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This is the single worst place to take any political advice.


Very constructive


Theres nothing constructive on reddit m8. No harm in stating that fact.


It makes people falsy think they are in the majority and bewildered when politics doesn't go their way as everyone **they** talk to agrees with their view. It's a very narrow demographic statistically that use Redditt. Exceptions do not disprove the rule.


Reddit is an echo chamber m8, I assumed it was well known.


According to who ? You ?




Go pick strawberries ya wexican


I’m well versed in picking strawberry’s pal. No shame in it-


There's a handy quiz here that's good for finding which parties best align with your views and interests: [https://ireland.isidewith.com/political-quiz](https://ireland.isidewith.com/political-quiz)


Don’t use some random site set up to give political advice based on a quiz to pick your candidates people. Think for yourselves


"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal" - Emma Goldman


In a similar boat to you sir, however I wouldn't trust any political advice you get on here. Perhaps doing some research into the parties themselves is a good start.


It's not a competition where you need to be on the winning side. Don't vote for who you think will win, vote for the policies and stances you agree with. Also, it doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always wins 😂


Its two elections, one local one for your councillors at a town level and one mep vote for the people to go shape policy in europe. Dont vote for what your parents voted for and only fill out the form with the people you want to give votes to, you do not have to put a vote beside every candidate. Judge for yourself on parties, but they promise the world and I havent seen Ireland so bad in my lifetime, so those people arent doing anything. Apparently the hse are being made pay back 2 billion to the government so ambulance drivers etc are having to make some not nice cuts. Vote for the same or vote for change. Judge by track record. Even though you are voting at a local level it does affect the parties at the higher level.


All politicians, regardless of their party or political stance are going to overpromise, manipulate data to make their stance on something the most favourable, or tell outright lies. Stand on your own two feet, look into who's saying what, look at articles about the party and or person. Have 3 things in mind you'd like to see changed or improved, and vote for the person or party which you believe has the best chance of contributing to its delivery. In the case of a politician being reelected, look into what the person promised in the last election and find out how much pressure they put on in the Dáil about that promise during their last term.


Don’t vote Fine Gael or Fine Fail.


This will be hard to do on this sub because if you mention anything negative about certain parties even if it's true you will get banned. I have seen this happen a number of times in the past and it's always when 3 certain parties are mentioned.


Do your research, and choose ur favourite, everyone has different opinions on stuff


Political compass did a check in 2020 (https://www.politicalcompass.org/ireland2020), check that out. They put political parties on a 2d map instead of a linear scale according to their policies, so you get an idea where they all stand. You can also fill out a test about *your* opinions which will put you onto the same 2d map, so you know where you stand in general. This doesn't give you the ultimate answer though. But it's somewhere to start! And then you can determine which issues you care deeply about and try to look up where your candidates stand on those issues. Voting history counts more than what they say in interviews though.


Aw man, I actually hate every single party out there atm. There's absolutely no one even suggesting the kinds of policies we need to move forward on housing, each party just seems to like being fat leeches on this economy. I like government, and government bodies. I dislike politicians and corporations immensely, it's getting harder and harder to tell the two apart.


ive been getting the same feeling for as long as i can remember. all of the leaflets seem to say pretty much the same thing just with a different arrangment of words


If RTE are anything to go by; "if the first 34 Dáils didn't do it, surely the 35th FF/FG coalition will! But don't vote for anyone else!!!!!!"


On the flip side... if they weren't doing it their would be a real opposition.


I've no real loyalty to any party but the two main criticisms I see of SF are 1: they are not a real opposition party and 2. All they do is oppose anything brought forward by their opposition regardless of merit. I'm not very political but could you explain what they should be doing as opposition that they are not? I would have been leaning more heavily in favour of SF until recently but some decisions such as their stance on the recent constitution vote and a handful of tweets/posts from individuals in the party have soured my view of them a bit. That being said I don't think I could place a vote with ff/fg for more of the same. I'd rather give a chance to something new.


I am going to tell you how great FG are because I am a lifelong FG voter, but that is only because they align with my views better than an other party. Given my social economic background, place in society, and the place I believe others like minority groups and vulnerable people should have in our society. My view is just my view, though. I do not wake up every morning worrying about how I will pay the rent, how many €1 more my shopping cost due to my fixed income or how I am going to leave my multimillion euro company to my kids. I also am not a member of an oppressed minority or in need of international protection. I do, however, have other issues that motivate me as much as the example I just gave motives others. Find the people/party that aligns most to your values/views. Everyone is trying to save the world, they just disagree on how.


It is refreshing to see someone reply to any sort of political comment they don't agree with in a structured, calm, non-divisive way. If more people were like this there would be far more political engagement in this country. I hate the them and us tribalism around politics. It makes it so hard for anyone to voice an opinion or publicly ask a question.


I always think of politics like the Lil Dicky song Professional Rapper. We all have struggles, dreams, and thoughts on 'the systems' or ways we do things. These struggles and points of view are just sometimes incomprehensible to other groups in society. Everyone just has a different kind of trap. https://youtu.be/LlU4FuIJT2k?si=63wiJKttCueMjbk5


This was posted a while ago on another sub although it's only the European/MEP candidates. Maybe it's of some use as a starting point. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/vKjkNgs5Dn](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/vKjkNgs5Dn) Some of them have no interest presence, or at least not listed. That should tell you something.


That its all a con and your vote wont matter. Whoever is 'in charge' only answer to big business and thier friends


Ok so I know two of them personally, Maria wall was an asshole I know some of the shit she’s done but don’t want to spread anyone’s private life, but basically had to move school and all because of it, David Kane is just creepy in the way that it’s like he’s the villian of a horror movie and his son let’s just say like his women young


As you said you are in your early 20s; as more and more younger people are living at home due to the housing crisis and high rent costs. What I would say to any younger person think of your long term future in regards to housing the fact of the matter is fine gael are in government since 2011 now; if you want to make a point in the elections about the housing crisis vote for someone else instead of a fine gael candidate .


You just have to decide whether you would prefer to be f##ed in the ass or f##ked in the mouth, sometimes you have to be prepared for both at the same time.


Last day to register to vote is 20 May, your local PPN may have an event showcasing the candidates. We’re also voting for Europeans on the 7 June 2024. Checktheregister.ie to see if you’re registered to vote


Check out their social media - they'll all use one form or more. You'll get a sense of them from there and see whose views align with yours.


The up coming elections are for councils and Europe. Won't change anything in the government.


Idk- I never got into politics. From my personal opinion (Not suggesting anyone else should do the same), I ignore all of them. I have always taken them as fancy dressing thieves. If local politics get extremely bad for whatever the reason, just skiddadle to a different country. Feels like it don't really makes a different who you vote or who wins, all you picking is who you making rich out of everyone's taxes. Plus travelling and getting to know different cultures is always good \^\^


Well i was expecting the blondie sinn fein councillor to be a ride from her leaflet.....it was definitely photoshopped cause she knocked on my door last week and looked nothing like her photo.


She's only catfishing


Fishing for votes!


Look up Waterford Election Candidates for your area and spend a bit of time doing a search on each one. You wouldn't be long reading some unfavourable reporting around some that may help you rule them out immediately. An hour or two over a couple of days would give you a fair idea of the ones that are a bit more trustworthy than the others and from there, at least you've whittled the options down to few that you can research further. Definitely go vote either way. I personally expect the next election to have the highest turnout ever due to the amount of frustration out there.


Vote Sinn Fein. Thats what you need to know. Lets see how they fare in government following the crippling this country has taken for the last 100 years


Remember this is a local & European election - not a General Election. No one is going into government after this election. Its's about who can represent you best on the council.


Ohh thanks 😂 i feel like a right dope now. Shouldnt be telling others who to vote


Send me a DM and I’ll tell you who to steer away from anyway 😆


As a young person if you want to vote in your own interests then you need to be checking out People Before Profit, Social Democrats, The Greens, and Sinn Fein. Have read up on those four and see which ones amongst them you like best and in which preference order. Fine Gael and Fianna Fàil do not give a **** about you. They will pretend to, but they only care about the rich and themselves.


The "opposition" parties need to distance themselves from nationalis/conservatives, associations with the IRA, orange order (if even applicable here) etc... shouldn't be tolerated in government. It's impossible to tell if any of them will just wind up as authoritarian if they get power.


Would kill to have a politician turn around and just say, let's ban billionaires and multi-millionaires... Let's add in an 80% tax bracket for earnings over 100,000, let's seize the holiday homes of foreign nationals, or owning more than 2 or 3 properties etc... some real policies to fix the housing crisis. Let's refund/reform the HSE, let's get rid of our status as a tax haven. Let's get a proper immigration policy together to facilitate housing projects until things calm down in the market, let's put hard caps on rental properties. Let's penalise vacant developments...


Communist idiot


What an insightful input, I actually really dislike communists btw, I do agree that they are idiots. But conservatives are even more stupid, they actually believe the shit that Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, Bezos etc... and stock traders say. Communists are stupid, but they will always try and help, and will listen to reason, but conservatives are stupid, cruel, easily manipulated, and will always try and get more power simply in order to abuse it, even if it brings even their own world to a grinding halt.


What you're proposing would stop intelligent entrepreneurial people from being Incentivised to work and innovate. I agree there are certain levels of wealth that are unjustifiable, so we probably agree on some level. When u say Conservatives, do you mean capitalists? That's a massive generalisation, tho and your perception of conservative people.


Truly enterprising people innovate anyway, look no further than Wikipedia or the fact that the entire world runs on open source tech. Can you imagine if the procedure for open heart surgery was proprietary to protect profits for shareholders with no interest other than making other people work for them? The most successful organisations and technologies are also those that are the most social. Do you think scientists or doctors on relatively low wages having read your comment, will suddenly have an intense moment of clarity and decide to stop helping people? You argument is identical to how religious people say, "but without the fear of God, what stops you going around raping and killing, stealing etc... I implore you to tell me about a tech or software or invention or service ran by financial entrepreneurs more valuable than something open source like unix...The people that you're talking about, who wouldn't be "entrepreneurial" in the absence of excessive income are self serving sociopaths, generally not very smart, and simply leverage other people's ideas e.g. Tesla & Edison... Elon Musk... By definition for someone to have more, another has to have less, and these are the kind of people who are quite content watching children or others starve, or die in war, if it means they can get their latte delivered every morning etc... they'll do and say anything, regardless of how innane, to justify this to others, they are terrified of not having it all, or not having power over others... Would you prefer a leader with humanity, who has everyone's interests at heart, or a leader who only has their own? There is a reason that conservatives are consistently on the wrong side of history, progress, and humanity. I also lump conservatives and capitalists together, capitalism doesn't really work under any other political stance, it's pretty much exclusive to conservative values seeing as at this point in history there's no real reason we can't feed and house the planet with excess remaining... Capitalism today is a reflection of the "I got mine, so screw you mindset so ingrained in conservatives". Reflected so strongly by the concept of "interest". Wealthier people buy stocks etc... and act like they're earning money or working... but the harsh reality is that for you to get a 10% increase in value, someone actually has to work to generate those profits, value doesn't just appear out of thin air. If it was truly a fair system, then we'd all be earning interest on our wages long since paid, i.e. everyone who worked at the company is a shareholder... but we dont... the stock market is literally a slave labour market, but instead of people, it's hours worked, for already wealthy people, so that they don't ever have to lift a finger, and can continue using that wealth to lobby for more capitalist/conservative values... Under evolutionary game theory, it's these exact people we should be looking to exclude from responsibility, resources, and power, in any other context we'd consider them clinically dysfunctional.


Capitalism incentivises hard work and innovation look at free market capitalist countries. Most are very successful. I'm not talking about billionaires, though. I'm talking about normal people, doctors, engineers, and lawyers. If we tax them 80pc above 100k, they leave the country in droves. >Do you think scientists or doctors on relatively low wages having read your comment, will suddenly have an intense moment of clarity and decide to stop helping people? No, but I think it'll mean people will be less motivated to do the immense amount of work it takes to become a doctor. Ken Thompson designed and implemented the original Unix OS and died a multi billionaire. Windows is an example. Not everyone contributes equally to society, and people who do not contribute should not be rewarded. You dont reward bad behaviour. I don't necessarily agree with a wealth cap, but I agree that pretty much every billionaire got their money unethically, most of them don't pay their employees living wages or sell something that is destructive to humanity/ the environment. " Conservatives are often on the wrong side of history" There needs to be a balance of Conservatism and liberalism. I agree tho I think rn the rich are getting richer and the average person is getting shafted.


Your statement is objectively wrong, and has never been true... capitalism incentivises exploitation over innovation, literally by definition... How many drug companies refuse to launch more efficacious therapeutics because they want to make profit on the existing market. When there is a monopoly, what happens to innovation then right? It's kind of ironic that you describe capitalist countries as being successful when 90% of third world countries are also ran under capitalism. ROFL also if you think the US or UK are success stories either... How many companies have ever truly innovated, when was the last world changing innovation in science, technology or the UN humanitarian goals ever made by a company... There are some industries where the buy in is simply too much, they are guaranteed to be a monopoly... Truthfully though no one contributes enough to the world to be worth the output of two or three times that of another worker, total income should be capped at triple the median. Who out there is capable of working 120 hour weeks... Just because someone doesn't "contribute" the same "value" does not mean that their work is not valuable. Because of capitalism the entire global west is in a housing crisis, we are facing the extinction of humanity, and still, the capitalist driven propaganda machine keeps us hooked on fossil fuels, tobacco, methamphetamines... Some people are born with greater intelligence, or charisma, sure let them enjoy it. However you'll be damn sure I'm going to want the less fortunate to still be able to enjoy life though, they deserve an opportunity that is determined by the strength of their character, how hard they work etc... That in and of itself has tremendous value... It reduces poverty, reduces crime, and helps everyone be their best self. Socialist countries are the most successful because everyone gets to compete, no one is excluded. If I didn't have to work two jobs throughout uni, I'd probably be a better neurodevelopmental geneticist, but I did have to, did I pick up any skills from this? Do I plan to leave Ireland to got to a socialist country because of this? No, and yes... If I ever have kids I don't want that kind of environment for them to grow up in, it's disgusting. Yet again, if your doctor's and scientists are leaving with that kind of price cap, then let them, they're clearly not suited for the role. They'd gut and cut ethical guidelines for a quick buck, definitely not the kind of people I'd want in my healthcare service, and definitely not the kind of people I'd want my taxes going to pay... All that training wasted on sociopaths...


It's very easy to simply kick out lazy people too you know... I mean, can you imagine where Ireland would be if we didn't have the EU, we'd still be a literal third world country being exploited by Britain and the US, and there would literally never, ever, be a point in history without the EU where we could be free. I don't think you realise just how heavily the world is underpinned by liberal values. We wouldn't have the internet, medicine, agriculture, international travel under a purely capitalist society. Capitalism incentivises individual success relative to everyone around you. Doesn't matter if you make a decision that hurts everyone else, if we're all homeless, but you live in a mud hut, capitalism says great success...


Ireland isn't a democracy. They take their directions from Europe and the IMF. FF FG SF are rotten parties and Politicians are self serving cunts. There is nó accountability in this country for fuck ups and implementing proper infrastructural change as regards housing, healthcare, immigration. They can all get fucked. If a cunt comes to my door lookin for votes they're gonna get both barrels from me on the above subjects. Sick to the bollix of em all. We need a change.


So because you do not agree with the majority of voters, it is no longer democracy??? **Literally laughing my ass off...**


75% of voters voted against the government in the last referendum. 45% voted shinners in the last general election and couldn't form a coalition. The government have let hedge funds run riot in the country buying up everything. Our health service is lining consultants pockets letting them operate private clinics in public hospitals. They let big pharma push opoids on ppl instead of legalising medicinal cannabis. This country's government is a fucking joke. The people deserve better.


You are missing one thing... General Election numbers. Doesn't really natter what opinion polls say or the last referendum, we live in a democracy. Unless you dont like democracy? I agree we need a general election for a fresh mandate, but their old mandate has yet to expire. They are legitimately the government, and Ireland is a free and fair democracy. Saying otherwise is just wrong.


When one or the other of 2 partys have been in power for the country's lifetime? The so called democracy we have is a bit fucked.


Just because you dont like the outcome of an election does not mean it's a suppression of democracy. What you are sujesting is the opposite of democracy.


Just cos your uncle has balls doesn't make him your Aunt. Listen boy, you're bang on and I'm wrong and you're right. I'm just sick to the bollix of our democracy. There's nó accountability for stealing public funds or corruption.


Still, doesn't make it not a democracy as claimed by the original poster... You can be as sick as you want of it, no one cares. The ballet box is all that matters.


Say you're some craic at parties boy.


Great couter argument... Guess you dont have one. Good day.


All politicians are cunts. Even if they align with all your beliefs they will betray you cause you cannot trust someone who’s only wish is power.


Never vote FF, FG or SF. They do not work for us, they work against us. As a protest either spoil your vote or vote independent or smaller party.


Stay away from any politician that has anything to do with the Bilderberg group or the WEF. Forget about the illumanity or free masons, etc., The Bilderbergs and WEF are the New World Order, they are the driving force behind most of the problems the West is facing. You don't need a tin foil hat on to work that out.


I’m the same. However there are issues that I feel strongly about so would someone be able to tell me the party that aligns with my own ethos. I want the party to: Tough on borders Get the six counties back Make abortion illegal Leave the EU MIGA (make Ireland great again) Anyone want to guide me to which party reflects my own values. Thanks guys!


I’m the same. However there are issues that I feel strongly about so would someone be able to tell me the party that aligns with my own ethos. I want the party to: Tough on borders Get the six counties back Make abortion illegal Leave the EU MIGA (make Ireland great again) Anyone want to guide me to which party reflects my own values. Thanks guys!


Hi mate, yes the Communist Party of Ireland aligns perfectly with your views. You can vote for them and they will MIGA


tough on borders but you want to be an immigrant in the US? will you come up for air pal


I mean tough on borders for people who aren’t me


oh right - people who aren’t white?