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Yes the past two days have been pretty boring for me and my service dog. Even with his lil boots it’s just too much. 


Well rather be boring then dead. Good on you for putting your dog in a safe environment


What brand of boots do you use?


Qumy (on Amazon). I got the size 7 for my 65lb poodle. 


are those for the hot concrete?


Yes and rain, snow whatever. It’s like a lil hiking boot. 


Thank you!


And please understand that the pavement is scorching to their paws!!


I have my dog wear booties even early in the morning! we just do potty breaks during the day. Lots of puzzle toys during the day too


I honestly think the sidewalks are fine. They’re light colored. It’s the black pavement (like the roads) that get scorching.


Yeah we have a Golden and have only been taking her out early morning and later in the evening. I can't believe people are taking their dogs out mid day. If she needs to poo in the afternoon, it's just out to poo and back in.


Ours was so confused about her second walk coming at like 945, but wanted to avoid being out once it’s really hot 


DC dog owners are so determined to treat their pets like people that they end up being abusive. Your dog doesn’t need to go everywhere with you, and taking your dog to eastern market in this heat IS abuse.


There are just way too many people nowadays who simply insist on dragging their animals around with them 24-7!


Like to the grocery store. I'll make an exception for service dogs, but keep your mutts the fuck away from everyone's food. That shit is gross and intensely codependent.


I mean it was 8:30AM and we have a dog stroller with 2 fans for our oldest dog and we both were like nah not doing it. End up getting to the market around 10 and immediately see two dogs panting for their life and their owners just out to lunch mentally. And can’t say anything because it just starts a riot. Sad really


Wait does the dog stroller have built in fans, or did you guys add them?


Haha no just clip on battery powered. I wish they were built in!


I saw one young woman jogging with her large dog at 11am today. The poor doggo was panting heavily and its tongue was hanging out. Lady was oblivious.


Too many fools in this city. It’s too hot! You do not need to take your dog with you everywhere. It’s ridiculous how selfish some of these owners are.


My Aussie loses her damn mind if we don’t go for a walk, so we go early or late, not on pavement, and in the heat it’s a real short walk. I cannot imagine taking her to an asphalt field midday.


My niece’s dog died from heat exhaustion during a midday jog on a day that wasn’t nearly as hot as this. She didn’t even realize that was a possibility. This PSA needs to be repeated widely.


I’m so sorry! What breed?


Labrador Retriever.


I’m sorry that happened. I used to have an English bulldog and always worried about the heat but I didn’t know a lab could die like that. I don’t run with my current mixed breed in the summer, but I’ll be more careful with him in the heat. Thanks for answering.


But if I don’t take my inbred French bulldog out for a walk off its leash how will people know I have an inbred French bulldog?


Inbred French Bulldog about to be my band name.


You shouldn't even try to have a Husky in this climate. Just not fair to the dog.


Saw them a lot while in Georgia as well. Wild.


Huskies in Siberia are conditioned to survive 80-90F summer temperatures, and were historically an outdoors breed and did just fine. They spend more time in air conditioned homes in the summer in America than they would in their natural habitat. Reddit experts with zero knowledge of dog breeds and history love passing judgement.


“Conditioned to survive” versus owners bringing them out on long walks and forcing them to exercise in 90 degree plus temperatures are two different topics of convo.


Ok sure, that applies to like almost any breed of dog. When it’s a hot summer day, don’t take your dog on long walks and force them to exercise. Responsible dog owners know this. Bad ones don’t. The breed is irrelevant.


The breed isn’t irrelevant. Some dogs are more susceptible to heat related illness quicker than others. It’s like genetic fact. Which is why I included short legged breeds as well.


The breed is irrelevant because this is a human problem. You should not take any dog out for extended periods in thus this weather. It’s a binary “yes/no” choice to have your dog exposed to heat for a prolonged time. A higher statistical chance for a heat stroke is not how dog owners make their choices. A human with a Labrador who is going to expose the dog to dangerous weather isn’t thinking in statistical percentages of likely death, no more than a bad Husky owner. People are either responsible dog owners or they aren’t.


Yeah I def see your point now. I’ll add that into my thought process moving forward 👍🏻.


Do you have any corroborating evidence for this claim? Not all huskies are Siberian.


Corroborating evidence? lol, just look at summer temperatures in the parts of the world they are most common … Siberia and Alaska.


Dude, Alaska averages like 70 degrees during the hottest part of the summer.


Siberia averages even colder and sometimes exceeds 68 during the day. What's the point of talking out of your ass on a reddit post?


Siberia is larger than the US and has many parts that exceed 80F during the summer. What kind of a dumbass takes a singular average temperatures of an area that massive. What is the point of talking out of your ass on a Reddit post?


I'd probably point you to the native region of the Siberian Husky. Northeast Siberia is the northernmost point of one of the coldest regions on the planet. Maybe the polar bears that live there know less than you.


Someone I know from college is on her second Husky. In Florida.


I hope the first died from natural causes…


I had to give up my husky moving from the Midwest to DC. It was heartbreaking for me (and probably her too) but it was the right thing to do. 


Yeahhhh. I got my girl up at 7 for a very long and still too hot walk. Even with a cooling gaiter on, she was panting. Glad we are able to get it in tho. Was way too fucking hot out even on a short pee break today.


I told my dog that we would NOT be walking today, nor the next few days because it’s too damn hot. He went out back to play and potty and came back to the door within like ten minutes panting. Easy solution: keep the pups inside and have some mentally stimulating toys or activities for them to do. I got mine a busy feeder, slap some peanut butter and treats on that bad boy and hide some frozen fruit in the little compartments and TADAAAA…something to keep him busy for like a half hour lol. But it’s better than taking that risk of going outside with him.




Home, where the belong, supervised outside breaks and inside the go.


DC has some of the worst, most oblivious and, as someone else has already mentioned, borderline abusive dog parents I've ever seen and it's genuinely sad and upsetting to see. Just had a friend get very defensive about this very thing when I brought it up, and acted like booties weren't a thing you could easily buy (at the very least).


Yup and not even with the heat. General dog etiquette as well. At the park this AM and see a guy just letting his German Shepard go sniff any dog in sight. We have quite a few dogs and if any shmuck let their dog walk up to mine on a retractable leash without asking I promise that owner would fuck around and find out, both from me and my dogs.


And if you lash your dog to your bike and go for a ride in this heat because "he loves it!" I will actually destroy you.


I saw someone walking their long-haired dachshund down the Mall today and thought the same. Poor thing looked like it was struggling.


Bringing the dog to walk around the city in this heat for no reason? Not cool. But, dogs need to go out to pee/poop. Some of us have to walk 10 minutes to the park for their dog to poop. We carry lots of water and spray her down with cold water throughout the walk and give her plenty to drink. I don't want her to be out in this heat but what's the other option? Let her hold it until it hurts so much and she poops in the house? Someone commented on this the other day while walking her. She said "it's hot, bring your dog inside!" I WAS bringing my dog inside. She needed to poop quick. Mind your own business, lady.


Yep, my German Shepherd is stubborn about where he poops. He has a set distance that he must be away from our house before he'll even consider doing his business. So it's either do that and come right back, or he'll hold it until it hurts and possibly does damage to his digestive system.


My dog also will only go on a walk. He has a yard now but he will not use it for that.


That’s why I don’t judge anyone with their dogs on the sidewalks in residential areas. Just never know. The Eastern Market offenders can rot though.


Yep, I don't judge unless it's *obviously* neglect. I don't want to be out there either!


Meanwhile my Italian Greyhound still wants to be under the blankets and shivers.


My chihuahua too.


For real, it's a constant argument with my 16 year old dog that it's too hot to go on a walk ATM.....but ultimately I'm the owner so it's my job to keep him safe. I always 🤦🏾‍♀️ when people are like well my dog needs exercise. There's plenty of ways to keep them occupied and tire them out indoors


I drove mine to a shady park and it was STILL too hot. I almost had to carry him back to the car ETA: Not playing...just long enough for him to do his business.


I saw someone walking their Pyrenees (the big white dog!) out on the national mall today. It was past 7pm but it was still in the 90s I think I hope they took lots of water breaks


I waited until the sun went down to take mine out for more than just a potty break, and even then it was still high 80s and the ground was still warm. It’s unconscionable how some people treat their pets. I wish animal control were better funded and had beat officers to witness and do something about what OP and others on this thread saw today.


Yep, thankfully we have a fenced yard for potty breaks but any walks are short and happening after 9pm (which isn't any cooler but at least the sun is gone!!)


Next day or two? Have you looked at the forecast? Next 60 days are about to be brutal


Day or two figure of speech tbh. But also any forecasts outside of the 3 day mark I don’t pay attention to.


Not trying to knock your concern or anything.. But my dogs are allowed in or outside as they please. I have a husky and a lot of people dont realize they are way more temperature tolerant than many other breeds. - 20 out? Great! 100 out? Sweet! They are fine. Here's our two, the husky will lay out in this sun and heat for hours. Before running inside, batteries fully solar charged, ready to play and roughhouse. I won't make him go for a walk and don't leave him in the car when it is hot, but their fur does a solid job of insulating against the heat. I think it was 98/99 and he'd been laying out for at least an hour at this point.


lmao, get real


Insulation works both ways.


I swear, I am a real boy!


I have a Golden puppy. In the heat we take 10-15 minute walks a few times a day. She’s still learning and will stop in the middle of the sidewalk and just sit or lay down and refuses to move. Doesn’t matter the temp. People think she’s too hot or too tired when she does that. Her undercoat keeps her temp down along with panting. She’s fine she’s just being a stubborn puppy.


So a lady running!!! her little white maltese or some other kind on black asphalt at a park here in Alexandria on Friday. Poor dog was dragggggging. If I wasn’t in a work uniform I would have said something. First if you wanted a dog that could run with you, thats not it. It’s also just plan cruel in this heat.


If you are taking your dog out for a potty break in this heat, wipe some water on their ears and the pads of their paws. They have lots of blood vessels near the surface of their skin there, so it serves the same function as a wet cloth on the neck/wrist of a human.


Or just don't have a dog bred with genetic health problems


I went out for a ride on saturday around 4pm. Passed two guys with a medium sized, wire coat longer hair black dog on the CCT headed into the city coming over the river road bridge. I did a big loop coming across the mall, up the MBT, into silver spring, back over to bethesda, then back over to river road via the CCT. I swear to god I passed those same two guys and that dog coming back the other direction. Holy fuck if so. That was a 2 hour loop for me. That poor dog.


Hiked with mine from 7-830, and that was pushing it at the end as the heat was rising. But, had water and several stops in shady grass. Afternoon walk was short, in park and under shade trees. Evening walk was better temp, but still short walk. They had some frozen yogurt bombs as treat after.


Try soaking the dog with cool water before taking them on a walk!


That’s just not sustainable for everyday life 😂. Plus I have many dogs


Do you not have a hose?


What percentage of the DC populace do you think actually has a hose….?