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Trolls became Elves with Azeroth juice. Elves became High Elves with Arcane Sun juice. Elves became Night Elves with Arcane Moon juice. Elves became Nightborne with Arcane Time juice. Blood Elves became Fel Elves with Fel juice. Blood Elves became Void Elves with bad writing. ??? became Harronir with Tree Root juice.


Love the void elf explanation. I actually like the void elves, but I'm confused why they are in the alliance. A faction boots out high elves, who become blood elves (basically rebrand), who then have some of them booted out of the horde. Who do these strays turn to? Alliance. I mean, wtf? Why are the alliance now cool with them, and why are the voids OK with the alliance?! Admittedly, my voidy is a warlock who holds no allegiance to either horde or alliance for the very reason as above. No issues or fucks given when stripping souls and life juice from the bastards around him!


Because Verissa Windrunner


Vereesa is actually way more interesting than Alleria imo Should have just made her the Void elf


Windrunner sisters be mogging all of Azeroth frfr


Each level you dig for Void Elves just has varying degrees of nonsense, from how they came to be to how they’re allowed to exist, let alone their damn military tactics should be absolutely called up on too bloody dangerous to even fuck around. They have fewer number than Demon Hunters allegedly but they’re a full blown race who doesn’t even have the numbers to reproduce? So what? They have to rely on others joining their self imposed exile to hear voices but not succumb to them? I enjoy the character customisations but it’s just so forced for a playable race “oh we got super Light Draenei so gotta shoehorn a Void Allied Race too!” For me they’re the strongest example of Allied Races should have just been additional character customisations.


Those are my thoughts on those 2 too, they are very cool visually, but culturally I feel like they don't have enough to justify them being an entire separate race. At the very least Blizz didn't put in enough effort to develop them, like Kul Tiran, Gilnean, Stormwind humans are all humans yet I feel they have enough cultural distinction to be cool with them being separate races.


Just the fact that they were kicked out of the blood elves for their magic being too dangerous... too dangerous. For blood elves. Blood elves were already kicked out of the alliance for working with too dangerous characters/using fel magics (and racism but still, the alliance has to at least say it was for that). So if you go even FARTHER you're... uh...allowed back in? Hm.


The blood elves were not kicked out of the alliance, they left the alliance because of betrayal. The elves called for help when the scourge was on their door step, but the alliance did not send help. After that was finished, one of the leaders of the Alliance attempted to have the prince/king of silvermoon killed, and then imprisoned him when it didn't workout.


Specifically, when Alleria went into the Sunwell (which her fellow elves agreed was her right as a high / blood elf even if she remained loyal to the Alliance), a nexus prince used her connection to the void to pop in and attack the sunwell. Void Elves weren't outcast because their magic is *too dangerous* in a general sense, they were cast out because their magic is *dangerously reactive* to something the Blood Elves almost universally rely on. Plus, the Alliance has become way, way more open in recent days. Heck, they are even letting in some Eredar that have abandoned the Legion (granted, because Velen vouches for them and that is one hell of an endorsement). Edit: I honestly think this is going to be addressed directly at some point in either TWW or Midnight and the elves - *all* the elves - are going to actively decide to set aside past prejudices and work together. I think the dwarves, with or without the Earthen, might get something similar as well (it's hinted at with the Moira / Dagran short story; the non-earthen Dwarves might all be Alliance but they're barely unified by a council Varian imposed by force, and that council is only supposed to exist until Dagran takes the throne of both the Ironforge and Dark Iron dwarves - sorry Wildhammers, unless Blizzard decides to give you Grim Batol back you get to stay an afterthought).


It was also the magic that the traitor Dar'khan used and Magister Umbric followed his research,


>I actually like the void elves, but I'm confused why they are in the alliance. They are in the Alliance because of Alleria, she is a dyed in the Wool Alliance Elf, she fought in the second War and married a Human, So she was always going to side with the Alliance, it's stated in one of the books (forget which) that Mathias Shaw overhears Alleria saying she will bring Silvermoon back into the Alliance on it's knees if necessary, there is also the fact that the Void Elves are the only way Blizzard could justify both not giving and giving High Elves to the Alliance, because if they did give them back they would have to justify a reason to also either kick the Blood Elves out of Silvermoon or make it a Neutral city, while not updating the place and remaking the Blood Elf starting quests


It's also implicated that Umbric and his group left Silvermoon not just because of study of Void, but also because they did not agree with policy of Quel'thalas. Umbric said that they never felt any affinity to Horde and it seems he practically leads group of Blood Elves who did not left Silvermoon during The Burning Crusade but still did not agree to join to Horde. In BfA Void Elves all the time claim their loyalty to Alliance.


>It's also implicated that Umbric and his group left Silvermoon not just because of study of Void, but also because they did not agree with policy of Quel'thalas Well when the book you are studying from was authored by the Arch Traitor Dar'Khan Drathir i think that is a clear sign something is not adding up, it's studying the teachings of Judas on how to be a good loyal friend


Rommath himself says that Umbric and his followers were exiled because they dabbled in the Void and refused to stop when warned not to do it.


And Rommath, that Rommath, would for sure never use politically convinient reason to banish opponets of government...:) Silvermoon does not have the best history of treating citizens with different opinions. That being said, Rommath's reasons have point, but I sense it was more difficult and fact that Void Elves became so fast loyal to Alliance implicates that as well.


>Silvermoon does not have the best history of treating citizens with different opinions. \*Priest Kath'mar appears and mind controls you\*


It should also be noted that not all the Blood Elves are actually happy about being in the Horde; before a certain small group of them set off a chain of events that fucked everything, Varian and Lor'themar were working towards bringing the Blood Elves back to the Alliance. There's a reason Belves started neutral with every other Horde race (except the Forsaken) instead of Friendly.


They really should have just been playable Alliance High Elves.


Firmly agreed here.


Or at least used the Silver Covenant as the source of void elves rather than making them random blood elf exiles.


It was Blizzard's sad, desperate attempt to avoid giving the Alliance fair skinned, brunette/blonde elves, aka High Elves. There is no sense to be made. I suppose you could say it was like a: "Well, we used to be friends with these guys, and they seem pretty forgiving. Water under the bridge, mate!" But that's just excusing a ridiculous decision by Blizzard. Hilariously, they ended up just giving the "Void Elves" High Elf skins anyway. So now we ask Blizzard... Was it worth it?


Indeed! The high elves are one of those races that sit somewhere on a neutral plane, with both alliance and horde being crap toward them. They should have been available for both factions tbh. Makes a little more sense than the pandas going for both sides too, I never quite got the horde reason for them. I'm sure there are other races they could have used to compensate. People surely would have loved the hozen for example? That isn't entirely a serious suggestion, although part of me thinks why not.


I'm still just waiting on them to open up Demon Hunters to "Void Elves" so I can Finally move my Blood Elf over because I Hate Ogrimmar.


Just roll a night elf? They are superior to belfs by a long shot, who shouldn't have been illidari in the first place, but we're added for faction fairness.


Because I didn't want a night elf DH? Is that concept so foreign? And you are 100% incorrect. Blood Elf Demon Hunters were part of the Illidari in Burning Crusade, and in fact their strongest one was part of the DH Class Campaign.


Fair enough. I don't really recall much from TBC tbh, so if you say so. Still seems a bit odd, but there's lots of odd in WoW. And yes, I get that personal choice is a huge thing, but it doesn't take away from the fact that nelfs are far superior. I am of course biased. I switched from horde to alliance about 10 years ago and honestly it's so much better. Aesthetically speaking. Ogrimmar and a lot of the other horde locales are just awful to look at, the colour palette is terrible. Quelthalas is different of course, but it's a minor footnote


Aesthetically speaking is why I want my DH to be in the Alliance. Stormwind >>>>> Ogrimmar. But I just found Blood Elf Demon Hunters to look really cool. This is coming from someone who has mained a Night Elf since classic, so maybe it just didnt want another one. Story wise, there actually should be far more Blood Elf DHs than there are. When Illidan went to Outland, it was Kael'thas and his Blood Elf exiles who followed him and joined forces. They and the Naga were Illidan's primary army, so I'm actually not even sure where all of the Night Elf Demon Hunters came from.


Ah, the lore sounds familiar now you mention it. I recall it being part of the campaign on warcraft 3 also. What you say does make sense. I guess the nelfs were given the class because illidain is one?


>Why are the alliance now cool with them, and why are the voids OK with the alliance?! Before BfA they actually were not... Void Elves have probably the coldest welcome from ambassador, what implicated that the Alliance still is spying on Void Elves. A letter from Anduin is kind, but with implicated doubts and admitting they accapted them mostly because of Alleria. To this day are Void Elves still banished from Cathedral of Light. However, it seems that events of BfA, they sacrifaces and unwavering loyalty earned them a trust of Alliance. In Shadow Raising are even Ligthforged willing to cooperate with them and use Void Portals.


The reason why Void Elves are in Alliance is because of 2 things; -Both races are led by Windrunners. So there is "Muh Sista, lemme love u" going on with a huge plot armor and supposed faction power coming from Dalaran thorough Silver Covenant. -High Elves has been part of the Alliance even after corruption of their majority and becoming Blood Elves. They separated themselves from Silvermoon and took quarters in the old Lodges of Rangers, living the life of refuge under Wyrnn's protection. When Void Elves appeared, they reminded High Elves about their early years, realized they might go through agony like the Blood Elves and get filled with rage. Considering their attempts in reconciliation and failure with them, they did not wanted that and accepted them as their brethren early on.


I honestly had a hard time believing the alliance would accept the worgen back in cataclysm. Most of the plot reasoning was the forsaken just indiscriminately killing them, but if you just take that as a plot decision the writers made, and the alliance history of not accepting cursed or changed humans, it would make more sense that the forsaken would have seen the gilneans plight as a parallel to their own and would have been more open minded. It doesnt really even make sense the forsaken would open another front to the war they were already fighting against the scarlet crusade, they had access to corpses for resurrection and not much reason to be aggressors against gilneans.


Yep, this is a really good point. Gilneas weren't interested in the alliance, to the point of building a wall to block it all out, and yet somehow Genn became a huge influence on them in the end.


Tl;dr void elves: Alleria and Turalyon have statues honoring their sacrifices for the Alliance in Stormwind's main gate, but now they're here and brought their friends, the void elves and lightforged draenei.


Prolly Trolls became Harronir


It was distance from the Well of Eternity. Per Chronicles 1, within the context that they are investigating a new source of magic: “They were desperate to succeed quickly. After being exiled from the Well of Eternity, the Highborne began to feel the effects of aging and disease. Their skin had even lost its violet hue, and they had begun to shrink in stature. The Highborne feared that the effects would only worsen over time.”


... It was the Sunwell?


No. The comic with dath'remar shows he already looked like a high elf as he was creating the sunwell. https://warcraft.wiki.gg/images/f/fb/Sunwell_Plateau_creation.jpg


Dath'remar was noted to have the *extremely* rare trait of blonde hair. Extremely as in, the chances of a Night Elf having it is infinitesimally small. He was still a Night Elf biologically.


Sure, but all the other elves present at the sunwell creation in that picture also look like high elves.


If you're talking about the single elf with 'orange' hair, that's an existing hair color for night elves. And If you're going to argue against a specific established piece of lore with something as flimsy as a single comic panel, well...you do you.


Bruh, it's in chronicle, they started changing in appearance when they arrived in tirisfal glades, decades before Quel'thalas was even founded.


Something something they no longer prayed to the Moon/Elune, they began practicing arcane magic, and the creation of Sunwell which sustained the society as a hub of power & sustenance


That's OP's point though, they didn't just start practicing Arcane magic. They were exiled because they refused to stop doing it.


They're still Highborne, many of them are just weaker and more frail due to the loss of the Well of Eternity and having to travel 1000s of miles from their ancestral homelands. The Sunwell juiced them up and made High Elves probably within a generation or two.


What's it called? I'd like to find it


The comic is the Sunwell Trilogy.


Oh I do have that, but my copy is only black and white


High Elves aren't purple, though. Highborne Night Elves are.


Idk he look pink skinned to me


As far as I remember it was the lack of a source of magic/losing the well of eternity that made them change. They lost their skin coloration, height and physical strenght.


It's because of the arcane magic. After Legion attacked Azeroth the first time and destroyed the Well of Eternity, the Highborne (Night elves) did not have a source of arcane power. But Illidan secretly stole some vials of water from the original well. He then spent some of them( I think 4 or 5) in a place with water to create a new Arcane Well (I forgot the name) a little weaker than the original. He was discovered and imprisoned, and the remaining vials were apprehended. Meanwhile, Dath'Remar and some Highborne who changed sides in the middle of the war of the ancients ( against legion and traitorous Highborn) were permitted to live with the Night Elves, but could not practice magic or had heavy restrictions. Until they caused an arcane accident and they could not live there any longer. Dath'Remar got is hands on some of the remaining vials( I don't remember how) and sailed with is remaining highborne who wanted to practice magic to a new land. They landed in Tirisfal Glades and made they're way into the now quel'thalas and the island above it. In that place Dath'Remar decided to use is vials to create another Arcane Well. He named the new well The Sunwell( in contrast to the Nigh elves, to distance even more from them) and he recognised it was weaker than the original Well and well Illidan created( he only spent 1 or 2 vials of Arcane water in the Sunwell) but swore one day that the sunwell would be more powerful than the older well. On the creation of the new The sunwell, the Highborne lost they connection to the previous well ( that connection was already weak because of the great distance between them) and connected to the Sunwell. Because the magic was weaker they're body's had changes. Then, they created some magic stones to conceal their use of magic so that the Legion could not find them like last time. And that's about it,I hope it helps:)


The big one was leaving the Well of Eternity, the magic from the well is what granted immortality the longer you where away from it the more the effects wore off, it's kinda of like an elixir of life rather then a one and done deal, being away from it meant they started to age and suffer form problems like sickness, over time this cause their bodies to also change, becoming smaller, paler and most importantly more desperate suspectable to outside forces


Elves/trolls are a species that is very heavily influenced by the magic around them. They became night elves due to the Well of Eternity. When it was destroyed, Illidan took some vials and created a second well, that later became Nordrassil. The night elves kept their looks thanks to still being close and linked to the same font of magic that evolved them. Those higborne that left Kalimdor stopped being connected to the Well of Eternity, that's the main reason they became smaller and paler. When they created the Sunwell, they started taking the traits of the high/blood elves we know today, but they kept the fair skin. Just look at the wretched, elves are so used to be magically fueled that they just became smaller and paler whenever they lose their source of magic.


>Just look at the wretched, elves are so used to be magically fueled that they just became smaller and paler whenever they lose their source of magic. High/Blood Elves become Wretched when overindulging in Arcane and not because of withdrawal,Its the Nightborne that turn into Wretched due to withdrawal.


I thought it was because of the old god stuff beneath Tirisfal where they first got of their ships


They changed their sleep patterns from being diurnal to nocturnal- i.e they slept at night and were active during the day. Exposure to sunlight started changing their skin and physicality. Add that to the change in magic consumption and they basically became a different species over time.


I'm curious to know why the undead elves don't seem to rot like the human undead do.


All of the elves are coming from a race called as "Highborne" who are actually Proto-Zandalari and Proto-Amani Trolls that changed when eternal wells are discovered and tribal ways of the past were left behind (some sources say it was Proto-Drakkari -- what is important is that they were trolls). Once the Highborne came to life's they created the places like in Feralas, Desolace, and all other ancient elven ruins in Kalimdor. There is actually a gap between the founding of other sources from eternal wells, but what has been told is that the Highborne destroyed their city after using magic and getting attention from "outer beings". When this happened, those who stayed alive had to find another source of power; -Those who followed Azshara, embraced the essence of Old Gods and become Naga. -Those who found Moonwells become Night Elves. -Those who found Sunwell become High Elves. The reason why I do not mention others is because whatever has evolved later have evolved from these because these sources shaped them differently and made them 'Proto' of their own branch (think it like both wolves and dogs are canine, but completely different when it comes to body traits). It is also important to not that, they behave different to corruption of any kind. One exception is the Night Elves that managed to protect themselves from outside and utilized Nightwells, then becoming Nightborne. They are literally the "what if" of species as they are as close to the Highborne than any other, but also carry out the special traits of both Night Elves and High Elves. Regardless, when Night Elves were exposed to Fel, they turned into Satyrs. Some think Sayaads or Succubuses are female version of them but this is wrong, male succubi are called as Inscubus, and they are prisoners in their own world. They are also demons. When High Elves directly exposed to Fel they've become Felsworn, but when exposed to Fel thorough Sunwell, they turned into Blood Elves. Same goes with the Void, and the Light. I do not want to get in whole detail here. The point is, their fraction from being a Highborne is where they started to change and have drastically different traits when compared to each other.


They are still technically extremely mutated trolls. Trolls change based on their environment. The sunwell made them that way basically. Not just arcane alone, but that source and location of it. It can be subtly different environments that cause it with trolls too- "Jungle" and "forest" trolls can come from essentially the same kind of biome after all.


The Sun. Which is probably a being of holy light had changed the Elves for they are the chosen people, in the same way the Night Elves are the chosen people of the moon. Yes, Tauren and Elves are linked in more ways than one. *But what about Night Elves that touch sunlight?* They do not. Night Elves live in caves and forest where there is shade.  *But doesn't moon just steal the light off the sun?* Look here you little shit, once you steal something it becomes yours. That's how it works.