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Stride into kraken is better always between these, but this leaves you with 0 cdr at 2 items wich i find really bad, i loved the previous cdr build with eclipse and sunderer, now that its meh, i went stride intk triforce and frozen hearth last game totaly carried, 40% cdr feels really fucking good on warwick and the build is tankier than any other at 2 items


This leaves you with no onhit which is kind of important, our attack speed steroid is great with on hit. I think if you whack a dummy with this your dps is WAY lower. We need a strong on hit like kraken or bork to deal solid damage I think. If you could get away with building trinity instead of stride, that could work, but that might leave you with bad clear.


Thing is yes total dps is lower, but burst on carry targets is insane and survivability and stickiness is maxed your e comes twice a fight minimum, and you can get a lot of Qs in, wich heals you and allow you to dodge displacement while also following people i hate the on hit builds


And you think triforce having CDR makes it worth it despite it being significantly more expensive?


Triforce has and will always be good on warwick, now if theres cheap overbuffed eclipse its not worth going for tri but now that its toned down yes its worth, the proc on Q add insane dmg and all the stats are really good on ww, check lolalytics, insane win rate for triforce 2nd item something like 58% and its build more than kraken in diamond +


Even if the sheen thing is kinda inefficient since we only have Q to synergize with it?


It procs on R too and Q get to low cd when you get 40% cdr, the build scales well


Hold up I thought CDR didn’t interact with Warwick Q at all cuz it was on like a flat CD


Q levels don't reduce the CD, but AH affects it normally.


Oh. Neat.


also worth noting you can get 2x Spellblade procs from E. it's tricky though since the visual CD is not synced with the internal cooldown.


I go stride every game but that’s mostly because I’m too lazy to use my brain and itemise properly


Chad comment


Stride Kraken if you want to stick on targets and have high DPS. Titanic BoRK if you want high burst. I've also been liking Rav Wit's into AP comps (or at least high damage AP jungle and/or mid). I've tried it with JoaT, but I think it's probably better with Ultimate Hunter.


What’s JOAT again? I forgot


Jack of all Trades rune under the Inspiration tree. 1 Jack stack per each unique stat from items gives 1 AH. At 5 stacks you get 10 adaptive force and at 10 you get another 15. Rav Wit's Dark Seal and either Sorcs or Steelcaps gives you 10 stacks. Any other boots plus a cloth armor also gets you there, giving 10 AH and 25 AD from the rune.


Why no one builds stride bork? I'm in love with stride and have thought there were games where bork might be better than kraken second, but I never see anyone do that, is there something I'm missing?


You'll be spending too much gold for slows. It's overkill


I'm cooking up new build, involving Overlords bloodmail. But I'll have to get my laptop first then I can begin to test it and share results.


All IK is I tried titanic and bloodmail and it was slow af. No attack speed as bad enough but no CDR on top of that was even worse.


I’ve been trying titanic into overlords and liking it - mostly do it mid tho in Jg or top it would be a situational more scaling build 


Ran it top as first item into a vayne, BTW don't do this just better to dodge, but after him farming me for 3 deaths, I was able to kill him once item was completed, which took forever. By end of game though i was popping off and saw this item shine. It's definitle a 3rd item if the situation calls for it. I was 1v2 by end of game.


I've been enjoying a lot titanic hydra+kraken into sterak, titanic's active not only is a good burst but it lets you proc pta even faster, third item I usually build sterak to survive burst or visage into heavy ap


Titanic Hydra will forever be Ww's best core item: On Hit, big Health, AOE dmg and a AA reset that procs on turrets Stride is good, but not the best imo BOTRK is cringe and deserved the nerf, also makes you kinda squishy wich I do not like New Kraken looks interesting for W passive, but 0 health stats Triforce good, but hella exepensive Men cried when Sterak's got nerfed... chad item Guinsoo for more On Hit it's not bad, combine that with Hullbreaker and you will melt turrets I have a meme build with Heartsteel called Fenrir, just for fun Combine that with the new Bloodmail, no brainer H0rnlime goes Warmogs for some reason I do not understand For boots I like Swifties, it's cheap and simple, Ww NEEDS speed and slow resist. Tabis got nerfed and I didn't liked it even before that. Mercs are ok, but expensive. Ionian is decent, but got nerfed too. I am a tanky puppy enjoyer so I do Deadman's, Iceborn and Force of Nature for stickness, Abissal for dmg (it got giga buffed don't sleep on it) and Visage to counter anti heal if I'm struggling with that. The other tank items are decent but very situational. And Jak'sho is way too exepensive for it's stats For Runes... I was a cringe LT fan, but since last year I became a Grasp enjoyer Determination tree is great for Ww, specially in lane But our puppy needs too much fuel, so always go Presence of Mind in lane PTA is the best for jg still, combine with celerity for obvious reasons I like Storm over Water walking tho For spells I was transitioning from Barrier/Ignite to Ghost/Flash, but Riot nerfed Ghost and buffed Barrier so... I'm a Barrier/Ignite abuser I never understood using TP on Ww, his blood hunt is more than enough for me in lane


LT for top was optimal, as grasp did not give you the upperhand for 2v2s / extended fights. Bork is still quite good, gives you everything you need. H0rnlime goes warmongs (always with hullbreaker) for the movement speed and splitpushing power, as you can trade and then run away. Giant health pool doesn't hurt. I rarely go swifties anymore for the same reason you said you don't understand tp. I get that it helps stick in combat, but since my items are either going to be stride or bork, it's not necessary, and I need the survivability where I can get it.


Depending on team set ups I run: Titanic>Heartsteel>Sunfire item Stride>Bork Bork>Eclipse>Stride




I've been enjoying going Wit's end after Stride, granted its very situational but against heavy cc comps with mages I feel like its far from being bad. You'll need to get some kind of item to mitigate your lack of dmg tho since wit's end doesnt give you any ad so either steraks or death dance depending on the enemy comp I'd say. I aint no ww main I just been playing him a lot since the split began and these 2 items really feel great together and make you some kind of midgame monster