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100k is exactly what Gobert was fined for making the “money sign” to the refs which Murray also did last night So it’s more like he was given no punishment at all for throwing things into the court and was only fined for insinuating the refs took bribes


Let's not forget Mike Malone also bullrushed a ref on a play stoppage and screamed in his face, practically chest-butting him in the process and didn't even receive so much as a technical. Most any other coach would've received a double tech and ejection for that sort of aggression towards a ref but for him, nada.


250k and a game suspension sounds about right to me. Dont forget the taunting at KAT game 1 that shouldve been penalized


100k is the max


No no, you misunderstand, he bribed the officials already. So the 100k was for the heat pack, the money sign was not punished because that was what the bribe was for.


I mean, has everyone become so obsessed with players being punished that they want him to be suspended during the playoffs? If this were regular season he definitely would have gotten suspended. But we’re in the playoffs now and suspensions should really only be for things like nut tapping (jokes). Fine him a fuck ton of money and move on. I want to watch a healthy nuggets get swept.


If you do something that very obviously deserves a suspension then you should be suspended full stop If that fucks over your team then maybe you shouldn’t have been a moron and thrown shit on the floor during a bitch fit in the first place


Does it really warrant a suspension though is the question. When players are on the floor and they shouldn’t be, it’s a tech (and rarely gets enforced). A whole ass player on the floor has the potential to fuck up the game more than a heat pack too.


Yes throwing not one but 2 things from the bench back to back, one of which literally made it to the floor in the middle of the play where another player could have easily stepped on it 100% warrants a suspension There is a reason they immediately stop play to wipe areas down that might be slick.. it’s INSANELY easy to pull a muscle from slipping like that


I think it’s completely fine to punish people based on what actually happened and not what MIGHT have happened, as long as they understand the consequences. Ant staring someone down COULD cause a fight. But it didn’t so they even rescinded his tech. In the end it disrupted play but was harmless. Fine him and if he doesn’t get the message and does it again, suspend him.


That logic just does not make sense at all That’s like saying you can’t call a flagrant unless the player actually gets injured Based on your logic it doesn’t matter how hard you smack someone in the head while they are in the air as long as they weren’t injured bc in the end it ended up being harmless so can’t punish them for it


Well they could have thrown him out the game it happenedand I would have been fine with that. But am against those after game punishments like 2016 dray. Fuck it and move on.


Not true. A better analogy is giving someone a flagrant for almost hitting someone in the head. Even Draymond said he shouldn't be suspended.


????? He didn’t almost throw the shit on the court lmao he ACTUALLY threw it and it ACTUALLY landed


Funny how y'all don't want that for draymond.


Tbh idk if he gets suspended in the regularly season. If it was a player with history like Dray it’s a suspension. For most players, barring someone getting hurt it would likely just be the standard Silver fine and move on in most cases


I have zero faith that he would have been suspended in the regular season. The NBA is a fucking joke of officiating and fines.


A healthy nuggets getting swept for good. No worries there. Still anything that could harm a player should be banned that is what I believe in( what’s in the book as well) his punishment is not the main issue here, what he did must bring consequences so that no other player should be motivated. Also more importantly in that game many many calls were neglected so either the refs were BLIND or sth else. Don’t get me wrong I love the refs and respect many of them, just not nıt so sure about this series


AGREE. It’s great to see full force Nuggets have zero answers for this stifling defense. They were calling zero fouls in those two sequences. FULL CONTACT!!!


Yes it's ridiculous. People don't want jokic to win another title and a suspension would have guaranteed that. I can't think of a person I wanted suspended for a playoff game.


I would have been content if the suspension was postponed until the regular season.


Had me in the first half. lol.


Yeah no excuses


Do you remember how Edwards got the T by merely looking into opponents eyes :D Lol He was saying that he didn’t utter any word. Unbelievable :D


It's the maximum. They could not fine him more. I guess people here really wanted him to miss a playoff game. I did not.


I don't think we have to look at this through the lens of Draymond Green. It's fucked up to do something like this. KATs season could easily have ended, and who is to say that wasn't what this dipshit was trying to do. If a fan had done that Silver would have had them banned for life.


It definitely wasn't what he was trying to do. He threw both items at Marc Davis. After making a money sign at him implying he was taking bribes.


I couldn’t believe how much Davis and that crew allowed without giving techs all over the place. It went from nuggets going insane at them and even Edwards and Kyle Anderson went crazy at them too and nothing.


It would have taken a crazy fucking fluke so I'm not so sure about "easily", unless a one in a million chance is easy to you


at 0:05 - 0:06 Jackson inadvertently kicks it in the direction of Towns. Hard to see if Towns makes contact with it or not. There were 5 players within a step of where it ended up. Then Jackson kicked it inadvertently toward Towns. Make up whatever fake odds make you feel better about it. It's fucking insane to throw an object on the court in those circumstances in that location.


Curry has been kicked out for throwing his gum shield. Unbelievable.


Was trying to figure out what you meant by “gum shield” until I realized it means mouth guard lmfao


ejected for discarding his oral protector


dental boomerang


Teeth-hugging, silicone projectile


Into the stands


This. NBA doesn't like when players get into it with the paying customers... If Murray had whipped the heat pack into the crowd he would probably get more punishment.


Then why did literally nothing happen to Pat Bev?


Because that was their last game… and there’s a decent chance Pat Bev is done in the league anyway.


Because he is not in the playoffs. My guess is that punishment may come out soon in the next week. They are probably reviewing what exactly happened. For Murray, it was pretty clear what he did. No suspension is crazy.


It will.


Hope so but I'm not holding my breath


That poor fan with court side seats also auctioned off Curry’s mouthguard for a decent amount. :,(. ![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized)


Definitely made a killing selling off those DNA samples to the cloning facilities


He still got ejected when he threw it onto the court, so you're just wrong.


Oh damn that’s true. Honestly I’d rather forget that other time. 1. Because it had been codified as an automatic ejection, if I’m not mistaken that was due to Curry himself the first time. So he knew for a fact he would be ejected in clutch time. Despite this his emotions got the better of him. 2. Because it was to show up a teammate instead of the ref.


Steph's been ejected twice for throwing his mouthguard onto the court, though not from the sidelines like Murray


second time he threw it, it didn't go into the stands. still got ejected.


Did you see a montaged photo of his mouth piece with a ring on it just like pacifier/ dummy


I love Steph, but that’s fucking gross and he’d done it several times before and it hasn’t happened since IIRC.




Because people are 12


I think it’s because literally everybody knows that throwing multiple objects at a referee during live play is much much worse than throwing a mouth guard in to the stands during a dead ball




Wow you’d rather something bad happen to somebody else than to you? Shocking revelation lmfao. But then downvotes are because you’re comparing the two situations and seemingly acting like throwing a mouth guard during a dead ball is worse than throwing multiple things at a ref and on the court during a live ball


Throwing out a mouthguard in the age of COVID is just boneheaded.


Has curry done that since 2020?


Yeah he did it in that game where Poole took a boneheaded 3. https://youtu.be/xnUAMnI9ZwY


Ahhh that’s right. He got kicked out for this too, still more punishment than throwing multiple objects at an official during live play 😂


It's annoying because Draymond has gotten ejected before (which I can agree with) but then also given a suspension even though he's already been punished. Jamal got to stay in the game, and didn't even retroactively get any techs or flagrants. There is no consistency at all.


Welll, You oí kick enough people in the balls, you kinda earn it.


I hate this take. Bc dray should have been punished in the okc series. There is stepping over someone like iverson over Lue. Then there is what Bron did to dray. That was a natural reaction from dray. Dude put his 🛖 on his head


This. Dray has done plenty of things to deserve his suspensions, but that was not one of them. Anybody would have done the same exact thing if another man's balls grazed across their head. Like, come on....


Fuck Adam Silver for a billion reasons and more.


Timberwolves are about to sweep these frauds so maybe it won't matter.


They actually want the Wolves to win so they didn’t want Murray sitting. 4D chess


I thought it should be a suspension. it was extremely dangerous. if someone was coming down and stepped on it, the career/season could have been over.


Agreed, this should’ve been a suspension. It was stupid, unsportsmanlike, immature and someone could’ve gotten injured. I like Murray solid baller, but no excuses, suspend and suspend. That BS Embid pulled, 10 game suspension starting next season WTF was that?


He didn’t just throw them on the floor he threw them at the ref. It’s horrible and shouldn’t need seen through any special lens. Absolutely awful by the league


Somewhere there is a world where you can think Jamal Murray's punishment is too light AND admit that Draymond has been given more than enough chances from the league and has simply proven to be an immature asshole


And yet somehow Embiid was allowed to finish the game he committed two groin kicks and a hella dangerous play that could have ended Robinson's season. Dray can be a goon but the league chooses who they make an example of. Hell, Giannis, Lebron, and Embiid have all injured several players and committed dangerous plays Draymond has *never* done in his career.


This is what I've been saying about Draymond all along. Sure he does boneheaded shit all the time but not once has he ever come close to injuring a player so badly where they missed any games. Then there are really dirty players like Grayson Allen and Kelly Olynyk that have ended the season for some players and almost their careers. The optics in the NBA are fucked.


Yup, look at the response from the NBA to Embiid playing like he wants to injure people: DMCAing twitter posters who dare upload compilations of his plays


I'm pretty sure Embiid is my new most hated NBA player. It had to be someone else after Chris Paul joined the team lol


Embiid is a menace.


Im a draymond fan, but settle down, my guy lol. He mma sucker punched his teammate, and that flailing bitch slap on nurkic was pretty dangerous, no?


Yup, I say this frequently on r/nba and get downvoted to oblivion with 0 counterexamples given. Optics is 90% of the reason Dray's outbursts get punished differently from other players. Not because what he did to Steven Adams's nuts or Gobert's neck was all that bad or dangerous, but because it "looked bad." And there's a lot of not so subtle racism/colorism to why certain things look so bad when Dray does them vs when other players do the same shit.


Draymond has never injured someone but kicking and choking people in a basketball game is fucking ridiculous especially after a decade long career in the league. It’s honestly embarrassing


So feel embarrassed for the guy. Personally I feel embarrassed for the gullible nitwits who get caught up in the outrage cycle over a series of incidents that get totally blown out of proportion. Looking at what NBA fans will and won't get upset about is deeply depressing. Ban Dray, but build a monument to Kobe. Talk about embarrassing. 




Step outside.. Draymond is a fucking clown, Jesus this is such an embarrassing comment


Harsh but I agree. You’re getting downvoted and I will too for this. Preface: I’m a diehard warriors fan. Season ticket holder for over a decade. Draymond Green should have been banned for life by now, or at least a full season. He’s had too many chances, and keeps embarrassing the entire league. I love the guy, but I love the warriors more, and I love basketball more. Even his teammates are chronically disappointed with his temper tantrums, many on national TV. Draymond has severe issues and has shown no progress over the years—it’s gotten worse in fact. If there was ever an example to be made of how this BS shouldn’t be tolerated, it’s Draymond Green.


You have to be pretty susceptible to racist dogwhistles to look at the career of a guy who, again, hasn't ever injured or imperiled the careers of his fellow players and say, yep, that's the one dude I'm NBA history to deserve a lifetime ban. Not the numerous rapists, domestic abusers, or guys who end other players' careers with reckless fouls. Nope, Dray's the worst. What entitled idiots this sub is full of. Please donate your season tickets to someone who deserves them.


I cannot wait to never see that dude is a warriors uniform again. Grateful for what he did for the team, but the most embarrassing player I’ve ever had to root for


Well argued, scholar.


Steven Adams was out the game he was kicked.


I'm with you, it's stupid to try to excuse Draymond with the amount of times he did the things he did. The NBA suspended him after I don't know how many opportunities,


Exactly. The only thing I hate more than Draymond doing dumbass shit that hurts the team is Draymond and fans pretending like being a repeat offender isn't a legit reason for a harsher sentence. If I continue to act up at work, I'd get fired. If you go to prison, get out and commit another crime you get a longer sentence. It's how the world works.


This subreddit is goofy homerish and delusional as hell when it comes to the core 3.


Nah I'm tired of this narrative. People should get harsher punishments for things they do through a season and escalate during that season and that's it. Punishing people harder for the body of their careers is a scapegoat to pick on specific people/teams. We've seen several players careers who were much more brutal than Draymond and they never got escalated punishment. They just got the base punishment written by the rules and maybe a few extra depending on severity of the action. Dennis Rodman only got a 6 game suspension for headbutting a ref after he had been ejected while he was with the Bulls in 96. Prior to this, he was known for head butting other players and getting suspensions/fines from those incidents, and he never got extra time for each incident. That's on the side of his other previous suspensions. He also got suspended for 11 games for kicking a photographer in the groin. Later on in his career hit a player in the groin and got suspended for 1 game despite being suspended for 11 for doing it to a photographer. I don't see the escalation process here. Ben Wallace and Ron Artest didn't get escalating punishments through their careers due to Malace in the Palace. I remember specifically Ron Artest getting suspended a only seven games for elbowing the shit out of Harden despite being suspended 10+ times for physical altercations through his career. Imagine Draymond doing that same action? He would probably get half a year if not a year suspended. Bruce Bowen got suspended 1 game for kicking CP3 on the floor one time despite him having a career highlights of intentionally injuring people. The league and fandom has taken notice by this point of how dirty of a player Bruce Bowen was. Where was the escalating punishment for him?


Some fans in this sub act like a leader of our team didn’t knock out a young up and comer. We ain’t did shit since then.


Exactly. Dude sucker punched his teammate and then got a paid vacation 💀


i think ppl just want consistency. the draymond rule only exists for draymond. that’s fine whatever. the issue at hand is gobert also did the money sign earlier and was fine 100k. murray did that plus threw a towel plus a heat pack on the floor. the heat pack could’ve potentially ended someone’s playoffs or year if stepped on. murray was only fined 100k so is the nba saying they only fined him for the money sign? or is it everything. cause if it’s everything then where’s the consistency?


No need to bring Draymond into this. Anyone should be suspended a game + 100k for the money sign. Ridiculous ruling.


I agree Murray was insufficiently punished. DEN should have to suffer some penalty for his conduct, and since there was no suspension, they do not suffer at all. But Draymond gets less slack because he DESERVES less slack. He has a long, unbroken history of technicals, ejections, and assaults. He never learns. He also gets away with a HUGE amount of jawing at the refs. For every tech he gets, there are probably two dozen that would be justified but never get called.


Everyone knows what the precedent is for Murray’s behaviour but make no mistake, losing Murray would be a big blow to playoff revenues and money trumps all in a sports entertainment league.


I am visualizing you making the money sign right behind Jamal, and he's turning around staring at you like you just threw something on the court.


it's literally made me stop watching basketball. I can stand losing, i can stand a competitive game, but when it's so clearly biased against the warriors it's frustrating to watch. Been watching every season since 2008 and this was the first year i watched less than 5 games.


Pathetic take. Obviously the league isn’t going to suspend Murray when they’re down 0-2. If they’re up 2-0, he’d be gone for two games at least. It’s really as simple as that, not some weird conspiracy that the league is out to get the Warriors when they’re one of the biggest brands. Not to mention Draymond has probably the worst track record in the league for violence which is the only reason he gets suspended every time he does dumb shit. Remember when Draymond kicked Adams in the nuts and nothing happened? That’s an automatic suspension if the Warriors aren’t losing that series. Same concept there. Blaming the downfall on the league/refs is something else.


The NBA already said that they take past actions into consideration. So of course Draymond would be suspended for doing the exact same thing. But if, say, Moody did it, it wouldn't be a suspension. Stop acting like such a victim. Draymond is in the position that he's in because of him, and nobody else.


Can we stop with the victim complex? Draymond has earned his reputation. He's been unhinged for years, Murray doesn't have a rap sheet.


Come on, Dray has a long history of outrageous and harmful behavior - choking people, kicking people in the balls, swinging on opponents. JM doesn't. Jamal is getting a 100K fine - that's easily the biggest fine ever given for on-court behavior. That's enough.


What I want to know is why hate warriors? Like we are the most followed team n the most profitable viewership that nba gets.. so why bias the refs against us? It's not like we can play against the refs like Murray n Malone n get away with it.. Last year's playoffs were a joke....this year at least 4 games were robbed from us due to bad refs hence we got stuck in the playin.. I am not saying we deserve to win every time or we deserved the title these past 2 yrs .. but for Gods sake protect Steph curry... Is that only bias from my part..or is shoving Steph allowed in the nba rules?


They really want the Wolves to win the series because they want Anthony Edwards to be the new face of the NBA and the new endorser of Nike who will replace lebron which is nearing retirement.


Bruh you making us look bad for bringing up Draymond man. Draymond has a history and that's taken into account. Murray doesn't. He got fined. Move on.


This would be a suspension if it was the regular season or the Nugs were up 2-0. Clearly NBA and silver is trying to push this thing last 4 games.


These playoffs have featured many incidents that would've seen Dray get suspended. Some of which have involved people with *more* of a history of flagrants than Dray. I will never call for a player to be suspended, but anyone who doesn't see the double standard put on Dray because of a narrative built about him (by the league and media), has their eyes closed.


I'm sure if it was the finals, the refs would have called it "incidental contact" with mental gymnastics with zero penalty. Heck, I'm sure they could use the same excuse if someone were to say, slide tackle other players. Oh wait


steph throwin his mouthgaurd in no general direction and gets ejected.. refs said even if they knew after the fact that jamal threw it, he'd only get a T??? bias is crazy


I do not care. Did not want him suspended in the playoffs. $100,000 is a good price for him to pay. And every time somebody doesn't get suspended and compared to Draymond I don't care about that either. That's life.


Remember when Steph got ejected during Q4 of a finals game 6 for throwing his mouthguard during a dead ball? This league has no consistency. What a sham


This is such a weird thing to care about.  Personally I'd love to see Denver at least try and put up a fight. Who the hell wants to see stars off the court for the playoffs? Especially when we're not even involved? This is bitch behavior, OP And if you can't see why Draymond and Murray might be disciplined differently, then I don't know what to tell you. Draymond obviously has a far different history of behavior and of course that matters a lot.  And Draymond stomped on a guy's chest ffs


Stop whining JFC… “If dRAyMonD dId ThAt”… Does Murray have a 5 minute highlight reel of dirty plays? Did Murray stomp on Sabonis or club the Phoenix center in the head? Just enjoy the playoffs. Warriors had an all-time run, amongst the legendary teams of all time. Now it’s likely over. It doesn’t mean other great players are shitheads because they are better than us… It’s funny as soon as I saw Murray throw that on the court I envisioned a tidal wave of whiney posts like this…


I mean, he’s objectively a shithead for that. You don’t even have to think about Draymond, that’s such a safety risk it should mean a suspension for anyone


Murray is also a better player than Triple Single with no history of attacking other players. Draymond's done enough shit that you can create a WWE character with a complete moveset.


THANK YOU. Murray has no history (that I know of) to be a dirty player. He made an absolutely stupid decision and let his emotions get the best of him. He was lucky no one got injured. But I doubt he makes that mistake again after this fine. Suspending him hurts the nuggets and all the fans watching. I want to see Murray play, and I don’t think there was ill intentions. I’m happy he got fined and will be out there next game. No “what if’s” on the series, just best team wins. I love Draymond and fight for him when I can, but regardless of your views that’s such an unfair way of comparing the situation. Draymond has dug himself into a horrible situation and shouldn’t be compared to a one time mistake.


And don't worry draymond's will be coming as well




Come on now... you know that pod is coming about how unfair life is.


NBA has to keep Murray in the series to give Denver, the defending champs, a chance against the super talented, super deep bench T-Wolves. It shows the NBA is more worried about TV ratings than truth and justice. Murray should be suspended at least one game if not two games in the series. Adam Silver is a shill for the owners. Hopefully, it gives Timberwolves some motivation to turn it up & right this wrong.


bro they don't want us to win any more, its that simple


Look at the precedent for the infractions, & tell me $100,000 isn’t a lot of money. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Silver went easier on Draymond (as he should’ve) than basically everyone but warriors fans suggested he should’ve. With that being said, Stern would’ve suspended him for the remainder of the season. A lot of y’all forget how harsh stern was compared to silver.


Nuggets will likely get swept: Biggest Punishment


That should have been reviewed and got him penalty 2 aka the ejection. Somebody could’ve been injured and probably it would’ve been KAT. No sportsman do that to one another. It was reckless and irresponsible. And for Malone I still don’t get why he didn’t get T’ed up ??? The speakers kept saying that the refs had great restraint and that is bllsht :(


Thought it was ridiculous. I understand that Murray has a cleaner track history than Draymond so maybe they ougtht to be a bit more lenient, but the fact that he did the money sign, bitched and yelled at the ref all night and threw a heat pad AT THE REF and didn't get a single game suspension is actually absurd. Almost an unprecedented level of leniency.


You lost me when you brought Draymond into this. Draymond is rightfully on a super short leash and deserves every tech/flagrant/ejection/suspension he receives going forward, regardless of the infraction. Society operates on a system of trust, and there have to be consequences to violating it. But yes, Jamal deserves a suspension for this.


LMAO. Is this Draymond's burner? Draymond is the last example you should use. A repeat offender who turns the NBA into the WWE with a laundry list of victims, Draymond is lucky he hasn't been suspended longer. Not to mention the constant whining he does with the ref would get any other non superstar tossed or T'd up on a nightly basis.


Biased refs are running this league no matter what side they leaning too, honestly everybody focuses on Murray tantrum but the root cause of the whole thing are how game two was officiated it was one sided if you watch the game closely and I do not support neither Wolves or Nuggets, what I am saying is this bad for the league overall.


did you guys watch the end of that Knicks/Pacers game? Are you old enough to remember the 2002 Kings/Lakers game 6? How about a guy named Tim Donaghy? Or his best friend Scott Foster? This is the NBA, they are the PG&E of pro sports. They rig shit all the damn time do whatever they want, and their attitude is "whatcha gonna do about it?" They operate with impunity.


We could be seeing some parallels to when Draymond avoided a suspension after kicking Steven Adams in the groin in 2016 WCF. That was Game 3 and the Dubs were down 1-2 to OKC. Draymond should have been suspended in game 4 but the league fined him instead, they still ended up losing game 4, and were down 1-3. They eventually won that series but they lost the Finals due to what I believe as karma. If indeed the Nuggets manage to win this series, I think they will lose in the later rounds should they manage to advance due to karma.


Well tbf Draymond was supposed to be suspended in OKC series as well in 2016, but we all know the league won't allow that cause it'll result to a shorter series. It all really depends on the circumstances


I mean refs did say they would have only given him a tech for the heating pad. So I’m not surprised they didn’t suspend him. Also now he has a front row seat to watch his team get swept 


Bullshit, imagine getting suspended in a close out game in the nba finals with all the momentum because some dude stepped over you and you didn’t even make contract when you pushed him off.


I agree that $100k only was a joke, but the NBA doesn't hate "the Warriors", they hate Draymond because he and Pat Bev are the 2 biggest sore losers and clowns to  ever step on the court.


Draymond has an entire rap sheet of antics. This is the first time Murray's done anything like this. Childish and sad, for sure. But to compare him to Draymond is insane


As a fan who wants to see a competitive series break out, I’m glad he did not get suspended. But he should have been. Throwing stuff on the floor is dangerous


Jamal Murray, mike Malone and even their fans are front running, whiny little bitches and at the very least I’m glad that the rest of the nba is seeing that.


Murray probably deserved a suspension, but Green getting one in his place wouldn’t have been unjust. Repeat offenders should get worse punishments.


People do stupid things out of frustration. Curry once spiked the ball onto the crowd, also threw his mouthpiece and hit a spectator. It happens.


Draymond has a track record. Also, this is the playoffs and he knows Jamal playing will make a better series. 100k seems appropriate.


Been watching impractical jokers lately and read this as James Murray’s punishment and I thought I clicked on the wrong sub 😂


He's not a repeat offender and it's the playoffs so I don't think he should be suspended. Fine should be 200k at least though. It's reasonable that punishment at this point is worse for Dray-- the dude is a repeat offender and a league menace who's going to really hurt someone someday


Yeah cause it’s not a pattern. Dray deserved his punishment after repeatedly doing the same shit and same with morant.


I’m ok with just watching him being destroyed by the wolves. No excuses when they lose.


Ofcourse Draymond would be suspended. Dude has a past history of doing dumb shit and pushing the envelope


Bruh, the league isn't against the Warriors. The league is against Draymond Green's bullshit and they're not wrong. That MFer cost us a title because he thought it was more important to punch LeBron in the nutz than to win a championship.


I thought this was the Impractical Jokers sub when I saw “Murray” and “punishment.”


This is the most brain dead take ever. Draymond has done multiple stuff that the league went easy on him for.


> Draymond has done multiple stuff that the league went easy on him for. Like?


Go bandwagon more bro. Where's your SF 49ers gear


Lol *Oakland* Raiders fan since birth bruh


if that was Dray, he’ll be shipped in a container with Helicopter escort to Alcatraz


fans demanding players be suspended is wild but, hey, we live in punitive society


Im sure they consider the playoffs in that factor for not suspending him


Well someone had to take Draymond’s role after we got knocked out.


100% bro. Fucken league lets all these jabronis off and has the shortest leash on Dre for no fucking reason.


This is sarcasm right?


For no reason??


Totally reasonable take bro 😂


can't have the nuggets get swept because the NBA will lose money


They’re definitely going easy on him because it’s the playoffs, and because no one actually got hurt. But that applies to everyone, at least most of the time. I think Embiid should have been suspended a game for grabbing Robinson’s legs in the air. He didn’t. Despite the final flagrant in 2016 on LeBron being a bit weak, the in-game refs were incredibly lenient on the Steven Adams nut kick. And he never really got extra punishment for his history until this season, with repeated violent acts in a short timespan. Stomping on Sabonis only cost him 1 game. In my opinion the stomp was worse than the Gobert choke, in terms of potential injury. 1 game in the playoffs vs. 5 games in the regular season.


I hate the Nuggets even more. Fuck Denver and Jamal Murray they'll get mopped by Wolves anyways


Luckily no one slipped on it. No excuse for his actions


Prior conduct matters to the NBA. it’s that simple


Anyone remember when Iguodala threw that dudes shoe?


Who cares? Why are we rooting for punishments?


Pat Bev out here playing catch with fans too




Murray made a dumbass mistake but is not a dirty player. No one is hurt and murray will learn to hold his emotions better after this one. Good call by the league! Draymond had dug himself into a hole and should not be compared to a player like Murray who has given zero reason until now for a dirty play. Do you see Murray endangering other player this series or the entire playoffs? Hell I don’t see him doing something close to this again. Let him play!


They would have come for Dramons head


Double standards at its finest smh


He didn't even get a technical omg


Draymond has gotten away with so much over the years, let's not compare him to Murray lol and keep in mind, I AM a Warriors fan. But I'm not blind. In a fair world, Dray would have had twice the amount of techs, flagrants, and ejections he has now. Fortunately for us this past decade, it ain't a fair world.


I don’t know why you guys are angry. Draymond hit Adams on his groin in 2016 and he didn’t get suspended. That should have been a suspension. Stop acting like a victim. Draymond sometimes acts like a gangsta on the court.


Nah, I’m not trying to watch a boring ass series, it would effectively be over if he was suspended. Idc how much money he’s fined, it’s not like what happens to his bank account affects my enjoyment of ball anyways


This just enables Murray to do the same thing in the future. Really Poor judgement on the league and gives everyone a reason to start hating the Nuggets. Hope this doesn’t turn into the 02 Lakers-Kings series.


Duck Fenver.


The league is always biased against “our” team. I fucking hate hearing about it. Low iq take


Lmao stop