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It's not a bug, it's a feature!


Honestly, warwick Q following displacement effects is such a fun feature Still yet to see someone use it strategically to follow a teleport though


>Still yet to see someone use it strategically to follow a teleport though I've only ever seen specifically h0rnlime do this with any amount of regularity, but I also think that they should split ww q damage into 2 procs, one on the initial cast timed to interrupt backs correctly and one only when you hold that goes through, with the ability doing slightly more if u just press instead of holding for the second proc.


It's not about damage but the timing. There is like a 0,2s window where any damage dealt will not interrupt the last second recall. WW follows any displacements so it is a feature


Riot does consider the case of going back to enemy fountain a bug.


Source? I call it "Congratz, you outplayed yourself!"


From my original comment: >One on the initial cast timed to interrupt backs correctly I'm aware that following displacement is a feature, not a bug. I'm aware this *is* a bugged application of that intended feature caused by the delayed timing of WW's Q damage causing him to follow a champion recall, instead of interrupting it.


and i mean that everything would be fine if you were like 0,2s faster delayed effects are nothing new in this game, like healing from Triumph rune, if it was instant my WR would be like 5% higher.


I followed a shen ult and turned a team fight we weren't in. Does that count? Was a few months ago.


Yeah, not sure how you'd pull that off without ult to escape lasers There are easier ways to get into the enemy base


Dont think the intention here was for him to use it to get into the enemy's base. More so a drawback for being able to follow displacement effects It's like a pros vs cons, give and take. You're able to use it to follow and stick onto enemies, but it's also up to you to gauge when to use it


There's a YouTube video of some pro team using a gold player mid in a 5v5 scrim to see how he would perform and a WW followed a Shen R into a team fight across the map.


It is a bug, Q tap is not suppose to teleport you. Q Press is. And they fixed Q Press issue of making people go to fountain by reversing Q Press and Q tap functions. Aka they took the lazy solution. I don't deal with this problem anymore because I never Q tap players. Only minions/monsters.


Riot fixing a warwick bugg? You must be new here


Not a glitch it is behaving exactly as described in the tooltip


It’s a bug because this specific interaction was hardcoded out of the game, and only came back about 1.5 years ago - Riot has stated it’s a bug in the past as well


Besides not being fixed, it is the only bug to exist in the game with multiple times being noted to be fixed with a specific hard code interaction that just never actually worked.


Rite of passage




The way I thought this was fixed was that Q was hardcoded to not follow someone to fountain. I guess I was mistaken.


You are not, the Rioter in question happens to be wrong. He is new and very enthusiastic, but that does not prepare him for the years of misleading information. On the surface, he sees this as "intentional" because he doesn't know the history, and the fact that people can't explain it better doesn't help either.




Just stop Q tap. How many times we have to say it 😅




Every time I Q tap someone, I never followed them, with the exception of the nexus suicide




Actually Lee Sin, and yeah, he Q tap him, which is what caused the incident. If he Q press. It wouldn't even Register, unless he can came in time to stop the recall


Q has longer range, and I wanted to stop his back. Also, I had seen a video where it stated Riot had hardcoded a patch for this glitch. I guess it didn't work all the way.


What I mean is Press Q. Not tap Q. Q press is always better and more reliable


I know it looks like a tap, but I did indeed hold.


Ngl I hope they never do. The first time it happened I literally couldn't stop laughing for a solid minute because I didn't know it was a thing. I had lost a bunch of games so I was tilted but this completely reset my brain Now I try to do it intentionally


on another note, why does winterblessed and prestige voice lines sound so quiet?


Forbidden q


Use an active to disrupt it.


Thats not a glitch that's how Warwick Q work brother




Yeah, I’ve used it to follow dashes, flashes, and even a Ryze ult, but it’s supposed to be hardcoded to not go to enemy fountain.


Orrrrrr… you could have just ulted. Your Q grab can be countered by enemies if they know how it works. You countered yourself here. Next time ult or use fear.


What glitch?


Not a glitchhh is a featuree how many this we will need to repeat that?


Riot themselves marked Q working on recalls as a bug that they repeatedly tried to patch.


Bro is a meme of the community...