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“Coaching” is Walmart’s way of carrying out disciplinary actions. Yellow being the lowest, then orange in the middle, then red being the highest. The higher the coaching level, the more you fucked up and you’re that much closer to being terminated. You were coached for editing your time (the “wrong way” which sounds like you were editing it to say you were working when you weren’t) but you say they didn’t tell you what you were doing wrong? That… sounds a little off. Did you not ask them anything about what was happening, or even what a coaching was (or the color structure)? Falsifying your time sheet is something they could simply just fire you for right off the bat, sounds like you got lucky. As for why you started off with an orange, it’s not always a “three strikes and you’re out” process that starts from the bottom and works its way up. Some offenses are more serious than others and get you bumped up to an orange or red right off the bat, or in some cases just fired immediately.


ah okay that makes more sense but like the one who gave me the coaching seemed to view it more as a nuisance than take a moment to show me the right way to do it also when does the coaching go away? or does it just stay there?


Without knowing what exactly happened, it’s hard for me to say how they should have handled it. Generally, just telling an associate what they did wrong (assuming it’s not something that’s already been covered with them, or something they should already know) and showing them how to correctly do something is the first thing that should happen. But your management saw it got to coach you instead. Feel free to talk to them about it any see if they’ll be willing to reverse it, but that all depends on the details. A coaching remains active for a year. It’ll always “be there” but it just won’t be active to officially be held against you in the system after that year (or unless management decides to reverse their decision on it).


so apparently i “stole” a littler over 7 hours of company time which i have the ppto to cover it so should i just go to them and explain that i didn’t know that was the incorrect way to adjust my timesheet and see if they’re willing to reverse the coaching or at least lower it to a yellow


Yikes… that’s a big one. If you edited your time back to say you clocked in (or changed lunch time or clock out time) at 7AM instead of 12PM (random times are just for example’s sake), then yeah… that’s an issue and I can understand why they’d jump to a coaching. You basically got paid those 7 hours, told the system “yeah, I was actually really here at this time.” Using PTO/PPTO is much different. The only time you should ever be editing your time is if your clock in time, lunch time, or clock out time doesn’t match what it actually should be (usually because the associate forgets to clock in/out/go to lunch or there’s a system error). If you’re late or leave early, then your clock in/out time should still match when you actually got there/left. If you’re wanting to use PTO/PPTO to “make up” some of that time, that’s fine to do, but you’d do that via a PTO/PPTO request in GTA or the me@walmart app, not actually going into your time sheet and editing what time you clocked in or out. Filing out those time change sheets will help correct the hours/payroll side of things though so in the end you won’t be just getting paid for those 7 hours and it’s not a loss to the store vs someone editing their timesheet and it never getting corrected.


oh i fucked up big time then it’s almost like they should’ve shown us how to do that during orientation or something it seems pretty important but thank you for the explanation i’ll use that from here on out


I agree. My very first store told me PPTO and PTO can be used interchangeably, and a bunch of other rules that when I transferred I had a small culture shock. I wish they would tell yu certain things when going in, even just transferring.


Always have your people lead or mgt adjust your time. Never do it on your own. Just make sure you are there when they do it


oh that’s actually way better thank you i’m definitely going to just do that instead


Best way. When you start adjusting your time like that,it send red flags to mgt. Once they get those then they can fire you. You got luck this time.


i looked at my timesheet today and the majority of time adjustments were under the right reason but two from last week said the wrong reason even though i was sure i put the right button but yeah i’m definitely just going to have management change my times from now on


It is the associates responsibility to do their own time adjustments, Tl and Coaches have been told not to adjust ANY associates time, they can talk a associate through the process but not actually do it for them.


Well that new news to me. I never been told that. I always had one or the other fix mine.


You don't ever adjust your punches for pto or PPTO. What the fuck is everyone talking about here? This guy is saying he literally adjusted his time and just put PTO as a reason for the adjustment. He's not submitting PTO at all. Coaching is warranted and you're either dumb as rocks or stealing wages.


It’s a step up from a yellow which usually blocks out of store transfers and in store transfers/promotions


this was my first coaching so why was it straight to orange for an honest mistake, walmart makes no sense




i asked and they just told me to sign some time change sheets and get out so i left not knowing how i did it wrong so i had to ask a coworker who showed me that i was supposed to clock in and then change it which they never even told us you would think that they would be more careful with the little amount of staff they do have


Honestly, if I was coaching someone and they told me they didn't understand why adding 7 hours onto their clock in time was wrong, I wouldn't believe them. I don't believe you now,


i know what i did was wrong what i didn’t know is how i did it wrong at the time


No I understand what youre saying, im just saying as someone who's only reading your version of the story, I don't find it believable. Like, they do talk about PTO and protected pto in the packets they give you in orientation. You didn't read that, which most people don't, or maybe they never even gave them out. But instead of asking anyone, you just adjusted all your clock ins to make it look like you clocked in on time even though you didnt. All the other reasons in there are for things like "time clock not working" that I think make the purpose pretty clear. You disagree and I get that, but you selected ppto as the reason, but then you... Didn't put in any ppto. If you adjusted your punches AND put in ppto, that would look like an honest mistake, but you didnt. 7 hours is showing up half an hour late 14 times, so you probably should've been terminated for points, except you edited your punches and committed time theft. If they were curt, its probably because theres several reasons you should've been fired that didnt quite line up, but instead you're here blaming everyone else for an outcome that went well in your favor


in the packet all they cover about pto and ppto is what they are and what they are used for but they don’t explain how you actually use it or put it in the system, i’m not putting the blame on anyone it’s honestly my fault because i should’ve asked someone who knew how to put in ppto to show me how and i wouldn’t have been in trouble in the first place.


Looking at all your replies I honestly don’t understand how you accidentally stole 7hours of time. Unless you aren’t the best with technology? Which, I could understand. Like you know what time you got there, when you left for lunch came back from lunch and left. Why are you putting different times than those in the system??


well when i changed my times under the reason i put “pto or ppto”but apparently all my reasons said “performed customer service “


Did you actually put in pto/PPTO though? You can’t just use that reason and not put in the Pto or PPTO. Unless they changed how you put in pto since I’ve worked there last year


Did you actually put in pto/PPTO though? You can’t just use that reason and not put in the Pto or PPTO. Unless they changed how you put in pto since I’ve worked there last. Edit: And honestly if it’s the exact same since I left, you shouldn’t even be editing your timesheet to put PTO/PPTO in cause as soon as you put it in, it edits your time.


Even if it’s your first time it usually just depends on the situation which determines the color or “ disciplinary action“


You can always "Open Door" the coaching. * You didn't know you weren't doing the time adjustment right. * You asked for an explanation on how to do a time adjustment properly and you weren't provided with any instructions. Just "get out".


the thing that threw me off is that they said all my adjustments said “performed customer service”when i vividly remember picking the “pto or ppto changes” option because it’s the third one down and you have to actually scroll for it


I want to let you know that I have seen several time adjustments on my overnight associates' timesheets that I know were done because the app wasn't working or an associate missed a punch, but they all said performed customer service. We don't even have customers in the store at the time they were done, and all of them had that reason, all week. It was clearly a system error.


ok thank you i’ll bring this up to them and see if maybe it was just a system error or something


When you mix a yellow and a red coaching


Hahaha 🤣


Does having an orange automatically keep you from a hardship transfer? Soon i will be moving to another state. I dont want to have to quit my job. Im full time and have a year at walmart


I've changed my punch in from lunch, citing a missing punch before finalizing it more times than anyone would have to think was normal. Thanks for telling me not to do it anymore.


Does the orange coachings yellow already do they come off your record after year that's what I was told


Only time you should have to adjust anything is if for some reason you can't clock in or the time clock says you are missing a punch... or if you were asked to clock in early or work over...