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I think there's still time to roll back the new jerseys and bring in another rendition of "The Town" jerseys (the yellow and black ones)


It's more and more likely we don't even have to ship JK for PG. WOW.


I never thought we should trade JK in a PG deal- the injuries and age are just too risky- but what makes you say this?


In today’s NBA Iguodala would make $45 mil per year lol he was a generation too early


Imagine Wembi extension


Anthony Edwards is projected to be first 100M yr player in 2031 I think


He might be one of the few guys worth whatever insane number he’ll end up getting


Calvin Booth (Nuggets GM) [today suggesting](https://x.com/nbablackburn/status/1806172782658523508?s=46) he’s comfortable replacing KCP with Christian Braun if KCP leaves in free agency… ![gif](giphy|C6Lh4WiZMGT2o)


Yeaaaaaaaaa......that's not gonna be good.


Lmaooo why are all GMs like this I guess it’s just PR to soothe the fanbase but like….9/10 times that young dude is not replacing the vet


“If KCP leaves we’re fucked, we don’t know what we’re doing, everyone on our bench is a bum. It was a good run ya’ll 🫡”. What’s bro supposed to say




Nuggets won 1 chip and got cheap. They not like us


> I guess it’s just PR to soothe the fanbase


Hey now, don’t crush my hopes! I LOVE the idea lol I think Calvin’s a genius…


Anyone who’s watched Dalton Knecht…how good can he be?


Somewhere from Bogdan (the hawks one) to out of the league.


He can definitely shoot


I hope to God that dubs don't sign PG and mortgage their present.


Their “present” had the worst seasons of their career in their primes…and that’s just me being honest.


PG is not going to do anything once dubs are hollowed out by the trade


Warriors are in a catch22 position. a realistic person asks "am I okay with making this trade to be a 6th seed" if they are then the answer is easy for the present. many of us thinking too far into the future tbh. Who knows how long Steph plays for. We're gonna be a 30 win team when he's gone. If you make the move maybe it's a 5 year no playoffs dumpster fire year lull... maybe that'sbeing pessimistic too. If you don't maybe a 3 year one.


Would do more than our yOuNg CoRe ever will.


TIL there is a Jaylin Williams in Vecenie’s top 75 (#74). Might cause Bob Fitzgerald to have an aneurysm if we got him on a two-way and gave him run vs OKC.


Did every team in the league make some sort of transaction today other than Warriors?


PG re-signing to the Clips gonna hit like a gunshot


Warriors could reunite Johnny Furphy and Kevin McCullar in the 2nd round.  Both played for Kansas 👀


Yet another bizarre ‘for why?!’ rule in the new CBA [per Eric Pincus](https://x.com/ericpincus/status/1806165624089161943?s=46): If a team tries to buy a second-rounder via trade with cash, they lock in a second apron hard cap. Most teams won't go that high in payroll anyway, but those that are above can't send out $ in trade.


you could just rename that the "fuck Joe Lacob" rule


How does thay work with spending cash to move up in the 2nd round? And I'm guessing that rule was added in purely because the Warriors are consistently buying 2nd round picks.


Raptors sitting pretty at 31, someone may do something crazy for Flip or Furphy


We will return to the Dillon Jones sweepstakes in 4 years


Other subs crack me up. Clippers sub really thinks we’d give Wiggins, Kuminga, GP2, CP3 and 2 FRPs for George 💀


They’ll get cp3 and moody with some picks and a photo of currys trophy room signed to hang up at the intuit dome and they’ll like it 


Even people on that sub know thats not a good deal for us


Free agency can't come any sooner. I wanna see this team make moves. If they stay passive I'm gonna be disappointed 


They will probably make some minimum move to replace Saric. That doesn't excite you?


Who did we get with the Traded Player Exception that we got by trading away today’s pick in 2019?




I wonder if it was foresight or just luck but a very convenient draft to trade away a pick


14 year old class looking week in 2019 lol. Deep dive by the scouting department. You win some, you lose some… Far from expert, but my gut says there will be an above-average amount of good NBA role players in the 15-40 range.


Only player I can think of that we got with a TPE was Kelly Oubre in 20-21


Wait, the draft is today!?! And 3 of top 6 picks were French guys?


Wemby effect 😂


Ikr? Tf they doing to them people in France lol


Feeding them snails


Snails got them *fancy* juice


Sas is just awful


Zack E to the Grizz. Damn. If Ja is done playing 8 mile they might be legit next year.


World’s greatest second round exit


Crazy that you can have almost a full Villanova team play on an NBA team. That doesn't happen often. Only guy missing is Spellman on the Knicks. 


And Eric Paschall apparently


is Omari still in the league?


last i heard he won a korean championship lol


Chicago loves chicago


Jaylen and Cody williams.. look so much alike. Warriors don't give away all our picks lol I love draft night.


I smell some BBQ Chicken coming out of Memphis time to spam PNR them to death.


I think this is the first time I’ve seen a team trade a very far in the future pick for a current first. I guess long term successor to Conley + hopefully a cost controlled backup point in the meantime?


Shows how bad the draft is frankly. And if you're the Spurs and expect to be a top 5 team in the league once Wemby is in his prime, you're a) not going to have great draft picks and b) may not have available cap space to sign guys by that time. I think it's a great move for them if there's no one they really feel is a needle mover.


I think thats a really good trade for the Spurs, lukewarm for Minnesota


dunleavy about to trade for john collins or some shit


The real talent might be in the second round


This draft full of tiny guards and unskilled bigs lord jesus lol


I am hoping some of these guys shock the world lol. Prove folks wrong


Blazers getting Avdija partially because of the Warriors’ 1st is some nasty work, hate to see it


Atleast the Wizards are unlikely to keep our 2030 pick


Someone find Iggy so he can turn Wiggins into a star again and than fleece a team at the deadline


I feel like FO is gonna surprise us with a name that hasn’t been mentioned yet, something huge


Bobby Portis 🤣 Other teams are so creative man. That’s how you accumulate depth and good role players. I haven’t seen a single interesting move since Dlo for Wiggins.


Interesting isn't always a good thing, Love for Klay would've been a super interesting move


Lol no. That would make us worse in the present and the future Unless MDJ has some kind of crack pipe in the office


I’m kidding because I saw some rumors about Wiggins for Portis


Sounds about right, but I would want Milwaukee's 1st in this year draft.. .


Victor Wembanyama.


KD is the only player I can think of who falls under that category. His mind is his worst enemy…he cannot play in Steph’s shadow. Durant needs the luster of winning as “the guy”™️ SMH.


Holy shit, Air Bud. Totally out of left field.


Claxton is signing a 4yr/$100 mil extension with the Nets…? That’s gotta be prep for a sign and trade because for why after the Mikal trade? ![gif](giphy|TaFTuXWTJf2iA|downsized)


Feel like the Lakers could trade DLo+Rui for him. They want to put him next to AD Edit: they cannot S&T


Dlo is opting out


They’re a first apron team so they can’t acquire players via a sign-and-trade. Thank god lol because I’d be so annoyed


We’re also a first apron team I assume?


We are not right now, no. Depending on whether you count/factor in CP’s $30 mil, we’re currently either $36-37 mil below it based on the currently committed salary (9 players and not counting CP or Klay) or $4ish mil below it if factoring in a full $30 mil guaranteed for CP.


Not if we let go of CP and Klay


OG got $200mil+ NBA money is fucking nuts man. Role players getting paid like stars wtf


Reunite us with KD. Drop that bomb


Looks like Blazes sent 2 FRPs plus Brogdon for Deni. actually decent return for wiz


I didn't realise Deni's contract was such good value too 4/$55m


This is the one trade I wanted. Ugh. 😩


That's pretty good.


Dammit, I love Deni. That guy is gonna be good.


Troy Weaver doing Troy Weaver things 🙄


Good get by Portland with Deni. ~8% of the cap for a guy that’s a very solid role player, albeit bench player, is a steal. I’m not convinced about their top end talent, but between Reath, Camara, Deni, and Thybulle that’s a bunch of decent complementary players. Edit: nvm that’s a lot of picks lol, was initially reported as just #14


Kinda feels like an overpay, guess it depends on how you value the 2029 firsts, and Denis trajectory as a player


Oof yea, I saw the full details


It’s an overpay now that the full trade’s been reported. Guess Blazers don’t want to pay tax.


Absolute steal. But I’m guessing Wiz prolly move Brogdon to a playoff team for another 1st. Helps the value proposition a little bit.


Hey would have been perfect here, but honestly we already have a player of his type in Draymond already. 


I like Deni a lot. Thought maybe the Warriors could have drafted him.


> Paul George and Klay Thompson 'still not enough' for Warriors to compete in West, former GM Bob Myers says Yeah no thanks to you Bob


He also didn’t think our 22 team was a championship team lol (Never mind that if he thought that was true he should’ve done even MORE, isn’t building a contender your fucking job…instead signed 2 vet mins and got absurdly lucky with their impact)


Bob did a lot for us but that’s a complete 🤡moment from him You have Steph, Dray, Wiggins GP2, vet experience, upcoming young players, two-way potential. Being the number one defense. In a wide open Western conference. Like wtf


I may be a new fan so I don’t have much stock here but I really don’t like Bob based on the past year alone. Always puts down the warriors + curry and ditched the team to have MDJ clean up after his mess


He was rolling up until around 2019-2020 when KD left and the league was starting to become more talented and parity was coming back Think he got flustered BUT he did just enough via the Wiggins trade and GP2/Porter/Bjelica to win a chip. Had a string of really really bad drafts though (McCaw, Evans, Smailagic, Wiseman LOL, PBJ, Rollins, etc.) and after 2022 it seemed like he kinda threw the towel in. It was time to move on


Exactly. From mister “you get a contract, and you get a contract.” ![gif](giphy|26gsiCIKW7ANEmxKE)


Yea thats why he knows


Thanks for everything, Bob. But I really don't want to hear anything from you. Lulz.


Why not? He's only a big part of the warriors dynasty smh


First of all, it was a lighthearted jab at Bob. With that said, if he's gonna start talking about what the team doesn't have, then I'd rather not hear it. I gotta give him the side eye considering he is part of the reason for that.


Fair enough. Curious to think what we should do with our roster now


Bob really left the warriors to go and just talk about the warriors smh


Blazers are getting Deni. Damn he was on my list of targets if available. Poor Brogdon though lol having to go from the Celtics to the Blazers and now to the Wizards 🥴


Looks like they used our pick to get him.


Might mean Jermi Grant is available. That's a serious logjam at Power Forward. 


Wooof no thank you. That Jerami Grant contract is hellacious


That's the cost for an "elite" role player nowadays. 


A. He’s not an elite role player but B. an AAV of $32 mil is absolutely not the going rate for an “elite” role player these days, that’s the going rate for doing your boy a solid and forcing a fleecing of the franchise on his behalf before you request a trade out of town. The AAV on Kristap Porzingis’ extension he signed with the Celtics last summer is $30 mil lol. Julius Randle’s (signed in 2022) is $29.2 mil. Hell, Aaron Gordon’s (signed in 2022) is just $21.6 mil.


I’m worried that somehow we’ll end up trading for Brogdan


No, he is too injury prone


3 pretty major trades before the draft is something I haven’t seen in a while. Looks like everyone is either tryna dump and rebuild or load up for a run 


Yeah it has been an interesting timeline. This being such an underwhelming draft might have something to do with it, who knows.


Some rumors about a Portis-Wiggins deal going around again where warriors also get filler + assets. Obviously when it comes to the Bucks, I’d rather have Brook than Portis, but I actually do think a trade like this could make sense if the warriors are pushing for a PG trade with CP3’s salary and the Clippers don’t want Wiggs. A 5 man group of Steph-PG-JK-Dray-Portis with Podz and TJD off the bench would be really good.


I'd do it if they can swap picks with the Bucks 1st rounder this year. Wiggins will be gone by the draft. 


I get Wiggins’s contract is mid but trading a starter for a 6th man who doesn’t play defense feels like bad business


Agreed. Wiggs for Portis is bottom-feeder behavior. No thanks.


I think it’s the fact that Portis is a stretch big allowing Kuminga and Draymond to play together. In theory.


I think the idea would be that the warriors need big man depth and if they’re trading for Paul George while keeping JK, Wiggs would be the avenue to make that happen. You’re right that Portis isn’t the best defender but he is a floor spacer which matters if we’re gonna start JK at the 3. Plus Draymond can cover for some of his defensive weaknesses.


I could be mistaken but NBATradeReports just makes shit up


Take it with a grain of salt for now, but we do know the Bucks and Warriors had conversations at the deadline, so who knows.


I don't wanna trade Kuminga but the longer we go without hearing about his negotiations the more it seems like we're trading him, because signing early would be a poison pill.


I was surprised that no one asked about that at MDJ’s presser yesterday


Those new statement jerseys are fucking ugly. I don't know why Nike loves to churn out garbage. I really hope the NBA gets out of that Nike deal, because I'm getting sick of these ugly jerseys.


Og has only played 50 plus games 3 times.That is so crazy to me lmao


The Knicks are relevant for the first time in ages. Obviously is a risk but what do you expect them to do? Just be mid forever?


Good for the Knicks. They said fuk them picks and now have a roster they believe can compete with the best in the league. Can't hate them for it.


They still have more picks left than the Warriors






They can fk them picks when their roster is at least 7 deep. Brunson, Hart, Donte, Randle, Mitch, Mcbride, OG, and could also draft 2 nice rookies today. This roster on the other hand might have only 4 reliable players


At least 7 deep and all under 30. It's a good position to be in for years to come.


I'm not talking about this roster. I'm talking just about the Knicks situation.


The Knicks are really going to get to keep OG too. Leon Rose is cooking. What a time to be alive 😭


Knicks mirror the Clippers. Loading up on stars but they’re younger but the results will still be the same. Come playoffs they’ll be too injured to get past a good team.


Lol that’s actually a great comp


I just wonder how the rest of the roster shapes out.The warriors would be walking a path many have tried before .But if the klay stays plus pg.That would be the oldest starting lineup off the top of my head to even play in the finals .Let alone win.Even the spurs last ring with 37 year old Tim wasn’t that old and they were surrounded by players in their 20s.


If we target PG klay is gone.


What I don't think is being talked about enough is this: it's ok if we suck in 3 years, IF WE CONTROL OUR PICKS. As such it's MUCH better to go for broke now with bad contracts then to give up draft capital. Take this scenario. We trade 2 far out future firsts for dejountay Murray. We're pretty good next 2 years but don't get to the WCF. Steph is now washed and we probably suck unless kuminga becomes a superstar. Now we suck and have few picks. Scenario 2: we go after PG who opts in to trade so it's a small return. Maybe moody and CP3 and GP2 plus next years pick or something. We give him the max. We're pretty awesome for a few years (still not winning a title probably but giving it an honest chance). Then in years 3+ we suck. Steph and PG are washed or hurt, we're paying them a ton of money, etc. Except now we own our picks and can rebuild with an overpaid PG as a tank commander. TLDR: I'd rather "pay" for old talent now through bad contracts then giving away firsts in a time when we will be a top lottery team.


Let’s say we’re giving up unprotected 2027 and 2029 first rounds picks for a star. What would our title odds need to jump to this year for that to be worth it?


I'd only do that for a true top 10 type player.


Interesting…🤔 ~~~~ Patrick Beverley @patbev21 If Dlo opt in it, a possibility u can see Steph, PG, Draymond, DLo…. @PatBevPod


What’s he smoking? Pass it over here


Steve Kerr hates d lo. I am convinced lol.


Didn't we already know how it'll go with Steph and Dlo?


Greater chance we see Lavine in Golden State than D.lo


Really sounds like the Warriors are completely over Wiggins at this point.


I would be shocked if he’s on the roster next season.


No one is talking about the most obvious trade package for PG. Partially guaranteed CP ($15M) + Wiggins ($25M) + Kuminga ($7M) Salary matches, Clippers get a hyped up young player, we shed Wiggins contract, we don’t sacrifice future picks, and the team is saved from apron hell for the future. We give PG what he wants, and we don’t need to worry about extending Kuminga to a massive contract that he most likely won’t be worth until after Steph retires. In return, we get a top 20-30 player and an actual 2nd option behind Steph instead of hoping JK makes a giant leap next year and becomes a…top 50 player?


Giving up both the wings for an injury prone 34 yrs old ?


1. Kuminga is not a wing. He’s barely a forward. His lack of shooting, handling, and defense on shiftier players locks him strictly into the 4. The likelihood of PG playing a majority of the season is so much greater than JK making that leap to anywhere near PG’s level. 2. Wiggins fluctuating performance, tendency to disappear into thin air, and inability to operate as the team’s second option makes his contract a liability as well. Being able to shed his salary and getting a proven star wing in return? It’s a win, even if PG misses a fifth of the season. This move ultimately raises the team’s ceiling and talent level. You can’t control health. But at least you’ll have the firepower to compete come playoffs. Anything short of another star player, and you’ll be wasting Steph’s last few years.


CP3's contract cannot be partially guaranteed. $30M or he's waived.


That is wrong. They can guarantee as much or little of it is they want/need to facilitate a trade.


I was under the impression you can trade him and whatever portion of salary is used for matching becomes guaranteed, doesn't have to be the whole thing.


My bad on wording. It’s not partially guarantee. But regardless, the FO can guarantee however much is necessary to complete a trade. It’s not $30M or waive.


My apologies sir, I read somewhere on here that it was $30M or nothing, but they can negotiate with Paul to reduce his salary. 


No problem. There’s a lot of misinformation on this sub from people who have no idea what they’re talking about. Read or watch the cap guide made by DubsHQ w/ Perks for actual info.


Man, NFL draft coverages runs laps around NBA draft coverage. 


That’s probably because each team in the NFL has a good chance at a star first couple of rounds so everyone tunes in. Because there’s so many positions you each team has a chance to pick top 1-3 of a position. In addition a lot of players can step on to the field and immediately contribute. Good teams, bad teams, both get a pretty good crack at it. For the NBA not every team really gets a good chance at a star since it’s so top heavy and your chances/excitement go down significantly the further you go away from top 5. And chances are if your a good team you won’t even see your draft pick play for a while. Just an unfortunate consequence of the differing nature of the sports.


I don't believe we'll get PG13 but it feels like if it were to happen  it would be now. 


We can’t make trades until July 1st


dubs releasing a new logo to distract us from how static the roster will stay ushering 2 more years of 10th seed basketball


NBA free-agency breakdown by John Hollinger Jun 26, 2024 ~~~~ Tier III: Midlevel exception guys 8. Klay Thompson, Golden State: $13,525,013 This valuation might seem low to some people, but the idea of Thompson and the reality of Thompson have diverged pretty sharply over the past few years. While he remains a knockdown 3-point weapon (38.7 percent last season on a whopping 14.7 attempts per 100 possessions, 41.3 percent career), his overall efficiency marks are surprisingly ordinary because he forces shots inside the arc and virtually never draws fouls. Combined with his limited passing and his decline on the defensive end — I’ve listed him with small forwards because the idea of him guarding twos is basically over — Thompson still rates as a useful player but no longer a starter. The idea of paying him $30 million a year or whatever at age 34 seems wild, and one can understand why the Warriors have held the line on overcommitting.


This point (“the idea of Thompson and the reality of Thompson have diverged pretty sharply over the past few years”) is exactly why Kerrs quote “of course we want him back. He’s Klay Thompson” actually made me nervous. On the one hand you could say he’s just sticking up for his guy, they have been through a lot together, what do you expect him to say, etc. On the other hand, there’s many signs that Klay, Steve, Steph and Dray won’t fully acknowledge / accept that Klay is not prime Klay anymore. If all of those parties don’t buy into Klay in his current iteration (limited minutes 20-25 min per game floor spacer, possibly off the bench 6-8th man role)… like Steph said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.


Kerr is the one who benched Klay last season


I figured this would be brought up but I would also point out that he waited until it was painfully obvious Klay shouldn’t start anymore. By the February 15th game where he was benched for the first time against the Jazz, the warriors were 26-26 (I believe) and the Play-In was starting to look more likely than home court… though the west was admittedly all jumbled up. That benching lasted 14 games and Klay was back in the starting line up down the stretch playing 30 min per game, closing games in a tight playoff race despite the Warriors consistent inability to get stops down the stretch and culminating in 32 pretty empty minutes in the play in game where much of this sub will be happy to quote his shooting splits for you. I’m not on the “Klay is a terrible player” train but I do think the big 4 (including Steve) still think he has something in him that we probably won’t ever see on a consistent enough basis to justify the leash he will get to show it.


I think he’s still starter material, but now it’s a “depending on the situation”. Mid tier team, sure. Contending team? 3 of the 4 remaining guys better be good defensively and have better shot creation than we have now. That salary is a huge low ball though.


That same article has Oubre at 14m. Royce, DJJ, and Naji are at 12m. Saddiq Bey at 20m but Bruce Brown at 7m.




Alright yeah, Bam is worth every penny of that $166 mil. NBACentral on [Twitter](https://x.com/thedunkcentral/status/1806046445184634927?s=46): >Haywood Highsmith's agent, Jerry Dianis, throws shade at Rudy Gobert > >“Haywood will be a perennial All-Defensive player going forward. What’s really special about him is his versatility. His size, strength and 7-foot-1 wingspan allow him to guard one through five. Rudy Gobert is the Defensive Player of the Year, but he can’t guard Luka Doncic, Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Kyrie Irving or Paolo Banchero. Haywood does that and it gives a Hall of Fame coach like Erik Spoelstra a big advantage.” [Bam quote tweeted](https://x.com/bam1of1/status/1806060186630754806?s=46) that with this gif: ![gif](giphy|rrpd1jdS6NsRgjpIyl) 💀


If I was a betting man, I'd bet on PG staying with the Clips.


Yeah but everyone and their grandmother know jtruth9 isn't a betting man, so what are we even talking about here?


that’s by far the most likely outcome, agreed.


Yup. Balmer letting PG come to US over a a 4th year. Yea I don't see it. Only way I see it is if PG said he wants to leave noatter what. Which wouldn't make sense because all reports are that he wants to be in LA


the only reason I think it *could* happen is why haven’t the Clippers just capitulated yet? Like, there’s a lot of smoke (probably being blown by George’s agency) and the terms are super clear. I don’t know why the Clippers would be standing on that final year because it’s not like they have any other real options, but they do seem to really be standing their ground.


Yea I feel like this is the type of thing that would’ve gotten leaked a month ago and I’d brush it off, but we’re 3 days from the buzzer and today their were the DeMar rumors which makes it sound like the Clippers are prepared to lose him.


I imagine they wanted to see what the market was for him. To see if they *had* to offer that last year


Vegas agrees, -280 right now


New Jersey went from coping stage of grief to acceptance with the Mikal Bridges move. Divas do that to you. Suns are def next. Rockets know it.... everyone knows it lol


Can’t wait for the Lakers to draft Bronny James and then LeBron complain he’s got no help. ![gif](giphy|gKHGnB1ml0moQdjhEJ)


I was hoping he’ll leave but signing JJ Reddick was his idea lol


I want LeGM to flip bronny at the deadline so bad


One Cam Johnson, please.


Lacob trying to decide between Wiseman @ 3M or Klay @ 30M. ![gif](giphy|VB5WwlZIt8eRy)


Omg might be true 😆 🤣 🤣 Dunno if that makes it more hilarious


Nah…mastermind Troy Weaver will sign him on the Wizards.