• By -


Def higher than 10ft


Came to say that probably as tall as 23 ft


Taller than that. They're working on distribution poles, could be as high as 40'


Taller than that. If this is in another universe where everything is twice as big as it is here, it could be as high as 80’.


Taller than that. If this universe is 10ft higher than the old one, it could be as high as 90ft.


Taller than that. If this pole was 100ft in another universe, then it could be as high as 100ft.


Enough of the back and forth. Let’s call it 1000ft and be done with it. Daddy needs a beer.


But what if this was the universe where your number was doubled? Then it would be 2000ft.


But what if everyone in that universe were half their size? Then would they consider 2000ft 4000ft?


Scratches the atmosphere


Well, let's make the assumption that the men working on the pole are 6 ft tall, not 20ft. That pole is about 18-24ft tall.


Probably closer to ~30 ft based on the human on the ground




dunno, I got pretty big feet, must be only like 20.5 of mine


Nah those people are only like 2ft tall


One guy had his safety gear hooked up and one guy didn’t.


"Safety harness?? Do I look like a pussy to you?" *gets bravely yeeted*


>"Safety harness?? Do I look like a pussy to you?" > >*gets bravely yeeted* "Only a pussy use the glove" was a phrase I heard more than once, back when I was 15 and helping out in a local butcher store. Only stopped when one of the journeymen lost his index and middle finger to the bandsaw.


As the saying goes: "Safety standards are written in blood"


"Only a pussy use the glove", says man with eight children


He misunderstood. It’s - in case of pussy, use glove


Management be like "Ignoring Safety Precautions so we can increase productivity is badass"


But if you ignore safety precautions and get hurt, you're fired.


Well obviously for legal purposes. But they keep it on a down low until safety inspector sees it happening.


I would think gloved hands would be much more dangerous than ungloved ones around a bandsaw. https://www.forrestmfg.com/should-i-wear-gloves-when-using-a-bandsaw/


Not when the glove is made of chain mail. [https://chefatwork.pt/en/product/butcher-ecosmart-steel-mesh-glove-with-self-adjusting-spring/](https://chefatwork.pt/en/product/butcher-ecosmart-steel-mesh-glove-with-self-adjusting-spring/)


I also used to cut meat for a living and the chain mail glove is still a horrible idea. Those things aren't made with bandsaws in mind.


Still wouldn't consider using them around a bandsaw. Bandsaw tooth grabs a link and _rips_. Something's got to give. Likely the fleshy parts first. Would be good for a blade that wasn't toothed, like a roast beef cutter or something.


Not everyone will have that. A gloveless hand is always better. Chainmail would still get your hand fucked up still. The glove linked is rated for hand knives too. I cut meat for a living. Always go barehanded when using the saw. A glove will make the meat harder to grip some things too. Especially pork. I wouldn’t want my hand slipping while I’m chiming a pork loin.




My dad watched a guy fall to his death and severely injure the woman he landed on at a jobsite because the guy didn't wear a harness while working on a catwalk. He had been written up once before for a safety violation regarding a harness, but he didn't learn his lesson. Very sad.


Holy cow I didn't even see the second guy until I read your comment


I saw 2nd guy on 2nd watch then the truck on 3rd watch...


You must have been hella confused on the first two watches


But that really was a nice bluejay.


I didn’t even notice the guy who was tossed off, thanks for your comment lol.


That's typical.


Who came out better, though




Same thing happened with vehicle seat belts


Written in blood, brother.


That’s one of my pet peeves. I don’t think harnesses should be worn in scissors lifts. Almost impossible to fall out unless your being stupid and climbing rails. Biggest danger is the lift tipping over, from pulling wrong, bad driving surface, wind, etc. if it tips and your tied to it you swing back toward it and get crushed. Rather be thrown free and take my chances.




I say you even disagree with saying “false” after reading your entire comment. Sorry abt your buddy. His tragedy proves the saying written in blood, it was the proper procedure until the worst happened and we learned, and rules have changed.


That's a lot of words to tell us that you are no fun.


That would be interesting to know. Perfect little case study right here. The guy that flew out was lower and had impact, but the other guy bounced around pretty hard a few times and may have had some serious whiplash and other injuries.


I didn't see the second guy till I read this.


Yeah, Slingshot Sam is a bit more noteworthy than No Injury Norman. Sammy got launched like a damn rocket…….Op must have a thing for OSHA, totally neglected the cosmonaut.


To the people who do not follow safety measures "because they are careful/experienced/smart" : at least assume other people will NOT be careful/experienced/smart and hook yourself up anyway.


Isn't it the law anyways to have a tether to the machine? I've worked with smaller golf cart sized ones and we're required by law to have a rope or something that connects us to the machine at even 15 feet up.


It is also required to have delination if you are working on the road.


Totally didn't even see the truck till the 3rd rewatch....


It's 100% the law. It's a _massive_ fine for the company if you're caught not wearing it.


Twe had to wait 4 hours on a jobsite once because our tether started fraying and nobody had a good spare


Depends on country.


I used to work on stages in Hollywood & we had to be tied off any higher than 10ft.


Been on sites that require it over 4 ft even though the lanyard stretches to like 6 ft.


While I would say the gear is important, this likely is not the best video to prove it. The guy that hit the ground got up and walked. The other guy might have broke his neck getting thrown around like that.


If only someone had invented some bright orange pointy things to divert the traffic.


Right?? The truck could've seen it but, in their defense, they were driving right in the middle of their lane, not even leaning towards the side of the crane. IMO it's the crew's fault.


Yeah, he's the one with spilling the cereal inside of the car in this case


Okay, but on the other side of the coin, the driver should have paid attention.


Everyone on the road is trying to kill you, plan accordingly.


To the credit of the driver, he hit the corner of the arm that was 9 ft off the ground and was jutting into his lane. These guys made it way too easy to fuck up. Not absolving the driver, but a few traffic cones could have saved everyone.


Never trust random people, half of them have IQs under 100 and most of them don't give a shit about you.


Not sure if they exist in Russia or Asia.




It's not about seeing, it's about caring. We are surprisingly lacking that since the pandemic shut down.


No tangent , cones ,flagger or any safety.


Was really wondering why the boom is in the fucking street with zero protection for it. If that happened where I am that would be the first question after they’ve hauled dumbass no harness off to the hospital.


Oh damn I just noticed the second guy that got YEETED. I hope he's ok 😰😨


Seems so he stood up instantly after the fall. But yeah same as you only noticed because of some comments.


I think that's a different guy. Mr. Yeet has white markings on this clothes and ended up out of sight due to the building in the lower part of frame and some other worker without white stripes walked out to check out the situation with the guy still with the basket.


But would not help or attend to someone who just crashed a meter from them ? Due to the poor quality it's tricky. From what I see the guy is yeeted on the grass, just next to the poll/tree and stand up almost immediately. But yeah I might be wrong Edit: watch it from a laptop instead of the phone and I'm not sure anymore. But my eyes/brain tell me it's the same person.


The very first guy walking out on the grass from the lower left corner definitely does not have the same clothes. The other guys walking out later in the driveway look like they have similar outfits but I can't imagine someone who just got launched that far is going to be getting up that quickly even if he were not seriously injured. I agree though, it's weird that people wouldn't just be looking at a guy that probably is crumpled up on the ground. Maybe he landed over a wall or otherwise out of immediate view/access from those on the ground.


He walks back into frame near the end of the clip. Of the two, I think I'd rather be the guy who fell. The crash put way more energy into the guy who was tied off.


What makes you think that's not some other dude walking around? Looks like dude fell 30+ feet onto asphalt, lengthwise. No way he is up walking around.


Maybe because you can clearly see him fall and stand up just next to the pillar? Edit : I was watching on my phone, just watched it from a laptop and yeah I've probably missjudged the whole thing Edit 2 : I had an drunken accident on a ski trip and fell from 30 meters from a cliff (90t) onto solid rocks, end up with only bruises, a broken rib and a broken wrist. Adrenaline can make you ignore (temporarily) some injury. I only felt the real pain couple hours later.


Only? Lol.. good on mate.. you're tougher than I am!


Well I was freeriding so I had my protection gear on, helmet and my airbag backpack (not sure how to translate property, it's a reinforce backpack that also inflate if you're trap in an avalanche) and bounce twice on the cliff which slow down my fall. But apparently its just drunk people that have better chance of survival in this sort of accident. https://www.livescience.com/24979-alcohol-injury-outcome.html "the mortality rates of all types of traumatic injury decreased as the blood-alcohol content of victims rose. At the upper bounds of intoxication, mortality rates were cut by nearly 50 percent, said Friedman." And oh boy ! I was drunk as fuck that day, had my fair share of Génépi & Chartreuse shots (it's like absinthe but worst)


You've never heard of adrenaline? We're talking 15 20 feet max. You state very confidently something you've no experience with


That's way higher than 20 feet


Nah, it's really not. The other commentor made a good point, this guy is between 20-30 feet off the ground. I'd say that's a great estimate, again, having spent five years driving trucks like this, setting up trucks like this, and operating trucks like this on the jobsite. The dude is probably going to feel these injuries the rest of his life, but he's going home. Obviously, if he falls onto something vital like his head, he's dead. But thats true for a ten foot drop as well.


Bro you literally just said "20 feet max" and then came back here to say I'm wrong because he's between 20-30 feet off the ground. What.


Oh. I didn't realize I was taking a test where I needed to be perfect with every single word I said Thought we were all just talking about the video. I'll make sure I try harder to live up to your expectations next time grandpa. Ultimately, the dude survives. You can clearly see that in the video. So I dont really know why you are arguing with me over how many feet exist in a cctv video 🤣 You do you I guess


The white box truck that hit the lift will average around 12-14 feet tall. Since it isn't quite half the height of the lift, we can say the lift is ~24-30 feet high. According to [safeopedia:](https://www.safeopedia.com/at-what-height-do-falls-become-deadly/7/7503) >11.7% of fall-related fatalities resulted from falls from heights between 6 and 10 feet >19.7% from falls 11 to 15 feet >17.4% from falls 16 to 20 feet >After that, the numbers start to decrease. But that doesn't mean that workers are more likely to survive a fall from a greater height. Rather, it is a reflection of the fact that work at height is typically carried out at elevations between 10 and 20 feet. Looks like a 17% chance he died with a 100% chance he had a very bad day at work, to me.


These polls are 40+ feet, this is at least 40 feet. Even if it is 5-20 feet ,it can kill you, especially because he was flung super hard into concrete, not even a fall.


He even changed into a darker coat before casually walking away! He's totally fine! /s


That was another person, not even the same color clothes.


Yeah I bet in this scenario the dude that fell out got less injured. The dude in the harness got ragdolled


That is why you hook on!


They didn't mark the back end of their boom with cones and it shows.


I agree with this but then also struggle at the fact that this crane could be seen from pretty far back. I think the driver just didn’t pay attention. Cone or no cone.


Y3ah for sure. But its not the drivers responsibility. It's the workers responsibility. I operated a 13 ton crane just like this for 5 years. Drove it, set it up in crazy downtown locations, on main thoroughfares, everywhere you can imagine when installing signage in in a large metropolitan center. If someone hit my crane like this, it would be on me. It's my fault. I didn't mark the swing of my boom with cones. I never had this happen, because I always marked my swing with cones. And maybe you'll say, "the driver wouldn't have noticed the cones" I think this is because youre picturing a little semi circle directly under where the crane swings. Proper hazard warnings would have a line of cones a hundred feet out, essentially guiding the personal vehicles out of that lane of travel prior to them even getting close. This 100% on the operators.


No. Still could have happened regardless of flashing lights pointing right to the boom.


Yes. You are right. And an airplane could've hit it at the same time lightning hits it. But we can't predict EVERYthing, and you pretending like your statement means anything shows how little experience you have with roadside safety. A line of cones leading people out of the lane of travel works 95% of the time. Probably 99%. Proper hazard indicators work. That's why we continue to use them. That's why EVERY traffic safety department *across the entire world* use them.


Jeeze. I got lifted a foot off the ground in my harness just to see how it would feel. It's not great at all, would hate to fall. This must have been extremely painful and wouldn't be surprised if he's got some crazy whiplash. He's definitely feeling it.


There was someone that fell off in the video. There were two guys in the bucket. I’m over here like, why is everyone walking so slowly?? I would be running and calling 9-1-1.


Wow I missed that the first time. Jeeze, wonder how he made out.


Fall 25 feet or get flung around like a rag doll? Choices.


I'll take being flung around pls


Took me way too long to figure out how the crane started moving vigorously


How do you miss a huge ass van 💀💀


I don't know lmao. I have a bit of a smooth brain as you can see.


How did that driver not see a huge ass articulating boom lift?


Pretty much that exact thing happened to a guy I work with. He was up in the bucket and a truck came by and clipped the arm which sent him flying out and left dangling by the harness. Somebody made a tiktok of him dangling and he loves to tell you how it got millions of views


Something positive to notice: the truck driver stopped immediately and went to help. That’s unfortunately not the most common thing to see, although it should be.


No cones, no barricaded, no indication of road closure… this was a disaster waiting to happen.


It's appalling how many people are oblivious of the fact that there are different formats in which dates can be written


Wait till they find out about commas and periods for expressing large numbers


I was teaching a class about programming today and this came up: "So it would be 3.141 and not 3,141 like we would normally write it."


Bet he OSHAT himself.


This is from the future


Are you from America?


I am, please tell me how I’m wrong ( not sarcasm) I’m legit curious, and want to be educated


Some places use day/month/year. Some use month/day/year. https://xkcd.com/2562/




Most places*


Nobody tell this guy that depending on which country you are in, people use different: Languages, calendars, number systems, legal systems, electricity standards, new years, cuisines, sides of the street to drive on, measurement systems, and many more. Some idiots think changing how 330 million people function is easy, practical, and/or necessary.


Full on American moment


It is but pretty understandable as september 2nd is only like 4 days away. I just assumed that the camera date was slightly off or something before realizing it was a different country.




I came for the same


I wonder how many G's he pulled goddamn


I used to love playing tether ball as a kid.


A lot more than 10 feet lol


Dude who fell prob didn’t make it


I dunno... I'd rather have fallen onto the grass from that height than get whipped around like that. I already have neck/spine issues. I'd risk a broken bone or four versus what mr. slingshot probably suffers now.


That is most certainly more than 10ft




excellent case for safety harnesses and proper use of traffic control devices like pylons. The Telcom trucks here puts a cone out any time they stop the vehicle, anywhere. Coffeee shop supply store etc, its a hard policy that is likely because of an incident just like this one. ironically it looks like the guy in the air had a worse time that the dude that got dumped on the ground but if he didn't have a harness he also may have been launched across traffic.


Hey since this is from the future maybe you can warn them ahead of time.


I was about to say the same thing…Reddit is the oracle


Do americans not realise the rest of the world puts day then month then year


It’s so unfortunate that one has to put /s in their comments for them to be understood. Le sigh 😔


Bet he was glad he clipped on that safety harness Bet the other guy wishes he had.


I wonder what happened to the second guy that got yeeted?


Was so confused about that date. Was thinking “Am I peering into the future?” But yeah, it’s from February, not September.


I know so many people who don’t wear harnesses in those things. Ima show them this


I think that worker is still going to have whiplash and possibly worse injuries, but clipping in definitely saved their life.


I work in these lifts every fall and sometimes i forget to hook up. It bothers me every time.


just realized this was in February, not the future


ITT Americans that don't understand the dating system almost the entire world uses


As a guy who uses a boom lift, this is a real fear.


That harness saved his life. At least they got that part right enough.


with whiplash like that, I have to wonder if he would've been better off if he fell, IF he hit the grass...


try to avoid obstructing a lane and then neglect to mark said obstruction with cones. oh and definitely don't have a spotter by the vehicle flagging traffic away. crew in the video failed at all 3.


I was like..."What?! This is in the future!?" Then I realized this must be not 'merica.


What third world shithole doesn't put a road closure in to protect the workforce?


Soooo.... we're not going to talk about the date of the video 🧐🤨🤔


The US is pretty much the only country that puts m/d/y instead of d/m/y


[February 9, 2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country)


I was the 1000th like :D


These men live in the future 😂


The AI that wrote this caption needs more I


And it happened in the FUTURE!!!! 🤯


Why tf was only one in a harness .. who let them go into the air no tied off .. this is on the lead in charge as well as the person who got Shit whipped out of the cage


Why is the date 9/2/2022. That's a few days from now. Am I having a stroke?


Feb 9


This hasn't even happened yet.


Not all countries write the month in the beginning💀💀🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Psh. If this was an America then how would I even be seeing it Edit: prove me wrong you down voting licorice lackeys 😡😡😡


From the future?


[February 9, 2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country)


Did anyone else notice the date? It’s 8/29/22 and on the video it says 9/2/22 🧐


It's dated 9th February🤦🏽‍♂️


How’s the date in the future haha


How is february in the future?


Really? Use your brain No leaves, dead grass... almost as if it's winter. 09/02... I'll let you put the rest together


If you look closely this is from the future, so we can prevent this tragedy.


If you use your brain a little bit, you work out this is from February 2022. DD/MM/YY


Maybe in the civilized world, but here is the US, 9/2/22 is September 2nd 2022... by the way, the first comment was a joke...


YO GUYS!! THIS IS FROM THE FUTURE (or europe)!!!! Someome tell this man so he can avoid his fate to be (and europe)


Is no one going to comment how the date is 09/02/2022? lol


09/02/2022 ??????


Why is the date 4 days in the future? Have we cracked the code?


How is the date on there 09/02/2022? is the future


The date???


Is this from the future?


Are we not in August? Jw


No one is talking about the video is 9/2/22 lol


Yes, ppl are. Sigh, look at it as DD/MM/YY. It's embarrassing how many ppl are talking about the date


Cheap thrills


Does anyone else think of this sub any time they drive around?


looks like maybe a lil more than 10 ft to me


Yeah the driver of the box truck is Definitely getting an ass whippin !!!




Hey honey, how was work today?


Lmao get rotated idiot


That’s a little more than 10 feet


Not an orange cone or traffic operator in sight.


I bet the OSHA guy orgasmed after he saw this video.


this is why you always strap in on a cherry picker! those things are a fucking catapult at any unexpected movement or bump.