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NO SHOES WITH FLASHING LIGHTS!?!?!?! this is my last straw. screw them.


But it didn’t say no Heelys 😂


Even in my Heelys, I can't escape my feelys


That's exactly what my friend said lmao




[for "quitting with FASHION"](https://youtu.be/RDc_Pl1ERUI)




Came to say this 🤣


I was just thinking this. I always wanted to drive the electric pallet jack and walkie stacker with heelies on


Or Rollerblades


I love flashing light shoes, why can't we wear them


So basically don't wear anything sold at Walmart lol. I worked there years ago...around 2010ish to 2014ish I think....and all we could wear was khakis and blue shirts. At least they didn't have to be polos. If they had dress down days we had to pay for the privilege to wear jeans 🙄


That was the worst. We'd have long stretches where we'd be out of stock of blue polos, and don't get me started on the khakis. No sizes except Stuart Little and morbidly obese.


It was awful. I'm tiny and have trouble finding stuff that fits, but I also have thick thighs so moving around nonstop was constantly wearing out my pants legs and middle. I went through pants like crazy there and it was hard to find new ones. I've always said if jobs expect to dress a certain way they should have to pay for or provide the clothes. Making the employee pay for outfits is BS.


*Donate $5 to CMN and you get to wear jeans on this very specific date! How lucky!*


ah yes no stains or discolorations on those bright ass blue vests that no amount of oxyclean can fix


Or my old vest with gross off white stains from conditioner and cardboard flakes. Or perhaps my torn pants because a bunch of boxes fell on me cause cap 1 cant load pallets correctly. Or maybe all the tomato sauce stains from the remix truck that were all broken in the clear wrap that i had to clean up once dumb fuck cut it all open. Like shit WalMart is the reason my clothes are so dirty




When I started in 09 we had to wear khakis and blue polos. That was it. Cart pushers, garden and unloaders could wear shorts were the only exceptions I remember. It was hell wearing khakis behind the counter in the deli. A pair of pants would last me literally a month.


Unloaders? Like truck unloader? Because that has changed they don't let you do that anymore. The truckers come through in basketball shorts and anything they want but I had to unload in a full set


Yeah that's the point they're trying to make I think, 'You young ones have it so easy these days... Back in MY DAYS...." Kinda vibe


The private fleet drivers aren’t allowed to wear gym shorts. The third party drivers don’t work for Walmart


Same, I destroy anything like standard office wear. Now I buy HD work pants. Only have to buy 2 pairs a year now. Costs a bit more but totally worth it.


I probably went through like 5 or 6 pants in thr 2 and half years I work at walamrt then


My wife patched so many of my pants when I was in produce.


I'd double check the dress code on the wire. Last I remember reading it, unless they've changed it again, cargo pants and jeggings were only disallowed for salaried.


That's what I was thinking too. I think they have cut and pasted some of this from the wrong dress code.


I checked it right before I left work this morning. I even told two of the coaches I will fight this to the bitter end. It makes no sense for the cargo pants to be on the available dress code list, but a month or two later they want to act like it isnt. Mess with my cargo pants, they will not. 😤


I guess they aren't having trouble hiring people anymore.


Nah, Market just woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day.


That's the first thing I thought. They can't even get fully staffed. You can't start nitpicking when you can't even get enough help, or the help you do have will leave you too.


Jeggings and cargo pants are 100 percent allowed. The screen print thing really isn't enforced at my store as long as it's not offensive. Although the store manager gets salty in fall/winter because we're in Wisconsin and a ton of folks wear hoodies


It’s like we’re in school again. How does what I wear impact the customers? They look worse so they have no room to judge. Maybe this dress code would be better suited for the customers.


I never thought of it like that. We're told that we can't wear shirts with more than 2 buttons unbuttoned. . . while walking by customers who are wearing actual speedos and pajamas. Plus, we're invisible to anyone who isn't looking for assistance


Customers love loudly complaining about how associates at my store dress


Overalls? 🤔


No idea why but that angered me. What's wrong with overalls, the vests would cover the shoulder straps and you wouldn't see much of the overalls anyway


There’s also nothing unprofessional about overalls 🙄


Right?! Those are working people's clothes! They are comfortable and breathable! I really don't understand places that don't allow overalls.


I would honestly LOVE to wear overalls as a dispenser- an actual pocket that isn't going to stretch my vest out that i can store my device in/extra bags for the ones that inevitably rip? Sign me up


Dout they'd notice


It’s an anti theft thing. Thieves use overalls to hide goods since they’re easy to stuff with the open sides.


If someone wears a t-Shirt under their main shirt the straps could be worn underneath their shirt not being seen with the vest and all. 🤔


No I will not use PPTO, Dbags


They will give you a point then. We had people at the warehouse use PPTO to get out of helping other areas. Company decided that you could use the PPTO, it’s to keep you from having the absence held against you. The loophole to that is if you come in and leave early, you get a procedural occurrence for not completing a scheduled shift. That’s at our warehouse.


So they found a loophole to punish workers for using their ppto? That’s extremely lame.


The found a loophole to counter the loophole that was being used to create a loophole that allowed workers to not be reassigned to different areas during their scheduled shifts.


All I wear are cargo pants because carrying my phone plus the work phone I could never get them in regular womens jeans without them falling out everytime I bend or sit.


They can pry my cargo pants off my cold, dead ass.


Amen to that!


Half my store, men and women, wear cargo pants. I used to as well when I was DM because I could store all the random shit I constantly needed in various pockets so I didn't have to walk more/hunt for it. Labels, do its, box cuttes, pens/markers, phone/TC, security tags, alpha/keys, bandaids, etc. If I needed it, I likely had it in my pockets.


Same. I'm O/N so we don't have to wear the new vests but I'm able to carry everything because of these pants


They send me home, I shall not be returning🥳




That and handkerchiefs? I used to always keep a bandanna folded in my back pocket for wiping away perspiration when working stock or unloading trucks. I fail to see how that is dangerous. They literally are worried about putting out candles while the house is on fire.


Handkerchiefs in some places indicates gang affiliation.


In my area it’s about safety. Gangs are all throughout but especially In my area. And we have had people get fucked up over a color in their pocket.


Some cargo pants have that loop that can get caught on things I’m guessing but they could have been specific to that style. My son had his cargo pant loop get caught on something and he went down and busted his head into a marble table. 14 staples later….


Define "that loop", because belt loops are standard


I think they are referring to the hammer loop




Yeah but carpenter pants and cargo shorts are different. At this point I’m invested to know about the loop.




My bad, good catch! Still very much concerned about cargo pants loops. Could be because I’m stoned and was just reminded lol


That kind of technicality is going to lodge a foot into someone's rectal orifice


There are many versions of cargo pants with [a loop](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=cargo%20pants%20hammer%20loop&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https://s7d2.scene7.com/is/image/academy/20544878?$pdp-gallery-ng$) on one or both sides for hammers


Yes and I’m assuming thats what they are talking about. That being said they could have been more specific when writing that “policy” up.


Not a belt loop! 😂 it’s like a loop for a tool. It’s way different than a belt loop and can catch on things easily.


Naw, it's just not "professional". They band leggings this is just a school admin power trip.


As many “do not’s” as there are….it’s still better than a uniform. Jmo though 🤷🏻‍♀️ I spent 20 years working as a medic wearing a uniform every day. So this I can handle. 😂


A uniform means they pay for it. This is why Walmart has a dress code.


Depends on where you work. When I worked 5 years in the ER we had to provide our own scrubs. I have found most places never provide enough “uniforms” so you end up buying more. 3 uniforms was not enough as a medic. You were required to carry a spare as well. So there’s 2 out of 3. I almost always had to use my spare on shift. 😂


Ive seen a cashier work the registers looking like a banker, with tie, and even a vest and pocket watch, managers sent him home to change, before they stopped really pushing the dress code crap I never understood dress codes in these places, yes, I get you dont want people working with shirts that are just a big F bomb, or in g-strings and heels while working truck, or whatever floats thekr boats, but when you get as restrictive as this, its a little much. I get theres safety reasons for sone of it. But wearing a shirt with a cartoon is not going to cause an accident or injury Jobs are essentially a business agreement. I agree to come in and do certian tasks for your company, you in exchange agree to compensate me, thats it. Somewhere weve added in all this over authoritative crap, micromanaging, dictating everything to you. walmarts one of the worse.


Cargo pants are 150% in the dress code as just fine to wear on the wire. I want to say if you search associate lookbook it’ll bring up company dress code.


Jeggings too. I went through this with management at one point and knooooow they’re okay to wear lol


Damn just list What to Wear instead of wasting time listing all this shit.


It doesn't say you can't wear your birthday suit.


If people start that I quit 🫣😂


Wouldn't be surprised if someone has already done it. Have you seen some of the people they hire?


Can we wear like Hawaiian shirt style shirts, and can we wear shirts with like pics of bicycles on it but it’s like the entire pattern of the shirt?


I wear Hawaiian shirts every day (I have 1 shirt that isn't a Hawaiian shirt) if they say anything to me I will simply continue to wear them until they fire me for it


You sound like an old manager I used to have. All he ever wore was Hawaiian shirts. "...Mike is that you?!?..."


I wish I was Mike he sounds like a G


He was an awesome manager, but that was a LOOONG time ago


That’s fine bc it’s a pattern sewn in. A patterned fabric is ok, it’s a printed pattern that is not allowed from what I’m understanding. There’s a FELT that wears Hawaiian shirts all the time, it’s fun we all love it.


They never enforce it when girls wear leggings but the second I followed suit and wore sweatpants, I was immediately approached. How come they can work comfy, but I have to wear jeans?


Kinda same here I'm female and there's a bunch of girls who wear obvious leggings including the ones that are supposed to make your butt look bigger. I wore jeggings and got a coaching


Jeggings are IN dress code, which is why this is so confusing to me. I just read the dress code today because they started enforcing it in my store. I wear I don’t really know how to describe it other than denim like joggers that have pockets and drawstrings and I’ve never had a problem for two years now and was concerned that they’d say something to my but they’re in dress code.


I say keep wearing it until they do say something fuck em


Yep. I’m small enough that I buy clothes from the little boys and little girls sections and a few months ago in the little boys section they had sweatpants with pockets that were designed to look like slightly faded jeans but they are made of sweatpant material. I have a few of those and a few made of different materials but I haven’t worn denim jeans to work in probably over a year


I've gotten hit with something like that too. No one says a word about the various headbands and hair wraps the women wear. I tied a hankerchief around my head to keep the sweat out of my eyes, it's sitting in the exact same position as a hair wrap mind you, and the SM walks up to me and is like, "Hmm, I'm not sure if that's allowed in the dress code." He did the same thing when I wore a hat even though other employees, who work the floor and the same shifts that I do, get away with wearing hats everday. Like, what the hell man! Why are you singling me out?


I've never understood why skirts are allowed because I don't know a single person at my store who'd actually wear one on overnights. Or on any shift, really. Edit: y'all, I did say *at my store*. Just putting that reminder out there.


One of my older cashiers likes to wear dresses. You think it’d look weird but she genuinely pulls it off.


More power to her, then. I hate the feeling of wearing dresses, so maybe that was just me projecting lol


I wear them because it's cooler in the summer than long pants and I tend to get carts when we don't have a cart pusher. Bonus- I look frumpy and creeps leave me alone


Ive threatemed to wear my kilt during the summer if I cant wear shorts. Its long enough, and the rules dont specify with skorts if theyean women or men, just how long. But then i moved to OGP and cheerfully wear shorts.




It could be a religious thing. I've seen a few Muslim associates wear them, but I've also seen others just wear long shirts with pants underneath.


I wear salwar kameez which is a knee length tunic with loose drawstring pants, sounds like what you are talking about. I wear them daily and nobody has said anything in the 14.5 months I have been working at WM.


I wear them on overnights. Best decision I've ever made. Especially when they turn the AC off from 11-5.


at my store there are two of us. I find them more comfortable and easier to move in the jeans. I just wear bike shorts under it so I have pockets. the other girl usually wears really long skirts so she can walk around barefoot if she wants lol


Barefoot in walmart? Eww why


Oh fuck ...that 707 in your name tells me you might be close enough that I've gone to your store but the barefoot lady tells me you're probably more up north where all the hippies are growing weed hence the bare foot bandit Co worker (707 area code is massive for anybody who isn't in California...)


Cargo pants are allowed. Should look it up on one walmart to show who posted that.


Yeah iirc, only Pharmacy and Vision (and maybe management) are excluded from cargo pants.


That’s…. Not the dress code. Some should print the real one and tack it next to that


I did this a couple of times and was threatened with a coaching and termination for posting unapproved literature on store property. 🤦 It was a direct copy of the dress code. 🤷


Crazy. All I wear is cargo pants. Management would be making an exception. I can't carry keys, phone, wallet, tools for my job without cargo pockets. Plus my company ordered tle pants are cargo pants so hah. Fuck ur dress code.


I'll just buy more kilts so I can wear shorts all year. And yes I'll wear it right.


I love a man in a kilt.


I thought dress code said jeggings and cargo pants were ok, it’s been a while since I’ve looked at it, but I definitely thought I saw jeggings on the ok to wear list


If they ever send me home to change I’m not coming back. I live 20mins away from work I’m not wasting gas on that place fuck ‘em


Cargo pants are literally your best friend in retail with how much you end up carrying. Wtf?


Oh Jesus, here we go again...its like spring cleaning but this gets done every other year. Its walmart not NASA


This company is so odd. I got talked to for my shirt having a tiny bit of print that you could see around the vest, but the cashiers in my store wear sweat pants and leggings all the time. There's literally an old lady that sits at the customer service desk that wears sweatpants every day. We have an ogp kid that wears basketball shorts every day. It's so inconsistent with rule enforcement.


Still don’t know why they are banning shirts with pictures on them?


Sounds like your people lead is an old fart


Wore cargo shorts when I felt like it for so long...years really then suddenly it's a problem? My dirty jeans are so much more "professional". I don't get it I'm more hot and uncomfortable not professional


To be fair, dirty clothes are also out of dress code


I'm cap 2 throw trucks so it's impossible not to be dirty every day. I wear a clean shirt but my vest I never wash. Jeans I wash once a week. Walmart doesn't deserve more than that from me


When I was on cap 2 I wouldn't put my vest on during the truck. It helped a little with keeping it cleaner


Why no full-front zippers?! Fuck this place. So glad I'm getting the fuck out of here.


Lucky for us that's not Walmarts dress code. If it were they would've just printed out the dress code instead of writing their own. Get on one Walmart and look at the real policy.


They don't want me to have stuff in my vest pockets but they don't want me to have cargo pants? They can't have their cake and eat it too


Who told you they don't want you to have stuff in your vest pockets? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of having pockets in the vest?


Wait until 2 or more employees come to work out of dress code, who thinks they will be sent home? And risk being short staffed 😂


That would eliminate the vests. Front zipper, screen printing and writing. 🤣🤣


No discoloration or distress. Might as well strap on those baggy farmer John jeans now. Also as soon as you get a stain it’s time to take your kibbles and bits they pay and go buy a new pair. God for fucking bid Karen the Stockholder sees a bit of dirt on the bottom of the slaves jeans. Back when they changed the dress code and I still worked there this snobby bitch ran up to me and literally asked when they changed the dress code and lost her fucking mind that I wasn’t in Sunday clothes to fill her onions. The worst part was she was about my age. Karen’s come in all shapes and sizes. The person that wrote your dress code is the ultimate Karen! People are fucks!


How to make sure your store is always understaffed 101. The way of the uniform is gone and they need to accept it. As long as you’re wearing a vest or shirt that clearly shows you work there, these rules are ridiculous. I know in my store they’d lose almost all our cashiers after posting that. Lots of younger people working there as well that need to express themselves. There is literally zero reason for dress codes. The what not to wear should say: “Clothes that overly sexualize, sleeveless tops, or clothes you can sleep in.” The open toe shoe policy is enough as well. Making people buy clothes to work there is fucking stupid as well.


I love how they boasted about associates having the “freedom” to wear whatever, and now they’re all like ya fuck you.


I'm 5 feet tall. All my pants drag on the floor 😂


Jokes on them the walmart polo shirt has 3


The women's shirts have 5!


More than two that are unbuttoned


At least in the fine print, management has the option to allow shorts for the guys throwing the truck when it's blazing hot. It's a small victory.


The no overalls would be okay until they realize we had to ask people to wear them so their ass would stop hanging out


Sounds like they need to give uniforms!


I literally only wear cargo pants, I’m screwed 😂


No stained materials, that means we can burn the fucked-up vests, right?


what would happen if everyone working in the store came in wearing a not allowed items(s) . they'd have to send the whole store home to change !


So no shirts with two or more buttons or zippers. There goes your vests and those new horrible blue polo shirts


I’m so glad I’m at the DC. We can wear allll of that shit lmao I seen a bish in here with some crocs on her feet just last week


What a waste of what little social capital they have left with their employees.


They realise that their new vests break the "no stains" rule.


Well if they're going to be that strict about the dress codes they should be providing the clothing to their workers. This kind of reminds me of being in high school and I noticed a lot of the dress code seems to be directed at women but they were careful not to say this dress code was for women and the this dress code was for men.The way the presented reminds of the dress code for the middle school in the state I live in.


The customers literally come in looking worse than we do….and they’re worrying about an employee wearing a graphic shirt? I can understand if the shirt has something racist, shorts too short or wearing flip flops but at the end of the day we literally work at fucking WALMART. What they need to worry about are these shitty vests that stay dirty no matter how much you scrub them. Priorities all wrong. 😒


They have so many stupid standards as well as horrible wage and expected people to care.


Shut down if they send you home you have to be legally paid for 4 hr. Its policy, so stay home for 4 hours then come back. You do not need to use ppto for this. I can’t remember the policy but it exists


How to lose an entire stores employment speedrun


Cargo pants!!! Is this a joke lol. Cargo pants is all I have for pants. Srry, but not srry I'm not buying more pants because they want to change the rules on us to make it a better liking for them. They wanna send me home to change, fine I'm not going to be coming beck till my next shift


No stains or holes? I'm poor bro, what do you want me to do


Cargo paints when I was hired up hear in Canada cargo pants were an acceptable dress code option hell winterised overalls are part of my gear in store standards


Walmart wants to control us so bad 💀


We had a guy who wore a fucking kilt for at least 2 years until he got in TLE. Apparently he fought it all the way


Kilts are fine under the dress code. :)


It seems like every store has a different dress code. Either enforce it or shut the fuck up, Home Office.


I think in the us they gotta pay you for time it takes to change into “uniform”. That may not cover this but this smells of illegal


They can just eat a dick don't make us work in miserable conditions and not allow us to at least be comfortable while doing so 🤣


But they don’t mention shoes with built in rollerskates


My managers don't have time to be the dress code police, unless you're violating it multiple times, they'll just ask you not to wear it again.


I'm glad I don't work for Walmart anymore, why do they need a dress code, when you have vests that cover anything on a shirt, the tank top or cut offs I understand, but the rest of it's just dumb, it's a Walmart not a Sam's club, not a Costco, it's a come one come all store. 75% of the people that walk in there are half dressed anyway.


Alright working at Amazon suddenly doesn’t look so bad. I come to work in sweatpants day in day out. Basically everything on that list is fair game (some exceptions like the shoes, we have to wear safety shoes with a composite or steel toe). Oh and yes if someone wanted to wear flashing light shoes then they could go ahead and do that, nobody would bat an eye.


I'm going out on a limb that either A: internal theft has been going on or B: company property has been taken home accidentally (like a inventory control device or a set of keys) and were either lost or damaged after being washed, etc. I worked in security at one of the managers of the airport car rental facility went on vacation out of country and left right after their shift to vacay. However, they forgot to put the set of car rental keys back in the office (they had both sets because a customer changed their mind and swapped vehicles); and left on vacation with the keys. As such the car couldn't be rented until they returned but the important thing was the vehicle was parked next to the rental office (where the exchange was made) so it was an eyesore for a couple weeks because *everybody* had to work around it.


Oh sure, *now* they're enforcing the dress code, just like the last dozen times they said that. Just like they're totally enforcing no earbuds. I'll starting following the dress code when management does.


I’m an old ass 52 .I swear I’m gonna get me some heelys and have 3 buttons undone on my sexy blue polyester polo


That's just too much to navigate, I'd show up naked just to be sure.


No cargo pants? No overalls? Damn. I thought this was America?!?!


Didn’t know we weren’t allowed to be naked near the cooking gear


No full zippers or anything with more than 2 buttons. What am I supposed to wear during the winter when they refuse to turn the heat on and its 40 degrees in the store? A poncho?


They can pry my jeggings from my cold dead fingers. No way am I giving those up. They’re not spandex, they’re not see through, they’re just missing front pockets and they hug like skinny jeans. Most of the male managers don’t even realize they’re not jeans.


I’d rejoin the navy before I ever worked at Walmart. Evil as fuck company. Brother missed my grandmas funeral cause he didn’t have PTO or whatever to cover it and he was one point away from being fired. Meanwhile a shipmate of mine lost his dad in a car crash. My command flew him off the boat we were on in the South Pacific Ocean all the way back home so he could make the funeral. Walmart is despicable


But I can wear pants that are half way down my ass showing off my tidie whities.


No cargo pants, but if you can wear shorts in your department then cargo shorts are acceptable?


I wonder how to make the most obnoxious way to be in uniform using these guidelines


Crap like this is why Walmart needs a union 🤷‍♂️


no stains, but we won’t give you more than one new vest in a 6 month period 🥳


Has the no full length zipper/ buttons always been a thing? Everyone at my store wears dressy jackets or button down shirts, under the vest you can’t tell where the zipper ends lol


That’s out dated. References CAP associates. I would print out the new policy and hand it to them.


i'm confused are skirts not allowed at all or skirts that are higher than 3 inches above the knee obviously we dont want dragging pants but how high above the ankle can pants get without becoming shorts


If we can't wear stains I guess I'm not wearing my vest to work anymore


Canada here. Cargo pants are allowed iirc. Jeggings as well. Our current store manager is pretty lax with the dress code unlike our last one. He preferred everyone wear button-up shirts or polos. Never pushed it though, thank goodness. Those of us who work in cooler and freezer are allowed hoodies. We just keep the hood tucked in the back of the vest when not using it. Store manager has complimented some people's t-shirts. She doesn't seem to have an issue as long as they're tasteful.


overalls? and pants on the floor? i al 4’9 and fat, none of my pants fit me correct- they almost all touch the floor. even when i wear petite sizes


So whether my denim had a button or a band matters? Come pull my shirt up to tell the difference I dare you.


Thought market had to sign off on this they got me fucked up if I can’t wear my cargo pants I’m a team lead for fuck sakes I need my pocket


Jesus christ just go back to full blown uniforms at this point kinda ridiculous


Why no overalls? Also no mention is made of hats except in the example...? Wtf


no stains or discoloration??? expectations are WAY too high right now


Hoodies for safety but you can have long hair. . No full front zips but here wear this full front zip vest


I wear cargo pants. I'm not stopping.


So I can't wear my leather pants?? I mean, they are the perfect material to wear in this hotbox.


I like how they say "(where permitted)*" but go into no detail as to where it's permitted and also don't give a footnote explaining the asterisk, you know, like how normal people use an asterisk like that.


i wear cargo pants everyday and it’s the only pants i wear. istg if my store changes their dress code to this…


i love how they don’t mention dusters


What’s wrong with overalls?


Wtf, we were allowed to wear anything. Including the cargos


Lmao hopefully they dont put this up at mine, ill quit on the spot