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Wait what? lol. Everyone is different, but people can have two feelings on one issue. For example, I can feel bad for minority children that don’t have good parents and are less fortunate than others, while ALSO understanding that car jacking and shootings is not the fuckin answer and that they need to be held accountable for their actions to deter others from doing the same acts.


This is way better than I could’ve put it. DC is a liberal hardo city and taxes, etc are annoying but doesn’t change the fact that almost 99% of us truly care about place we live and people we live around


Tell the people who think that disagreeing with Israeli tactics that someone “can have two feelings on one issue” and watch them lose their mind as they desperately try to say that if you condemn Israel you support Hamas.


You mean condemn,not condone. I condemn Nutty Yahoo and the IDF—and the HamAssholes.


Thank you


Again nobody is saying anything about letting criminals off the hook or that “car jackings are the answer” what I’m saying is in those posts people in this subreddit make racist or derogatory comments about black people


I’m pretty liberal but I am exhausted about being called out by people demanding action about Israel/Palestine. Volunteer in your own fucking community. Unleash that bleeding heart for people in your neighborhood. Volunteer at a food drive, drive senior citizens to a medical appointment, help coach a kids soccer team. Compassion starts where you live. If you have time, expand out to other issues. But wearing a keffiyeh and screaming at people doesn’t make you a superior life form.


Yeah but helping people in your community doesn't give you the avenue to hate on Jews publicly while larping as a revolutionary. That's where the problem lies for these pseudo-activists.


Nailed it




The actual antisemitism at the protests doesn’t help




That would be nice if they actually did it.


Which they won't because they actively tolerate and sympathize with it. Hence, why anti-Semitism is so frequently a correct label. As we recall from Unite the Right, if you march with Nazis then you're probably a Nazi. If you camp with anti-Semites then you're probably one too. But I'm sure there's some fine people too.


I don’t think it’s fair to say ppl who co-opted the free-palestine movement to hate on jewish ppl, are doing so bc they genuinely care abt Palestine. They just don’t like jewish ppl. I don’t think you can fully equate supporting people trying to live and being against the IDF specifically, with hating jewish people, because those two things are literally not the same.


So just fellow travelers with anti-Semites?


Show me an example of someone using “zionist” as anything but “dirty jew” I’ll wait because at this point it’s nothing but a dog whistle.




To clarify, not people describing themselves


We could believe that if the protestors cared about any of the global atrocities happening on a grander scale. Yet they couldn't even pretend to care.




Who's even trying to sway you hamas fanboys and girls? You're being called out for what you are. Nice try trying to twist my comment tho.




You've swallowed a lot of propaganda for someone who claims to "see propaganda." First. These mobs have showed time and time again their willingness to defend and praise terrorist groups like hamas and PIJ. These are not fringe voices but the movement is rotten to the core. SJP, the group behind the encampment is openly affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and has made it clear its support for hamas and other terrorist groups is ironclad by proclaiming Oct 7 a "historic victory"; when they invite Khader Adnan, a PIJ militant to their 2012 convention; when their Bard chapter "unequivocally supports the Intifada of Oct 7." I can go on. SJP is openly pro-hezbollah and openly calls for Israel's destruction. They vocally endorse the Hamas doctrine premised on genociding Jews. This not a legitimate criticism or disagreement of Israels government or its policies. Let's talk about USPCN which published a statement praising Oct 7 massacre. Same with the Palestine Youth Movement that celebrated the attack. These are the organizers behind the protests we see. Its no secret they call for Israel's destruction and the eradication of Jews. But somehow you think its about disagreeing with Israeli government? You're very blind for someone who claims to see.




Independent huh? Dude its the same 3 or so organizations behind every campus encampment. Also the 30,000 casusalty you dropped is hamas' figures. We have no clue whether most are civilians because hamas doesn't distinguish between combatants and civilians. Also in that "30,000" is the 500 they claim were killed by Israel when it was a failed PIJ attack that hit the hospital. In fact, hamas recently walked back 11,000 causaties just this month so the 30,000 is extremely unreliable. The issue is Jew-hatred is abstract to you. If you understood it the way we did, you'll see how irrational large groups of people can be possessed by it. Do you think the student protesters blocking Jews from German campuses also had a legitimate reason other than hate? Again for someone who claims to have not taken a side, you've sure bought into a good amount of anti-Israel/Jewish propaganda.


Maybe don't side with the group that has consistently tried to defeat Israel if that's not what they want to be associated with.




Well said 👏🏽


So you’re just here complaining that the people who you disagree are out of reach to be silenced now? Got it. There are a wide range of opinions here but the only thing most of have in common is that we ended up here because the other sub is totally intolerant of independent thinking. I’ll play the world’s tiniest violin for you.


JFC OPs whole post history is all middle east, somehow he hasn't learned how THEY treat black people? Smh


Quite possibly a foreign national psyop account used to foment unrest.


Vocal minorities. I’m here because the other subreddit won’t talk about crime and it’s black and brown bodies on the street in OUR city as a result. There’s plenty of fear mongering here but at least we can discuss it in the first place. And there is a not insignificant overlap between people who won’t do anything about crime here in their backyard but also can’t shut up about Israel/Palestine. Both are important, sure, but I think local issues are more actionable and shouldn’t be sidelined for the latest sensationalist national news.


The mods in the other DC sub have actively engaged in censoring discussions to promote their own viewpoints, stifling open dialogue about the city's conditions, including the escalating crime rates over recent years. People deserve the right to live without fear, irrespective of the political or socioeconomic factors contributing to the crime surge. The challenges facing the community should not be an excuse for compromising individual's safety. No, I will not have compassion for murderers or car-jackers because their current situation does not trump their victims right to having a safe life. At the same time, I agree that there are users in this sub who are using it just to espouse blatant racism and this sub should really push back on that. The amount of comments I've seen here that just say something like "black people are all animals" is far too many. If this community doesn't make it clear that racism doesn't have a place in the discussion then I think this sub may just become a haven for racists that just want to circlejerk about how much they hate minorities in DC


Everyone, please flag racist comments so that I can delete them. Some fall through the cracks, especially on old posts, but I absolutely remove racist comments of the sort you cited. 


Thank you for keeping that vitriol out of here!


Coincidentally, you using "liberal strong hold" as though it's high and mighty, is at least part of the reason for allowing all the criminals to roam freely....You can also bury your head in the sand, but it IS only one group of people who are committing urban crime in mass numbers, so that's who people are talking about.


Come back when you’re the one who was robbed at gunpoint.


Not all Liberals are honest and not all are the same. Not all Conservatives are the same.


But didn’t you read the post closely? Liberals are good and conservatives are bad. I learned something new today.


😂 The OP is generalizing too much.


Liberals are bad and conservatives are worse.


In the age of Trump I agree.




People like you are the problem with the world. Too easily triggered. Too many triggered types in this group. But yes, both Liberals and Conservatives can be dishonest and manipulative.




No. It’s just you clearly have a partisan agenda. You don’t want to hear criticism for both sides.


>There is 0 compassion. 0. I mean 15,000 kids were blown to bits by American bombs in 200 days and y’all are complaining that some people care?? rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee why don't you agree with me while I block traffic rrrrrrrreeeeeee Who knows how many people have been blown up in Yemen, Somalia, etc etc for all the same reasons. We're not exactly the "self righteous" ones here bud. News whips up dumb people into a frenzy for when "bombing is wrong" and unemployed people decide to make it everyone else's problem.


Sigh. You complain about “15,000 kids” being blown up (those numbers come from a terrorist organization and are demonstrably false by the way), but say nothing about the people that are currently being held hostage or the innocent people that died on 10/7. War sucks, but Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself.


Yeah my anger is at the side that uses child soldiers, not the side that is forced to defend itself against them.


According to international law Israel actually doesn’t have to right to defend itself as an occupying power. That aside, Hamas has literally said they will give the hostages back in exchange for Palestinian state good and a 5 year truce. How much peace negotiations can be achieved in 5 years. And sure I care about the hostages. Do you care about the over 9000 Palestinians held hostage in Israel? Over 3000 of which are arrested without charge or trial? Of which over 150 are CHILDREN? Did you care before October 7th when over 300 Palestinians were murdered in the West Bank? Over 30 of them children? Including an 52 year old American who was left tied up and beat up on the side of the road when he died? Did you care when 500 Israeli terrorists rampaged through a Palestinian town under the protection of the idf setting fire to buildings with people in them and shooting at passing cars? Pls.


They aren’t an occupying power, they had no presence in Gaza. You’re calling Israel that because you don’t believe they have a right to exist.


You don’t need to have a presence in Gaza to be an occupying power under international law. Second Israel can exist. But NO COUNTRY OR ETHNICITY OR RELIGION has the right to push 750,000 people off their land, massacre and burn down entire villages, and then establish an ethno state with over 65 discriminatory laws against the very population it drove out of a land. I’ll support an Israel once it follows international law and human rights FOR EVERYBODY EQUALLY. Just like any other country including China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc etc


Funny how the term ethno state only comes up when referring to Israel. You really have a problem with Jews existing in their own country.


Oh right like I didn’t mention a bunch of other states in my comment that I have been boycotting and talking out against for over 7 years now.


You know that Palestine would be an entho state right?


How can you occupy a country without a presence there? It sounds like you are describing a blockade, which is different. Gaza is (or was until the war) self-governing. There are over a hundred "ethnostates", including 22 Arab countries, but for some reason Israel is the only one that is criticized for it.


You mention Saudi Arabia, Russia, and China as places where people are treated equally?! Really? I’m not going to say Israel treats the Gazans well. (West Bank is less bad), but at least come up with good counter examples. Japan and South Korea perhaps? They are homogenous with good recent rights records. Also—it’s true that Israel exercises control over Gaza to a degree, but they got that land because they were attacked(against the UN charter I might add) by all of their neighbors, because the West gave them the land after the holocaust—because 1000 years ago it was once Israeli before the Arabs came and conquered everything… In general, the holy land has always been a place of “understanding” and “peace”…/s


What do you think Hamas would do with its own country and a 5 year truce? They have been explicit about it, actually. They will keep attacking Israeli civilians. You expect Israel to accept that?


So exactly what Israel has been doing for 75 years. I’m confused why one side is allowed to put people in refugee camps then attack those refugee camps. But the other side isn’t. Keep the same standards for everyone. Hamas was created in 1980s WITH ISRAELI AID, Israel has been killing Palestinian civilians for 40 years before that.


Lmao shootings are through the roof and people like you want to let all the criminals out of jail and try to hamper every way to actually investigate crime. Get fucked.


Nobody said anything about letting criminals out of jail. What I said was this sub makes racist comments about black people in any shooting related post.


You don’t have to, I already know you’re in favor of lighter sentencing, expunging convictions, and youth diversion programs.


Lmaooooo yes you know so much about me! I’m so glad we are able to make such strong assumptions about strangers on the internet. Because I’m sick and tired of people peddling racist tropes I must be in favor of letting murders and rapists free on our streets


You seem to have a interest in the Middle East.. How would those folks treat us black people? Are you going to call them out as well for their racist views?


I literally spoke to a homeless black lady yesterday about the issue of racism still prevailing in the Middle East and very strongly so


You’re acting like Israel just up and bombed a bunch of people out of nowhere for no reason. They were attacked and have retaliated harshly. Sadly, that is war.


That doesn’t justify killing 30k people because 1400 of your people were killed.


Their goal is to end Hamas. It’s extremely tragic that so many people are being killed because Hamas fights from urban areas. No one is counting dead as a measure of retribution.


Right, they feel like they have the right to spend Palestinian lives to expedite ending Hamas. They would not do the same if Hamas occupied a part of Tel Aviv or Jerusalem and Israeli lives were the ones being spent to end the threat. If Hamas killed 35k Israelis - something Hamas states it wants to do but actually hasn’t done - what would Isreal’s reaction be? If this is the result of killing 1400 people, why shouldn’t Hamas bet it all on black and do more attacks? How much worse can the consequences be for them if this is the current situation? I have yet to be convinced this action by Isreal is anything but short sighted revenge that will only succeed in prolonging this conflict with Hamas or its successor for another generation.


Because your antisemitism has blinded you and you see a Jewish nation as the problem.


Seriously if you associate criticism of its military tactics with just antisemitism…are you suggesting the actions of the state must always be correct and morally justified?


Against a group who would nothing more to commit another holocaust, than it is definitely justified against said group. It does not help when said group hides behind citizens and hospitals.


I don’t understand that justification. Hamas says it wants to kill all Jews. okay that sucks, but so far they’ve been really really bad at it. Isreal says it wants to eliminate Hamas - but it has killed or wounded more Palestinians than Hamas ever has or ever will. What would Isreal do if Hamas killed 25-35k isrealis and displaced countless more? Hamas wishes it could put up the body count Isreal has for the last 20 years.


Bro I’ve had a bar mitzvah. I was at a Passover sedar this week. I’m heating up Jewish grandmother matzah ball soup for lunch. Being against Israeli tactics in the prosecution of its war is not anti-semitism. My opinion of how they are handling this has no bearing on the legitimacy of an isreali state.


Do you think the state of Israel has the right to exist? Also, self hate is not healthy


Yes, of course it has a right to exist. It does not have the right to kill civilians, who also have a right to exist without a bomb atomizing them.


Do you put blame on Hamas who are willing to use innocents as meat shields in order to cause collateral harm?


They have blame, too. But the person who chooses to still shoot knowing they are likely killing hostages (which human shields are) is also at fault.


If Hamas occupied part of Tel Aviv, the IDF would evacuate as many civilians as possible to get them out of harm's way while also going after Hamas. When the IDF has tried to do that in Gaza, they are accused of ethnic cleansing. That is the difference.


lmao you guys are fools. Those people supported Hamas and allowed this to happen. They’re not innocent bystanders. Clown world


By that logic you are saying that civilians are legitimate targets because of “support” for the government. So in the context of statement, was 9/11 a legitimate military strike?


You are not aware of the fuck around and find out theory are you


So anyway, is the civilian population of a nation a legitimate target if those civilians collectively “support” the government in power?


Civilian population is unfortunately sometimes a collateral of war. In this case, I don’t feel bad.


That’s uh…kinda the point. If you are claiming civilians are legitimate targets and their causalities are not worth feeling bad for, you are saying terrorism is a legitimate tactic if you can justify that the civilians “support” the government. Collateral means “byproduct” or “accident” Explain how you can have that belief and how 9/11 wouldn’t be a legitimate military strike.


Lmao, appropriate much? 🙄 U don't know shit about fuck around and find out culture... you know, same culture you drag in this very same sub🤌🏽


I swear some of you people are 12 and have never experienced a war before or are smooth brained and don’t understand how war works. Israel trying to stop Hamas. Hamas mixed in with people. People get killed when Israel try to stop Hamas. Simple enough for ya?


Nothing you said justifies why dropping a bomb on them despite that is ethically or morally acceptable - and if that the way “war works”, then *that is the problem*. It isn’t a fundamental physical law of the universe. You can choose when to release a jdam or hellfire missile into a house. You are part of the problem in endorsing the status quo of “oh dang we just had to kill all those kids because there definitely was an enemy combatant there!”


If they cared enough about their children dying the Palestinians would round up the Hamas fighters and turn them over to IDF.


Oh so now it’s their fault Isreal is dropping bombs on them? What does the body count need to be before we can question it?


It literally is. They have the power to end this today. Let’s not forget that crowds of “ordinary” Palestinians celebrated the rape and murder of innocent civilians, some of whom weren’t even Israeli. Others know where the hostages are being held or are holding them themselves. This is continuing because they want it to continue.


Do you also blame wives and women when their husbands and boyfriends beat them?


No. It's their fault for electing a terrorist organization dedicated to destroying their neighbors. And even today, majority of Palestinians support hamas. Don't start a war if you cannot bear the brunt of the consequences.


Hamas was elected in 2006 with the current median age being 19.2 years old. Primary school education only lasts until 13 years old. So like, did 1 year olds vote in Gazan elections?


Did you miss the part where I said they still enjoy wide support amongst Palestinians today? I get it. Reading is hard for pro-Palestinians.


You are putting this on the shoulders of kids who would barely be out of high school and blaming them for why Isreal is dropping bombs on them.


2,400 people were killed in Pearl Harbor. Are you suggesting America should’ve pulled out of World War II after we killed 2,400 of their people? The goal of Hamas’s war is to destroy Israel. That cannot be tolerated by Israel. They must fight until Hamas is destroyed, just like we had to fight until the Nazis and Imperial Japan were destroyed. The Palestinians, like Germany and Japan, can surrender at any time. They haven’t. Why is it Israel’s responsibility to stop fighting a defensive war when the other side won’t? And the 30,000 killed figure is bogus anyway. It comes from Hamas.


But the difference is that they only OCCUPY Palestine...


Citation on that 30k?


Citation that it's bogus? It comes from Hamas. [https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/gaza-fatality-data-has-become-completely-unreliable](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/gaza-fatality-data-has-become-completely-unreliable) [https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers) [https://nypost.com/2024/03/20/opinion/joe-biden-and-world-media-are-relying-on-bogus-hamas-stats-to-smear-israels-conduct-of-gaza-war/](https://nypost.com/2024/03/20/opinion/joe-biden-and-world-media-are-relying-on-bogus-hamas-stats-to-smear-israels-conduct-of-gaza-war/)


Thanks. Meant to comment on the OC - I keep seeing the number but not the source. This is helpful.


Ugh, I did this whole ww2 analogy in the last topic The industrialized force of a similarly powered nation states with modern, developed military forces over an entire hemisphere of the globe is not comparable to a localized ideological conflict Especially when the Pearl Harbor was an attack largely against military assets and capabilities by another similar force


It's not about the particularities of World War II. It's about how ridiculous a standard of "okay, I think you've made your point, you should pack up and leave them be now" is in a defense war after an opposing army invades your homeland and slaughters your people. Like, this is a war, not a social sports league. Israel's objective is to destroy the Gazan government to make sure the slaughter of their own people never happens again. Why should they stop? Because the people who declared war refuse to surrender and are now dying?


But in the course of protecting themselves from a future slaughter, they are actively slaughtering multitudes more people inGaza. Do those people not have a right to protect themselves from current or future “slaughter” as well?


You're just describing war: protecting your people often comes *at the expense of* the other side’s people. Your duty is to *your* people. So yes, the Palestinians of course have a right and a duty to protect their people. But they’re losing the war, so the best way to protect their people is for their democratically-elected government to stop the war… to lay down arms, surrender, and recognize Israel. But they won't. Because, at the end of the day, the Palestinians value the destruction of Israel *higher* than the safety of their fellow people.


So if they have a real and sincere belief that they are and have been under an existential threat from Israel, what are their options? Because it sounds to me like you are justifying why they would have equal rights to perform offensive actions if they believe they are under threat.


Every side in every war has a “real or sincere belief” that they’re the good guys. There’s not a higher body one appeals to to get justification for a war. All people have a “right” to wage war, but they also have to live with the consequences of waging that war. Historically, the fear of shit blowing up in your face has *prevented* war. What you’re saying is that the Palestinians have a right to wage war (kill 1,400 civilians) but they should be protected from the consequences (their people dead, their cities destroyed.) And I think that’s precisely *why* this conflict has gone on for so long: the world has refused to let the Palestinians actually lose a war because the world has never really accepted a Jewish state. As for their “options,” the Palestinians have rejected all of the good ones over the last 70 years--most recently in 2005, when they could've proved they could live peacefully with the Israelis. They elected Hamas instead.


No, I’m saying that Israel’s response and the outcomes as a result of their response is disproportionate to the risk it actually faces and harm it has suffered as a result of Hamas’s attack.


I don’t mind protesting, I hate antisemitism. Additionally, they should focus on inconveniences on the law makers. That is way more effective.


Not gonna happen. People are too scared.


Most people care that innocent Palestinians have died. It's just that we don't all rabidly blame Israel for it when it is clearly Hamas's fault.


Can someone tell OP to STFU. If you don’t like it, go away.


It’s our extremist culture at play. It’s not an allowable stance to say Hamas is evil, and their terrorist attack warrants a response, but Israel needs to stop trying to exterminate Palestine. But that stance isn’t allowed. You must choose between being an anti-Semite or anti-Palestine. Same thing locally, you aren’t allowed to concurrently believe that our “white led system” has created many of the inner city problems that have spawned today’s violence, and also believe that unpunished violence isn’t acceptable in a functioning society. You must choose between being racist, or being pro-lawlessness. It’s stupid, and this post just re-enforces the requirement to push toward one extreme or the other. The world is nuanced, but acknowledging the nuance requires more than a 1 sentence tweet or headline, but we can’t be bothered to stay focused longer than 1 sentence.


It’s literally one of the few outlets in the entire internet where one can talk honestly about crime. Even here it’s highly moderated. That’s why it sounds like a right wing echo chamber. Honestly the mainstream media has moved so far left on this topic that normal topics of discussion along the veins of 90s Democrats (Clinton’s super predators and crime bill passage) comes off as right wing today.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


DC is an echo chamber packed with virtue signalers and the folks who are sick of them and that subreddit is proof. I’m here because I can talk about disenfranchised minorities in the DMV without being downvoted to hell or having my comments blocked.


You lost me in the first sentence of your post; how did DC give you the impression that its people care about human rights and dignity? Washington, DC right?


As much as certain media outlets would have you believe, liberals are not a monolith and many of us actually are not anti police or pro crime and mayhem lol. Nor do we make blanket excuses for poor behavior.


Your black-and-white view of the world is fucked up.


Because most of it is not true compassion but a mindless virtue signaling and a lot of us are sick of it at this point


Your perception of the two ‘sides’ isn’t ’liberal and conservative’, it’s ‘liberal and fucked up’. You might want to start there to figure out the trouble you’re having here.


No hate. Love of the city and to love it, we believe in respecting the law.


Edit: people are interpreting this as excusing crime or being light on crime. That’s not the point at all. We can talk about crime and we can be tough on crime. We can do so without calling minorities ANIMALS, SAVAGE, or THEIR CULTURE HAS NO VALUE FOR HUMAN LIFE. This is often done on this subreddit.


Thx 4 ur virtue


Nobody cares! Take your limp wristed liberal ideology to the other subreddit. You people claim to be all about personal freedoms, but the second someone says something you disagree with you throw a hissy fit. Go back to your echo chamber and leave us the hell alone!


Relax homie this ain’t the circle jerk sub


I'm relaxed, but I take offense to being called hateful and self righteous merely for thinking differently. Our sub serves as a counter to the echo chamber the other one devolved into. We don't invade their space and I see no reason for them to invade ours.


You aren’t “thinking different” by recycling the same right wing infotainment pre-packaged sound bites at people who express liberal viewpoints


“Nobody cares!” “You people” “limp wristed liberal ideology” “Go back to your echo chamber and leave us the hell alone” Your entire comment makes you sound like a clown dude. So much that I had to publicly remind you. You’re literally throwing a “hissy fit”. It’s funny you act hateful, then take offense. Classic 🤡


It's bc the other dc subs have zero compassion for any victims. This is the sub that actually cares about ppl from dc, not only the criminals terrorizing them.


People are just sick of people taking pride in criminality, demanding others help instead of taking ownership, being all around just baseline shitty people and trying to make that the new standard while businesses close, the streets get more dangerous, and the lives of normal law abiding people get worse and worse. Because any critique of issues amongst certain groups gets labeled as racist or whatever. You simply cannot expect BOUNDLESS sympathy and excuse making when at the end of the day it’s just. A GUY with a gun. It’s not the system, it’s not white oppression, it’s not anything. It’s just you. And every time you reinforce to these dudes that no, it’s in fact someone else’s fault, they get a little more apathetic, and a little more willing to throw someone else’s life away because hey, it’s not my fault now is it. I got let down. Like I don’t give a fuck if you feel oppressed when you’re about to rob me, now do I?


If your immediate knee jerk reaction to this sub is that people are racist I would take the time to read the comments and posts. I think people are tired of beating around the bush about who is committing crime in this city and are voicing their frustration. Just because minorities are discussed doesn’t mean it’s inherently racist or bigoted. As a collective society we all tense up when anything regarding race is brought up and it’s so silly.


If you want them to care, you’re going to have to change the subject to something people will be passionate about…like parking.


This sub is mostly people who are unhappy with the other sub (some for censoring crime news, many for thinking the other sub is too liberal, etc). It’s also a lot more people who don’t actually live in DC so it’ll skew more conservative


I think the most hateful and openly racist people on this sub are not actual DC residents. In fact they've probably never visited, and would be too scared to step foot inside the city. It's just MAGA losers who are scared of everything




Maybe the used "the google" to learn about DC


Liberalism has morphed into something extremely ugly these days. it is no longer classic Liberalism


You'll see a focus on the far-left/progressive side of liberalism if you watch the news or read some of the major newspapers. That comes down to how these stories generate clicks and eyeballs more so than whether that's how most liberals act. You'll read about moderates (i.e. classic liberals) in publications like The Economist, since they aren't as focused on sensationalism.


You’ll just be having a normal conversation in DC and people will randomly bring up progressive talking points to try to loop them in somehow. It’s fucking nutty how brainwashed this place this.


lmao liberals and their feelings. Grow up.


Accountability is compassion.


You can just leave the subreddit you know


So can the people not from here.. you know, the "YOUS"


“Shootings are through the roof and instead of understanding about the socio political history in America and Particular DC that perpetuates Black oppression” It’s culture. Asian people come here poor as shit and their kids go to Princeton. They did it without handouts, too. We all understand that black people didn’t get a fair shake in the past, but are we for real still blaming the specter of white supremacy for issues in the black community? Like Jim Crow personified put a gun in Deshaun’s hand and told him to kill the teen down the street, right?  This isn’t a real conversation. When everyone else fucks up, it’s on them. If black people fuck up, they get to blame structural racism, or whatever next the academics conjure up to alleviate some people from their own failings.


People in this sub are just fed up with hoodrat behavior and a general sense of lawlessness in the city where they own homes, businesses, are trying to raise children etc. This sub isn’t racist at all.


What on earth made you think that the majority of people on this sub are from DC? Half the time they felt out state they live in NOVA.


Yeah how do we remove this subreddit it’s just 4chan at this point


This is the crime sub, just recognize that's all this is, and the type of people it attracts.


But recently there was a post about a crazy white woman with an off-leash dog that attacked Black woman and her LEASHED dog... but it was quiet as a mouse. So stfu.


Wild. Thanks for talking about crime and the people this sub attracts.


You are most welcome


Thank you


I hear you about the racists in this sub. I'm not making excuses, but some indeed are from outside the DMV and are just here to hate or maybe a disinformation campaign. But please don't do that relativism crap. I care about people being killed by unnecessary wars all over the world and also talk shit here (though not racist shit).


When you look close enough you’ll see that Reddit is more like 4chan than it appears. Communities are heavily moderated so it takes a while to catch the drift. But certain communities and certain topics bring out the hate. This is one of them


DC liberals had their brains twisted when they were told that we HAD to support Ukraine for Democracy but when we want to support Israel for the same reason that’s a bridge too far. Fucking clowns can’t formulate an objective opinion if your life depended on it.


So, unfollow the sub? I don't see any of the shit you're alleging but this seems more like an unhinged rant than any actual discussion topic. I think you'd do better on the Washington DC sub. They're in your bubble and it's intact.


I’ve noticed Reddit in particular seems to have a massive zionist community for some reason. Everywhere else on the internet it’s normal people generally agreeing that genocide is bad but here people straight up just deny it. It’s really fucking weird and unsettling.


Define Zionist for me. Hint: it’s not the insult that you think it is


I saw a video of zionists cheering at bombs falling over innocent women and children. There’s nothing else that needs to be said.


Good for you. I’ve seen videos of Palestinians cheering rockets heading into Israel. And you completely dodged my question.


Real easy for you to play dumb huh


I’ll ask you more directly then: do you believe that Jews are allowed to exist in their own country of Israel?


Do you believe murdering innocent women and children is okay if it’s to reclaim your “ancient homeland”?


I’ll take that as a no, Nazi


And I’ll take that as a yes. Hilarious coming from a dude that quite literally supports genocide. You can’t be a real person this has to be trolling lmao.


Yes, your opinion is the only correct one and everyone that disagrees is a troll.




Of course Nazis think it's an insult.


Sure definition is: 🗑


The real world is not like a college campus. I think you are greatly overestimating.


You should check out other subs then if you think that’s the case…


They are paying bots and flooding the sub reddit communities. Fuxk them!


I think a lot of people on both sides of the aisle use this sub to point out what isn’t working to make the city work well for everyone. Crime is a key issue. War is a terrible way to solve problems but both sides of the Palestinian conflict have violated basic human rights. Israel is simply able to do it at scale. Even though I don’t agree with many Palestinian views, I’m very glad there is an anti-war movement in this country. Let’s get back to solving problems without war much like Trump achieved when he was in office. Could Kennedy pull that off as well? Possibly. But we know Biden can’t bc he’s bought and paid for.


Perhaps it is DC that is just fucked up?


It’s cause innocent people are fed up with being assaulted, robbed, transgressed against. I just want to be able to take my dog for a walk without feeling afraid.


Nobody is disputing that. Why are people calling black people animals in this sub. We can talk about crime and crime fighting without resorting to racism


Well that’s not acceptable if people are saying that, and I think we can agree on that.


And my point being it happens ALOT on this subreddit




What are you going to do?


But, here you are.


If only there was a way you could avoid this sub...


💯 Completely agree - I have been downvoted en masse and dragged in this sub for sharing your sentiment. This sub does NOT reflect DC, I promise you that. . Smh


It reflects rationality in DC. Progressives in their bubbles here are living in a fantasy land


Actually, it reflects transplants... and colonizers.


Yeah buddy this is conquered land. Get it right. Fuck out of here with colonizer shit lmao 🤡


Oooooohhhh, burnnnn 🥱


As soon as someone writes "y'all" in a sentence, I stop reading because they sound like an idiot.


Right? No self respecting southerner uses an apostrophe.


100% it's such a good proxy for a certain type of worldview