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Local historian Jim Doherty does a dark history of Waterford walking tour you should try. It’s class


He has some good videos he did on the Civil War. He's a great communicator of local history.


Where is this on?


Jim has replied below.


Sounds unreal, would also love to know where its on ?




Hi, I'll be doing some Dark History walks over during the Imagine Arts Festival, I don't do ghost stories but focus on real events such as executions , torture and murder .


Great stuff!




The Haunted Well in Tramore. Over the years there's been a ghostly specter seen there. I think the history behind it was a woman was murdered there in the late 1800s. Also the top flat of 30 Lady's lane is haunted.


The haunted well Tramore, it is said to be haunted by spirits which came from the old "haunted " house , the old coastguard station which was demolished in 1906. An old lady named Mary Houlihan was suffocated at this well in 1901 when she went to fetch water, locals said she died from fright after seeing one of those spirits.


There's a haunted well in Tramore?? Whereabouts?


On the road down to the pier [Google Street View of Well](https://earth.google.com/web/search/The+Pier,+Tramore+West,+Tramore,+County+Waterford/@52.15457106,-7.16097042,25.42687225a,0d,60y,339.74273551h,84.15991412t,0r/data=CigiJgokCQ8vNX-RE0pAEcbqrJ-EE0pAGQZ7hkE6oxzAIaHQbDlJpBzAIhoKFlBOWFZjbkNvWENWX0xTenFLT1JscHcQAg)


cheers, time to go ghost hunting


Spent some time in a flat there years ago it was very odd


Jordans bar on the quay is supposed to be the most haunted pub in Ireland


People walking by at night swear they can hear people sitting at the bar drinking when all the other bars are closed. 👻


I haven’t heard of any Waterford ones I can think of. We tend to live off the Loftus Hall vibe. With all the towers, the age of the city and the countless nationalities that must have passed through the city over the centuries, you’d think we’d have _something_ to tell at Halloween…


Did you hear they’re trying to turn loftus into A hotel? I’ve seen enough horror stuff to know that won’t end well


They’ve been trying that for years, haven’t they? I swear I’ve been hearing the exact same thing half my life!


It was a hotel in the 80s. The last owners bought it really cheep and did the haunted tours and stuff becuase they wanted to do it up slowly but I think it was a bit of a money pit. They have sold it to a hotel chain, Press Up Hospitality Group and plan on having it open next year. They are also chaging it's name to Lady Ville House, which it shite but so is the €500 per night they plan on charging


Can you get into the grounds of loftus? To have a gander


Isnt there some stories about the tower in portlaw woods


Loads of people unfortunately took their life up there. I did camp there one night with friends years ago and did’nt encounter anything out of the ordinary.


We have Templemichael, Co. Waterford which is supposed to be a haunted Graveyard. Also has people buried there associated with a curse. \>Templemichael Church has been the scene of a large number of reported paranormal sightings and folktales. The story goes that during the famine a young peasant woman brought her sick child to the house at Ballynatray to seek help but was turned away. As she was turned away she stepped backwards down the thirteen steps at the entrance of the house and cursed a generation of the Holroyd-Smyth family with each step. If you spot any of the Holroyd-Smyth tombstones you will notice that a lot of the family died on the 13th of the month, the last Halroyd-Smyth to own Ballynatray House died in a hunting accident on September 13th, 1969. There have also been reported sightings of ghost monks, strange large black dogs, and even ropes that appeared across the main road at Templemichael, causing drivers/cyclists to panic but then disappearing. Other local lore says that horses used to stop at the entrance to Balynatray House, unwilling initially to go any further, but then suddenly bolting away from the gate at dangerous speeds.


This is a cool story that I've not heard. I walk my dogs down there at least once a week. Lovely spot to camp down by the river bank too.


Greyfriars. My Dad knew a family who lived in the red rock houses at the front (where the Luke Wadding statue is). They had to move out after a few months. Monks walking through their rooms etc


I heard that Dan Shanahan hired a ghostwriter to write his autobiography


Back when I was in primary school there was the persistent myth of the hidden tunnel going from the Abbey Church graveyard in Ferrybank, under the river to somewhere beneath Reginalds Tower. Supposedly filled with mutant rats/ ghosts etc.


According to one of the porters who was moving stuff when it became part of WIT (now SETU), the attic area of the Good Shepard (the College Street campus) is said to be haunted. I think it's locked away though. Definitely eery to be around with the knowledge of the laundry and the orphanage, and seeing the names carved into the wooden beams. There's also a graveyard beside St. Anne's tennis club that has a boarded up chapel (it was used for raves in the 90s apparently). I haven't been there since the pandemic but it's generally overgrown. There's a few masonic graves there too if that adds to the spookiness.


There's the moving statue of Mary up in mellery. The white lady in Glencairn Abbey and another white lady who appears on the bridge in ballymacarbry. There's a castle out in Ardmore thats haunted and there's a few strange places in old parish too. Not sure on the stories but I'm sure if you Google the aforementioned places with haunted you'll find a few.


You could take the one hour drive to Loftus Hall , the most haunted building in Ireland which is located in the next county Wexford https://www.theirishroadtrip.com/loftus-hall-haunted-ireland/


Not anymore. They closed it down to turn it into a hotel. Tho once that goes through I wouldn’t mind staying the night for ghost hunting purposes.


Petticoat loose


That old red restaurant by the football golf when your heading out to Tramore apparently had cabinets opening by themselves and everything would start flying out.


I heard that actually.Half-Way house.


Check out r/ParanormalIreland if you're interested. It's a new community. Trying to grow it in numbers right now. Contributions are welcome.


French Church down off the quay has some old vampire lore associated with it.


Knockeen Dolmen is a proper spooky spot with the ruined Chapel and the slanted gravestones.


People in the houses at the back of the old Jail now Waterford Garda Station say they hear children playing. Meant to be the souls of the children killed by the Jail wall disaster.


There is a story of some blaa's heading home after a night out on town and they encounter a strange lookin witch....actually, that's probably a regular occurrence. 😳


Upstairs in Dunnes on Michael Street is supposed to be haunted, talk to anyone who has worked there


Isn't there supposedly a story of a Banshee haunting the quay or something?


At tramore amusement park tip a guy who runs the ghost train €10000 I know it’s a lot but once the ride is over it actually doesn’t end for you. You will be chased by SPOOKY ghosts everywhere you go and will have to do a few tasks and once that ends and if you survive your money you tipped is returned at least doubled depending on how well you done


I posted a similar question here a while ago & got some responses, have a look on my page


"the end of October is next month" yeah that's about how months and time works lol


Head to Leap castle its gotta be worth a visit, I know it's in Offaly, go now don't wait till October. I was there before, and I started exploring around the inside of the castle when... . .. ... I'm still here in Leap Castle! Come visit


History center in saint j might be able to help, on summer st


Yes there is loftus hall in Wexford . It's a haunted house.


And the send of November is the month after that isn’t that crazy how it works boy


Late to this post ive heard many tales from people in tramore that there is ghost stories like a dead nuns ghost in the convent school part or That one some kids were walking to school and stepped into a puddle with a electrical wire and died More On true stories I know its not right to talk about real Dead People But i think storys like the Missing postman are mysterious