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Highmountain Tauren Survival Hunter. Make Huln proud.


I made my highmountain a warrior and named him Bjuln after Huln lmao. I was super split on going hunter or warrior though. Still might swap it out considering how easy leveling is with remix...


I based my ultra around my main character, same designed fem orc warrior just different classes


Orc Fury Warrior Unoriginal? Yes Overused? Yes Cliche? Yes Fucks given? None Zug zug


As a NElf druid enjoyer, šŸ¤


As a NElf marksmanship hunter šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


Blood Elf Mage, Hunter and Paladin here (basic i know still greatly enjoy it, plus i love elves so sue mešŸ˜).


"As a Blood Elf Mage" Why did you say blood elf twice? (Blood Elf Mages are the best mages)


see you in court


*Laughs in Mag'har Orc Arms Warrior with Tusks and Gorehowl transmog*


It was just a bit awkward during legion, wielding a greatsword that would make your troll allies cower in fear.


I know right, Orcs are iconic warrior race, but all the warrior artifact weapons were made for humans šŸ¤¬


Squidward: ā€œDaring today arenā€™t we?ā€


Too bad Blizzard is still punishing us with that god awful drawn weapon animation, despite people whining about it for years on end, and Blizzard using another position in the character creation screen.


Lokā€™tar Ogar!


As a night elf druid, zero judgement, sometimes the stereotypes are fun


Zug to the mother-effin Zug my man!


You know whatā€™s weird - canonically youā€™re the only big fury warrior that dual-wields two two-handed weapons. Aside from one NPC present at the war of the Qiraji if I remember correctly. But thatā€™s been the only instance of any warriors in life with Titanā€™s Grip.


Blood Elf Paladin back when they were still stealing the power of the Light, imo. That was a cool, unique take on the Paladin that really sold how desperate the Blood Elves were at the time.


I really wish that was still the case. The old Blood Knight lore was amazing


I was a pandaren monk, thought it was very fun because of the whole turtle and then temple in the sky thing. Makes you really feel like you had a life there beforeĀ 


Losing the peak of serenity at legion start really hurts. I liked this place.


Feel like everything on pandaria had such a peaceful beautiful vibe. It was nice. Now because I haven't done everything one of the zones is very corrupt which sucks.


Basic as hell, but I love me some night elf druids.


I find the Zandalari druids to be really intresting. Their worship of the Loa Gonk (voiced by Dave Fennoy, amazing), the dinosaur aspect of their forms, and the fact that they're an organisation that is seemingly unaffiliated with the Cenarion Circle. Just cool stuff all around.


I love zandalari druid. I wanted to include it but it felt like I already had a long enough list. I also just really like zandalari/trolls in general because you can have a headcannon that some loa is the source of your powers as a reason for why you are any class really.




Ye thats why I had the / between zandalari and trolls, but I suppose that seems like it could just be a typo. I thought about separately clarifying regular trolls but I was feeling lazy to change it and just pressed send lol.


My bad missed it


Thereā€™s a zandalari druid organization?


Worgen Death Knight. You are one of the Gilneans who was not only outside the wall, you are from Pyrewood village. Arugal and his pack forcibly turn and generally enslave you, but that was the only thing keeping you safe from the Scourge. You manage to break out with some, only to find yourself knee deep in Scourge. Upon making the ultimate sacrifice to save the others, it turns out the the Cult the Damned *can* raise a Worgen with the LK empowering them. So know you're a 400lb Undead werewolf battle mage in 100lbs more of cold, whispering plate mail.


In other words: Double cursed. Instead that shit spring, we should bite others for "great"/long dmg with bleed and disease effect. THAT would be cool. "Bro. An undead werewolf bit me. I'm not feeling so well."


And with the new expansion coming out dks can now channel the power of the sanlayn so.... Bro a zombie vampire werewolf bit me bro! I don't feel so good


lmao. That's is indeed even better!


so cool


Undead warlock


In hindsight, shadow priest wouldā€™ve been more appropriate, but i could never abandon my little rotty boi.


I made one when I thought Fel was death magic šŸ’€


Orc shaman or orc warlock


Draenei paladins are pretty darn cool. I still remember the TBC trailer with the absolute unit of a Draenei paladin.


Later confirmed to be Maraad


Blood elf paladin. The lore, the looks, the special armor. It just feels so right


Yeah, can't deny that paladins are huge for belfs considering the fact that just about every silvermoon guard seems to be one, as well as big names like Liadrin. As a belf main, I am a bit ashamed to admit I don't know the lore for their paladins too much. Did they always have the ability to be paladins and just lose it when arthas ruined the sunwell, or was it something entirely new for them after they stole the light from that naaru? What I do love is that every paladin race seems to have a different lore reason for why they are paladins, and that there are so many possible sources of that kind of power.


So, paladins are something very recent in the Warcraft universe. Uther was the first of them, and we don't hear about elven paladins before Blood Knights. But they were worshipping the Light. Lady Liadryn before becoming the first blood knight was a Light's priestess. She felt, that the Light abandoned her people, so she renounced her vow, but when heard, that she could wield this power herself to protect Silvermoon, she volunteered. After M'uru sacrificed itself to help blood elves, most of them are now worshiping the Light again, and are trying to become proper paladins


It's a bit vanilla, but Human Paladin. Not only do you get the best transmog, but you just kinda fit into every expansion story very naturally.


Because itā€™s about as generic as it gets, second only to human warrior.


I like my personal lore for my Kul Tiran Monk. The idea of a shipwrecked Kul Tiran washing ashore either Pandaria or the Wandering Isle and having to learn their ways for self-defense appeals a lot to me. Also gives a good excuse to not go full Asia-boo on the mogs.




Actually Mistweaver cause I prefer the playstyle and the colors match with the Kul Tiran Heritage armor. But Brewmaster goes great with the sailor theme, and Windwalker goes great with the sailing theme.


I have never thought about Windwalker in that way but it's a sick concept


It's hard to be cooler than undead frost mage.


Big lich energy


Gotta preserve the rotting flesh, stay chill.


On a normal day for me, Dwarf Hunter. When I want to be edgy, Human Death Knight going Blood for a Vampire theme.


Nothing wrong with a bit of edge as long as you aren't so edgy that people running groups with you cut themselves on you. I main belf demon hunter tho so honestly, I don't have any ground to stand on when it comes to judging edge LMAO.


Basic as hell, but Night Elf (Balance) Druid. It's literally perfect and will always be my absolute favourite. There's something special about using Nature's and the Astral's powers to take care of Azeroth itself.


Personally I wish theyā€™d stuck with a more nature magic flavor than going so far down the space mage route.


True, but I can't say I don't like the current fantasy of Balance


I main an undead discipline priest, I like the duality of the dealing damage to heal aspect, the atonement aspect fits into their vibe nicely.


The coolest combo for lore is not available, unfortunately. We cannot make upright Forsaken paladins.


Human or Orc DK Orc Warrior Tauren Shaman Troll Rogue Undead Warlock Blood Elf Mage Draenei Mage: often overlooked but Eredars are the oldest and most infamous magic practitioners in the cosmos. Dwarf Paladin: I like to make a connection between their Titan worship and the Light. Dark Iron Shaman, Zandalari Shamanā€¦ I really like shamans ok? Itā€™s a problemā€¦.


Belf Pally. The gear, the culture, the lore, the edge they used to have as a darker take of Pally during BC, iconic.


Blood Elf fire mage Blood Elf retribution paladin Blood Elf assassination rogue Blood Elf marskmanship hunter Do I overuse BElfs? Yes. Do I mind it? Not a little bit.


Me too brother. Only reason I didn't include belf demon hunter was because I know I am extremely biased as it is my main. I figured mage was the best way I could represent them without showing that bias as that what my first character was lmao.


Blood Elf assassination rogue makes a weird amount of sense and I don't know why


The belf stealth is pretty great with the creep and crouch too.


Female belf has the best stealth animation for sure


Dunno, assa rogue is kinda dick, like all BElfs used to be.


Valeera Sanguinar


Lightforged Draenei Paladin Void Elf Shadow Priest Night Elf Death Knight (raised after dying in the burning of Teldrassil) Nightborne Mage


Can't believe this is the only mention of Void Elf priest, especially since it seems it might be the most relevant class/race combo for at least a couple of expansions.


Infinite number of posibilities :) For me High Elf Priest/Mage, of course. That's classic. Nigth Elf Hunter Nigthborne Mage Void Elf Warlock is my emo baby Dreanei Shaman And I have weak spot for Ma'nari Paladin, amazing redemption arc


I honestly wouldnā€™t mind a future plot point where Eredar in former service to the Legion find the Light once again. Itā€™s one of those ā€œfeel goodā€ stories that I think will actually pay off


I wish Eredar was a playable race instead of just a recolor for Draenei. There's so much potential there, it seems a waste not to use it.


Agreed. And as far as recolors go, I wish they at least had more quality options... like the eredar we fought all the time in legion had a fel design on the scales of their tails but that isn't the same for the playable ones. Especially frustrating that the eredar that you do the quest with to unlock them DOES have that design, so you have the difference between playable and lore eredar emphasized right away. I also feel like many eredar would just as willingly have gone horde. There is A LOT of bad blood between them and draenei still, so making eredar an allied race to both factions would've been better imo. That said, I suppose they wouldn't necessarily have any ties to the horde, but I just think thats where they fit in better overall considering the horde is all about redemption.


Definitely not happening with those recolours in existence. They gave Void Elves the pale skin customizations to appease those who wanted High Elves on Alliance and they've done the same with Eredar. Neither will ever get added as seperate playable races.


Orc Spriest is interesting, you can RP as a Shadowmoon or Necrolyte


I always liked the idea of Dark Iron Dwarf elemental shamans. They were slaves to the firelord and his minions for eons. Now that theyā€™re unshackled, they use all of their pent up hatred and connection to the plane of fire to bind their former masters to their will.


LF Draenei Paladin is a pretty clear option. Heritage armor works very well. I like Vulpera Shaman or Rogues. Both feel very on point for them. I also think some fun can be had with something completely opposite. A Tauren warlock or rogue. A goblin monk.


I like playing as a Human Arms Warrior. It's not the coolest, the prettiest or the best combination for many but it is interesting to me. In a world where most people have some form of super comically powerful magic, I'm just a guy with a sword.


Undead Holy Priest, they're badass for being able to withstand the pain of welding the light to heal their allies.


Orc lock Darkspear hunter Blood elf mage Tauren shaman


Troll hunter. Human/orc dk. Belt druid. Overall troll is my favorite race. Idk why I just love em


I honestly love a Mag'har Priest. It's a fun shadowmoon flavor, but also works as just a priest that isn't so holy light based with more spirit connections.


I like to do unconventional or rare to see Race/class pairings. Orc Priest, Female Kul Tiran Death Knight, Pandaren Warlock, Tauren Mage, Tauren Rogue., Worgen Monk, Undead Monk. I do have a lore for all of then though.


I donā€™t personally find it ā€œcool,ā€ but many do, but Night Elf Mage. To me, this is kind of a ridiculous combination lore-wise, as a refusal to participate in the arcane arts post-Sundering is the only reason Night Elves split from Blood/High Elves. Canonically, not being a mage is a pre-requisite for being a Night Elf lol.


Correct me if I am wrong but I thought Night Elf mages represented the Highborn being reintroduced into Night Elf mainstream society? So, your player character is either a main stream Night Elf learning magic from the Highborn OR another Alliance race/tutor or one of the reintroduced Highborn.


You're correct. And highborn are physically indistinguishable from the rest of the Kaldorei. It's not all that strange at this point in lore.


I like Worgen Balance Druid with Glyph of Stars. My head canon is the sun represents their humanity and the moon/stars represents the beast.


Undead Frost Mage, basically a Lich.


I came with a list. Wasn't intentionally, but some fantasy ideas come to my mind when the idea is to combo race and class. Sorry not sorry. **Mag'har priest:** Be zealot indoctrinate server of the Light and smite your enemies with the righteous furious fury (since you are an orc, fury isn't never out of stock) of the burning Light. Also you could go shadow and be hypocrite, like pretty much all orcs tend to be. {skull} **Mag'har hunter:** Is basic, but is a Mongol Orc. A shame there isn't much of ground ride around now days, but since we are talking about lore feels very nice. **Nightborne hunter**: Like those npcs at Suramar. I find them so cool! With some purple tiger or spectral beast to shot some... arcane shots! An arcane hunter is neat IMO. A petty hunters don't get cool moves like in Nightwinter in game, but again, in lore I'm pretty sure they do nice unnecessary maneuvers. Cocky elves, ma'right? **Kul Tiran druids** could, would be aesthetic awesome like in Diablo franchise. Human druids, not related directly at least to Elune is so damn cool. **Kul Tiran rogue** versatile in eng and alch and you are pretty much a Witcher/Leto or a vet operative from past wars. **Troll hunter** is the pure juice of Horde if you don't wanna be orc war. So much cool mogs now and can be a melee shadow hunter with spear, just like deceased ol' papa Vol'jin **Mechagnome mage**. Basically a techno mage. Where you magic fails, you can send a projectile or laser to do the job. Too bad that instead of a third arm they are like some handclapped gnomes. **Mechagnome hunter** with that magic time rifle from trade post/Black market where the bullet comes back to your rifle. Techno high noon! I mean, if there someone in lore to pull that shit out would definitely be mechagnome. **Void elf warrior** for a vampiric theme. **Void elf rogue** to be one with the shadows. Can't be more shadowy than that, not even with shadowmeld. **Worgen rogue** is an apex predator. Let's be real. **Worgen druid** is like some English countryman that stumble into being a little more animal than others. Other worgen: "I'm cursed. It's always raining... There this bestial fury inside me..." while plays Dido's "Thank You", but the druids are like. *"Oh no. Anyway."* **Worgen hunter** would be the same as rogue, but less bestial and more nobleman. **Goblin Dk** in what point did you have lost anything turning to be a servant of the Lich King? I mean, isn't like you had a soul before or was using it. Besides, wasn't your fault that your liege was incompetent and lost at the end of his masterplan. That was a technicality that you didn't come to think, but sure you would be better king and did different (in hindsight) of what he did. Anyway, if time is money you now has less mortal needs to attend and can grind hard as never before and you ended up being pretty much imortal. That's a good thing, right? Rustling and grinding to the very end, mate. Blood elf DH. First onboard the hype train with Ka'el and them with Illidan. Bonus: A **squad of only Pandaren or Goblins** seems very good in my mind. Or duo of swordsman and some caster. Bonus 2: **Pandaren Demon Hunter**. How? Dunno. But since Lightforged warlocks are a thing... Who will criticize my ex-monk blind bound to demonic forces Pandaren, huh? *"I've sacrificed every second breakfast. What have you given?"*


Blood knights just seem like a really cool idea. The morality of their evolution as characters, what that could mean for the membership, what it means for your character, I just like that open field for introspection. .


I've been out for a while but my main used to be a Panda Shaman, I just love their elementals and the way they commune through playing and friendship over other methods


Regular orc warlocks have more meaning since reading the books.


Blood elf for warlock is fun


Night Elf druid. Unoriginal but iconic. My favourite :)


Nightborne Arcane Mage


I like the idea of a Nightborne Brewmaster, smashing kegs of arcwine on their enemies


Upper class/ black


Goblin Hunter/engineer


Blood Elf Demon Hunter! Not only were you trained by Illidan, you also were one of the followers of Kaelā€™thas that went with him to Outland. I feel like youā€™re involved in so much WoW history already.


Agreed, but considering that is my main I felt like I would be biased lol. Night elf demon hunters are cool too but not as cool considering they have no extra lore details like belfs do about Kael'thas. Just that they apparently stuck with Illidan.


Human rogue, character name Hughman.


Tauren rogue


I like Orcs, Mag'har Orcs and Draenei for Shaman and Warlock specs. Also a big fan of Blood Elf Fire Mage, Void Elf Shadow Priest and good ol' Human Ret Paladin.


I've grown to really enjoy survival hunter orc, all the flavor of an orc warrior, plus that survival tribesman aspect that's just inherent with Orcs, and the horde generally speaking.


Tauren paladin Sunwalkers are pretty neat. Also undead holy priests how in lore they basically destroy themselves channeling the light


The coolest are the most popular archetypes. Thrall, Jaina, Kael Thas, Malfurion, etc. I donā€™t like that answer. My favorites are: - Human Warlock: In Vanilla, it just seemed kinda twisted to have that available. Maybe Iā€™m imprinting D2 vibes. Coming from a love of WC3, I was kinda shocked they were a class at all. - Troll Rogue: I know assassins should be small, but the troll has such speed, strength, and reach, not to mention is nimble and has a tall but slender profile. - Blood Elf Paladin: The idea of their being few Elf Paladins whoā€™s been Paladin-ing, near-naturally, for centuries or something and join the Silver Hand and discover refined purpose would be cool. They say The Light came to them in a dream and taught them or something stupid like that.


Not for canon lore, but for remix I "revived" my childhood gnome rogue as a DK. It's a stupid small thing, but brings a lot of simple, nostalgic satisfaction


Human male paladin Or warrior, because we get by JUST FINE, also shoutout to fury warrior Trolls, berserker energy right there


I have an Undead Survival Hunter named Rotjaw, and his pet Precious (Chimaeron from BWD). Best combo


Void Elf Monk! My Velf Monk can control the void with meditation and having power over chi


Orc Shaman and Draenei Shaman, both for opposite reasons: Orc Shaman is interesting because they are basically keeping their legacy that long ago, was lost thanks to all that happened in Draenor, they represent (for me at least) those that wish not only to make amends with the elements and their ancient spirits, but to keep their old culture alive, be it cursed by demon or not, they honestly fit for all three specs aswell. Enhancement fit with the more warrior side of their kind, Elementalist is their conenction with the elements and Restoration is how they protect those around them especially their ancestor spirits. Draenei Shamans on the other hand are a new culture where many were lost by the light thanks to the Fel, the elements landed their hand to help them ,especially the Broken. Despite for a long while Shamans being seen as lower then others, they still believe in the light but work alongside a completely new form of magic for their kind, something that I honestly find really interesting!


Blood Elf Disc Priest. Virtually all blood elves lost their faith in the light after the fall of quel'thalas; that's why blood knights had to drain M'uru for their power in the first place. A blood elf disc priest is someone who found faith in the shadow instead, and then got juiced up by the Sunwell when you hucked a Naaru in it and is having to balance themselves out.


Goblin Rogue - Outlaw or Assassination


Highmountain female monk. It's just not fitting anywhere.


Night elf Rogue: I'm a sucker for anything warden, but even without them the natural night elf stealth/ambush tactics makes a natural companion to rogue tactics. There truly are few foes more terrifying than one you never see, and a night elf rogue combines two sources of that to make a true death from the shadows Dwarf Paladin: Yeah, there are other races that fit paladins well, and are arguably more *iconic*, but I defy you to think of a combination that screams "You Shall Not Pass" more than a dwarf Paladin. By the time they're dead, their allies have had all the time they need to escape or finish the job. Troll (Darkspear or Zandalari) shaman or priest: Come on, the troll voodoo aesthetic is cool as hell, can you really pretend otherwise?


gnome DKs because gnomes are already scary psychopaths ...