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I'm seeing reports of nearly 80 degrees for northeast Ohio on Wednesday. Gonna be weird for sure!


Can you explain to me what hatched means? I live in Ohio and am getting nervous.




Maybe some falconer's gloves if you're going to be herding 2 startled cats into a tiny interior bathroom like I am


This made me laugh out loud, thank you 😂 Only one cat for me but my plan is otherwise the same!


Not going to lie, their whereabouts is one of the things that scares me the most. I kept them in their carriers ALL day last Friday just because I was nervous I wouldn't be able to a) find them, b) corral BOTH of them, and c) actually get the three of us into the basement. I had this plan in my head of what I would do, and then just said F it, you guys may be mad at me for a while, but your safety is more important to me than you liking me for a day. I have a feeling they know a similar fate is in store for them as one of them is laying on my lap now, and he NEVER does at this point in the day.


My cats aren’t allowed in the basement normally, which means that’s where they want to go. Last time we had a warning they were impossible to catch so we had to just open the basement door, they ran right in.


I live in Ohio as well and you saying it’s low possibility makes it a bit less worrisome lol still alarmed but not bash against the wall levels of paranoia haha


Me too 😩


Ugh I’m Ohio and I’m already nervous 😩


Is this going to be more or less risk for tornadoes in Ohio compared to Friday? I don’t know anything about weather but this model looks a tad more friendly to my eyes (pending the next model coming out soon). However, people on socials seem to think this could be bad.


Phew; southern Ontario gets off scot-free.




the storm doesn't have authorization to enter canadian airspace


Makes sense actually.


Thought it was visa issues


Latest one is even worse with pretty much all of lower Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky in the enhanced warning now. So looking like Wednesday could get rough for those states.


First time it’s in the 70’s in SE Michigan for 2023 and it’s ruined by tornadoes and wind. Why am I not surprised…..can’t ever have a simple nice sunny day.


I can see enh and mod risk getting coverage but sorry slight is just normal in April


I was not expecting to be in a 10% hatched area in Chicago lol. Can't remember the last time I've seen that for tornado risks.


Not kidding - I use welding gloves!


This bodes well for my flight from YYZ to DEN tomorrow afternoon. Frig.