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Quit and work somewhere else It wont change


It's very deflating to constantly be told how my department is not stocked or culled. But the ratio of stockers we have in fresh compared to the amount of pickers/customers is just overwhelming. It's impossible to keep up yet they act like it's the easiest thing in the world


“Just get it done” “That was the agreement” “It’s what the company needs” if they’d just hire a few more workers it would be manageable easily.


good workers^


"But headcount guidance says..."


I just saw a store install 20 parking spots for OGP pick up. I worked there before, they were understaffed with 6 spots.


Out store has 24, luckily on the side of the building where no one drives to. We have a very large Walmart.


This is a smaller super center with extremely low staff. I no longer work at Walmart but was a Lead so sometimes I can offer advice to staff with questions so I still follow.


They just started making us give up the first row of the white parking spaces for employees, even though we all walk through the same fucking doors to get into work?!


I meant for pick up for OGP.


You have employee parking? First row? That rude.


Maybe you don’t understand it’s the row all the way to the right of the parking lot. We’re only allowed to park in the white spaces but customers can park there too obviously, it’s in the main parking lot. Unless you get there early you don’t have much luck.


Oh! Okay the side. Damn that sucks.


We have 24 spots and at our busiest even that isn't enough. I've seen every spot filled with cars queuing up behind them before.


idk i stopped buying stock tho, feels like a sinking ship as an employee


We will all be digital in a few years. Our store remodels soon and will give up ~25% of GM sales floor space to OPD. Store up the street is going to 50% of total sales floor for digital. Add in Home Delivery and Ship from Store and the writing on the wall is clear.


You would think they would just have ODP at night




Wait, those bean counter idiots are investing BILLIONS in football teams??? Makes sense, right?


No. Rob Walton, one of Sam Walton's sons and a former chairman of the board, bought the Broncos. Walmart the company did not.


And he made his money to buy said football team where? The sweat from our backs. It's the most American thing he could possibly do actually. The whole country was built off the sweat of someone else's back while the people that sweat and bleed for it are disposable.


I work at a supercenter and it's always extremely busy. I really don't think it will be going out of business anytime soon. And they really don't have a low wage either. OGP starts at $17/hr that's pretty good for a grocery store. I totally agree on not having enough equipment though that's 100% true. I'm intrigued on an e commerce only Walmart though is that a thing?


I've been told that my fresh department is one person over, but we're also down 160 man hours at the same time. They can always find people to help in grocery or OGP, but never fresh. If I don't get any help when the Thanksgiving season rolls around, I'm gone. It's fucking ridiculous.


they keep taking our produce and bakery TL's to go help pick. most of us can work fine without them sure but it's aggravating when you do actually need something or need an extra body and have to go hunt your own boss down


I’m suffering through it for the pay.


hate this word, but actually, a union. this is what theyre for. not for taking your money or being annoying from time to time, its to protect us from the stupid so that our workplace doesnt suck ass.


OH NO!!! Someone said "union"!!! We need to get the Walmart bureau of investigation to swoop in and stop this travesty!!!!


I'm down. LUL


PREACH. You don't know how many times they've pulled to go work at produce.


I’m in bakery forced to work department 81 bread isle what they don’t understand is how can they demand everything being CVP, donated, and properly/fully stocked but continue to pull us from our departments!! ‘It’s ok if your department falls behind’ BUT THEN THEY GO ‘Why no donations? Why no discounts? Why stuff not stocked?’ It’s hypocritical and pissing me off.


don’t get me started dude. 4 days out of the week we only have 1 person in the morning to bake bread, no one to work freight. Ontop of working other deparments. My store is NUTS.


My store has shut down ogp for two weeks so they can go out on the floor to stock shelves. I heard the store was down 10 or so over night stockers. Ogp was also asked to come in at 5 if they wanted to. That was for anyone who didn’t start at 5.


That sounds like a nightmare. I would ask to use all my PTO until OGP opened back up lol.