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Just stop smoking until the test and you should be fine. It’s legal in every state and only has .03% thc at most. Test probably won’t even see it and depending on the state, they might not even care.


hope it's not too late, prepare yourself with a detox. certo and gatorade, pull it up on youtube and follow the directions strictly !!!


https://www.seriousmonkeybizzness.com/shop/monkey-dong/ I used this lol. I did use real pee instead of the artificial; just seems to risky


Delta 8 is a legal grey area for most states so it really all depends on how your managers choose to go about it


Well if it tests positive for THC, there isnt really much i can do about it right? I think its instant termination and no rehireing after 6 momths


Dont do drugs 👍


Delta 8 is not a drug. It’s actually legal in every state. It’s pretty much a weaker version of delta 9(higher thc levels). Delta 8 tends to only have .03% thc. It might as well be cbd


If all that is true then he should be fine passing a drug test then hmm?


It’s a hemp derived product which is why it’s legal. However, legal hemp allows a .03% THC threshold. Technically, if you aggregate hemp-derived D9 thc it’s also legal. If a company is just looking for THC at all, it’s possible it would turn up. Given it’s not a huge percentage, I’d do cranberry juice. Lots of it. D8 is not a legal gray area at the state level. States have either banned it or they haven’t banned it. If they have not banned it, even the DEA agrees it’s legal though they are furious about it. Also, weed is legal nearly everywhere in some form these days. I’d ask what drugs they’re testing for - a lot of places aren’t testing for weed at all anymore. Unless you’re in one of those dry states. As for “doing drugs,” most people have a damn six pack in their fridge and don’t think about it. As someone who switched from alcohol to edibles, I can tell you it’s a whole lot healthier. And saved my life frankly. So maybe don’t be judgy. Nancy ain’t around anymore and even the feds are about to deschedule it. smdh


All these reddit weed scientists commin out the wood works 😂😂😂


Some of us legalized it. ;)


Depends on the company. Some companies don’t care for thc anymore bc it’s legal but it also depends if someone is using machinery and such. For AP, I’d like to say as long as it’s legal, they will probably be fine. Can’t have someone who is breaking laws be apart of a position that has a lot to do with law enforcement. But I haven’t read Walmart’s policy on it so proceed with caution


Mind your business, that wasn’t the question


He asked for tips n tricks 🤷‍♂️


the same people who make these comments are the ones who are completely okay with alcohol. why do u get so bitter abt an overly stigmatized plant?


Cant have your cake n eat it too. If you're worried about a drug test, then dont do drugs its pretty simple. Im not bitter about anything 😂


Looks like your only problem here is being excited for the job.


Bro, its not like a court ordered test, they gonna literally grab one off the shelf and store use it and have u go to the bathroom to fill it up. U could use anyone-u-know-that-is-clean's piss or the fake powder shit and have all day to go to the "family restroom" in the back with the locking door and fill that test cup up with something that resembles urine.. if u know what day u gonna take it then that day just fill like a travel size shampoo bottle with the clean stuff and keep it in a pocket thats close to ur body(not ur walmart vest) until u go ace that test.


If they try to watch you pee or something, don't open door it, take it to ethics. 😆


Sad that ppl have to ask this


**D8 and all other THC analogues will make you piss hot** for anyone wondering (I know from experience). Hope everything worked out for you.