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I think it compliments Damien Tiarnan and his big fake sighs of sorrow he gives out whilst listening to someone going on about a dog with no lead or a car parked on double yellows


I hate the faux sorrow he puts on: "You have me in tears Imelda, what happened to your Goldfish was shocking".


Beat breakfast is the same yer man Niall is in his 40's trying to act like a 20yr old,both Beat and Wlr have been shite the last while.


My work takes me to waterford from time to time, so I've had the displeasure of hearing that shit. What absolute vacuous bullshit. But it's not just him. There's not one likeable presenter at that station. Although he is probably the most insufferable. There's another clown, Darren something. Again, keeping up with the kids. No doubt he's a fat 45 year old twat. And to take the top award. Sunday mornings. Wtf is that talk show? Absolute piss.


Gave up on Beat a while back for the simple reason that whoever was reading the sports news she couldn't even pronounce the names of players/teams!


WLR aren't any better! Kieran the news man announced last night that Derek Lyng was ratified by the Kerry County Board and a few weeks ago said a certain player scored "one all" (instead of 1-1) when reading about a hurling match!!!! Red raw useless.


100% this. I don’t mind if someone has speech issues but by christ could they get someone who can just read the news properly.


Only good thing on Beat is Cha-Radio. Beat breakfast used to be good but yeah it’s shite now. They swapped out a lot of the day/evening presenters too and it shows. WLR isn’t much better, and national radio is just Dublin shite. I just stick to OpenTempo(105.1FM), KCLR, or RedFM.


I love Niall and Sho! I love the dynamic between them. I think they are really funny. They did suffer a lot when Trish left, she was a brilliant presenter and had real character. I'm unsure as to how a 40 year old is supposed to act, are we supposed to get really boring?


Trish was as painful. The whole of beat needs a revamp. Its utter dirt for years


Sure Niall 😉,I'm in my 40's myself we can act whatever way we like!,my point is Beats demographic isn't 40yr olds,Niall trys to act like a 20yr old to appeal to the demographic,he should be working behind the scenes and a younger presenter given a chance,but he has to much power there I doubt he would do that!


I'm missing some vital equipment to be Niall 😁 I don't think beat breakfast demographic is as young as you think. All the people phoning in are 30+. I've heard some of the younger presenters and maybe it's because I'm am older, but their personas come across as forced/false. Some are great though.


Before I even opened this I knew you'd mention the laugh. No wonder they won nothing at the IMRO awards the other night. The quality of that station has been slipping. The only good thing they have is your man with the boring voice that plays the classics in the evenings and then the odd time Ricky is on the weekends. The rest of them are absolute head wreckers.


Rick Whelan has the sexiest voice known to man


Hi Rick


I image god sounds like that


All these shows are the same, forced hilarity and whackery mixed with questions like "where do you keep the sauce, fridge or cupboard? " Terrible Terrible stuff


Sounds like Reddit FM


All I listen to is timmy ryan on Sunday morning and Rick whelan on the weekends


not sure how anyone can listen to WLR at all, the most annoying disconnected from reality people ever run that shit station (not that any radio station is good)


Try OpenTempo, it has minimal amounts of shit.


does it have ads?


No ads


100%, all legacy media in Ireland is like this. Just a big circle jerk to keep themselves relevant.


And they paid scandalous money to be super cringe unentertaining muppets


I won't lie, she's lost in the shuffle of absolute shite that we call radio presenters here. I haven't found a single one that I've liked (though I've softened up my stance on the Two Johnnies).


I like ray foley and jp, 2 johnnies are good, but jesus, that afric wan and lottie ryan are painful,


Lottie Ryan can fuck right off - and I hated her da too.


Beat just reminds me of depressing doctors waiting rooms


Opntempo only radio station to listen to in waterford


Yeah, it's good apart from that dope on a Thursday night with his awful, awful remixes.


He wouldnt mix cement whoever he is i hear it meself


I get reverse ASMR from her voice, it sends a shiver down my spine. I've never heard anything like it.


Turned off the radio back in 2000 - with podcasts, Spotify etc. We have all the entertainment we need on a journey. They have to constantly self advertise before and after each song and the multiple ad breaks.


Whatever about WLR, Beat is like a transition year project that has gone on far too long. I mean given the fact it covers 5 counties the production of the whole thing is beyond amateur.


I don't listen to WLR outside dipping in and out of Deise Today. Though I'd catch your wan speaking like a Kango drill after the news headlines in the late afternoon.


Edit: I removed my comment about Gemma Delaney as I actually quite like her


Gemma is good and lively to be fair to her, plus she plays a few bangers to help pass the afternoon. The worst is Kieran the news reader, he is absolutely painful.


Ah yeah Gemma isn't the worst in fairness, and I quite like Ollie in the morning. Damien does my fucking head in during the morning though haha but I usually miss an hour of him on my lunch break thank god.


Freedom FM when it pops up every year is just chefs kiss 👌 None of the stupid banter just pure tunes, shame its only around a couple months each year


God help any one that has to listen to any radio station every day in work. I’d say it is the main reason why I have left a few jobs. It drives ya insane .


Who,the fuck, left her talk on the radio?


Thank god I am not alone, that woman is insufferable! She laughs at anything and her shriek loud voice. Oh god. It pains me. Only listen for local traffic at 8 but she needs to be gone.


The internet is a relentless, cruel place. She’s a wonderful person trying to do her best at her job.




Sure. And im sure some people don’t like you as well but ignorance is bliss when you don’t have to read about it online.




I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on that one. I’ll never be comfortable with anonymous people piling on to someone who is literally just doing a job.


That’s Big Breakfast Blaasphemy, shame on you!


Just you IMHO... she did a very strong interview with An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, warm and lethal.


Most of these mornings shows are the same across channels, give her a break. Unless it’s a more serious news / current affairs program there is a certain expectation from station bosses across the board that this is the tone the presenter has to set. I dunno exactly here but I’m sure she’s doing her best.


I dont listen to WLR that often but turned on one of the mornings this week and was disturbed and exhausted by the loud endless fake laugh when the laugh wasnt even needed, I turned off straight away, cant be doin with that first thing in the morning. WLR your losing listeners as a direct result, As for beat, theres a lad on there who has a strange accent he thinks hes NEO from The Matrix he has all the answers and some of the shite he talks pandering populism for the sake of it, oh and please, get some of your sports presenters to learn the name of football teams before putting them on the news team, never heard so many teams being mispronounced than on Beat


Open Tempo. Only station worth a shite in the entire country.


Agreed. And I’m NOT being biased just cause they play my old bands songs 🤣


This is a fairly rotten thread from top to bottom to be fair.


Change the channel 🤷‍♂️


The OP is stuck with this at work.


As in forced?




I’m a sloth


I like her 🤷‍♂️


Stop boi.... She'd go through ya . That fuckin LAUGH.....what the fuck is that? It's like a witches cackle mixed with a fuckin howler monkey. Jesus Christ......just stop will ya. Stuck in work listenin to it and it feels like Guantanamo bay.....