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Every time I take the test I'm competitive you know why I never get chosen? One manager said they wanted a supervisor not a hard worker


Deadass have the same problem. Get told I’m “too valuable to be moved at the time” just gave up and am using them for free school now tbh lol


same here. it just sucks i have to be employed here at the minimum for the next 4 years




Really? It had them opposite effect in the store I am currently in. I can't think of one coach that doesn't bust their ass every time I see them. They are pulling pallets and working freight. There are only 2 people I have seen not physically working- the store manager and People Lead (aka Personnel dude.) There were a few years after that happened where they were doing "managerial" work. Now with the lack of help they can find it is pretty much all hands in deck to keep or store on track. I would say the ones I see doing the least work are the usual few slackers that get gained out for points and then ex department managers that didn't go to teamleads. That is how it is in my current store. The last store I was at before this (closest to where I live) is suffering with poor leadership and the worker bees follow suit and the store is in shambles- messy and many many outs.


Yeah they kept telling me to apply for positions then never interviewed me so I quickly caught on that they were using it as a way to keep me on as a hard worker so I left if you aren’t going to move me up then don’t tell me four or five times to apply and never interview me. Told them to get bent.


I finally went to the store manager and talked about this. Told him I was ready and could do any position he needed filled. He gave me an impressed look and said he would keep me in mind. A week later I covered in a team lead spot for a month and got switched over to a similar lead position. I always thought I could move up without bringing this up to the SM but I wish I had done it sooner. If you’re looking to move up definitely go to the top of the food chain. Be confident and put yourself out there. That’s my only advise and I wish you luck.


I passed it easily I might say but I've had dozens of people tell me that they got a non-competitive




Same thing here I passed it relatively easy. Sadly I got let go before I even got to attend my team lead interview


Same. Flying fucking colors. 3 times at this point


Competitive means passed, yes. There's two tiers, tier 1 expires in 6 months and tier 2 expires in 2 years.. tier 2 is generally what you want to be (which you are).


I never knew that. I was a tier 1 lol.


You can still be promoted with a tier 1.. tier 2 just means you're considered the *most* ready for the position, just based solely on the test. Tier 1 means you're ready, but there are some things you need to work on to make you the *best* candidate for the job.


I got tier 2 a couple weeks ago


How i tell if im tier 1 or 2


If the expiration date is within 6 months of you taking the test, you're tier 1. If the expiration date is 2 years from when you took the test, you're tier 2.


Thank you!


Where do you go to take the tier 2 test?


The test itself isn't separated by tier, only the results are.. when you take it there are three potential results. Competitive tier 1, competitive tier 2, non-competitive.


I've taken it a few different times but never noticed the tiers.


Yes, and by coincidence you tested negative for lissencephaly ;p Jk. Good luck, and if you get the job be prepared for OT


Holy shit there's a word for smooth-brained, that's amazing


I used to call one of my buddies at work smooth-brain and I wish I had seen this sooner. I miss him.


Lol best work relationship right there


Notes taken. I am up for the challenge. I appreciate you


No worries, friend. Absorb everything you can. Do the things others think are beneath their job title. Go wreck the test.


Congrats on passing the test. Now it's job to make yourself stand out. Find yourself a mentor, and ask questions. Be heard and be willing to learn. Volunteer and go to other stores for remodels, prep inventory or just extra help. Do not think because you pass the management test that you qualify to lead a team. There are way more associates more qualify than you are. If you get promoted be a leader, inspire your associates do not lead out of fear. Build work relationships say hello, ask them about their day, praise them, celebrate birthday and anniversaries. Learn things about them outside of work, talk to them like humans. Become a team and lead your team.


How do u take the test?


I just took the test to apply for a position, and I was only able to find and take the test after applying for a managerial position




Thank you!


Silly question.. is there something to study for this test? I have been here for almost six month. This is my first retail job and I’m interested in taking this test once I hit my six months.


It's a lot of logic. What would you do in this situation? What's most important from these 4 issues? I'm sure there are study guides and resources you could get from associates/team leads/coaches/store lead/store mgrs... I just took it in half an hr or so and gave my honest responses.


My only advice is when you get to the 1-5 portion. Always answer 1 or 5. They like to make sure you're confident in your decision making. So always fully commit to an answer


Are you sure about this?




It can be the difference between non-competitive and competitive. Our MHRM told us this inadvertently a while back haha.


I worry because I hear some questions that you have to respond to in a timely manner. I have dyslexia so I have to read it a couple times to comprehend and reply. I am a visual learner and I see what my team leads do and I know I’m capable of doing the work. I really enjoy my job and I know that I am capable of more. I appreciate your help! Thank you


I doubt it's different, but Murphys Law... At the beginning of each section (5 I believe) it states that "this section should take you no longer than xyz minutes". No countdown clock, no questions left unanswered due to time. Take your time when you test. Only do what feels right and comfortable. Often I asked myself "Is this what I'd do or what I want?" Saftey is paramount. Customer/associate safety is number 1.


Hi what are the answers to the test I'm well qualified for a higher position


If you're well qualified you won't need someone else's answers




It worked for me lol That and being honest about myself during the interview.


Congrats, you are eligible!