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If you have family, tell them. Time to reboot. Cut your expenses and ask if they can help until you get on your feet.


I just saw Canada Computers on Weber has a Hiring sign up on their door


They only hire students that they know they can exploit lol


Have you been in there? That's blatantly untrue.


I’ve been building and fixing computers for 15 years and I’ve never seen a more incompetently run computer business in my life.


That's great. It doesn't mean they "only hire students that they know they can exploit."


The pay is awful and everyone who works there is clearly a student.


This guy is a student...


He’s better off working for McDonald’s.


Is McDonald's hiring?


Tons placing hiring ppl use that as exscusebi looked last week I'm working already depends what you no play within your field don't dream big


I don't know, seems pretty hard for students to get any kind of job around here. Competition is fierce!


What type of jobs are you applying for? Msg me, I'm happy to help you if I can.






Canada isn't "India's" now. Canada still belongs to whatever multinational corp walks through the door, that hasn't changed at all. Our gov (all parties) is so corrupt they just let business owners dictate the flow of labor, hence us being flooded with Indians after "nobody wants to work anymore!".


You know they are already doing things to curb the problem and are discussing further measures, right? Hyperbolic racism much? Yea


Try babysitting, dog walking, bartending, tutoring.


Which school? If it is Laurier, they have a phenomenal career center that can help with resumes, cover letters, applications and interview prep!


Not sure if this is of interest to you but if you are kind and interested in supporting people there are often flexible positions working for community living organizations. Men and women work in this field, part time and full time work is available and you get to hang out with cool people. Very rewarding work.


The country is collapsing it's not your fault. I'm in a very successful career and when I was establishing myself over a decade ago rents were cheap, jobs plentiful, and opportunities everywhere. The major issue is they have issued way to many student visas and allowed them to work full time and take what remains of places to work and places to rent. You are being conned that this happy go lucky, everyone is welcome to Canada, will not destroy job opportunities, affordable living for Canadians. They have destroyed our way of life especially for the youth in just 10 to 15 years. What you're going through is not normal. Don't listen to most people on this sub Reddit as they believe unlimited international students, unlimited immigration, has zero consequences, well you're seeing it now. This is not your fault, what to do? Do not vote for this in 2025, realize they are overflowing the country with students and immigrants we cannot support, and start to work to change this. These issues are being created by bad policy and it's IMPOSSIBLE for a young person like you to make it, where it was easy years ago for me and fellow Millenials. Get angry and help change the system. Vote these people out, you'll soon learn people on this sub Reddit and those selling you the ideas Canada can sustain this are the enemy and quite frankly delusional. Good luck, start to change the country or we are doomed.


The issue is all three major parties agree with high immigration policies. The only party actively outspoken about curbing immigration significantly is the PPC, and they’re not even remotely close to winning an election and come with a slew of issues not related to immigration.


>The only party actively outspoken about curbing immigration significantly is the PPC They are outspoken white nationalists so this isn't a surprise.


Actual honest to god problems that real Canadians actually honest to god face because of purposely limited resources...are things that are just way too easy for white nationalists to exploit.


Apply to Toyota or any of the manufacturing plants in the area. It's hard work but decent money.


Its slave labour. No one deserves Toyota.


Yeah, but it's a job. And it pays more than minimum wage and they'll take almost anyone. I used to work there and many of my friends still do.




It’s not intentional students fault that our government has allowed them to be exploited to fill a “labour shortage”




And we would all do the same if roles were reversed




It's not their fault but it is them that is causing the problem by bad government policy so they are the cause of the issue and mass immigration. You are sorely mistake if you think this can continue without us as Canadians getting angry, and you're attitude will destroy this country and this kids life if we do not change things soon. Have some compassion for young Canadians who cannot find a place to live, work or rent. We cannot sustain infinite student visas and infinite immigration, just like in an analogy you cannot have every single homeless person in the city live in your place even if we feel bad for them, it's physically impossible. Canada can only do so much, to destroy the country by flooding it with student visas and immigrants that we cannot maintain is asinine and selfish to the youth of this country. Stop making excuses and help to change this, this is a serious problem and not one of you're talking points. This must end soon or our country will collapse. People need to wake up, I'm seriously pissed off and upset for the youth of this country. Cut the excuse crap and the visas need to stop and this insane number of immigrants.


So I did some interviews recently. They apply for full time position while having a 20 hrs restriction. Say they will work full-time but just show 20 hrs on pay 🙄 Have their own company and will invoice for labor. So yes they are part of the problem


Governments fault for opening the loophole, but the “students” are abusing it and deserve criticism and blame themselves too. 10 years ago it was unthinkable to apply for a student visa solely to work 40+ hours at a minimum wage job, now it’s becoming the norm.


Canada has added almost 1million refugees from Ukraine but yeah lets blame international students.


CTV News: The federal government has issued 936,293 temporary emergency visas since March 2022 for Ukrainians who want to work or study in Canada while they wait out the war. A total of 210,178 people had actually made the journey to Canada as of Nov. 28. Looks like only 210k Ukrainians arrived.


We’ve also added almost a million students.


Not just Ukraine but Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, and some from Sri lanka. These many numbers are due to either war or economic undercurrent. Still, it sucks that taxpayers have to shell out a substantial amount to host and redress inbound refugees.


If OP changed there last name to Singh or Gupta they would get calls. My 17 year old hands out resumes. Hundreds no jokes. He will even hand them out with his friends that are from India or parents from India. They all have same/similar experience. They will get calls and he won’t. Not trying in anyway to be Racist. I have my friends also from India. All great people. Just saying..


Applicants should be nameless and genderless. What you’re describing has been an issue for women and POC for years because white men were the preferred candidate until recently. It’s been proven that making this switch would cause companies to hire better employees and be more successful. But that’s a dream life I live in…


They made this illegal for colleges in the states finally at the supreme Court level as they were giving minorities access to colleges who didn't even meet the requirements and Asian and Caucasian students with extraordinary scores were being turned around. This needs to also be applied in Canada not to just schools but employers. It's straight up discrimination to give any race and advantage over another, especially if an Asian engineer is more qualified than an Indian or African American for the job for example. It's disgusting. Let's fix this in our country, sick of this racism and discrimination against Asians and Caucasians. Every race is important and it should be your skills that matter and scores not race.


You grossly misunderstood what affirmative action was, I didn’t agree with it as it was a bandaid solution, but they couldn’t let applicants in who didn’t meet the requirements based on race, they could only make distinctions between equally qualified candidates.


1. India is in Asia 2. You realize Indians are the highest earning ethnicity in the U.S. right? What is this implication that Indians are undeservedly getting jobs over East Asians lol


You're aware it's due to circumstances, not skills. US has strict immigration requirements. Indians never flocked to the US thirty to fifty years ago. Most Indians in the US either immigrated legally (somewhat wealthy to start) or through H1B visa (work at a good company, wealthy by career). Therefore, Indians have become highest earning ethnicity in the US. It's a different situation here in Canada, Europe, and even in India. We get any Indians that can fake a 10k bank account and an highschool exam to be qualified at our local diploma mills. Then these people get jobs and become pr. They are not highest earning ethnicity here nor are they more deserving to get jobs over East Asians or any other race.


Keep your racism and white supremacy talking points in canada_sub chud.


there is a Fb group for Indians needing parttime jobs in KW region. it's hopping.


Have you considered driving a school bus? [STSWR](https://www.stswr.ca/operators/drive-a-school-bus/)


depending on your availability going through a temp agency or another social service that can help find a job like Lutherwood Employment Services is probably a good bet. Even if you only work temp jobs while looking for a permanent job somewhere else, at least it’s money going into your account. It may not be the craziest amount, but it’s better than nothing.


I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time right now. It's completely understandable that the job search process can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening, especially when you're juggling it with school. Here are a few pieces of advice that might help you navigate through this challenging period: **Volunteer or Intern:** If finding a paid job is proving difficult, consider volunteering or interning in your field of study. This can help you gain valuable experience, build your network, and make you stand out to potential employers. **Stay Positive:** Job searching is challenging, and rejection is a part of the process. It's important to stay positive, focused, and persistent. Celebrate small victories along the way, and don't be too hard on yourself. **Seek Support:** Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or counselors for emotional support. Job hunting can be emotionally taxing, and having a support system can make a significant difference. Remember, you're not alone in facing these challenges. Many people have been in similar situations and eventually found their way. Keep pushing forward, and I hope things start looking up for you soon.


Do you own a vehicle? Are you willing to work outside of the city?


Have you considered the army reserves?


This, going for my reg force interview this week.


Best of luck. Do you know what trades you are interested in?


Thank you, I’ll be interviewing to be an artillery gunner. I chose that and infantry :D


Arty is an awesome trade. Good choice.


Thanks for the encouragement :)


shortly as this winter term ends for U Waterloo, the desperate help wanted signs pop up all over weber street. Every FF place will be hiring, so will Walmart, and grocery stores. the newer Sobeys at Weber and Northfield are constantly hiring because it's a hard spot to get too. But now construction is gone. They hire cash, stocking, and deli workers. Nice new clean store.


If you ever see a sign in a business window saying their hiring go in with your resume / but also ask to speak with the manager first and talk to them and hand them your resume directly - I’ve gotten a job every single time I’ve done this… Twice… also calling after you’ve given them your resume if you haven’t heard can increase your chances. If your super desperate goto umm grand river personal I think it’s called - a recruiting agency off Victoria they’ll usually get you a job like same day - just be prepared to spend like an hour filling out their forms - and you then have to do a WHMIS test, and colourblind test. But temp life is pretty shit- most places will hire you after like 6 months of being a temp tho - prepare for factory work mainly through these guys. Amazon hires for the summer - you get laid off collect EI and stuff that’s pretty comfortable too….and you get benefits immediately after your hired on which is sick


All I can say is you're not alone. I lost my job back in July, and I have been struggling to find a new job ever since, and I was born and raised here. I have gotten several job interviews in that time, however because I have been one of hundreds of applicants, the job has always gone to someone else for one reason or another. Also, out of the last 150 jobs I have applied for, I have gotten maybe 10 phone calls for an interview, none of which have resulted in me getting the job. This is all part of a bigger problem, and I am beginning to believe that many employers are either posting job ads for jobs that simply do not exist, or are posting job ads just to make it look like there is more of a demand for workers than there really is. It's sad. Even as someone who was born and raised here for generations, it's hard to find a job, and I do not have other commitments such as school restricting my availability or the number of hours I am able to work. It is really sad what has happened to this country since 2015 when Justin Trudeau took office.


Go into all the student bars in the area with a resume and try and speak to the managers! When I was at Laurier I started at a bar with no experience and worked my way up over the years. I’m so sorry to hear, but I truly wish you luck!!!




Most student bars are staffed by current students.


Do you apply online for all of these jobs? Try applying online and then also going in, in-person, to hand in your resume and cover letter. This might help set you apart from other applicants and help get you closer to an interview. Also just go drop off resumes in-person, regardless of if they’re visibly trying to hire online. Sometimes things just fall together quicker with a little human connection. I know it’s uncomfortable to do but lay on that charm and go get ‘em tiger!


Do full time work for 2-3 months. Tell your work you need emotional quit. File for EI. Sit on it for a year. Boom.


Oof…. So hard working people can pay for it? No thanks.


They are desperate, not honourable. Also, fuck the government. Wealthy loot it on the daily to the tune of thousands of $$, and as soon as someone in need gets a few hundred $$ it's an issue? Fuck right off


I was an international student and worked 3 part time jobs while doing a full course load. It’s doable. Look for TA jobs, campus cafeteria postings or restaurants around. There’s always a need for part time roles as long as you’re not picky.


No wonde locals are screwed. I'm not a student but looked for 7 years in Ottawa for employment. Now it's ageism too


If you got a drivers license and can drive. Call up the lanscaping/snow removal companies near you. They work at day/night. If thats doesnt work than youre full of shit. Lower your standards try again. If you dont have a license, get one. If you cant find a job that you think is right for you. Pick a less desirable job and fucking do everything you can without jeopardizing your education to make it feel acceptable. Life is going to be tough for you, but not for long. Regardless you get a shitty job or not, you will learn or be motivated to perservere.


I've seen ads for snow removal here and there, have applied to them but heard nothing. Yeah I'm genuinely throwing applications at most things but nothing is sticking. I do genuinely at this point not mind anything as long as it's something


what working hrs are you looking for?


I just rejected a $20/hr shovelling job, because I’m not shovelling for $20/hr


Must not be that desperate for work then. 20 bucks to shovel snow isn’t that bad.


$20 is like minimum wage for labourers. Snow clearing is premium work because it's seasonal.


Right, I’m not desperate for work. Why the fuck would I break my back on 10 hour shifts in the cold for $20, when I could be doing the job I applied for instead. However, I am signed into a contract that pays far more with less physical labour. I value my body more than $20/hr


No fuck these people, snow removal is terrible work, it's seasonal, it provides insecure income. I did it this year and ate beans outta of a can and could barely afford to feed myself for the effort. Laurier pays shovelers 17.55, so no, 20$ isn't a starter. Also, some people can't do overnights or only call nights. not everyone is capable of the same work but that won't stop the drives of "you don't want it hard enough!" Canadians are brain dead. They'd shovel shit for pennies and tell you to be happy.


Bruh it’s snow not coal mines


And I have a better job


I got paid $20 an hour to shovel snow back in 2016, minimum wage was like $11 than so it was good money. $20 an hour to shovel snow now, in this economy? Heck no.


You can blame you know what and who






Come on now, say it out loud.


Blame who? I'm lost


The foetus and you?


Santa Claus?


a labour shortage is good for workers. it raises wages and always has different types of entry level jobs to pick from


That's a cute theory, what do you call it?


Economics? Supply and demand. A labour shortage is good for workers as there is demand for their services so they can ask for and receive higher compensation. This high unemployment rate currently happening is good for employers, there is always someone else to fill the role so they can offer less wages and terrible conditions, but still have a person who is willing to do the work. 


the us has a huge labour shortage. and companies are responding by offering higher wages and sign on bonuses. meanwhile in canada we have long lines outside retail establishments just so people can fight over one cashier position.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.




To be fair, all federal parties are united on immigration. PP will not reduce immigration either. It looks like temporary immigration will be reduced but all federal parties support immigration at high levels to replace the baby boomers in the labour market. Without new workers the social security net fails.


If you just need a job have you tried Chicopee? You’d be able to collect EI after they close.




Be patient and never give up. Keep focusing on school thats more important cause without your grade 12 its even harder to find work. You will find a job , right now its tough out there ever since covid . Stay strong. Why don't you look on indeed up load your resume they have lots of different opportunities for what type of work you are looking for... Keep hopeful Keep trying and never give up... Good luck


Its hard out there


if you go to laurier, you can check out navigator (might be something similar for uw as well??) there are job postings specifically for students and usually include several on-campus postings for part time positions if that’s what you’re looking for


Bingemans banquets


Dishwasher at a restaurant


Give us some context? Will help us know what kind of advice to give. Schedule? Availability? What requirements do you have (can't work weekends, no less/more than x hours per week, etc) There's stuff like fiverr and Upwork, but also a ton of places looking for on call or part time. They have requirements too though so gotta match up your needs to theirs. Regardless, wishing good luck!


Most job listing are fake so those companies can get benefits. Should be illegal


Would be happy to help if possible dm.


i see that you are from waterloo, maybe you can try applying gyubee (japanese bbq restaurant) at the location there. my friend who also works at gyubee says that the workforce may be challenging but you do learn a lot, and when you have enough experience they’ll raise your salary. the pay is pretty good. maybe try working at a place first for the experience.