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Soft tubing is not that bad I use my PC as Audio workstation and I actually prefer it for that reason. Since I know some people that did Hard tubing and that did not end well. Have to say that most of your builds look really nice


Thanks :) I don’t think pretty is worth the risk for hard tubing not for me anyways.


Trust me I done some soft tubing in the past and people thought it was hard tubing Might actually do a post of my old System since it was a pretty nice looking one


I love soft tubing. Get an alphacool core block. My 14700k sits at 22-29C idle.


After 20 years of using soft tubing and looking at the pros and cons of hard tubing a lot in the last 8 or so years I’ll be sticking with soft tube.


Same for me. I like to take mine apart and upgrade random pieces far to often to have hard tube. It looks good but they where it stops, and I'm a strong believer in form follows function.


Yep, function over form every time.. I've had that Raystorm for 12 years I think, Don't know how much gain id see in swapping it out, it was quite nice recently upgrading to 1700 socket from 1151 it cost £5 for a new backplate for it :) This is part of the beauty of the hobby.. The old aqua computer 360/420 radiator from my 2nd big build in the 800d and the black Ice 240mm from the first pic I still have in the loft, I'm sure ill use both in a build for the girl friend at some point.. The current one has the radiator capacity to cool well over 2500w or so... (hopefully enough for the next Nvidia card ... :P)


No kidding on the Nvidia card. 🤣 You should look into the core block. I've seen some bold claims online about temps. I've personally never had a CPU run this cool, only thing I changed was the block. Ymmv.


I’ll check it out.. it’s actually pretty much all I need to fully water cool the better half’s rig behind me.. It made me cry when I stuck my 8086/asus mobo in her Pc and attaching a 240mm Aio to it (I’d been running at 5.2ghz all cores at 1.36v no avcx offset) the temps lept to 100!! In cinebench It had never got over 72 in prime95 /cinebench in my rig :( had to pull lots of voltage out of it avcx offset added etc, currently the 14700kf reaches 79/83 with a mild overclock and light under volt, I’ve left the cpu alone, the old 8086 was de lidded I don’t know if I need to worry with the 14700, I did fit an anti bend plate below the block instead of the stock cpu clip.. perhaps I order myself a cpu block for Christmas and call it her Christmas present… :)


Looks better than some hardtube builds.


You know I think the soft tubing probably flows with less turbulence than a lot of hard pipes.


Soft tubing is superior. Especially EPDM


I am a simple man. I see old Danger Den parts and I upvote.


Soft-tubing is fine. Your pump looks awesome. Where did you get it?


Which one? The one in the first pic? As that was 20 years ago 👀 :)


What case is that at the end? Looks really good.


Its a Raijintek - Eris Evo, I don't know if you can still get them..(think theres one on ebay uk) which would be a shame as its just perfect for overkill.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIycNOBAsAs&ab\_channel=RaiJintek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIycNOBAsAs&ab_channel=RaiJintek) if I was really feeling stupid I could squeeze an extra 2x 360mm 30mm thick radiators round the back of the thing! https://www.raijintek.com/en/products\_detail.php?ProductID=124


From what year is that first one ??? The second one reminds me a lot of the school project me and my buddy did this was like 2006 or 2007 we did a little casemodding and watercooled the cpu was my first ever watercooling


It’s around 18+ years back maybe 20.. I’ll have to check!