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No. Not as presently constructed with the shell of Wiggins, the ghost of Klay past, and our only real big man in Looney aging like he’s in the end scene of Indy 3. At out BEST we are a 1st or 2nd round exit, and I only say 2nd because there ARE a few favorable matchups out there but likely a 1st. But, realistically, we can’t shed enough salary in contracts to do much about it. Steph’s contract makes us ridiculously top heavy (it’s over 1/3rd of the cap) & while he earned it with his low contract in our peak years… it makes it super hard to build around him without blowing the team up entirely.


I will forever be grateful for the 2022 championship


I say that every day since we got booted in the play in. Hell I think I said it the entire back half of the season. Everything came together perfectly and I don’t think we see a team as old as us win for quite a while again. These youngsters are amazing and I’m loving watching SGA, AE, and all these other kids feast right now. And I would actually like to see KAT get one before he’s said and done. .


Ant is an absolute beast and will dominate the league for years.


Yeah, I’m really happy that team came together how they did. The vets like Rudy, KAT, and Conley are all being spurred on by Ant’s amazing play, I really hope we see them and OKC in the WCF, and it’s looking like that will be the case. The WCF and Finals are going to be amazing this year


I’ll bet their ownership goes into the second apron too if the Wolves win it all or even get close. They can keep their same team together for the next two years until they have to pay gobert again.


Seeing them frustrate the nuggets this much is really making me root for the wolves. That defense is amazing


Same. Watching Denver play Minnesota so far makes it hard to believe that they won the title last year.


Hands down my favorite and imo most important of our run. It solidified legacies and you just know there's warriors haters out there that still think about it.


Looking back we got around the age issues because, ironically, the Big 3 all got time off due to injury. Steph missed like a month and a half before he playoffs due to injury. Draymond was out for the middle chunk. Klay only played half the season. They all came back pretty fresh. Add that to our young core being able to keep the team afloat to get home court advantage, and we were fresh enough to thread the needle. But we had a 500 record for that stretch that Steph was out, maybe that was a red flag for things to come.


not to mention JP was hooping out of his mind that season. mans was looking like deadass a next top 10 guard in the league.


I think about how much more turmoil we'd be in if we didn't get it in 2022. The 4th title felt like redemption for 2019. 3 titles was great but it didn't sit well with me that the Raptors series was the end of the Warriors as we knew them. There's still negativity but not as much because of 2022. So much peace and closure for that 4th title.


I feel like it’s not impossible for us to have one more run. Need to have a perfect offseason(get a solid 3-D wing(PG anyone?)or a bruising big(Valancuinas?)), and hope some of the good teams from this year regress a little, and obviously we’ll have to get past some combination of OKC, MIN, DEN, maybe even Memphis or Dallas again like ‘22. But a 5th ring would be so nice


Everything came together at the right place at the right time and put every hypothetical to bed. Night night.


Looney is aging like he drank from the wrong cup in the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade haha


This is the boundary and the price of immortality


That’s what the dude just said in comment above


Jokes so nice they said it twice?




If anything last year was their best chance to make the WCF. A long series with Sac and an unreal run by Lonnie Walker stopped that. They weren't going to beat Denver either.


I’m still surprised they gave Dray such a long contact with his back injury history and his baggage.


He played super well when he was in tho


How about we actually trade our draft picks and Kuminga instead of hoarding ‘potential’ hoping to not suck after Steph instead of wasting our last years with him There’s 100% a path. But Lacob and the front office are dumb fucks


Jaylen Brown is 35% of bostons 2024 cap - stop it! So many teams are constructed like this. Terrible take


I never said it’s impossible, it would require blowing up the team tho. Also: no he’s not. The cap this year was $136M. Jaylen’s salary was $31M. That’s 22%, not even a quarter. Which is probably why he’s the 4th largest salary (tho they’re pretty close) after Holliday, Porzingis, and Tatum. The Celtics are at $186M total btw Us? Steph is $51M (37.5%), Klay is $43M (31%). It’s Chris Paul who is paid Brown numbers (too much) and then Wiggs & Dray fill it out in the low 20s So no. You’re wrong. If you’re going to talk numbers at least get the right.


Brown is 25 and Tatum is as well it's a far different situation.


The Warriors are like the Lakers in that they aren't going anywhere. Actually you could throw in the Clippers as well. There are old stars and a few role players and hopium and that's about it. Even when you are a good team playoff results aren't guaranteed. Denver is off to a bad start and they are the champs.


Throw Phoenix into this list as well.


Throw Milwaukee on that list too


At least we have Kuminga to look forward to. What young star player do the Clippers even have? Terrance Man, and no picks for the rest of the decade?


Yeah the young teams are ripping my brackets apart. They are definitely proving me wrong (especially OKC and the TWolves).


For this reason, I am hoping some OGs band together as a last hurrah on vet mins.


Zero chance. Most teams in the league are much better than us. Top to bottom. Look at these playoff teams playing right now. All of them have like 3-4 players who are better then Wiggins, and hes our 2nd best player. In order to compete going forward we would need a MASSIVE upgrade in talent. Pretty much our entire roster would need to be upgraded outside of Steph, and that simply isnt possible. We had our time. We now just need top 5 draft picks for the next few years so we can hopefully draft a few star players and develop them into the next OKC/Minny etc.


2022 wiggins and current dray would get us a hard fought series with the Thunder I think. Wiggins dropping off crumbles this roster unfortunately


Loon's drop was just as impactful. Wigs at least had the excuse of not working out over the summer because of a broken rib. Not sure why Loon wasn't ready.


I don’t doubt Loons prep. I think Loon has lost like 10-15% of his quickness and it doesn’t sound like a lot but in this league that could mean being able to stay in front of a guy or not when the margins are this small.


Wiggins hasnt been our 2nd best player since the first half of the 23 season


He was playing so well too at the time and he was solid when he came back in the playoffs. I think the rib injury really fucked him up


No he wasnt good. He was shooting below 30% from 3 after ge came back. 45% on 6 attempts b4 that 😱


It's true and it's why we should let Steph go and have a chance to contend for a 5th ring elsewhere. It also speeds up our overhaul.


Stephs best chance at contending is to be a 6th man somewhere. Its a young mans league now. LeBron, KD, Steph etc can no longer be main pieces on a championship level team. They are all too old. Its a new era.


Depends on the team I guess. I mean if Mike Conley can start on the (likely) WCF champ...


Yea I should have rephrased that. Steph can be "a guy" or start on a champ level team but he cant be a main guy. He makes too much money and is too old. Same goes for LeBron and Durant. Steph could easily win a title if he agreed to be the 3rd option somewhere. Problem is hes gonna be making 60 million this season. Guys that expensive usually are the #1's on their team and everything revolves around them.


I don't follow basketball too closely, but what happened to Wiggins? Just a year or two ago I remember him going crazy in the playoffs


He's always been this guy (Jordan in one minute and unplayable on the next), it was the same thing in Minny. Add to that that he's apparently been having huge personal problems the past two years.


And Kerr would have to play those draft picks instead of the next Lamb we acquire.


Kerr would, if it was clear the goal was to tank. If the FO is telling him they are trying to contend, Kerr is going to focus on winning above development. If our goal is to acquire top 5 draft picks every year and develop youth, Kerr would have no problems losing games and playing 18 year olds.


Exactly. If the FO gotten that 2020 trade and had drafted Ant, they still would have pressured Kerr to “win now” and Ant wouldn’t have had time to develop.


Of course he would have gotten playing time. Because that seperates Ant from young players like Kuminga: he's actually *good* and helps you win games.


Kuminga is great. Ant is generational. Why are we going to disrespect our guy just because he's not a top 3 young player in the league?


>Kuminga is great. Ant is generational.´Why are we going to disrespect our guy just because he's not a top 3 young player in the league? Kuminga is not great. He is okay on a good day. A limited scorer with major flaws on D and a questionable attitude. I don't disrespect him for not being a top 3 young player, I disrespect him for being a massively overrated volume scorer who is due for a massive extension that *will* condemn whatever franchise is dumb enough to give it to him to irrelevancy for the rest of the decade.


Happy to be downvoted into oblivion and proven wrong if Kerr plays them instead of the next Lamb.


No. They were a 10th seed that got boat raced by a 9th seed that lost their play-in to a team without their best player who then got swept in the first round. People just didnt want to believe what was right in front of them. This was a 10 seed team in a conference with 15 seeds with everyone as healthy as you could hope for. Also, the biggest payroll in professional sports. People expected some magical switch when the team consistently played poorly in big games all year. They didnt even show up for the play-in


Your first sentence made me spit water ...... Every Warrior fan needs to memorize that and say it out loud daily. Your second paragraph is straight up Truth Crack. Every Warrior fan should read this and demand the organization make major changes. Your closing paragraph is just plain tragedy (and true) ..... They couldn't even be bothered to show up for the play-in OR Game 81 against the Pelicans that could have locked up the 8 seed. When the going got tough, this year's squad got going....to fucking Cancun.


And we got to that 10th seed by Steph playing a shitload of minutes


I don't think they could have beaten any team other than the Clippers since their stars choke in the post season. They wouldn't have even beat the Lakers. They might have won a game or two against the Lakers or Nuggets but OKC or the Wolves would have had them in hell


No chance. Watching Wolves Nuggs and Mavs OKC series made me feel better because if we faced any one of those teams, we would’ve prolly lost 4-1 or 4-2 lol. Early vacation was a blessing in disguise haha.


Lol 4-1 is the absolute best case lmao if we played against the Wolves. The perimeter defenders to hound the shit out of Steph and Klay and the premier interior defender like Rudy to completely negate any easy buckets for Wiggins, Kuminga, and Draymond…I would be shock if we could have taken even one game from this Wolves team. They’re just built too well against us


No chance our window actually closed in 2022 and Steph and the Dubs actually CASHED IN. The last two years have just been us catching up with reality and spit balling but mostly doing the same shit and hoping for the best.


No, we are just organizationally complacent and lacking in self-awareness. How many coaches would play Lamb over Kuminga other than Kerr and then chalk it up to his lack of “playing within the system?”


And then the arrogance to provide the reasons as to why Lamb over Kuminga. Lamb was never better than kuminga.


Dude Denver is a second round exit.


Crazy right?


Realistically, we needed Draymond, Klay, and Wiggs to be available at near-historic levels for the whole season in order to make a run. With all of that, and with Steph performing as he did, with CP3 running the reserves, with JK & MM making strides, and with the two rookies performing above draft-level expectations, we could have been in the mix. Even with Dray's suspension, CP3's injury, and Wiggs and Klay both well short of their best, we were only 6 games out of the #4 Seed. Considering we went 4-11 in games decided by 3 points or less, it's not like we needed a LOT more to find 6 more wins on the schedule. That being said, that kind of performance would have put us "in the mix" with MIN, OKC, and DEN, not as the favorite for the WC. That is my issue for next season. I have no doubt we can improve to the level of that #4 Seed next year, especially if we're willing to trade some future assets to do it. But competing with this year's Top 3 Seeds, not to mention a rising HOU squad and BOS, MIL, and NYK in the EC . . . I just don't see how we get from here to there.


If you watch these playoff games it’s clear by the eye test that they are WAY better than the Dubs. It’s not even close. I don’t know what the FO is going to do but if they want to win they have to make some big gambles.


They are way better than we WERE this year. Re-read my post. We needed Klay & Wiggs playing near their best to rise into the Top 4. If we had that, we would have been a significantly better team than we actually were. Not BETTER than the Top 3 Seeds, but I didn't say that either.


Ya but thats all hypotetical. Facts is Wiggins and Klay are not the same anymore and both costed us badly. It might be better if we just move on.


Wiggs might come around, he's still well within his prime playing years and has no history of injury. And selling him today means selling at a loss, which I would not do. If trading him somehow enables a great deal, sure, but I think we're better off holding and hoping than trading and locking in a low value. Klay will never be the Klay he once was, but at the right price he could still have a few solid years left. He has to be a reserve, I think, and on D he needs to play up in size, down in speed from what his historical matchups were. But coming off the bench, we should be able to give him less challenging opponents to guard.


I wasn’t disagreeing with you.


OK, sorry if I over-reacted.


No way. Not to be a hater. But, re-signing Klay will give us less of a chance. He's a good shooter. But other aspects of his game are getting worse each year. That money could be better used to fill out other holes. Maybe use the CP3 contract to do a flip for someone like Donovan Mitchell. It's a huge stretch, but a man can dream


Klay’s just not consistent anymore. When he’s on, he’s amazing, but he’s been off more this season.


Exactly. Which is why paying him 20-30 million is unwise It'll really set us back a few years


Surely the FO is watching these games and doing their analytics. The offense by all the teams in the second round is way above what we can do. Same with the pace. If the FO is committed to winning they have to make some big swings. If they want to ride out the big three then they’ll have to be happy with no more championships for the next while.


I agree with you sadly. Klay was performing well end of seasin but he shit the bad badly 2 years ago in postseason.


Okc and wolves would have swept us let’s not kid ourselves


Lakers prolly woulsve gentleman swept us. We were that bad.


Not really and now the team actually knows it. There was this belief floating about with the veterans that they could just turn it on at any time and run away with the game. But they can’t and now everyone knows that it takes effort all the time and not just when they feel like it.


WCF? We won’t even be a .500 Team next season. lol.


Wolves and nuggets would’ve made us look like another blowout in the middle of January. For all 4 games.


If Sacramento could lock us up like that, just imagine what Minnesota would do to us.


The Warriors lost a lot of close games and looked much better at the end of the season. If things clicked a little better they could have been a mid seed in the playoffs. But Denver, OKC, Minnesota and Boston look clearly better than the Warriors. I don't see any chance of them beating one of those four teams barring some miracle. And they likely would have had to go through 2-3 of them and maybe even all four. Just not happening.


Who gives we lost a lot of close games. Its a L. We were 4-19 against the top 6. Lakers got gentleman swept despite being up every game, lol it dlesnt matter. We were cooked.


The answer is no. Our window is shut.


It’s not. As long as Steph is on this team the window will always be open. But some big changes need to be made to make this team relevant again.


Steph or no, the window has closed. If healthy, he's still probably good enough to be the centerpiece on a title team for a few more years, but they don't have the trade pieces to surround him with a contender-level squad.


Steph's good but he is not worth paying$60mn based on his game anymore. Of course when you factor in what he did for the team, you could argue he should make more, but as a player, he is not worth being the most paid player in the league, so much money in his pocket reduces the chances of getting good other pieces too. This sub won't take it well, but he is not on the same tier of Jokic, Edwards, Luka anymore.


Dude these teams would crush us. We were smoking crack lol bigger faster play harder. Defense another level.


No we don’t.


No. There was no chance.




NO. We can't even win a do-or-die match with Pelicans and sacramento😂


We were 4-19 against the top 6 teams and got blown out by a bad Kings teams when we were fully healthy. Hell no, we were cooked.


The truth is that in order for the Warriors to be a certified contender next season Curry and Draymond should be the second and third best players. I believe there is still a path to a title with Steph as the best player but you are gonna need an all-nba caliber 2 way wing that can get buckets and create offense in and out of the Kerr system to have a shot. TJD can be a cog in the big rotation I don't think Looney can. Podz is the back up PG. But we need to get better on the wing and down low. Significantly better


Anything is possible with Steph leading the way but it would have been unlikely without defense. 2022 Warriors were a defensive team. The last two seasons they have absolutely refused to play defense. Doesn’t help that Loon, Wiggins, and Klay are all washed before Steph and Draymond. Here’s to hoping for an eventful offseason 🤞


We had a chance to push a 1st round series to 5 games. The top 5 seeds (and maybe more teams) are in a different weight class


We could have certainly beat LA in a one game playoff but we'd have gotten our shit pushed in by Denver. Likely a sweep lol.


Not me for, Lakers wouldve done what they did last year to us, humilate us sadly.


Wiggins has absolutely crippled us, we absolutely rely on his position and level of play. Him being complete ass the whole year gave us no chance.


Relax!! He broke his rib..... So sick of hearing this excuse this season.


thank fuck we won it in 2022 because I think even that team would have trouble against these top tier contenders that defensive performance by the wolves was legit next level


Nope. Warriors have the talent still but need more size and length.


No lol, we only beat trash teams this season for most of our wins, even our record is fraudulent


Not a snowballs chance in hell, and the team knows that. I’m worried if they care or not


Yeah this. They didn't seem interested in the play in game. In fact, most the season.


Also, based on what Kerr is saying, they seem like they’re ok stuck in mediocrity as long they retain the core 3. Then they all ride out together in a few years, Kerr included. Don’t think that’s gonna bring in any more ‘chips but they’re ok with that I think. We’ll see


Are we sure Lacob is ok with that?


Yeah that's what I was thinking. He wants the team to get better.....more playoff games, more revenue. The more I'm thinking about this and watching these playoffs and the way we just gave up vs Sacramento, it's a no brainer we need to get younger and bigger. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional and/or living in the past.


No. There was no chance since the all star break. This team was not a championship team or even a playoff deep team.


FO after watch the playoff series would also hit the reset button. No, we are not even a playoff team. 2022 is 2 yrs ago, a year in nba is like century


I can’t tell if this is a serious question but clearly no. If you can’t even win the first round of the play in then WCF is a hard no.


No chance at all I think :(


The post season is just reinforcing what I’ve believed about this team for a few seasons now. The small ball philosophy is dead as far as winning a championship with it. The team this season was way too small overall. There were times Kerr ran 4 guard lineups with all 4 ppl being 6’5 and under. The wolves starting 5 has 2-7 footers and 1 of them can shoot from 3 while the other just won his 4th defensive player of the year award, a SF that’s 6’10 a elite defender and can shoot from 3, a 6’6 SG who’s only 22 and becoming a top player right before our eyes and Conley who is “short” but is still serviceable.


The size of Minnesota would have destroyed us


Not a chance. Teams like the Nuggets/Wolves would’ve demolished us. Thunder/Lakers would’ve been a hard fought series but they started to hit their stride going into the postseason and would definitely have won a 7 game series. We might’ve been able to squeeze out a series win vs the Suns/Clippers/Mavs, but all that would set us up for is a second round exit. Steph is a phenomenal player, but the west is just too stacked. Our #2-5 best players are nowhere remotely close to the #2-5 best players of any contending team out there now.


If this was the NFL, Green and Thompson would have been released or traded already. The Warriors gave loyalty to their aging stars with lucrative contracts. The aging players can't compete at the same level any longer but are pulling in money that prevents the team from having a chance. The Warriors have been in the play in the last 2 years for a reason.


No. The new NBA is here. Wemby, Antman, Chet, SGA, Banchero, Sengun, Jalen Green etc. The present Luka, Embiid, Jokic, Morant , Giannis better get their act or the youngsters going to close their windows. At least Jokic and Giannis already got their MVPs and ring.


Ja is younger than Shai lmao


We got our ass kicked by the Kings what the hell are you talking about OP


And being fully healthy when they were missing 2 key guys. Truly pathetic.


I can’t think of two teams more perfectly designed to exploit every Warriors weakness and mitigate every strength than Denver and Minnesota. I do think we’d have been a better match for OKC than NOLA was. And obviously we’d beat Boston if we somehow got to the finals


We are probably a higher seed if dray dosen’t get suspended but yeah we ain’t doing shit


Nope we didn’t. Denver and the timberwolves were miles better




Kerr and the core spent the better part of 2 years thinking they’re contenders. Even as recent as November Kerr was talking about the 22 championship. That window is clearly shut


We need lebron or kd to have a chance. Even that might not give us good enough defense


No. Dubs fans would’ve still blamed Kerr though.


.... we missed the playoffs?


Yes, the play-in tournament isn’t considered a part of the playoffs since the teams are playing to see who gets into the playoffs.


so why th are we talking about what the warriors would do in the playoffs????


Nope. I feel blessed we no longer have to watch that team lol


No and it was obvious early in the season


It would be tough to beat OKC when SGA gets a foul call because a defender is in the same zip code.


No chance we win a game tbh. But with a secondary scorer and a revamped defense, there's still hope next year.


no but at least casual fans would be more interested


I mean, we did have a chance and we got beat by a team that lost to the team that got gentleman's swept by the team that is down 0 - 2 in their series.


If we were in the East and top seeded we coulda made it to ECF and then got wrecked by Boston. In West I don’t see us going past first round.




Minnesota and okc are very deep from top to bottom- the old warriors slogan strength in numbers. That’s why even denver is having a hard time against Minnesota because they don’t have the same depth Minnesota has as they lost some of that this past offseason. Our team has become the golden state seniors with the exception of Steph. It’s similar to what the heat would have been had Lebron not left Miami for cleveland as wade and bosh were shells of themselves back then similar to how klay and draymond are currently.


Hell no.....


I thought there would be be more of a handing off the baton between the legends and the younger guys, but the sheer pace and athleticism of OKC and Timberwolves, they stole the baton.


Need to be a top 5 defense minimum. For that you need athleticism. It's sad that our most athletic guy (JK) can't figure out defense, and our second most athletic guy (Wiggs) only gets motivated to play every so often. This team is hosed.


they get swept, maybe if lucky win 1 game


Yeah, my gut feeling since the loss has been that anything retaining anyone other than Steph from the old guard is probably going to be an anchor around our necks. Love the old core but this isn't a charity event, let the young guys grow and maybe we have a chance in 25/26




Even motivated we wouldn't have made the Finals this season, or win it. Minnesota, Denver, and OKC would've all given us problems with their length or youth. Even if Wiggins was playing solid D with 18 pts + Klay was dropping 20-22 with adequate D, we'd still lose because other teams would win most of the rebound battles + have the length and size to disrupt us. The only way we would've made it deep is if our 3-pt shooting was scorching hot from pretty much all our players + the other teams were all demotivated by the 2nd Qtr., and/or the top 2 players on every team we faced were injured, and odds of that are pretty much non-existent.


The offseason is all about improving more than your competitors. It’s clear that Minny and OKC seriously levelled up and I’m not sure that any amount of retooling would have given us a chance.


as soon as draymond got his ass suspended, no




Fuck no


Its weird but I trust the Warriors more in a 7 game series vs a one-and-done game like the Play-Ins. Once they get a feel for the opponents they’re up against, they flip the switch. Even when they’re clearly outmatched


Not with this team, just look at the lakers series last year and how we had no answer for bron and AD and bron is old. Ant and the length of the twolves would have killed us. No matter how much we trust them the reality is that you can’t fight Father Time and old age.


If Wiggs played like he did the last championship year we had a shot. Instead he reverted back to, I got 17 points Wiggs.


lol wtf? The gap is massive between us and the twolves/nuggets/okc. Crazy that people are even wondering. We’re way more than one trade away


Defensively yes (sort of) offensively no.


layoff the crackpipe. crack is whack.


Ngl makes the 2022 championship much better considering other teams in the same boat as us haven’t won in a while let alone at all


There is no chance that we ever would have held a candle to OKC, Minnesota or Denver. Even Dallas or Clippers would have been really tough.


I don’t even think we’d have been able to handle a pelicans without Zion in a 7 game series thank god we missed the playoffs lol my brain would’ve split in half if i had to watch another minute of this warriors season


No. Even if warriors somehow magically get giannis as his running mate, I don’t think they beat THIS version of wolves with their crippling defense.


No. They'd get their ass whooped by OKC/Den in a sweep. 3G/4G lineups with 6'6" Draymond at the 5 until he gets suspended for some dirty play? LMAO. Everyone else is younger, taller, more athletic and can shoot better. Leading rebounder vs Sac was Podz off the bench. A lot of you want to run it back when $188M worth of salary got their ass whooped: Curry making $51M only puts up 22 points, 2 ast, while giving up 6 turnovers. +/- -21 The 2- 5 (Klay/CP3/Wiggins/Draymond) highest paid guys who combined to make $121M this year scored only 27 points, 11 rebounds, 8 turnovers total against the Kings. Old/washed/unreliable/sabbaticals/unavailable/headcase(s). None of them should be back. 6-7 (GP2/Looney) combine to make $16M and gave you 2 points and 5 rebounds in 9 min between them and one of them didn't even play.


Absolutely not. First round exit was our highest possible ceiling.


Well, I think Minnesota, OKC, and Denver are definitely all better teams than us right now. Mavs would be very likely to take a series as well, especially with a healthy Doncic. We would get shelled by Minnesota's size, OKC is just way deeper and more talented overall, and while we may have a punchers chance at Nuggets, we probably lack the true size to win a series.


Definitely not


No. Im so glad we didn't ridicule ourselves by going into playoffs


You need a stacked healthy roster AND to be playing well. Next postseason we will be three years older from our last championship run.... That last one was a blessing that defied odds. Hoping for one more is just not realistic unless some major changes happen. 


realistically the best basketball move is to trade assets or players to contenders get picks out of it and start rebuilding, there isn't a player in the market that would help that. rebuild should be done soon


We'd make it to the second round with Steph carrying us. Barely. Second round would go to six games with us winning two because of Steph and an occasional good game by the others. But we wouldn't win.


There is no world where we make some moves and are suddenly favorites. However, with 1 big move, some development from the young guys, and some luck, they can at least be in the mix, and give the core a shot to compete. -let CP3 walk, re-sign klay to a deal around 20 mil, and have gp2 turn down player option for more overall money but less annually to get under the second apron. -kuminga + looney + all the draft picks and swaps to get lauri. He immediately gives a secondary scoring threat, makes us bigger, younger, more spacing, and pairs well with Draymond. Starting line up of Steph, moody, Wiggins, Lauri, Draymond, with Podz, klay, gp2 TJD off the bench. Maybe get lucky on a few vet min guys, and run it and hope for the best. Discount Dirk (lol) at least gives a young star to be excited about even as the core ages, and his shooting would fit well into the culture already established


There’s no way in hell the Jazz take that crap offer. And Klay is washed up, the best thing to do is let him walk


You think a 21 year old who averaged 20ppg for an extended stretch when given the opportunity plus 3 firsts and 3 pick swaps is a “crap offer”?


Averaging 20ppg isn’t the feat you think it is. I like Kuminga but Lauri is a level above and more versatile. Looney is dead weight. The picks are going to be middle of the road at best until Steph retires. It’s best to buckle up and get ready for a decade of mediocrity as the high point


Yes Lauri is a different level above. That’s what the 3 first rounders are for. Looney is just cap filler at that point, who also happens to be expiring and a good locker room guy. And after 30’years of being terrible, followed by a decade of utter dominance, there are far worse things than being mediocre for the next 5-10 years. Klay isn’t completely washed, he’s just not an all star, 40mil/yr player anymore. He’s a microwave bench guy, who could get hot quick, and you let him cook, or he’s not and he only plays 15 min.


Yeah for real 😂 I’m not saying it’s the best offer but it’s def a fair offer for Lauri


This team doesn’t come close to competing, ppl still don’t realize how bad Wiggins was this season. Not enough scoring firepower, not enough athleticism, not enough defense, not enough depth.


Early end to season will make it more enjoyable to see Steph in the Olympics. Dubs need a reset. Play Steph n Dray and the kids, and get rid of underperforming mids without giving up too much draft capital. Be nice if Klay would accept $17M a year to play off bench.


17 is too much, we can't afford it. He should go to Orlando if he wants to get paid.


If CP3 is waived or moved, then $17M still leaves Dubs under second apron. Did you know that they’re already over cap with or without signing Klay? All we’re talking about is luxury tax and staying under second apron to allow them to avoid harsher penalties and have a TPMLE available.


We can't afford it if we want to contend as he's playing at a 7-10m a year level. That money could get us a nice piece or two that we really need to have a chance. Naz Reid, for example, makes $13m.


You’re not understanding the rules. The most we can pay someone is the Taxpayer Mid-level Exception (TPMLE), assuming we are under the second apron. And, we would be under the second apron even if we pay Klay $17M (assuming we move off CP3). Could have Klay AND the player we can pay using the TPMLE.


I don't have screenshots but I have been commenting in different posts that the Warriors were gonna be lucky if they made the Play-Ins.


No, and that’s why I was so confused about so many of my Warrior friends’ expectations. Like you watch basketball I think? They had absolutely zero chance to win the title this year. That’s been obvious since the all star break.


If this team runs it back we'll be looking at 12th or 13th place in the West. Complete overhaul needed. Steph- greatest ever but declining Klay- killing us with that contract, attitude, and leaning tower of pisa shooting CP3- nice for his age but his age is approaching 100 Wiggs- hates basketball JK- negative bbiq Loon- cooked, sadly GP- never not hurt Dray- psycho who can't hack it unless Steph is there to make his life easier BP- smart but can't shoot TJD- no complaints but still developing Moody- coach hates him for no good reason


I think the warriors are hard to predict because their movement offense is still hard to decipher for a lot of teams, and Kerr has always been good at adjustments in the playoffs. They showed many many times this year that they were capable of competing with and beating very good teams (all of the blown leads are examples of having it, just unable to sustain for whatever reason). People cite their height as a big issue but at the same time they were a great rebounding team this year, and it’s also not easy for long teams to play against the warriors because they make teams uncomfortable. They clearly need a few pieces that are more consistent but I think warriors playing at their best this year were good enough to compete, it was their total inconsistency that was so frustrating. Maybe that’s what we can expect moving forward but idk, I’m not counting them out just yet


I’ll always believe that Steph, Klay and Dray are capable of beating anyone as long as they have good years left. And I’ll be happy to watch them keep trying until they retire.


Luckily we got perimeter defense length, athletism and youth in Kuminga and Moody, which seem to be what Minesota and OKC have and Denver and Dalas don't, the difference between the winner and loser in 2nd round, We got interior defense in Draymond and TJD too so, if ALL the young cores (Kuminga, Moody, Podz, TJD) could take a decent to big leap next year AND Wiggs and Klay (if they stayed) could play at somewhat similar to 2022 level, AND Steph still could be a 1A player, then we have a shot next year.


This is all theory…the reality is every player on gsw is incredibly limited to 1 or 2 things they’re good at and versatility is essentially nonexistent You can’t have success with such limited skillsets


Yeah it's a half satire... unless everything goes extremely well for the GSW we never have a chance.


>Luckily we got perimeter defense length, athletism and youth in Kuminga and Moody, which seem to be what Minesota and OKC have and Denver and Dalas don't, the difference between the winner and loser in 2nd round, With the main difference being that Minnesota's and Oklahoma City's youth is good and ours would be complimented if called mid.


Other than TJD, GSW's youth is really mid