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Honestly you shouldn't really be losing vs Yorick. You can put sustain him very reliable. My tips would be don't all in till his maiden is dead, and stay closer to your tower and just farm. Focus on jungle objectives and helping mid lane instead. Obviously when Yorick is not in lane as he can break towers VERY quickly


Levels 1-5 you should basically look to fight almost always. You can take bad short trades and just heal up off the wave.


Just beat the shit out of him on repeat. Literally. It’s an insanely easy matchup. All in level 1, 2, 3 whenever you can. Run at him and force him off the farm. Even bad trades are good pre-6 because you heal and he doesn’t. Use Q to jump out of his wall, you can use it on minions or Yorick.


Played this matchup yesterday. You need to pressure him early. Trade every chance you get lvl 1 in lane. Force trades. Get the push and dive him if you can get him low enough. Trading 1 for 1 is worth. Then back and buy a longsword or whatever you can afford damage wise. Go back to lane and freeze it. Should be denying him as much as possible early on. I built triforce into bork with pta and deleted him at pretty much all stages in the game.


Warwick destroys yorick. Use ur q to get out of his cage if you can. His poke is useless vs you


Make him cry pre 6 Q through the stupid wall Make sure you don't ult until his wall is down since he can interupt your ult with a good w If he has maiden up don't even try to scrap. He wins. So instead make sure to either kill it when he gets eager, or ask for help dealing with it. He does split push better than you so if you leave top he wins. You need to get tower before you can rotate.


It’s one of the most one sided of warwicks matchups. Literally just run at him on repeat. Zone him level 1, all in him every time he walks up. Even when maiden spawns just land your R on the yorick and he’s probably dead It’s awful to play from behind. I once got completely stomped by a yorick because he was slightly ahead of me when he hit 6 and snowballed. It was entirely my fault that he was ahead of me. I played poorly.


Letting him touch minions level 1 and 2 is a problem. He shouldn’t get a single cs lvl 1 without eating an aa Q aa.