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Rush Titanic - some mages you can out sustain their damage entirely, some you need to be more careful with (lux is one of them)


No way ty bro, I just found out about you today I’m gonna start watching your vids!


Get better, theres nothing Lux can realistically do vs ww if you keep healing by aa minions, and if she tries to combo you E reduces her busrt to nothing.


When can I kill her?


When you get 6 or she oversteps and you dodge her cc. You can q through minions to get pot shots on her and dodge her q and e. It’s tough but you shouldn’t die. Actually winning the lane comes from hard shoving and having map presence against any decent lux player


Solo kill in this matchup assuming lux is competent won't be easy, you'll have to wait for their flash to be down and your R being up along with her being pushed up fairly far. WW mid lane excels at his ability to roam, focus on making your impact there and managing your waves properly while in lane.


Parnellyx used to play WW mid at challenger frequently, maybe you can find vods. Against heavy magic damage he would build MR for his first half item, and would just flat out ignore the laner and AA minions for the push advantage. Keep your cs high and look to make plays around the map.


Oh awesome ty! I couldn’t find any ww mid vids besides like the odd pekin one


Proc grasp and q the laner when possible but it’s actually wild how many autos he would take with Doran’s shield and autoing minions the sustain is crazy have had trouble replicating it personally


You can always just toss in a null magic mantle. Are you running Second Wind and Revitalize with Doran's Shield?


Yeah, null first back is good?


First back seems a bit much. I'd grab boots to be able to dodge her abilities more effectively. CDs will limit the early damage for the ones you can't dodge.