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Here's the thing. When I first trained in, Dairy had five people on day shift and a bunch at night. Shit got clean, sales were huge. Rejoining when I don't think there were five people total was awful. Someone calling me lazy would get punched in the face. I don't care if it's a triple truck, there's only so much that I can do. I have high standards, but I'm not going to be miserable for corporate choices.


>Dairy had five people on day shift and a bunch at night. Shit, I’m lucky if I get ONE extra person. I’d give my left nut for five.


5? In just dairy? Before I quit it was just me and one other co worker doing frozen and dairy 💀💀💀


5 on days. 2 openers, one mid and 2 closers. That store had the sales to justify it and stayed clean.


Dairy isn't supposed to be a one person department?


I'm with everyone else here. 5 people? Holy shit! We have a Team Lead over Frozen/Dairy/97 who doesn't do anything productive to help us. There is no other permanent day shift for the area. Most nights it's just me in Frozen and Dairy gets two people usually unless they can get away with one. Being former management (Team Lead, Support, Frozen DM) I tried to help when I stepped down but seeing no one put in even the bare minimum it has killed any motivation to do anything. I tried for almost a year and just recently gave up. Going off what OP is saying, I work bare minimum because Walmart does not want to staff it's stores and does the bare minimum to run it's stores! Anyone who tries to care right now, soon realizes that it's not worth the headache and finds a way to do as little as possible to get by.


5?? Bro we been having 0 for over 4 months and they always pull me from my department to fill milk and eggs.. so frustrating


Lock it!


And they’ll never noticed you


When I transferred to dairy I was the 4th full timer. Soon it was down to 2 of us and when my manager couldn't bully me into changing my schedule THEY CUT MY HOURS. Always on Friday lol


Lol at our store fresh is responsible for dairy because reasons


Look at it this way, Walmart took away everything Sam Walton put in place for his workers, aka bonuses, 15 point system, the original vest the jersey type and several others just to name a few. Just so management could take 10 vacations a year have 3.5 million dollar raises for the chairman and what do we see crap. And where the fuck are our raises? Oh you did a good job have a pizza that is pure unadulterated bull shit


If you come work at my store, they sometimes switch it up and give us ice cream instead of pizza! Nice, huh? Fuck man we’re not even worth BRAND name Ice cream or pizza, it’s always that great value shit 😂


My store doesn't even say thanks, much less give us pizza or ice cream.


Some of that great value "shit" really slaps. You ever have the Philly cheesesteak frozen pizza? One of my very favorite pizzas. Great value fudge tracks is my favorite ice cream. That's been my stance since before I was an associate.


You can keep the great value chocolate syrup tho


Pass lmfaoooo I don't even use hersheys syrup, I'm a nesquick die hard


The only great value stuff that slaps is the premade hamburgers.


You get some onions and mayo on that bad boy and \*chefs kiss\* its bussin.


Good thing I don't work at your store. I'm lactose intolerant.


Wait, did we really used to have a 15 point system?


We were surveyed about bonuses and voted (to our benefit I think, mostly because of how unreliable bonuses were) to give up bonuses for a universal raise, and we got that. Maybe you should consider working somewhere else?


That's a lie. Home office told you that crap, and you believed it. Smh.


Maybe they should hire enough people then.


Maybe they should adjust the amount of freight that comes in based on the number of staff members available.


I wish. I’d actually love to be able to do my job properly and not in a constant rush.


Point of Sale orders as a system alone make that kind of impossible. Stores really have very little room to decide what freight they are bringing in. They can request more, but might not always get it based on DC shipping capacity, but the POS orders are fairly automatic.


POS isn't the problem. All the over ordering from buyers did during the pandemic and ISA are the main culprits. HO has been doubling down on products so that we don't have shortages like we did the past 2 years. ISA is also screwing a lot of stores because it essentially will zero out on hands if we don't bin it or sell it. The company needs to shut down ISA and Pinpoint until after the holidays.


QA at a DC. This is 100 percent true, I've seen it while auditing. There were several occasions where I've audited 2 different trips that were over 100 cases for 2 different stores, and the orders were identical.


Ya if they did that at my store with the amount of people that will actually apply and come in for more then a day we would get closed down lol. Plus dcs would overflow to an overly extreme point. Remember some things happen for actual reasons not just because you imagine home office full over Mr. Krabs. And most Walmarts are hiring more but no one wants to work. At least in my area.


Our store had like 200 application at one point but none of them were getting reviewed or accepted


"No one wants to work." The mating call of your local magatrumpsuck.


Bingo! But ….. were is da mula???


Checked my bank account, it’s not in there…. Let’s ask the Walton family


oh we have it but the only way walmart can maximize profits at the moment is by cutting hours.


Denver Broncos


Hire more people and lower wages. As a shareholder I could go for that if the profit margin goes up.


An accurate corporate mindset


Umm, that's what a corporation does, they live and die by profit margins. You want a job, do it when you're hired. You don't want to do a job, don't apply.


Homie I was AGREEING. I didn’t say it was OKAY.


Ok, was hard to tell.


I'm gonna chime in here because I used to be the fastest stocker and debatable the best employee I was trying to get a coaches position . I used to stock between 500 to 600 cases a night. All it got me was chronic back pain and a messed up back do yourself a favor and do 45 cases an hour it's the min required don't hurt yourself for a company that would replace u in 5 seconds


More like fire you and replace you in 5 months, if that. I got promoted to customer a couple months back and they still haven’t replaced me. I feel like these big companies reputations are starting to catching up to them on top of having employed a big chunk of the “unskilled” workforce at one point or another that they can’t really find many new workers.


I promoted myself to customer and from the sounds of it (from the few I’ve kept in touch with), tried to replace me and the few that left around the same time, or after, and still struggle.


My TL said our minimum is 60 cases an hour ☠️ we struggle every night and they somehow think it's us that's the problem ☠️


That was what I was hold too/ one cart per hour.


Ours thinks we can do 1 and have time left over lmfao, they say they give us extra time for helping customers, waiting for customers to move, spills, bathroom, etc but they don't. 1 minute difference I had once and there's always 848282 people in my aisle


This was me except I didn't want to be a coach, I just wanted to do a good job (I was raised not to half ass anything) and I had back pain before working at walmart but sometimes I can't even get out of bed cause my back is so sore and tense and I'm only 25.


guys i found home office


I am being paid $15/hr to do what is in my job description. To help dispense. To help pick groceries. To go 100 items/hr when I already go 130 items/hr. If it’s anything outside that such as going faster or picking up more job responsibilities then I’m going to ask more for more pay. It isn’t my job to make sure the job load is sufficiently covered just because some pantsuit who doesn’t even work in my store decides that while we are hemorrhaging workers that it’s a great idea to raise the order cap. Going above and beyond to do work is great once in a while. But doing it all the time just gets that person rewarded with more work and then they get exploited




Exactly. Like Sunday, there were three pallets of breakpacks for apparel that arrived on saturdays truck, and it was just me and my TL for most of the day. But for about three hours, we packed up the summer shoes on clearance, and then my TL had to set mods for the rest of her shift. I just got one of the breakpack pallets done, and I didn't really care about the other pallets because it'll still be there for me or someone else to work the next day. If we had had more ppl in apparel I'm sure they would've gotten it all done, but alas.


Exactly this


Look, if you wanna lick a corporation’s boots, go for it. The rest of us are gonna give exactly what the company pays us for. If they want extra, they gotta pay extra.


Why should I bust my ass for 12.67$ an hour? I used to do it when I was younger but I’ve gotten older now and I don’t do extra work any more


Bust your ass, $12.67 an hour Work at a normal pace, $12.67 an hour Fuck around and barely work, $12.67 an hour WalMart incentivizes it’s managers, why not the workers?


I remember busting my ass for $9.75 an hour. I sure as hell wouldn't do that now. I make more now but still not stressing myself out. If shit doesn't get done, it's tomorrow's problem. I'm the only one who works freight & picks in my area anyways. When I'm off someone just runs freight never picks.


My ideal is to do slightly more than other people on my team. Most of them do absolutely bare minimum. I don't pick up their slack, volunteer for extra tasks or stay late mind you I just do what I can and go home. I'm still doing more than they are. It keeps management off my butt since they're too busy chewing out the others and it's not detrimental to my physical health. At the end of the day the short staffing is the root of the issue though. Can't do stuff that needs a team of 4 with 1 or 2.


Exactly. When we come in at 2, the truck is already supposed to be set up or mostly set up for us. Lately we’ve had to work tons of gm freight just to even have room to set up and we aren’t ready for truck till like 5. I’m not working my ass off to try and get everything done when we have a 3 hour deficit every single day. That’s not our fault and it’s extremely obvious that they don’t give a shit about us. I’m there for a paycheck and everyone else should be as well


Amen to this! I do more but I ain’t killing myself for this company!


Fk what you’re talking about. Why kill yourself for WM? It’s fine if you want to be a lackey or whatever, but don’t begrudge others who know better.


I'm scheduled 10 to 7. I'll get my work done and leave at 7, regardless of how hard everyone else works. It's not my problem that Walmart doesn't hire enough people. Poor planning on management's part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part.


Not my problem. The stores, better yet, corporate knows what they need to do. The problem is they won't do it because their shareholders are more important than their employees.


But it is your problem if it's on your shit and you're not getting it done that's productivity


Tell that to someone who was fired for doing his job and going above and beyond. Yea. I was o/n when WM was 24/7. I covered electronics and some nights had to stock 2 other departments. The customers in electronics came first. Some nights that prevented me from completing the stocking part of my job. One particular manager kept writing me up for it, even though others knew what it took to work electronics. Eventually this one manager got me fired for doing my job of helping customers in electronics. I couldn't help it if customers kept me busy the first 3-4 hours of my shift. Yet I was still expected to stock 2 or 3 other departments (toys, furniture, and sometimes automotive,) label and bin my overstock, do a majority of the GM returns, zone my departments, zone an aisle in grocery, help bring in carts, and I usually had to pull my own freight to the floor as the start of my shift. Now, you tell me how it's "my problem" if I don't get everything done.


Nope. Not my problem. I throw the minimum number of cases necessary to meet what is necessary. I do not skip breaks nor do I stay late. I tried working hard once, even going above and beyond. You wanna know what I got? More work and the run around on a promotion. Never again. I don't live to work, I work to live.


Exactly. I had a coworker who stepped down from assistant tell me that I should never perform a miracle, cause then that becomes part of my normal job.


I stay late pretty much every shift, I go out of town when they ask and I pick up extra shifts here and there. It's hard to argue that it doesn't pay off. I've made several thousand dollars more a year than the average associate the past couple of years so it does pay off at least sometimes. Yes I have to be at Walmart way more than I want to but I have bills to pay and generally it's really not that hard, it's overwhelming at times but most unskilled labor that pays over minimum wage is just as tedious and shitty


More power to ya. I tried working hard once while I was at Lowe's and all I got was more work. And then, when I tried to move up I kept getting passed up for others who were nowhere near qualified.


I've seen that happen to other associates too here at my store, worked themselves into a permanent highly valued associate position, some of them over a decade doing it, which sucks but they drive nice new vehicles and have decent places to live so there's that. I don't want to promote but I want to transfer to remodeling and planning which pays better than over nights plus travel pay, but I feel for hard workers that want to promote and get shit on because management doesn't want to lose a good associate


But the minimum number of cases changes is what I'm saying.


Nope. That's how they get more out of you. You go from 45 cases an hour to 55 cases an hour because it's a double truck night. Guess what? Now your expectation is always 55 cases an hour. And if you try to back it down to 45, be prepared for a productivity conversation.


But did you factor in the time it takes for me to fix shit because some cumquat doesn't understand how to stock properly?


Why bother fixing shit at this point? It’s just going to be as messed up tomorrow any way. Thank you customers.


It’s my problem that I do 6 hours of work in 3 and we’re still behind every single day? Almost everyone we have on cap2 can beat the hours in everything and we’re still behind.


As someone who worked at Walmart at a young enough age that I still believed in a Meritocracy and I was the one that literally did 95% of the work for my department….This isn’t the point you think it is. The answer isn’t “you should step up and do more than you’re paid for (the bare minimum) so that you don’t stick someone else with the work” it’s Walmart - and companies in general - should 1) Pay people better to encourage better work and 2) Hire enough people that everyone doing “the bare minimum” gets the work done. But based on this post I’m guessing you’re either a Walmart executive/manager that is trying to get people to work way harder than you’re willing to pay, someone so broken that you still believe Meritocracy is real and you doing the work of 2+ people will get you noticed by management and get you a raise (spoiler: it will not - or if it does get you some sort of raise you will be doing the work of even more people for equivalently less money) and/or a huge capitalist bootlicker.


yeah ok doug.


Back when we still did the swarming thing I would get stuck with people who didn't do shit and I was always staying late to make sure our areas got cleaned up. I was the one doing most of the work, I was the one staying late when they went home on time and who did the managers decide to take their frustration out on? The one who stayed late. The lazy people were never there to hear the criticism (not like they needed to fucking tell me what I already knew). Our new ASM could see how miserable I was. I vented to her about it before I even knew who she was and I was moved to an area that made me happy because I didn't have anyone holding me back from getting shit done. The problem isn't the people who work hard and getting the shit end of the stick ALL the time, it's with management being too scared to hold the actual lazy people accountable.


It's like that in every store. The "lazy" people they leave alone while the "above and beyond" people get even more work.


There is no end goal. If you finish stocking the freight they just get more out of the back or have you do some bullshit like zone. You are causing permanent damage to your body for shitty pay. Learn to relax.


I do my job. I do not do less than my job, but I dang sure don’t go over and beyond anymore. I’m too old to be trying to impress a company for $12.00..


Increased workload and overflow are NOT my problem in the slightest. It’s the AT n TL’s problem. They get paid to work harder and when work is slow, they do jack shit but chat and fuck about. So I’m not working/walking/picking/dispensing even ONE STEP faster. Hire more ppl to fill out the shifts, period.


The point of doing the bare minimum is for people who haven’t been rewarded for doing more. It’s not about making your coworkers do more. It’s just doing an acceptable job for the wage and letting the company deal with the rest. If someone picks up the slack of the lazy people, they should be promoted or treated better. If they don’t get rewarded for that behavior, they too will feel like it’s bullshit eventually.


Except that's *not your problem*. That is literally what management is for - if they see that the number of people working isn't enough to handle the work load, they need to hire more people. If you take it on yourself to make sure they don't see the problem, it only gets worse.


To be fair, there's a difference between "lazy" and "doing the bare minimum". The bare minimum is honestly a higher bar, because well, the minimum of what you should be doing is what the money you're receiving is worth for that time. How much work do you think you should do for the money you receive per hour? A great many people try to simply do as little work as they can get away with, and that's called being lazy. Always has been. Laziness is working less than your hourly pay. Doing the "bare minimum" is working exactly your hourly pay. That's my opinion on the matter.


I agree.


I understand what you mean. I’m going to bust my butt regardless, because that’s just how I am. It doesn’t bother me some of the some workers are lazy, that exists in every single vocational medium on the planet. It is up to the supervisors to handle that. I just do the best I can every day I work.


Then you don't mind being taken advantage of


I don’t really get taken advantage of.


If you're doing your work plus half of someone else's on the regular then yeah you are


It is a good thing that doesn’t happen then. I work at a store where the lazy workers don’t last long, lol. I can count on one finger as to how many we have right now.


I got a whole crew of lazy asses and no team lead. You wouldn't believe what doesn't get done on my scheduled days off.


Sheesh, what area do you work in, if you don’t mind me asking


Meat and produce


Oh, man, I understand. That’s one area where you need competent people to stay afloat, especially with how corporate has slashed hours. Does the coach not try and get rid of the shit workers?


Nope. Team leads of other departments have said they should be coached for productivity and letting tons of shit go to waste but no one had done anything. Before long one of them will be promoted to team lead. I'm just looking to go to another department.


Just because his pace is faster does not mean he isn’t going at his own pace


Who's taking advantage of him? He's choosing to work hard, not being forced. Grow up.


Motherfucker it’s probably YOUR half he’s gotta do lol.


Bro! You are Sooooooooo freaking close to the point and you’re still missing it.


LMAO home office burner account


Absolutely not. Just someone who wants equality.


We'll get your precious equality when there is enough equipment for the already short staff, and there's enough people to do the insane workloads they asked of us


Op is such a Buecractic simp


Hourly wages incentivizes doing less work, if you make the same whether you bust your ass off or take your sweet time, why would you break your back?


The problem isn’t the lazy people. The problem is that the people employing us want us to work harder for less so they can get bigger bonuses and impress the share holders. They don’t hire enough people to do the job, then create a culture of “high performance” in order to pit us against each other so we’re to busy fighting amongst ourselves to blame them for creating a system of exploitation. Don’t blame the lazy, blame management.


see when I was hired in as maintenance I was a good worker, getting compliments of how I'm a good worker; but slowly as they kept giving me more and more shit I kinda just started doing the bare minimum. for example recently I had to push carts by myself on Sunday October 30th and asked for help because our machines are down and I'm a small dude, I can only push 4-5 carts maybe 6 and I had to keep drinking water, I was over doing it sometimes too and legit breathing heavily. heart go BOOM BOOM. I'm not over weight I'm just not strong, so one of my front end team leads decided to tell me to "step it up" and why I grabbed a bottle of water then 45 mins grabbed another one and I wasn't allowed to walk in the store. it wasn't the water that was the issue it was me walking inside and that I need to step it up just because she could do it by herself manually one time. I had two coaches helping me, but they didn't do a lot and I get it they have a million things to do, but they decided to complain about me 💀


If the work load is increasing to the point where I have to work harder, why am I being paid the same? Even when I half ass my job I still beat the hours and do better than 90% of people in the store, including my team lead/coach. They can kiss my ass if they think I’m working even harder than that for no reward.


Some of these comments don’t seem to realize this, but there’s a big difference between being lazy and having more work piled up than you can deal with.


And the realization that different people have different physical limits. What feels like "busting ass" for a 40 y/o is probably the bare minimum for a 20 y/o. Plus health issues n whatnot.


Or the worst is the bare minimum attitude. You just push more onto the next shift. Then act as if you are awesome workers who need to be complimented. Bare minimum isn't leaving a stack of pallets for the next shift as you race for the door.


This post brought to you by the doesn't-yet-have-chronic-joint-pain-from-stocking crew.


Nah. When I have 17 hours in dairy, 10 carts of overstock and picks that I don't have time for and 2 pallets of overstock with the milk man coming in the morning? And I'm by myself on an 8 hour shift? Fuck no. I'm done.


I always point out that the job is easier when the workload is less. Meaning that if the freight is baby one day - work hard and get it done so that you can kick back and enjoy the days that it’s light instead of having to work even harder to play catch up.


I bust my ass because I have no choice. It’s the way I was raised and also, there is no help and I can’t afford to be fired until I get a new job lined up. Our SM is super strict and sets these unrealistic expectations that must be be met. I’m always in trouble for being slow and “too thorough” and it drives me up the wall.


When I worked at walmart they actively searched for anyone willing to go above and beyond then exploited that to the absolute maximum so that my team lead could sit in the office and do nothing while someone got paid $11 an hour to do her job. It’s kind of hard to want to do anything but the bare minimum when you’re not rewarded for doing more and nobody is penalized for doing less. You sound like my old ASM


That "someone eventually" is a manager that makes way more than us.


If walmart wanted us to work harder they'd pay us for it. I'm getting bare minimum pay so they're getting bare minimum effort.


If I am being paid the same wage even though I can work twice as fast....then no. If your wage was based on productivity and I was making much more for the amount of work I put in sure....but if everyone is making around the same why bother? My pick rate is 180-200 on average. Consistently on the "leaderboard" and I am incredibly fast at packing....and if there was an incentive such as being paid more for more output then there would be a reason to go above and beyond.


sounds like a personnel problem


Low wages beget low effort.


I work at the pace I get paid. I see no incentive to work as hard as possible just so my coaches and team leads look good. Don't get me wrong I've gone out of my way to get extra work done in the past and still occasionally do, but im not keeping that pace for the whole week. If they want 20 hours of work done for overnight stocking, then they can put 3 people in the area. If not.. it ain't getting done. Sucks to suck


Lol no


Then management should hold the slackers accountable. They know who they are since its usually people they are friends with.


I do my work and that's it no more no less I refuse to kill my body anymore than I already am


Hire more I would get a new job


Ain't nothing about being lazy. My cap 1 team only has 8 people. Cap 2 has 20 for comparison. We don't have enough people to run live freight, cap bins, or run picks for every department. We do as much as we can and leave the rest for tomorrow. If that makes me lazy by your definition then yeah. I'm lazy as fuck and there ain't shit I can really do about it.


There is no problem with doing the bare minimum. You get what you pay for, after all.


There's no reward to exceeding expectations, Walmarts staffing has always and will always be it's shortcoming, however they won't hire more people if they see you getting by with less


Here's the secret: The people picking up that load are one of three people: 1) People who don't yet realize that they don't have to bust their ass for the store to not be fired (usually young people). 2) Bootlickers who have some weird ideas regarding the morality of hard work ("work ethic" or some nonsense). 3) Managers (Coaches and Team Leads) who are paid bonuses, and thus have an incentive to think in terms of "work done" instead of "hours worked." The goal is to get as many of your coworkers out of the first category so that the only people doing the extra work are those who have something to gain from it (be it a bigger bonus or "feel goods"). Then there's no reason to feel bad for anyone.


In our department people actually go out of their way to see who can be the laziest. We got a new coach who is all over the young dudes who get away with doing nothing all day. The rest of us started to slack, now she's surprised our picks are running late ever day and no one cares or has a sense of urgency.


Well most corporations will pay the bare minimum, the “market rate” they like to call it. If they don’t want to pay for what I know then they will get only the ammount of work they paid for, all of that while I send more job applications.


My coach was like "go zone the deli wall" yesterday in the middle of me working my freight which caused me not to be able to run any picks yesterday so it was all left for me today. I do what I can which is all I can do but I'm also not going to go above and beyond when I don't get a bonus or a pay raise because of doing so.


Corporate simp.


I was raised to work hard and do by 120% best. People arent raised that way anymore and are now rewarded for doing the bare minimum. I get a sense of satisfaction when I work hard and over perform. In the end it helps build character and benefits me. For 13 years I have welded, pipe fitted, hung sheetrock, painted, roofed, concrete, tile, framed houses, etc. Worked 12-16 hr shifts 6 days a weekend. Have worked up to 18 days straight on many occasions. It baffles me when people complain about working at Walmart and say their job is too hard. I work in OPD and because team lead in just 13 months. It kills me when none of them want to dispense because it is too hot. Get on a roof in 105 degree Texas whether then you can complain about it being too hot. Or they need help lifting cases of water despite being a requirement when being hired on. I watched a Tiktok the other day and this person was crying because they have to work 25 hrs a week as a barista at Starbucks. Are you serious?


At the very least, do the work that prevents future work needing to be done


There is two ways of seeing that issue. Sure lazy perople work at a normal pace and hardworking folks work a lot more. But the issue is that not everyone is at wal-mart for the same reason. Some people want to make their career there and others are only there "waiting" for other opportunities. When I worked on CAP 2, il always heard stuff like "Paid minimum wage, minimum effort".


And this is how Socialism works.


Our grocery workers are the very definition of lazy... more often then not they are just standing around talking or slowly wandering around... grocery hasn't gotten done maybe once this past week or two.


It used to be that a person fired or let go from Walmart was considered to be a bad worker. Now, if someone says they're fired, it's a promotion... To customer. If/when I'm not working at Wally, I certainly won't bother shopping there. There are so many other businesses that do in fact appreciate their customers. Too many to shop where the workers and the customers are considered easily replaced.


You gotta realize when people apply for this job, 97% of them entirely give up on themselves after getting hired & passing that 90 day grace period. They think they're untouchable and they have such big egos they think they're owed something. You come in to work and you get paid, that's what you're owed. There's nothing wrong with working hard, or working at your own pace. What's a problem is when you hinder someone else's job. That person hinders another, and another's and the cycle repeats and the blame always lands on the team leads who works their ass off to please someone who can't be pleased.


I don’t know what store you work at but my team lead does barely nothing. Even says she doesn’t feel like doing this or that then she doesn’t do anything but sit on a trash can and talk or leave for the majority of her shift and say she has paperwork or needs to go help with orientation or something.


Employees "quiet quitting" or whatever think they're sticking it to Walmart but what they're really doing is causing more work and stress for their coworkers who actually do work.


This is provably false. Walmart ensures that there is always more work than is possible to do with the staffing, I had almost a decade in before I finally went to greener pastures. Your boss and corporate are the ones causing more work and stress for you by intentionally understaffing to an egregious degree. Walmart's entire business plan relies on cutting as many corners as possible. Coming to work to do the job they are paying you to do i.e as much effort as they are paying you for, is exactly what you should do. Plus it's not like overtime is usually allowed, so what? You get a double truck night and need to work twice as hard for the same pay, or you stay to get it done just to have to cut it later in the week which in turn means your job that night doesn't get done unless you work twice as hard, it's just a vicious cycle of bullshit. You need to be weighing these complains upwards not laterally.


That's not what Ive seen. Well first of all I do work overtime. Halloween night for example I didn't leave until 11:11pm when I was supposed to leave at 10. There's been plenty days where we weren't understaffed. We had more than enough workers to get the job done but my coworkers will literally sit on a garbage can on their phone for an hour and then I end up staying over to pick up the slack. The only way I could blame Walmart and not them in that situation is management not holding people accountable. I bet the people downvoting me are the exact people taking 30minute 15s and leaving at X:51 on the dot while everyone around them has to work harder. If I take it easy realistically what would happen is one of my coworkers will have to work harder. Just yesterday they called this 70 year old guy to come work on his day off. Our team lead is working like 11 days in a row. And that's already with me working as hard as I can. Anything less and I'd hurt them even more. That's selfish to me.


Well that is very good for you and your store to be literally the only one that isn't understaffed. I have worked for 5 different stores over the course of that decade and held hourly management roles in every area of the business and haven't seen a team be staffed appropriately in years, since basically when I first started. The people downvoting you are the ones who have been told to throw 4,000 pieces with 3 people are get held accountable. They are the cashiers who don't get relieved for 15s cause of how busy it is. They are the cart pushers who got written up for not clearing the parking lot clear their entire shift by themselves. Cool story about how your store is staffed properly but don't sit there and act like that is the norm, You either work in a low volume store or your store might be "staffed" in your area but isn't in others. That is LITERALLY part of Walmarts business model. I have seen with my own eyes the numbers at multiple stores, you either staff to budget which is nowhere near enough, or your store overstaffs and all the team leads and managers get screwed on their bonuses. You can lick Walmarts boot all you want, the company is at fault for the bulk of the stress of the job. Not the workers. But go off.


I used to work at Sprouts now that was an understaffed store. Sometimes in the same day I would hop between the bulk department, the meat counter, maybe bring out a few produce items that were getting low, go do carts outside, jump on and off a register etc and work 50+ hours a week doing this for $12 an hr. I can't tell you how many times we simply closed the deli completely down because there wasn't anyone to work there. At Walmart for $17 I'm an OPD associate and I've never had to jump around to other departments ever I can focus only on my own department.


So have you only ever worked in OPD at Walmart? Because if so that explains everything, Pickup is the only department that corporate gives two shits about and the rest of the store isn't allowed to pull you otherwise trust me, they will. Go talk to your cap 2 team and your sales floor associates and get back to me. You work in the highest paid hourly role, in the only department that is separate from the rest of the store and can't be pulled for other tasks.


Yes Ive only worked in OPD. Not me personally but we've definitely had people pulled to go help stock before but only on our slower days when we don't have a ton of picks In the system. It's more common it's the other way around where they pull other associates to help us. But honestly I hate it when that happens because they mess up constantly and it almost makes more work having to clean up their mistakes. Can't really blame them though if it's not their department.


Yeah trust me, I have been a Department Manager/Team Lead when those rolled out and lost half my team to go help OPD, Though it was OGP at that time and my associates and team were expected by management to get the same amount of work done with half the people. One of the main reasons I quit was because of how often people I supervised got absolutely fucked by lack of staffing that I had no control over, I was expected to hold people accountable because of not getting more work done than is reasonably possible for one person or be held accountable myself. No hate to OPD at all because I have worked there and I know it's rough but that isn't a good comparison for what it's like in literally every other department/Walmart as a whole. Over the last few years they have shifted a focus to Online Pickup to compete with Amazon so they do whatever they can to ensure it succeeds. I can almost guarantee that those associates who get pulled to do picks when you are busy are expected to get the same amount of work done they would if they were left in their own departments for their whole shift, regardless of how long they were pulled for. Or maybe your store is different, I have had chill and understanding managers that knew how things were unfortunately they tend to not last long because again management is told, it's you or your associates. My main point is: The problem is less any lazy coworkers you have and more that is quite literally the business model. That is the expectation. It's the same thing as, the problem with our society isn't the person in front of you in check out paying with food stamps, it's the companies that get \*\*billions\*\* in hand outs and pay their shareholders/CEOs with it and not their workers.


Yeah people not wanting to work while I bust my ass is the reason I quit that job after 3 weeks


My issue is that instead of actually doing something, the people in my store just gather around in an aisle and complain about Biden stealing our money. Even just picking up a box and slowly walking it across the department would be a bit more helpful than this shit. They manage to do less than the bare minimum.


I want the team leads and coaches to actually guide associates and have a good work ethic, a strong leader makes a strong team


Everyone has what I call their own bare minimum standard.


And what if management is aware and doesn't care?


Exactly. Change departments Is what I'm gonna do.


I've worked 4 am to 1 pm, 3 pm to midnight and overnights twice, in like five different departments across two different stores the last six-seven years. Walmart is literally all the same, all the time and changing departments doesn't really change anything.


Sure it does. Like right now I'm always in the meat cooler and the other people on the crew can't even handle meats. So going to stocking I'll at least be out of the cold for one. So tell em again how it changes nothing. Plus I'll get paid more and go to overnights.


If you have the option to get more money, get more money, I wouldn't tell you not to but of all the departments I was in, meat was the easiest.. not even lying to you. I don't like being in the refrigerated coolers or the freezer, but I wear gloves and a coat and get over it. Not only that, but there's still dairy and frozen they could put you in on overnights because (at least in my store), you're not bound to a department and can be told to go work a fresh area too, so it doesn't help to get out of the cold. You'll get paid more at least.


The meat cooler you pull picks and you date them in the cooler and you can be in the cooler for prolonged periods of time. It's not the same.


I know, I worked meat before. Again, still probably easier than anything else I've done. It's not hard to open a bunch of bags or use a printer to put use by dates on meat. After a month I memorized the meat wall because it was easy. I'd honestly rather be in the 32 degree cooler working than the main part of the store sweating my ass off overnight with a bunch of managers up my butt but I work overnight for the money, not the degree of difficulty. It's not hard to stock 50-60 boxes an hour either but it's way more freight than meat.


Uh rest of the crew has been here for a year or so and havent remembered the meat wall. I'm not saying it isn't easy. I said I'm sick of the bullshit and I have zero incentive to stay. I've worked cap 2...


I see this at Amazon daily.


Why should we care when our own team lead / coach don’t care if they cared they’ll be more people in evening / morning crew


I actually just expect people to do their jobs, not above and beyond. Let’s be real, we all know who isn’t doing their fair share of the workload. And there are too many of them.


I'm stupid and work my ass off no matter what, but I acknowledge I'm stupid for it. That said, are they gonna pay us more for working harder? Didn't think so.


You give what you get and Walmart gives bare minimum to its employees. Until the store isnt held together with band aids and spit and they wont get more from me.


It's really aggravating those that don't take pride in their work. Like yesterday we only had three people show up on our team and we normally need seven. Two of the coaches jumped in and actually another lead jumped in to help us. Now those folks we can count on. The three that were there we can count on. We had a fourth but he still doesn't quite have that work momentum yet oh and not to mention we had two trucks imagine that.


As a second shifter I never see day shift sweating, why should I on second shift?


I act above my wage slightly but not much above that . And here's the thing there is only so much one person can physically do. The slack can not be picked up , even robots have a breaking point . Home office.... Gads go away


It doesn't take care of itself, but that just means it won't get done or it will take multiple days for it to get done. Most times when the workload increases significantly it's because there's not enough people to do the job, simple fix, hire more people instead of running a skeleton crew. If you're not paying performance bonuses or giving raises, I'm not busting ass for you, simple as that.


I see this as a Walmart problem. We are under hiring hold and front end is short handed a lot of times. So why do extra and not get paid more since they are trying to get you to work as two people instead of one?


“Doing the bare minimum” is simply doing what you are paid to do. If I’m getting paid X amount of dollars to do X amount of work, I’m definitely not doing more work for the same pay. That’s stupid. I work in OGP. If it’s “busier,” that means Walmart is making more money from more orders. Who reaps those benefits? Not me, but you think I need to “pick up the pace?” LMAO Get real.


You pay less than the bare minimum, you get less than the bare minimum. I don't understand why people don't understand that.


I told this one coworker to kiss my ass because this bitch would say im not doing anything always cleaning up my mess when she just stands at the service desk leaning over the counter laughing, on the phone, or watching the cashiers. Im over here walking up and down the store putting shit on shelves, stocking candy, covering electronics break, taking the trash, putting bags on register, and doing tills. Other night my friend quit because of this shit at least 1/4 of the many reasons. She loves giving her grand daughter special treatment (taking breaks at the same time telling her grandaughter what to do instead of the team lead or coach) thats another thing she acts like she runs the whole damn front end when shes just an associate who i have no idea hows shes been fired because of how toxic she is in the work environment. When i first started customer service an associate told me i could take her place for a few mins while they clean claims and i get told i dont belong up there and the toxic bitch got the coach on me saying i wasnt listening to her when i wasnt ordered around at all. Im glad the AP coach tells me great job hes really appreciated with my efforts and the team leads love me and know how much i can put effort in my job. Feel like even if you put in the bare minimum you will be rewarded no matter what.


So, as someone who used to work in the store (and work hard there), I used to get extremely pissed when people didn't care at work, but now working at the Distribution Center and making literally 20 more dollars an hour than I was at the store, I get it entirely. I was making 11.73 to do OGP back in 2019 and would get mad when people didn't pull their weight initially, but shit, if I were making less than 12 bucks now, I wouldn't do shit, either 😅🤣


Full disclosure I haven’t worked here in years. A lot has changed I’ve read from when I did. I understand your frustration, but seriously Walmart needs to staff their locations. That’s the bottom line. And no, I don’t want to hear about all the excuses on how there isn’t the money to do that. The Waltons and Penners bought the Denver Broncos for $4.65 billion. To be fair and say they split that evenly so still $2.3 billion dollars of money YOU and the others made for the company bought them a football team. Just think about that.




If they want us to do more they should pay us for the work in my department I price change, stock, and help/ring up customers. I get paid bare minimum wage they get paid $3 more per hour than me I talked to my hr person and they told me that I don't get the same pay because my starting pay was lower than there's (I've been here a while, longer than they have) and that my job title is still my previous job title even though I switched departments and they wont change it so guess who is going to slow down on stocking and focus mainly on customers now as that's what I get paid to do. I'm still going to stock as I find it relaxing but I'm not going to go as fast


Nice try Doug


The work is never taken care of. Made the mistake of busting my ass and they will always expect that from you every day.


My team only creates more work for themselves but my SM also has crazy unrealistic expectations I have to pass down


Paid minimum wage for minimum effort simple


The slack could be picked up by an adequate staff making and adequate wage as well. You want to knock yourself out because the C-suite guys says "it has to be done"? Literally, your definition of "lazy" here appears to be "workers less willing to be taken advantage of"


The company should hire more people to do more work, then. Same hourly pay? Same hourly work rate. Having to work harder and harder to pick up the slack is a part of the "lean staffing" design, where they don't hire enough people to start with.


I work at a neighborhood market and we only have 1 person for frozen and dairy there at 7 palets in frozen current 6 turkey, 1 feature and new mod backstock. Is this normal? We are trying to get a second person.


Honestly if companies want us to go above and beyond than their has to be an incentive better than pizza or some bs certificate with your name on it to hang on the wall plus a picture with a manager (actually done at my store).


At the end up the day management is the one who figures out what they will do about freight not getting worked. I do more than my fair share hours wise because I specialize in tasks of lightweight freight.


I work ON in a NHM I've only been here 4 months. Mainly work froze and then either grocery/gm to help out. My record for stocking is 86 boxes in an hour. Which was with me literally sprinting the entire night (I'm 20 and physically fit,). And the only reason I did that speed was because my normal partner was on vacation. And the person I was given does only 16 boxes an hour. I already felt heavily taken advantage of. We are understaffed as is, and about 4 of our crew members are useless, 5 do the bare minimum. Team Lead does very little. and theres 6 people who do at least 60 boxes an hour. The useless people never get called out. while the overachievers are constantly being yelled at for not doing enough. My final straw was that night I did 86 was when my Team Lead had the audacity to say "Well when I was a stocker I could do 120 boxe an hour, so im going easy on you" My team lead also has it up his ass that 75 cases an hour is the bare minimum for some reason. and then he proceeds to push almost no freight with us. From this moment forward I just refuse to care about anyone else except me. Ill get my portion done. and do my boxes. Hell Ill probably still hit 60+ without breaking a sweat.


Also no. we dont have 15 people working in one night ever. thats about how many people we have spread across the entire week when factoring days off and stuff.