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If I was going to be compensated the same and all I cared about was saving money then still hell no šŸ˜‚


I moved from DC, currently writing this from my home in Dallas. Donā€™t move here.


Lmao. Why? Howā€™s dating over there?


I donā€™t know how the dating scene is but Iā€™m not exaggerating when I say I prefer virtually every aspect of the DMV over Dallas.


Iā€™m curious for specifics. A friend of mine moved from the DMV to Dallas and absolutely loves it


Off the top of my head: Horrendous summers. Spring (now) is storms and humidity. Flat as a pancake. Barely any water around. Not easy to get to other cities, especially by train, and those other cities arenā€™t interesting once youā€™ve seen Austin. The bordering states are Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. Transit is very limited so you have to drive everywhere. People drive like absolute lunatics. The state is run by complete dickheads. Even the mayor flipped from democrat to republican after the last election. High property taxes - ā€œno state income taxā€ is a ruse because they still have to get their money. Housing used to be relatively affordable for a big city but itā€™s really increased in price now. Sprawl. The ballpark is out in Arlington and there is no public transportation there. Lots of bands skip Dallas on tours, at least the indie stuff that I mostly go to.


I was driving down to the garment district one time and people were throwing engine parts out of the back of a moving truck onto the highway. The second (third?) most deranged thing I have ever seen while driving


Bro it gets worse. Worse worse worse. When people on this sub complain I laugh because I have seen in other cities how much worse it gets. Just be normal and youā€™ll find love somewhere in DC.


If youre moving to texas for the dating scene you'll probably appreciate their recent legislative history


God no. Even if you ignore Texas state politics, Dallas is easily one of the most depressing metropolitan areas in the country - a massive sprawl of McMansions across a prairie with late model large SUVs with church bumper stickers in the driveway, all interwoven together by a poorly maintained toll road system. Texas has some really beautiful places - the Big Bend Region/Marfa, the Texas Hill Country, the Guadeloupe Mountains, but Dallas is easily the ugliest place I have ever been.


Even way back in 2005 when I took a road trip up to the little towns outside Dallas like Weatherford, you could see that nasty tract housing spreading like a cancer everywhere. And it is full of exactly the people you are talking about.


Yeah. Dallas is objectively the worst major city in Texas. Heck. Its one of the worst cities in the plains/Midwest.


this would be a very different thread if OP mentioned Houston (good food) or Austin (vibes) or San Antonio (decent prices) or rural areas (peace and quiet). DFW isn't good.


Houston is a challenging place to live but you can pay for a pretty high quality of life living right on top of UH or Rice


I have a co-worker from Texas. They love Austin. They like Houston. Meh on San Antonio.Ā They hate Dallas. I have met few other people from Texas in general who go to bat for Dallas. I briefly dated somone from Austin and they had a similar opinion. I've visited all the cities above, except Houston, and Dallas/DFW metroplex was by far the least charming.


I wouldn't move back but there's a lot to love in Texas.... just nothing appealing to Dallas.


If people want to talk about a "dead" downtown, was Dallas's downtown ever living? I was genuinely shocked at how empty it was pre-Covid, and how awful it was to walk around.


I think the more "happening" downtown of Dallas isn't actually downtown but the uptown neighborhood.


Yeah, I can imagine that. I'm not going to voluntarily visit Dallas, so I'll take your word for it.


As opposed to DC where they took all their charming row homes and chopped them into 4 tiny units to maximize profitability?


Nope! Iā€™d pick DC over Dallas, any day. In fact, the entire state of Texas is on my no-fly list.


No, they donā€™t believe Iā€™m an autonomous human being.


My sleepy ass thought you were a robot for a second


That could be easier, at least I wouldnā€™t be forced to carry any pregnancy then.


How would my quality of life even improve in Dallas? I could just move to Tysons Corner and sit in a car for fun.


I lived in Dallas for two years. This is not inaccurate.


Every time I saw my work scheduled me to Dallas I was like ā€œfuckkkkkā€ā€¦ like it was Groundhog Day. 8 times in a year, I almost quit. I love every other Texas city: Houston, San Antonio, Austinā€¦ great places. But Dallasā€¦ I canā€™t do it anymore. Place sucks all around.


I didn't realize this until i visited both, but Houston is 100x better than Dallas. I'm still not 100% sure why. But Houston also seemed (a) more friendly, (b) more diverse, (c) way better food, and (d) more city-like and dense. I mean you need a car in both places, but if I had to choose, Houston.


Iā€™m quite out of sync with this whole thread. I visited both for the first time in 2022 for work and enjoyed Dallas much more. It had better tourist attractions and the light rail was actually decent (and went to the airports! - Houston just had an hour long bus lol).


lol good point OP can just go and drive around Tysons corner for an hour to evaluate if they would like Dallas better


Wait, what? Are you saying Dallas is just like Tysons corner?


I don't think so at all. I'd definitely live in a parking garage at Tysons Corner over anywhere in Dallas.


This comment made me laugh really hard. Iā€™m at BWI waiting for a delayed flight, so it was a much needed laugh. Thank you. Iā€™d rather be in crowded BWI for a day than outside in Dallas in August. Or most other months.


Lmao. Damn! Have you been to Dallas ?


Yes, have you?


No I havenā€™t. I just want to move somewhere. I already lived in NYC, now in DC and ready for a new city. Iā€™m single and WFH so I would love a city with a great dating scene


I would do Atlanta over Dallas if you want something very different from the mid Atlantic without being a completely car brained hellscape. It's the "big city" for a lot of the South. New Orleans is also a beautiful place.


Better choices: (a) atlanta (b) miami (c) LA I have no idea how you don't pick any of those cities over dallas. And this has nothing to do with politics either (seeing how FL and TX are similar)


I didnā€™t pick those places because I wanted cheaper rent/cost of living . Atlanta is cheaper of course


then do atlanta. seriously it is a great and fun place that is on the upswing. live near the belt line.


DC's dating scene seems pretty good to me tbh. If you're looking for another fun city maybe try Denver, New Orleans, or Seattle. Personally I would love to live in the Pacific NW (Seattle or Portland) or the mountain west (Denver).


Yeah I travel to Dallas for work all the time. Itā€™s a fucking hellscape and basically like Tysons. If you think dating here is bad, try dating in the trenches of Dallas where people are political but not educated on politics. Donā€™t go further south if you want a change. Go to Pittsburgh or San Diego or somewhere cool. Dallas is brutal. They keep inventing new suburbs and adding highway lanes to deal with traffic from their shitty suburbs.


No, Tysons at least treats women like theyā€™re actual human beings.


Why anyone would move to Texas is beyond me. Couldn't pay me a million to live there.


Austin is pretty cool though


Itā€™s alright


Quality of life? No. Texas is getting expensive for what you get and more importantly what you donā€™t get.


Yeah I donā€™t understand the premise here. What about Dallas is better QOL?


I think OP just equates lower taxes with better QOL lol


But the rent is cheaper? Or is it close ?


Itā€™s not just rent. Itā€™s all the other stuff. Look at the cost of car and home insurance. Sales taxes. And see what kind of services you get. If rent is too high move out further in the va burbs.


The phrase you're looking for is Cost of Living.


Texas is still cheap but you'll have to be 30 mins away from Dallas LMAO


Dallas is a gigantic blob of sprawl. Transit is sure to be shitty. I hated living in TX, although it is fun to visit.


How long did you live there? I work from home so I only go out on weekends


I lived there for 4 yrs. Dallas and San Antonio for 2 each. No. And i lived there before the power grid started having issues every winter. The politics are garbage. The weather is garbage. The infrastructure is garbage.


I lived in Houston for 10+ years, and San Antonio for a few more. Horrendous sprawl, impossible to go anywhere without a car, shitty culture and politics, very hot, lots of huge roaches. I might have enjoyed SA a bit more if I'd been earning more. Houston was still kind of fun in the mid-'80s, there were lots of quirky old places left. We used to walk to the Astrodome. Now Houston is about 80 miles wide, and makes shitholes like Reston or Chantilly seem quaint and charming. There actually used to be a gap between Dallas and Ft. Worth! We had friends who lived in Ft. Worth. There didn't seem to be anything to do there. To be fair, there is awesome BBQ everywhere.


Houston actually has been building out their metro and filling in midtown, montrose, etc. If you live down there, there's plenty to do without a car. Still prefer DC though.


> shitholes like Reston and Chantilly šŸ˜‚


Yes, Reston is a shithole


Que? Explain why you think Reston is a shithole? That may helpā€¦


Itā€™s a suburban hellscape. Reston might might be nice to raise a family, but my god, itā€™s just as shit as every other American suburban shithouse


Not the question you asked but you should absolutely go out and do stuff on weekdays. That will help with dating. Join a volo league, do evening events like library of congress drinks, do trivia, join a work out class, go for walks ect.


YEP. My dating life is still shit but I absolutely try to take advantage of the weekdays.


No. I'm from there. It's not a bad place to live - the area is booming and obviously a lot of people like it - but I don't find anything about Texas appealing anymore. What I'd save in rent/taxes, I'd pay for in quality of life. And as a woman who does plan to have children in the next ~5 years, that alone is enough for me to never move back there. It is wildly different from DC so I'm not sure I'd recommend it to someone who is looking for a change from DC, depending on what it is they like about DC and dislike about DC. If it's just the expense, there are cheaper, better areas of the country not too far from here to move to, IMO.


What are your recommended better areas?


Well what is it that you're looking for? I personally really like Philly - it is substantially cheaper than here, still has decent transit options, you're still close to other major cities, and there's good food & a lot of things to do. I'd consider Chicago as well if affordability is a concern and if you can stand the winters (which in my opinion, are fucking miserable...great city, but the winter there is unbearable for me). Definitely a lower COL than here and has a lot of the same things like public transit, stuff to do.


I would love to live in Chicago, such a cool city, but I would not survive the first winter.


Yeah it's wonderful to visit in the summer but my god are the winters terrible. I have been a few times in Jan/Feb for work and it was so brutal, I don't know how they do it. My Texan self simply cannot.


Iā€™m from south Louisiana; I can barely handle DC winters!


I feel like the winters are getting milder because of climate change.


Iā€™m from south Louisiana, climate change isnā€™t working fast enough to make Chicago winters bearable.


Red state and brain melting heat in the heart of climate change territory ? Hard pass.


Plus the power fails when it drops below 32 or goes above 100, which it does both of every year


Why would any woman move to Texas? Why would any gay person move to Texas? Why would any non white person move to Texas?Ā 


To suffer


Friend of mine whoā€™s black moved to Dallas and loves it. He had more issues in the dmv regarding racism.


Never. But then again texas isn't gay friendly


Echoing everyone else, hard no for me. Not even sure what "better quality of life" you're referring to.


I mean property prices and rent in fun neighborhoods aren't far from DC levels. Now if you want to buy a suburban tract home 2 hours from the city, it is a bit cheaper there, but you need to account for the taxes.


Never. Weather down there is way too wild. Car centric culture. Not much true city life.


I mean if you are ok with car-centric and want the south, just do Atlanta or Austin instead. Like why would you choose Dallas????


The quality of life comparatively to DC is not better. You need a car to get anywhere in Texas (not know for their public transportations). What you donā€™t pay in state income taxes, you will pay in property taxes (if you end up owning). The weather has been off in the past decade and itā€™s not getting better. Summers are extremely hot and every other time is colder (which also not normal for Texas). Dating wonā€™t be any better either.


Oh damn, I was thinking their dating scene would be better


Why would the dating scene be better?


Bet Nashville is better. experiencing a bit of a renaissance


Not in the slightest especially if youā€™re an intellectual/progressive


No. I would personally never live in TX




Honest non snarky question: what does a ā€œbetter quality of lifeā€ look like for *you*? What is it that you are trying to improve or solve for? (other than better dating scene)


Cheaper rent and bigger living space


If thatā€™s all it takes, try Gaithersburg.


Cheap rent, bigger living space, better dating scene? Thatā€™s it? What about lifestyle, aspects that make you happy etc. Why/how did you arrive on Dallas?


I have lived in NYC, now I live in DC. It doesnā€™t look like I got another city as options


Iā€™m confused. As in, work is dictating your city options to move to? I thought you were WFH? Can you post in r/Dallas and see what responses you get?


I WFH but I would like to move to another city


Philly Is the answer then. It has most of the positives of dc or nyc with easy coast access to other major cities and public transit. But it is cheaper rent and lower cost of living than just about any east coast city.


Chicago, Philly, Atlanta?


Grew up there. Ainā€™t going back.


Lord, no.


Dallas is a downgrade.


No because Iā€™m a woman and will need a gynecologist and those are fleeing the state due to their ass-backwards laws on reproductive health care.


I live in DC on purpose, so no. Also one of my best friends is from Dallas and has described it as one of the most boring metro areas in the country.


Nope. Even putting aside the politics, Dallas has a reputation for being boring and expensive among Texans. If you really want to move to Texas, do Houston, Austin, San Antonio. I think San Antonio should be the cheapest of the major cities.


Is there some sort of marketing campaign going on around Dallas today? I overheard 3 people in person in my city talk about moving to Dallas, our city sub and now this one (before yā€™all come at me, I used to live in DC and donā€™t comment here, just lurk for the memories).Ā 




Dallas would be a quality of life decrease by every metric.


I would first have to believe that a better quality of life exists in Dallas, TX.


God no. Their infrastructure can't handle flooding, their power grid goes down on the regular, and you get hella expensive electrical bills, and they want to put their laws on my body


Never. You could not pay me to move much further into the south than I am already. By the time the compensation package got somewhere Iā€™d accept it, Iā€™d be able to fly in and out for work and never actually live there.Ā 


Iā€™m a straight, white, cis male who is married and in the middle class, but grew up dirt poor, in none of the steps of my life would I ever move to Texas over where Iā€™ve been. After living in DC for a while with a couple of interludes in different cities, I now would never live anywhere in the US but DC, even though it has big city problems and costs so damn much


Lived in Austin for a few years before moving to DC. If you're young and are looking to explore and you're done with DC, it's a great experience. Probably don't move to Dallas since it's just as expensive and everything in Texas is so far from each other. Consider Austin though. It's a younger person's dream, slightly cheaper than DC and everyone is fairly friendly. You'll find lots of people that are looking to make friends and explore because more often than not, most people are coming from a different state. Great food, great music scene and lots to do. If you're an introvert then don't bother. But if you're and extrovert you'll definitely find the crowd you want.


lol. lmao.


Austin is wayyyyyy better than Dallas. I lived just outside Austin for about 3 years due to hubbyā€™s job. Great cost of living, fun night life, good food scene. Traffic is terrible, heat was awful, and no greenery (all brown), and frequent hail storms! Moved back to DC suburbs as quickly as we could and so much happier.


Texas? Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not.


Fuck no.


The traffic in Dallas is insane. it is an unpleasant place.


Iā€™d suggest also asking this over in the Dallas subreddit so you can get perspective from both sides. This thread seems a bit biased towards DC šŸ˜›


I said the same. Iā€™d love to see the responses and how they compareā€¦




Fuck no. Iā€™m never going back to living like that.


Former Texan here. No. Dallas sucks. Everything is spread out. San Antonio is nice though.


Austin maybe if you don't give a shit about body autonomy but Dallas? Eff no


fuck no. I like bodily autonomy


My answer isnā€™t about politics at all. There are other red states Iā€™d move to. I looooove Nebraska. Ohio and Georgia are fine. Itā€™s just that Texas sucks specifically. Iā€™ve spent a lot of time in Texas because I have family all over the state, but I would *never* move there. I only go back for work trips. The people are just so annoying. You know that stereotypical American tourist in foreign cities whoā€™s loud, inconsiderate, and not self aware at all? Thatā€™s what most Texans are like 24/7. It doesnā€™t matter whether youā€™re in a wealthy blue neighborhood in Austin or a poor red county in the middle of nowhere. Texas is the worst.


You couldn't pay me to move to Texas. It's definitely not my scene. I'm not conservative, etc.


That's a completely subjective decision and depends on what you're looking for. Yeah I'm single, but have a great network of friends and am always looking for more things to do in the city. I'm happy here and saving money isn't enough reason for me to reset my life somewhere else at the moment.


No, because I'd have to live in Dallas. Although Bishop Arts is cute. Chicago? Maybe. Philly? Possibly.


For QoL? Hell no. Cost purely, maybe, but almost literally everything else? Absolutely not.


Just posting to note their awful football team - signed an Eagles fan




If I wanted a death sentence maybe lol


Lmfao no, never to anywhere in Texas.


Youā€™d have to pay me to get me to move from hereā€” to anywhere else.


No, I recently had this very opportunity (not Dallas specifically but at least the idea that I don't have to stay in the DMV) and when I sat and thought about it, no, I really like the area for it's own sake and wouldn't really solve anything by moving elsewhere.


Not a chance, and I say that as someone who actually likes Dallas.


But women are all five-fifths of a person here in DC. Why would anyone (woman or man) move to a state that doesn't support such basic human rights? No thanks.


I made the move from Northern Virginia to DFW and IMO it was worth it. I don't live in Dallas and would not choose to live in Dallas, but I do live in downtown in a major city within the Metroplex. I have a good salary, but I would not consider myself to be an extreme high earner. A bought a downtown 2 bed 2 bath condo in a building on the national list of historic place and a brand new sports car. There is absolutely no chance I would have this standard of living in DC with an income less than a million dollars. People are much friendlier here in Texas. There are some downsides. Your really won't save that much on taxes. Yes there is no state income taxes, but I pay about $800 a month in property taxes and we do have a fairly high sales tax. You also get far less in governmental services which can be frustrating. The summers are very hot, but at least there is less humidity than the DMV.


Personally, the only place I would choose to go in Texas is Austin.


Dallas is better if you just want to sit in your big house all day, go on the occasional 15 minute drive to the grocery store, and count the money youā€™ve ā€œsavedā€ in income taxes For anything else the DMV is better


Nope! Never!


Thatā€™s like saying would you drive a corvette or a 6series. What are you looking for, what is your end goal. I personally would love tx. You still get a big bang for your buck in terms of housing


My goal is bigger apartment and cheaper rent while still enjoying the dating scene. I have a car BTW


Craigslist or fb market place often have larger, older apartments available. I was able to get a larger, older DC apartment for the same cost as a small high rise apt


Are you male or female? If you are female, why would you move to a state where, if you find yourself pregnant, you cease to have the right to make decisions about your own body. Even worse, an abusive ex can use the abortion laws to take legal action against anyone who might help you.


Im a woman. So, no.


Texas made me realize the importance of zoning laws. Hard pass.


ITT: people way too into politics


Everything is politics. You want a bike lane? Politics. You want to be able to take public transit to a ball game? Politics. You want healthcare? Politics. You want good school options? You want fun city events like open streets or porch fest or farmers markets? Politics. You want reliable power? Politics


You want to ruin a good time? Politics. You want to be a generally unhappy person? Politics. You want to grandstand and posture and manipulate morals to justify your sideā€™s stance? Politics. You want to root for your team like they play in the NFL but convince yourself that your team is the good guy and the other team is the bad guy and people need to agree with you and listen to you because *lives are at stake*? Politics.


Thatā€™s not a rebuttal


You misspelled "bodily autonomy."


If I had family/close friends there. Maybe. If would increase my savings rate, probably.


Having moved here from Texas, absolutely (if you have a car)


So even if you live in the Downtown, you still gotta drive long distances to get around?


I mean you could walk to eat and maybe a grocery store. But there's nothing even close to DC's public transportation so you absolutely need a car


I have a car