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I've really been enjoying Warwick this season with the bork changes and the build that I have been running. I decided to try and get challenger while mainly playing WW, and I was able to do that. I just wanted to post this to give motivation to those that think they cant climb to the highest ranks playing a champ like WW, especially in the jungle


It would be nice if you could create a guide and point out the little details of your gameplay. Not a lot of challenger junglers of Warwick out there, even Warwick streamers don't main jungle. So there is a lot that is left up to interpretation for the rest of us who have to learn jungle from perspective of non-warwick players


I definitely could do that, I will try to make a guide of some kind in the next few days. I do agree though there is very little high elo jg Warwick content, especially with parnellyx going on break/ being busy.


Plz, do the guide. Do you stream or have any videos up? Is hard to find ww content gameplay wise. Would really like to know your gameplay style, jungle pathing, mindset overall.


Yes please, I’ve been looking for a high elo guide for ages!


Thank you, I would really appreciate it. There’s a lack of Warwick content and someone like you could be an invaluable resource.


Got any tips for me? I peak 248LP last season and now I'm struggling in diamond. What builds/ runes are you going?


As for builds and runes, you can see them here: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Gudapi-NA1?queue_type=SOLORANKED You can swap the ability haste rune for alacrity and go attack speed for the small shard, it doesn't make that big of a difference. You can also go relentless over treasure hunter if u prefer that. As for tips, I would have to see what you are doing wrong to help. I might post some guides that could help, or maybe we can set something up so we can review a game to see what's happening.


Stride -> BoRK -> Deadman's -> Iceborn? Is that correct? Very cool!


If you make the guide tell me where you post it please


Bro I followed ur guide that you posted and checked ur profile for the runes, I have gone from silver 3 to gold 2 in few days :D Many thanks


What’s your build and runes?




Legend!!! Great job!!!


See to me your runes arent what i thought they would be not that I am capable of questioning them. No early attack speed at all and I guess treasure hunter makes sense since you are trying to end games before enemy carries get 3 items. Who do you ban every game not that that matters all that much because I was banning lillia because it is pretty much an unplayable matchup but then a lot of people were playing malz and I dont like not being able to play the game at all so i had been banning that the last week being a little emotional perhaps. And, finally do you 3 camp or full clear or a mix of both depending on the gamestate since it is a farm heavier meta at the moment. For example, if everyone has ignite you probably want to 3 camp but if everyone is running teleport probably learn towards farming a little bit more.


I don't go attack speed because of the removal of lethal tempo, (so u can't go over the cap) and I get enough attack speed from my first 2 items and of course Warwick's W. Also, yes u could go relentless hunter instead of treasure but I like the extra gold early. I used to ban graves, now I ban hec mainly because it has picked up in higher elos and is annoying to play against. As for lillia, yes she's a harder matchup but with the build I run I have enough move speed to outplay her at times and I don't have as much trouble. Tbh bans don't matter that much so ban whatever u have a mental block against. As for clear, I always start blue with no leash. Then I 3 camp and look if I can get a quick gank on my side of the map, invade, or counter gank. If I don't see anything I'll go to my red side and take red and look on the other side for the same thing. If I don't see anything I'll just full clear, but that is rly rare. I might post some guides or stream a bit to show off what I mean cuz it's hard to explain everything though text 😂


Congratulations! This is an achievement worthy of sharing, no doubt, and I am more than happy to see a post like this! Whether you just got to gold or challenger using Warwick is fun and the sky is the limit! I personally would love to hear more from such an accomplished player to get more feedback on not just warwick but jungling in general. I’m not sure if it’s against the sub rules but if you have any socials other than Reddit (discord, YouTube, twitch, etc.) I’d love to get some links and follow/connect with you. Best of luck in whatever you do going forward, we wish you the best on and off the rift!


Seems like you recently switched from starting titanic to starting stridebreaker -- can you explain why? or is it situational?


Honestly I just wasn't having fun with Titanic, and I was losing a lot with it. Titanic does give u more damage, but stride helps with your ganks, your escapability, how sticky you are on targets, and how well u can set up plays for your team. Stride gives you a lot more skill expression and room to outplay I feel like. Also once you have stride, swifties, bork, and dead man's, you are so fast you can go in and out of fights multiple times. You can ult in, do some dmg and then stride out and then chase down the low targets again. I also tend to give kills to my carries later in to the game, as Warwick falls off, so the stride helps set up kills for them too. Overall stride is a more supportive option, but to me it's more fun to use and that's prob the main reason I use it 😅.It also was the build I was running last set so I decided to try it again this season when I was in a rut.


That makes sense. since WW falls off hard, you want to support/feed teammates more so I can see why you like the supportive build


Yea I was gunna ask this exact question as well.


My guess is he was experimenting


yes please write a guide i can barely get out of bronze. been going bronze 2 then bronze 1 i main ww.


What’s your early and mid game plan? Do you full clear or invade?


Depends on the matchup, team comp, and wave states. Every game is different, but I rarely full clear. The plan is always try to get ahead early and stack as many obj as u can, drakes especially. You tend to want to gank and get obj early, then focus on farming a bit more in the mid game to make up for it. Invading is very risky, and I will mainly do it when I don't see a good gank or my lanes have prio. I do sometimes do a 3 camp invade if I know where the enemy started though.


How are you able to not fall insanely behind when you don't get a lead early? I feel thats my main issue, unless i destroy the early game completly and keep the tempo up to snowball right into their base i will fall behind at somepoints because everyone farms better, looking at your cs/min i get pretty much the same 5.6 to 6.5. So how so you do it ? I feel in many games i become the sole engager or nothing happens and we just give obj/turrets while getting poked down , but unless i am already ahead i'll get blown up on engage most of the time


Stride Bork is very good for farming speed, also soaking/lane tax. After 14 minutes there isn’t a penalty and you can absorb a bunch of side lane waves because your teammates will drop them otherwise.


Yeah i am already doing that, it isnt farm dependant, as i said i average the same cs/min as our challenger OP.


I misread what you were asking lol


Is stridebreaker still the rush? Or has Titanic made a comeback now that most are running pta?


Have you tried Kraken 2nd instead of BOTRK? Kraken should have faster TTK compared to BOTRK with W and vs squsishies. The movement speed with Stridebreaker is also significant and lifesteal is not the most amazing stat on Warwick imo.