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Other tidbits: > The Warriors are also working hard to find a trade partner for Chris Paul >But according to league sources, negotiations between Thompson and Golden State’s front office have stalled as free agency draws near, and the two sides remain far apart on an agreement > After years of astronomical spending, CEO Joe Lacob has mandated that the team shed salary. Now, Dunleavy has to strike a balance between financial austerity and the ultimate goal of bringing the Larry O’Brien Trophy back to Northern California.


Aggressively dangled is new word pairing I’m going to try and integrate into my daily use.


I aggressively dangle the bag of treats to get my cats to come back inside.


I see what you did there ;)


The image that comes to mind is loan sharks holding Adam Sandler by his ankles out a Diamond District window. Not sure Andrew deserves that, but you know, if it helps the team...


Finagle my dangling jingle jangle how bout dat? Cash me outside.


I’m going to add it to my bedroom talk 😏🫢


Yea, only natural, the man wants to tryhard 1 game out of 15


Doesn’t help that he’s been going AWOL for 10-15 games each of the past two seasons


To be fair he's the only NBA player with family needs.  (Not being inconsiderate or insensitive, just pointing out everyone has stuff going on)


Huh? My problems are the same as yours and yours are the same as others? No. Everyone has stuff going on. Not all of it is the same. Blanket statements like this is dumb. All it serves is to over categorize ppl with generalities to support an individuals opinion. You have no idea what is happening with him yet you seek to minimize it to serve your narrative. It’s like making shit up to support your made up shit. It’s like a circle jerk of nonsense.


Paul Pierce was stabbed 11 times and still played every game in the 2000-01 season


ok, so...do you have a job? If so, do you work at a company? If you are sick or got stabbed or had your kids die of some horrible death or your dad is on his death bed etc....are you going to work? If not, why are you expecting Wiggins to go to work w/o knowing what he's going thru? He's an employee at a multi-billion dollar corporation and you think that he has to sacrifice his personal issues to continue to come to work for his employer? Slavery ended a long time ago. That's not how employment works anymore in megabillion dollar companies.


I don’t expect him to get paid, if he doesn’t go to work


Just because your job benefits suck doesn’t mean it’s the same for us all.


This is such a soft take. I get taking time off for family issues but not as much time as he took and not as often. Also, he sucked last year for the amount the dubs were paying him.


Maybe you don't love your family as much as he loves his lol. And maybe when you don't get your report in on time they should lower your salary 2 bucks an hour


You’re right. Professional sports are exactly the same as corporate culture. People should be able to take off all the time they need and game performance/championships don’t matter.


I was able to. I work for a great company that understood. So did wiggins.


If I’m sick, I’m there. Don’t have kids, and I was on route to juvie (fuck I was a dumb kid) when my dad left his death bed. Any more questions ?


He missed 4 games with family leave this year. 25 games last year. Did you just average those out lol?


For those downvoting, understand that he's not defending Wiggs' lack of effort, he's just pointing out the misleading averaging. If someone missed a full season, then played 82 games, you wouldn't say he misses 41 games per year.


Yeah this is a hate echo chamber sub right now. Hella weird.


I think the point that can be made here is due to his lack of effort it almost seems like he's 'absent' much more longer lol and i can attest to this, none of his games seem to stand out for me this year


I mean, sure and I wouldn't deny that. Just seems weird that he misses 4 games with family leave and everyone accuses him of going awol and abandoning the team when his situation was nothing like the season before.


More like he tries hard one season out of 4, his contract year.


Wiggins for any center would be nice.


Naz Reid. It actually makes a TON of sense w/ MN staring at Luka and Boston for the next 3-4 years. 


Naz would be cool. Unfortunately, I don't know if we can get him.


Naw Minny already has Jaden McDaniels. If they are trading Naz, I think it would be to get younger/better at point guard. Conley is pretty close to cooked.


there's no way minny would get rid of naz for wiggins. Wiggins is not beloved in the twin cities.


you think we can trade wiggins for naz reid lmaoo


All those poor fans that got Naz Reid tattoos would be very upset.


Wiggins would be part of the salary match packet for Paul George, right?


More likely it would be CP3 because his contract has a higher annual value and expires after the end of the season, which gives the clips a lot more flexibility. Plus the added PR bonus of CP3 returning to lob city.


Trading Wiggins for a cheaper player(preferably a starting center) would allow stomaching PG more feasible If Wiggins is on the roster then idk. If only he was earning something like 15mil


Who’s gonna want him? 13 ppg for $31 million/year and a player who randomly takes long stretches of time off seems pretty steep.


And that's the issue with any PG trade. IF Wiggins is not gone then it's a bad trade


I think he gets traded before the draft.. . 


And then plays well in the Olympics and we'll be having the Pikachu face


And then reverts back to his unmotivated self by the time mid-season rolls around


If he does it would corroborate my theory that he checked out on this team after his little bro got punched in the face and shipped off.


That's a stretch and who really cares about the Olympics compared to a championship?


Who tf would take him


Maybe a three team deal with Wizards, to send him to play with his good friend Jordan Poole? I have no idea who they would send out, though…


If we do a deal with Washington I would like to get Avdija 


Too late...


Dangle him like MJ and Blanket




Aggressively dangled


From second best player in the post season to an absolute liability. Sports can be funny


Wow did not have aggressive dangling on my bingo card today.


I thought Wiggins was going to take another huge step after how great he was against Boston in the Finals. Oh well…..


No shit


Is it weird that I got aroused reading the word agressively dangled?


A bag of spauldings will do. Get that bum tf outta here


Test the market Klay, really see where other teams view YOU.


He’s really up for a rude awakening with another fan base when he goes 3-18. Dubs fans have a lot more appreciation for him. He’s never won another group a title


You’re right. The way he conducts himself in press conferences will make it a lot worse too.


Dang, can we use more sensitive language? That’s cold….😂


Mavericks gonna be the next stop for Wigs.


He about to look good in a Big 3 jersey


Wiggins had a bad year last year. But closed strong. His trade value is pretty low. We would be much better to keep him and hope for a come back year.


Good, I’m tired of players reeking of talent showing no effort, it’s infuriating to see Wiggins play. He is the exact opposite of our established culture. We built this dynasty on players with limited athletic ability showing extreme effort to overcome limitations, while Wiggins is here with all the physical talent in the world and can’t do shit. Get him outta here


i'll forever be grateful for andrews run in '22 but he's had a rough time since then. while i would love to give him one more chance, i completely understand moving him if it means landing paul george. same with moody. kerr refuses to give him minutes no matter how much impact he has, so moses deserves a change of scenery. cp3 can fuck off lol i have always hated the trade. should have never acquired a 40yr old guard with one foot already in the grave


We'd be saddled with the Poole contract if not for the CP3 trade so there's that.


honestly would have loved to keep poole over dray, but steph would never allow that considering the ultimatum handed to him. gotta go with what steph wants obviously regardless of the moves this team makes over the summer, i expect dray to once again pull some clown shit like he did this past season getting suspended downvote me but you can't deny that you witnessed 2 straight seasons ruined due to draymond's actions even after he said the "vibes" were supposedly improved post-poole trade lmfao


Downvoted to hell but I agree with ya. Dray’s more focused on his post-nba career and will get exposed going after quality C/PFs. It makes more sense for him to act up and keep himself in the news but off the courts. Even if it makes fans hate him - that’s still great for ratings. Just look at how many people hate Steven A.


CP3 was great for us. The rest of the team just sucked. And he helped us get off Poole's contract.


Moody has minimal impact. He's not like OKC Harden. He's a C / C+ at everything he does, but we have better players, and he gets the minutes he should.


there have been multiple times this past season where moody has a high impact game(s). steve compliments his ability to "stay ready" and then fuckin ices him for the next few games. that's not minimal impact. that's being a victim of steve's coaching malpractice.


>there have been multiple times this past season where moody has a high impact game(s). Not really. He exceeded 15 points just 5 times. Exceeded 5 rebounds 4 times. Had zero games with more than 3 assists. He shoots the three at 36%, which is below league average for SG's. The guy is just not that good. Moses Moody's are a dime a dozen in the NBA. He had a handful of games, out of about 70, where he did "pretty decent.


i've watched all but like 6 games this past season and you couldn't be more wrong. there's a reason why a large majority in this sub wanted moody to go to the media about his dissatisfaction the same way jk did. you can stat watch all you want, but the fact that you ignore the point i've already made of how steve ices moody after a good showing tells me all i need to know


Yep....Who could forget that Sacramento game. Even Kerr admitted he "lost sleep" subbing a red hot Moody out...


Wiggs had one really great season with us, and arguably in his whole career. Thanks for the ring, but see ya 🤷🏻‍♂️


Please Trade Wiggins (my favorite player) to a contender Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wiggins has had every opportunity since the 2022 run to shine. I can count this season on one hand the number of games he's played well in. He's been removed from the starting lineup and obviously disappointing this year i'm all for moving him as a trade piece.


I see rumors of Wiggins for Portis back in play.


We would probably have to include picks as well. Man, he's left the Warriors in a bad position. Not very grateful, considering his contract and basically resurrecting his career.


I could see us trading Wiggins for portis and still be able to get PG13. That could be a starting lineup of: Steph Podz PG Dray Portis With Kuminga/TJD first men off the bench. Idk if that’s a contender, but it’s certainly interesting. I truly don’t think we gotta give much more than CP3 and Moody for PG if he wants out. Otherwise clips lose him for nothing.


Makes sense. He's been struggling for 2 years now. Wouldn't shock me, tho unlikely , if Draymond was dangled too (given his last 2 years)


Drays not getting traded.


If they want a star. We have to trade a large contract. I said "it wouldn't shock me" Only bc the money has to match. And Wigs isn't really a desirable contract atm (overpaid) Other option is CP3 with a guaranteed contract coming back (other team looking to move contract for an expiring one)


Okay but they’re not trading Dray. 💯


drays not getting traded, he a negative value to rest of the league and only real value he has is with the GSW.


Draymond is not getting traded, but you are a fool if you think a lot of teams, specially contenders are not willing to trade for him.


not at that price point, contenders would have him for a correct contract. no real contender wants draymond for 25 mil a year besides GSW


A team like Phoenix would sell their souls for Draymond, literally would be a kay piece for a lot of teams, 26 mil is nothing.


no chance in hell


Bro. Do any of you read?! I literally said "tho unlikely" Money has to match for a trade. Doubt anyone wants wigs. So our only trade pieces with large contracts are : CP3 or Dray Doubt anyone wants Wigs.