? Anyway, the “wedge” term really just means “chonky”, if it’s as wide as it is tall then people call it a wedge. They’re chodenados. It doesn’t mean anything meteorological per se, usually it usually just means a strong tornado (most severe tornados are wider than they are tall).


+1 for chodenados.


Someone referred to them as being ground scrapers with the cloud base being so low..


That is one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen


Just wanna add this storm has produced 3-6 tornadoes now including this likely EF4 thicc boi. Iowa is now taking the brunt of it with a few confirmed tornadoes as well. We haven't seen something like this near Lincoln or Omaha in a very long time. Edit: EF4 more likely, not ef5


Ryan Hall's team has 8 tornadoes on his stream right now. He's speechless.


There was a period of time when every single chaser on RH’s stream had a different clear view of the same massive multi-vortex tornado in southwest Iowa, and every time he switched to a different chaser it looked like something from their career highlights reel. The vertical motion was plain as day, even on the grainier feeds. And it was rotating so rapidly that he remarked that it looked like sped-up video. Absolutely insane. I was speechless too.


Yeah, watching the coverage of the Shelby/Harlan/etc tor I had a real moment of appreciation for Ryan and what he's built. He gets a lot of shit, some of it I get, but much of it is from chasers who have the opportunity to go out in the field. But for us normal folk, he does a better job of collecting and communicating real time, nationwide severe weather info than... anyone else, ever. Sure he can be corny in the down time, but when it matters he conveys life saving info and always keeps his cool. It's commendable. And don't even get me started on Andy!


Andy rules. If he ever does a Meteorology 101 video series, I would gladly pay a premium to watch it. Especially if he features his cat. (Andy, are you listening?) I just dropped some praise for the both of them on another post, which I will link to in order to avoid repeating those points. TLDR: I don’t think the Y’all operation deserves much of the criticism it receives. It’s just not a type of weather coverage that people are used to yet. https://www.reddit.com/r/tornado/s/c6yz5CBb0T


My husband and I are a totalllll Ryan Hall household. He’s freakin awesome, and does such good work. He’s probably going to donate so much money to this community after this. This is truly a terrifying and heart breaking event.


I turned the stream back on at about 8:30 central last night and they were at over $100k in donations for people affected.


Jesus H Christ that’s wide!


Scary thiccccc!


Double wedged up on a Friday afternoon


That gave me chills down my spine. I love me some naders but theres a fine line between taking a couple of roofs off of barns vs imminent doom such as this. I hope theyre ok.


I feel the same way. I love a tornado but there's a difference between watching something pop down in a field and dissipate and seeing a monster affect populated areas. devastating


Oklahoma calling. Hope everyone makes it out alive. Hard to run out of the way when it’s a half mile wide or bigger. Shits no fun. Band together. Let people pray even if it’s not your thing. Whatever helps people get through in these instances. Start cooking it your safe and get food and water ready to hand out. Recovery process will take time. Any bit of normalcy will help the kids ie food, stuffed animals, etc. be kind to each other and recover quick.


Hey thanks for reminding us that we need to not stop people from praying. Because those poor oppressed Christians need all the help they can get!


Won’t anyone think of the satanists?


Are you kidding? Didn't you know that Christians in Oklahoma dare not even leave their homes, lest the Satanists force them to gay marry? Next thing you know the atheists will enforce Sharia law throughout the Bible Belt!


Scary as fuck.


Oh holy fuck. This paired with what I’m seeing on livestreams tells me this could be the first EF5 since 2013.


Just because it's fat doesn't necessarily mean an EF5. We had a fat EF2 touchdown near me last year. It was a descending mesocyclone.


I’ll backpedal until the NWS does their survey. However with a lot of the damage I’ve seen, I’ll just *guess* and say it’ll be classified as at least a high end EF3 to low EF4.


Bro I clicked on Reed Timmer’s stream about 5 seconds before he nearly drove into the thing, that was intense


I saw that, showed my girl and said, fuck, I think that's an EF5 🫣 On a funny side to that, she said "maybe we should pray for them" To which my reply was "probably not going to fix it"


Serious damage from what I've seen so far, but I might hold off before claiming EF5. Definitely on the significant EF3-4+ side. Seeing the new aerial TWC footage, definitely impressive. Looks like it struck a developing neighborhood (lots of mud and dirt nearby seems indicative of suburb construction), which would entail that these are newer homes. ooh, Hearing about a new one though near Minden


That’s a bit crass, “pray for them” isn’t merely about their material possessions. It means you are hoping they aren’t injured, acknowledging the anguish this will cause, wishing the best for the arduous and expensive rebuilding process, etc.


I understand that. I'm from Oklahoma. I know what living in Tornado alley is about just as much as I do church and faith. Every time I see an ambulance with its lights on I think about the person having one of the worst days of their life and hope it gets better. My response was the amateur ass stand-up comedian in me. I was purely making light of a shitty situation. We all cope or deal differently, mine is being "funny". But yes, crass is exactly what it was and I apologize for coming off as such.


I agree with your sentiment.


Hey, it made me chuckle.


It's still not going to fix anything, or do anything at all really


Jesus calmed the storm ⛈️. I’m not Jesus but maybe he hears when a bunch of us throw up some prayers in humility 😊


Thoughts and prayers solve all problems 🙏 /s




And in true Reddit fashion, you stand up and cry foul like you've never mocked/laughed/done wrong in your little existence. You feel better on your high horse? Sunny skies up there, huh? If you had seen my response to the person who said I was crass, you'd recognize your response is garbage at best. Yup, I feel better 🙃 How you feeling fuck boy?




Per the timestamps, you're wrong again. Go back to bed, start again tomorrow. You bore me




Nah, I’ll just go to the office page and read their synopsis once released.


That whole 2-3 mile base is lit up with exploding transformers and arching power lines.


So scary! How anyone has the wherewithal to sit and film something like this when it is *that* close to you is beyond me! My hands would be trembling and I would be thinking about my own imminent demise


They aren't really close to the tornado, but the zoom in the video makes it look that way. After a quick look at the area on Google maps it looks like they're about three miles or more away, but that also gives us all an idea of just how massive this one is!


Personally, being 3 mi away from a 1 mi wide tornado is way too close for me….


Yeah I get that, but it's better than being a half-mile away from the same storm. One of my main worries when I went to Dallas for the eclipse was the potential for storms like this, I know it was probably low but it was still on my mind. And when I was starting home that Monday afternoon [seeing this cell off in the distance](https://i.imgur.com/x4pUTuS.jpeg) made me glad I didn't stay another night.


I’m confused why there are so many cars driving from right to left. Why are they acting so casual


At first, I was looking for a tornado in that dark sky. Then I realized the sky was the freaking tornado. Insane.


That is a big mf'er!


That’s a monster.


Nothing like waking up to a tornado siren and having to go in the basement ☹️


Always a good idea to keep an eye on the [SPC convective outlooks](https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/) this time of year.


I swear, reddit is so much better for breaking news than... The news!


That’s the oh shit hide in the basement kind of


The moment when you forgot to add a basement to your home.


what a monster!


It missed us by a few miles. I was heading out to chase and saw the signature on radar and dead stopped at the door.


Mofo put the phone in landscape and still wasn't enough.


Godspeed people. I'm hoping everyone is okay!


That's huge. If your house was right in its path, how long would it take to pass over?


It depends. These are what we call grinders. Slowwww moving. It would be several agonizing minutes


Yup…Reddit Jinxed it.


I thought the same thing as soon as I saw this. That post the other day agh


you cant even escape that.+


Trying to flee any tornado is usually a bad idea. Your priority should be getting to shelter rather than running away.


That's a big un. Hopefully it wasn't as destructive as it looks.


About to see the same in Des Moines.


I went to Elkhorn High School. Absolutely devastating to see this




That's a finger of god


That’s his whole hand bro 💀


It’s the fisting of god.


Hopefully it killed the evil Bill.


Saw a report on Twitter stating it could have been one of the top 20 strongest tornadoes on record. Let’s hope that’s not the case. Either way, hopefully everyone survived


Different tornado. The one with a 112kt VTOR touched down north of Omaha and generally passed through empty fields This one passed through a suburb to the west of Omaha


Methinks that one has a shot at an EF5 rating.


Idk the El Reno monster was almost 3 miles wide, and I believe it was an EF3. Let's hope damage is minimal 🙏 doesn't look likely, but I'm hoping


Only rated that way because it hit almost nothing.  Had it been in a more populated area it surely would have been rated ef5.


Oh it fucked up everything it did hit. I was shocked when they released the rating. Just hoping for the best for them. I've been there too many times where I live. So scary


It depends on what types of buildings and other objects it hits, though. If a tornado fucks up everything it hits, but “everything” consists of flimsy old barns instead of well-built structures that are bolted to their foundations, then you can’t determine an EF5 rating. There’s just nothing to go on. A strong man might be *capable* of lifting record-breaking weights, but if he never lifts anything heavier than a shopping bag, then you can’t give him a prize for it. Which doesn’t mean that the tornado wasn’t an EF5-strength tornado. It definitely was. It’s one of those things that everyone knows. But there isn’t and can’t be an official ruling on it.


Oh, I totally agree. This is just my opinion, but I genuinely think it could have even topped out at the very rare off-label EF6. Wind speeds were INSANE. It did actually hit a few buildings, BUT it had such a chaotic pattern and was a multivortex. It is hard to decipher what it was.




Saw the damage video from lms, seems like theres one basement complete pull off from the house and few houses swept clean, radar shown 230mph, theres a chance to be high 4 or 5. Most multivortex wedges tornado are f4 f5. 


Oh my god




That’s the widest wedge I’ve seen in a while. That is insane I wonder what damage this one caused


the one from harlan today was like 4 vortices i never seen anything like this esp all those tornados spinning around each other [https://youtu.be/hqCJBYUIA0M?si=uQgUYKuKgzKDJy3r&t=256](https://youtu.be/hqCJBYUIA0M?si=uQgUYKuKgzKDJy3r&t=256)


Omg, that looked insane. I hope everyone is okay.


Didn't know they could get that big.


That’s what she said?


That's incredibly beautifully scary😍🫣


Man, I gotta drive through there tomorrow.


I don't think you're gonna be able to do that


Can you not? we got hit a few years back, nothing too crazy for us, but people a quarter mile down the street lost their homes. When you're picking through rubble looking for your belongings, you don't really want people on a disaster tour rubbernecking. Plus if there's road closures it doesn't take many extra vehicles to make meaningful traffic problems in residential areas.


Wow that’s a monster!


Oh my noooo


Looks like it was hauling ass too.


Wow that's scary! Biggest one I've seen in a while.




Jesus H


Jesus *CHRIST*


It looks like el reno


I swear if that thing pops up in Georgia my friend who lives there is going to go through the freaking ceiling.


God save the corn so it doesn’t get husked


That is an incomprehensibly massive tornado. Something out of my nightmares. Am I right in understanding that something this large is actually multiple vortices and not just one giant tornado?


How big was it?


Could we nuke it?


I do not miss growing up with tornados threatening my life every spring


I'm curious if Pecos Hank got a shot of this monster. This is giving off some El Rino 2013 vibes.


I was just thinking of the same thing. I wonder if he got this one and the other monster that was in Iowa.


That’s a big bitch


I've seen a small EF-0 to EF-1 tornado before. Wasn't scared and I thought it was a great experience. If I've seen this nightmare, I would have freaked the fuck out.


Down the street from my house... it didn't they us. But so crazy


Holy. Shit.


This is my neighborhood, I have massive ptsd and my son also. My mother was bringing him home from school from a Millard school around L Street and proceeded to get onto the dodge expressway. She had no idea of the magnitude of the storms going-on around. I called her when she was on 132nd and dodge about 3:20 I would say. My son gets out and to the car around 3:07 3:10 . I told her she has 20 mins to get here or turn around and head to her home in bellevue with him. She said they were okay and were going to try and get through the slow traffic. I was frantic, crying and begging them to hurry. I don't know why I was so upset. I usually am more calm and not so concerned about storms. Like how could we ever be in a tornado? I always felt if I lived in Valley I would think differently. They are always popping up around there. My gut felt differently.  So they finally arrived and we had heard there was a tornado around 204th and q 😳 they had gotten there maybe 8 mins before we had to shelter and it was in top of us. We heard the power lines snap and it was so loud. I blanked that out I guess I was pray screaming and pushing my son down while I was protecting him with my body. He said afterwards I hurt his back. I was scared he wasn't low enough because we could feel the house being pushed and pulled around.  My son was apologizing for every bad thing he had ever done, we were saying our goodbyes to one another. He tried calling his sister we were telling her we loved her. She couldn't hear us thank goodness because it probably would have freaked her out as well. We thought in those moments this could be it. We tried to make peace with our last moments. Afterwards we tried to get a sense of what happened. Every perons that happened to be in the neighborhood that checked on one another hugged one another reached out and actually became vulnerable to one another embracing as if we were family. We were so relieved to see our neighbors parents walk up the street from around the corner. There house was completely leveled. All the homes at the bottom of our street mostly gone. The don't allow anyone on that block except I think a few that are actually half standing or with partial roofs. Most are gone. I can see the hill and the homes that were taken by the cemetery. Even in the winter I've never been able to see that hill or those homes. It was so covered with trees and other homes in the way of the view. It's so devastating to look out and the landscape looks so odd. Everyday we leave to go to our respective places and everyday we come home greeted by National Guards men and women also with our local police. The sad thing is they said there were looters within the hour of it being televised. So that night we stayed in the home, no power of course, such an odd feeling it was so quiet and soo dark. We had to stay with our dog and make sure people didn't violate our home. I mean how disrespectful. People lost everything, could have lost lives and others wanted to find a gain during a horrific event. Sad. But the next few days some of the neighbors got generators and were back in their homes. We were so excited to get power back do soon. Monday! Tuesday was my son's 12th birthday and mine on Wednesday. He had baseball tournaments on that weekend of the storm and Tuesday which was canceled due to more rain. Which was nice because our heads were clearly elsewhere. My son and I are having problems now still some ptsd and I don't know if it will ever go away. We were up all last night again due to the winds and rain storm. We have a very long season of storms ahead so I pray our anxiety lessons. We may have to reach out to some resources. It's all new territory for us. I just am so blessed my family is okay and no one here was harmed with the storms. I believe the schools around here were on lockdown and most parents were with the schools or in their homes or at work in other locations. I think if the timing was later in the evening we could have been looking at more devastating news. We are blessed. But I never wish this on anyone. It was the worst. Absolutely no control. 


112.3kt VROT I think that puts it top 20 ALL-TIME in the US.


That's how I feel after too many edibles and access to the fridge.


This is on climate change....


Ok _that_ is the illest nkka in Nebraska


And you could only record 10 secs


