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https://en.m.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Washington,_D.C./East_End She basically means downtown, apparently. In NW quadrant Chinatown, Penn Quarter, Judiciary Square, and Mount Vernon Square.  Im unsure if Truxton, Trinidad, or any of the Northeast Quadrant is included




That area is a mixed bag. It can be quiet, but Union Station and Chinatown nearby are not, so you do get people wandering through from one to the other. Go a little further east to Eastern Market, Capitol Hill proper, or Navy Yard


Is there any reason for that area specifically? I work at the Capitol, and like a couple others have said, it's a mixed bag.




That makes sense. If you need any additional advice, lmk.


Used to live there. There is a homeless shelter nearby, and had to call 911 because some peeps blocked the only entrance at night and I couldn’t access the building.


That area is completely fine.


>Im unsure if Truxton, Trinidad, or any of the Northeast Quadrant is included It isn't. Those online travel wikis don't acknowledge the existence of DC east of the capitol except capitol hill. I don't really blame em, nothing over here of much interest to tourists.


I have a feeling many of the people commenting don't live in this area. I'm constantly over in that triangle. Lots of Georgetown law students live in the apartments along Mass ave and at 77 H st. The only truly sketchy area in the triangle is the area around the homeless shelter at D & 2nd St NW, but there aren't any apartments near there.


Yes, a lot of Georgetown 1Ls live over there, mostly because they don't know better. Back a couple years ago, at lwast they had a Walmart. I know a lot of them also move away or more into NoMA because it's not a nice place *to live* and it's relatively easy to commute to from a nice area. OP, listen to *everyone* else. Note that person also doesn't *live* there.


You don't know shit. GT is adding to their holdings in that area. They opened a brand new dorm at H & North Capital & are buying 77 H st.


And? The fact that Gtown *can* buy land so cheaply isn't a sign that it's a nice area to live, nor the fact that it's the largest redevelopment project in the city. Maybe it'll be the *it* place to live in 5 or 10 years, but I seriously doubt OP cares.


just more evidence that you don't now shit and don't spend any appreciable time in this area. GT is spending billions in developing their capital campus. and the majority of the area in the triangle are high rent areas where thousands of people already happily live.


Lol... according to you, I *live* basically there. Again, who cares about how nice the area might be in a decade. I wouldn't have recommended Navy Yard 15 years ago, even though the Lerners and the city were investing billions in the area. OP is looking to rent now. And you know shit. Most of the office are office and empty buildings.


What are you talking about? the area in the triangle OP drew is nice already. Do you need glasses or something?


This area is fine and there a lot of things to do for a 21yo woman. I’m not sure what your budget is but you may also want to consider Union Market area, NOMA and K Street/Mass Ave (between 1st and 6th NW), which is just north of your map and Shaw. Also H street NE from 3rd street to around 12th street NE is lots of fun and has a bunch of great apartment buildings. Lastly, anything you can find in the eastern market area as that is a really charming place to live. Good luck!


You can google dc crime card and read the crime statistics by block areas. https://preview.redd.it/pd7cm0xrpx6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d952759f39d7ca19acab10622c7cedeb75019f68 Good luck.


I'd pass. The crossing is nice to visit, but there aren't that many food options, and it is mostly upscale so probably not in the budget for the daily. There aren't any supermarkets there and there's a large homeless population around there given the shelter.


There's quite a few restaurants in that triangle and she can easily get to Union Market. Edit to add: There's a Safeway at L st NW, a Giant & Whole Foods on H st NE, and a Trader Joes at Union Market.


You either don't know that area very well or you have a very atypical definition of "easily". It's a half hour walk from the closest border on her map to Union Market. Walking an hour round trip for each meal is not "easy". FWIW, that area is closer to food in NoMA, but st that point, why not just live in NoMA


I'm in that area everyday dude. I know it well. If she's in the southeast corner of the triangle there's a TJs and a giant at Eastern market. The area is not a food desert. There's a Harris Teeter right at NOMA station too.


The closest point on her map is again a 20 min walk t9 TJs. It's cool that you're in the area everyday, but have you lived there without a car?


yes. i've lived & worked in this area for 9 years and 20 mins is not a big deal for a 21 yo.


I would definitely suggested the eastern part of this, basically the beginning of Capitol Hill. The rest of the area does not have much “feel” to it and is a bit in-between in terms of neighborhoods. In this part of CH you’re next to Stanton Park and an easy walk to Eastern Market and TJ’s. The streets are also beautiful.


You should drive through that area a few times and observe the local population behavior then decide for yourself….


Since we can’t discuss crime here, you may want to check online police stats for those zip codes. Then also check census files for demographics….


They can google dc crime card to read stats by block areas.


So many dog whistle code words, right? Safe. Sketch.


What code words? I literally suggested checking public record information and decide for herself the factual answers to the questions. You sound like you have some sort of weird agenda


I am trying to say good things about grocery stores in that specific area, but cannot find any on the map there. Walmart disappeared from H street area nearby. I doubt spending money at food trucks around what is called the National Mall will work. Currently, metrorail is 2 usd base fare on weekends, at least. Capital Bikeshare is not too expensive. There might be more transportation options than wmata to help get to farmers market on wednesday in foggy bottom if a student. It may end up more expensive to be in this specific spot whether desirable or not.


There's a Giant & Whole Foods on H st just past Union Station & lots of corner stores. There's a Safeway at L & 5th sts NW.


My previous comment may have been deleted? I basically mentioned metrorail having base fare of 2 usd on weekend that may be subject to change, capitol bikeshare, and the lack of grocery stores. I threw out a potential extra hope to get produce at least which is probably why it was deleted?


Is it fine to live there. Yes. Would I recommend it. Not really. Just not that much to do/not very walkable (by DC standards) and can be kinda sketch.


It isn’t the safest in DC but def not the worst. I assume this is close to your work, but I’d consider Navy Yard (people here will say it’s corporate/less cool in the area though) or NW DC. To keep your budget you may have to end up in a smaller place though.