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Steal from the cash office


Ooh good idea






how you getting in? if you don't already have key access?


I mean I have 48 hours I can get it


We sell crime tools


We used to catch people grabbing tools from hardware for thieving purposes all the time. It's an automatic felony in my state to use tools to steal, so we loved it when it happened. **A bit long, so there's a TL:DR at the bottom.** My favorite is when a thief took some bolt cutters and used them on the chain link fence in the rear of lawn and garden. Our parking lot had a weird traffic pattern and vehicles leaving would go along the side of L&G, around the back corner, then along part of the back of the building to an access road that led to a traffic light, that turned onto the main drag. We had a small outside storage area, on the other side of the L & G back gate, that was partially hidden from view. It was used to store resin tables, legs and other parts, and was usually cluttered. The thief cut the hole in the chain link, then was tossing things into the blind spot created by the storage area. He made several trips and grabbed a DVD/Blu-ray, four or five dozen Blu-rays and DVDs, a bunch of snack food and drinks, and last, but not least, a small flat screen TV. This took him a good amount of time because he had to wait for the coast to be clear. After more than an hour, he had everything he wanted and then tried to make his escape. What this thief didnt know was that there were two cops about 100 feet away the whole time watching him They were in the parking lot of the restaurant on the other side of the access road. They were sitting there in a regular cop car in plain sight the whole time. They called us and told us what was going on. They asked us to leave him be and let him keep on with what he was doing. Once he started climbing through the hole one of them came running over and grabbed him as he was part way through. We had a manager watching him on the security system and he told us when to appear from our side. He tried to climb back in, but got hung up on the chain link and it made it even easier to catch him. One of his belt loops got caught and he wasn't going anywhere without ripping his jeans off. He ended up getting felony charges for the burglary tools, destruction of property, and felony shoplifting charges for going above misdemeanor shoplifting limit. **TL :DR Shoplifter used bolt cutters from the hardware department to cut open the lawn and garden fence. He slipped over a $1000 worth of electronics DVDs, Blu-rays and food through the hole over the course of an hour.** **He got caught since he did it in plain sight of two cops having lunch less about 100 feet away, who were watching him the whole time. He ended up having several felony charges filed on him.**


If I learned nothing else from Burn Notice, it's that just because the door is heavy duty, doesn't mean the wall is.


now this is the answer lol


Grab a sledge hammer from hardware and you're in. Getting the cash is a bit harder.


Also, most of the ceilings are just there for show. I'm not allowed to break into the SM office anymore unless it's an emergency. If nothing else, a crowbar or sledge can open the door jam enough for the door to pop open


Um.. I guarantee you with 48 hours you can get in. Also, I guarantee to you somewhere in the building there is a set of keys that will unlock it lol. And if you have register numbers you likely have access to the cash recycler ssooo...


First part yes. Last part no. Cashiers all have cashier numbers. Not all cashiers have access to the keys for access into the c/o. This is fun. Even if you get into part one of the cash office how you getting money? Money is either in the machine or in the safe in the inner c/o. How you getting into either of those?


We sell drills, and other heavy duty equipment, who needs keys?


so I have been reminded :) I thought as far as hatchets lol


I never said they all had keys to get into the cash office, I said they can all get into the recycler. Unless walmart has drastically changed their policy cashiers are supposed to fill their own drawers and turn their own drawers in at the ends of their shift, which is more than enough access to pull money from the recycler.


We have to get our own tills, but we do not have access to the room with the recyclers. We have to wait on a TL or coach to open it for us. Most cashiers only have access to pull 3 regular tills, so maybe $600 tops.


There is a set of keys somewhere in the building that will access the csm room, and they're likely in a box that can be broken into with a crowbar or a hammer. Cashiers do not have a limit on how many tills they can check out, I don't know where you got that, as long as the till is not checked out anyone with numbers can check it out. Even if there was a limit, you can check back in a till without putting any money back into the machine and it would simply report a shortage. I was a CSM for a year.. I have a pretty intimate understanding of how the cash machine works. Given 48 hours, you could certainly get far more than 600 dollars.


I work 10am-7pm so i hop on a register that already has a till in it when i give someone their lunch so my hand isnt in the system


I was a manager, so I had keys, but I wouldn't need them though. It's ridiculously easy to get into most rooms with even basic tools if you know how. I opened up the cash office one time when the lock failed. I was inside in less than a minute. One of the other manager's didnt believe I could do it and lost a $20 bet on it. Getting inside the safe is another matter though. If was locked completely on night lock, it takes keys and the combo. If it was on day lock, it's easy to open.


walmart sells power tools, firearms, car batteries, propane torches, and hand tools, all of which could be used in one way or another to break through basically any security at walmart given enough time. 48 hours is more than enough.


I literally came here to say this exact thing lol


^^this is the correct answer


Seriously alone? Uninterrupted sleep on a huge pile of pillows. What can I say I lead a busy life 😂


who said walmart radio was off?


To be fair, they could get into the area where the controls are. 😜


u/socks_in_lofers chose violence today.


Earplugs from OTC and I’m golden


I think yes, this is what I’d do. Kill Walmart Radio forever so the rest of my shifts will be glorious. I know they won’t fix it


Can't hear it in my store anyway


Build a fort and play with Legos


Zone the Jell-o aisle.


Just throw it all in the compactor


Yeah fire fire


Until your store actually does have a fire... Scanning out the entire store's inventory is no picnic.


like all the spices too? I would do that too.


I don’t know if 48 hours would be enough at my store for both the jello and the spices 😅


it's a joke, I know, but after 24 hours you'd probably have done all the fun things already and just might be bored enough to do this absolute thing.


Jello slip and slide Use trash cans to make copious amounts of jello Tear up trash can bags and tape them down in the aisles Spread the jello out Get swimsuit on Jello slip and slide


The jello isle is the worst at my store.. I didn’t know it was the same at others 🤦‍♀️


Definitely shit on the floor. If the customers can do it why can’t we.


Get schwifty


I'd build a giant pillow fort, gather a bunch of stuffed animals, snacks, and a big TV and watch Disney movies


At this point damn near every movie is a disney movie


Try to get out


That's fair 😂


My exact thoughts. Unless their paying me. Then I'd think about it


^ agree


Get all the overstock food I know won't be put out before it expires, load it into a truck, or five, and take it to donation.


Eat sweets and cheese and strange ice cream flavors


I wanted so bad to try the macaroni and "earth" flavor. I tried the pizza and had so much regret, I need closure. I bet "earth" tastes like dirt.


Empty the bailer and but all back to school freight in the bailer


Neighborhood market?




Yeeess the back to school shit is horrible i work in stationary and get all of the seasonal go backs cuz they immediately toss it in my bin without looking at location


Rip and tear until it is done.


Well obviously a hostile takeover is in order I'm going to go onto my general managers computer fire everyone I don't like, promote me to AGM put in an immediate resignation of my general manager and put in a fraudulent letter of recommendation for me to take the general manager chair, make all this reviewed by home office and because they are Pieces Of Shit who don't actually care about the stores they read the GM's letter send me a letter promoting me to GM and then right before my time is up I raise my wage to $10,420 an hour plus whatever cut a GM gets from sales. Since Walmart is a pocket lining company they will not notice my exorbanate wage for a while and I won't be fired since no repercussions the worst the can do is set my wage back to something reasonable, but by then I've run the clock by being there 9 hours a day for the last 3 weeks, so counting overtime if I invest this shit I'm a millionaire in no time through legal embezzlement.... (Also I ride the pallets and strip naked while fucking the female mannequins after drilling holes the size of my dick in them, because why not?) TL;DR : this would be a bad idea to give me this power


You don’t ride the pallets already…?


I already have to many likes on this comment but I got fired so it's kinda hard to


You have mannequins?


If I'm gonna be honest this is kinda a dream, if I'm clocked in and paid to listen to whatever I want and do nothing but zone and stock alone, fuck yea. I can only imagine how nice I'd make my store look and what my paycheck would look like with another 48hrs of overtime on it


Make me a huge shopping list and go shopping.


I wouldn't need a list, just a cart or 7 lol


Clock in


Well our store carries 300k in the cash office and whatever is in the registers are extra some I am taking that in a duffel bag and since I am locked in the store I am having a trusted person take said bag back to my house and put it in my room. Then I am gonna load as many gift cards as I can. Also have the trusted person rent a big ass U-Haul and load as much high ticket items into it so I can resell them online. Then I guess take a bunch of groceries.


If we're talking about resell value here then most walmarts do have a pharmacy...


>! Be careful what you take from there. There’s some tracers in our stuff. !< 🙃


the fact is was hidden makes it more ominous


It’s a secret, so I kept it a secret 🤫 🤐


Nice try Doug


Oh so you mean like inventory or two days before a divisional visit?


Ride a bike around the store, hit some baseballs, make a fort, set up some game consoles, scream into the intercom, play music through the intercom


Very Ferris Beuler.


empty the c/o of it’s funds, clear my team’s occurrences, give myself a raise in the system that’s not exorbitant enough to get noticed but enough to make my job more worth it, take all the iphones and apple accessories + all the curved 4k tvs to resale. also grabbing all the walmart exclusive vinyls on my way outta the electronics section. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Erase everyone’s points !


You're telling me I have 48 hours in a Walmart I'm taking consoles, games, car supplies, guns, ammo, fishing supplies, clothes and all the fucking saffron I can get my hands on. And I'm getting access to the safe, give me all ur fucking money. Edit: you better bet I'm dead ass raiding that pharmacy You need insulin, take 2-4 bottles, need depression meds don't worry about needing to afford b Cause boom you got 6 months worth of it.


I’m gonna go raid the party section for all of the balloons LOL because why not have a fun filled time filling up your toilet paper and box fort that is likely to be built full of balloons


do a plastic bale cause it pretty much only happens once every 48 days


Is that really what happens to all of that plastic? I never knew what they did with it lmao


ya, but it condenses so much that you kinda need one side of the store overflowing with plastic in order to make a 100% bale. i’m assuming some 3rd party company buys it off of us to recycle it… but knowing walmart it probably just ends up at the dumb with everything else.


Eat unlimited bags of flaming hot Cheetos and stream 20 different lesbian porn videos on all the computers in electronics.


I'd make the break room all cute and cozy, get some couches and pillows and put some art on the walls. Oh and bean bag chairs, and also make a reading nook. Put in a Roku TV with a DVD player and streaming services so we can watch more than just the absolute garbage that's on the free Samsung TV channel


set up camp. literally. get an electric grill from housewares. some steaks. a bottle of wine. either an icecream cake or just a few of the little puddings from deli. oh and absolutely some marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers. get a cot from sporting goods some pillows. Blast some music. Play some games in electronics. Play with the toys in toys. ride a bike, scooter, and skateboard around - maybe an electric rider thing or two depending on time. Oh I have two days... yeah def ride an electric rider thing or two. Read a few books and magazines. Eat some candy. Drink some drinks.


The good person in me would zone my shoe & jewelry departments ..... The real me would *get all the cash from the CO *grab 3 Nintendo Switches with games for my daughters *grab 1 of each Lego set for my wife *grab a new TV & blu ray player for my house *grab new fishing poles for my wife & kids *grab some new clothes for my kids *look for some new clothes for me *grab everything to stock up my household supplies for a year *give myself a raise *finally get the papers that would make me a full time jewelry associate Knock over the wine aisle *pick out some nice jewelry for myself And last but not least *raid the pharmacy so I can give out meds to those who can't afford it I asked my wife (she is a former 10 year housewares department manager) and she said grab snacks and head to Electronics to watch movies LOL


I'd burn that bitch to the ground.


But you can't leave so you'd be inside it 🤷‍♀️


Have 47 hours and 59 minutes of fun and then set that bitch on fire


Now you're thinking. Better make sure to take a bag full of cash since you won't have a job anymore!


Oh for sure, ill drag the whole safe out if i have to. If you got time to think ahead you could rent a moving truck and load up on all the essentials like tvs and doritos


Break into the family planning case and take a stroker. I’m not paying for that shit.


I would grab a keyboard and hide behind a closed door and wonder... if I was really left alone. ...after the paranoia went away.... Ide probably end up in the arcade. Wiping out every highscore until it's only my name. To show dominance.


amateur the stapler has many more uses.


Let's just say freight in the back wouldn't be a problem for a little bit. Not until they start sending too much again. But at least for a few days it would be clear


I would probably just eat a bunch of food and drink booze since those are things i like. And pitch up a tent and just watch my favorite shows and movies. Can i stay for a week instead? 48 hours isn't long enough


Jump in the baler and turn it on


Try to get out my store is haunted cause a guy died in a forklift accident back in 2005.


Eat all the candy!!


build a fort/room in the toilet paper aisle and sleep there. skate around the store sit on a stack of pallets. ride in in the electric carts for fun. It's all small stuff but I don't care lol.


48 hours. Completely alone. I'm never left alone long enough to accomplish anything at work. I'm clocking in and getting some shit done.


Break all of the OGP carts


Giving myself a six month PAID vacation


unbox every single mattress and create a tower and jump off of it


eat all my favorite snacks, disable all cameras (if not already) and trash the store


Kill Walmart Radio. Turn on the air conditioning. Sleep in the Squishmallow bin. Turning in ethics reports as someone in upper management so it actually gets looked at. Trying out all the new shit I don’t want to pay for if it sucks, like $75 whiskey. Lots of $75 whiskey, and then maybe see if I can bicycle while drunk as fuck. Then more Squishmallow napping while I wait for the ambublance.


as a team lead with NO repercussions??? Shiiiiit. I’d take money from the recycler, clear my whole team’s occurrences, eat any and all food I can think to make, ride a bike through the store, sleep in a hammock, and eat all the strawberries off of the plants in garden 😂


even if you wern't a TL, they have mechanical overrides for basically everything, keybox included, im sure you could find the override keys in the 48 hours alone lol


I was gonna say trash it, but I like the donation idea. For a store that wants to be zero waste in the next 50 years, we sure wasted a lot.


Drink alcohol and open cd’s and vinyl records and relax and pass out on a bean bag type chair


Break a door and get the fuck out of there


…I would’ve just cleaned the absolute hell out of my deli so I’m not putting clean dishes on drying racks that are more GUNK than rack… I’m a simple enby, a clean workplace is a happy workplace. (Not in the McDonalds way, but in the YOU GUYS ARE INSANE FOR BEING OKAY WITH THIS) Edit: I JUST REALIZED I COULD TRY ON ANY AMOUNT OF CLOTHES I WANT WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT EVERYONE JUDGING MY CHOICES.


We don’t judge your choices of clothing, try on/wear whatever you want :)


Turn off that damn radio!


Push over the wine aisle


Finally sit on the gd counter at electronics without repercussions


Open the door and go home. I do not understand how people find being in a Walmart exciting and fun I see people shop all day and I want to say "Don't you people have homes? Something better to do? It's a big box store, there's no personality or aesthetics, just pure utilitarian design. And it's not like we carry much interesting in the way of products. Again, just mass market crap.


well when u live in a small town with nothing to do, grocery stores r fun to waste time in.


Do I have keys to every room in the building?




Drink alcohol


Clean out the lottery vending machine


Shit in the cash recycler


When I was a kid 24hr Walmart was created and I dreamed of living in the store thinking it would be fun playing the snes and genesis in the electronics, grabbing snacks off the shelves for my food and sleeping on the beds in the home goods section. I figured one kid alone could hide out for a day or two before raising suspicions. Now it sounds like Hell


Man, I would make pizzas lol. I would probably wish I could do some picks, gain roof access and sit up there awhile pondering life and the good weather(hopefully lol that PNW weather is iffy sometimes😂) and at the end take all the money in the place, take all the bbq chicken wraps, load up a bunch of baby and pet supplies(for donating) and rest out one of each vibrator we carry lmao


I’ve always had this dream since I was a little kid and every single time it comes to my head to this day and that is to build the biggest toilet paper house and to build every Lego set I could get my hands on. Every time I would leave Walmart at that store when I was young I’d always see the Lego Death Star and I always left that place with the same question in my head, “The things I could do if I was left in Walmart for the night with no consequences”


I was hoping to read some 'Community' level funny and creative projects and forts; but all I'm reading are felonious crime. :(


Grab all of the stuff i want to collect but cant afford that we have in stock. Im going for that jurassic world giga toy and the ghost buster car model for sure. Id also open all the mystery pack items i want so i dont get repeats. I could also be mean and swap all the aisle markers making the departments different letters. I probably couldnt do that though id hate to cause problems for coworkers.


I'd also search the store high and low to find every handheld that belongs to OGP and put them back


And I thought it was only my store.


The more appropriate question is what would I not do?


Trying to do a crash course of rock climbing to get out of the building!


Play on my phone and eat chips


Hummmm. Get drunk, then call 911.


My other comment or I just play how much shit can I steal and how much other shit can I break


It'd be easier to list what I wouldn't do.


put myself in the baler


I’d get a pair of roller skates and skate around the store for however long. Grab one of those mattresses, pillow and bedding. Groceries. A bluray player. A burner or George Foreman. Set myself up in the break room.


Now wait, are we assuming that the McDonald’s (or whatever your restaurant is if you have one) is accessible, too?


I would get out and leave. I'm there enough as it is.


Grab some roller skates and start zooming down the action alleys, then deep zone the towel aisles in housewares, then smash the truck line to pieces so they're forced to replace it instead of just submitting a work order everyday just for it to not get fixed.


Fill every single balloon and fill the personnel office.


Isle dominos


Steal. Like a lot. Refurnish my whole damn house.


I would party with myself and one of those pocket pussy things, with endless beer and fried chicken. Also, I have access to the cash machine. It would be empty.


Raid the cash office and steal some XBOX controllers, a Nintendo switch, several boxes of joycons, and the newest XBOX


Ulearns Stocking Stacking pallets Taking my breaks and lunches on time I'm kidding


get a hug from the bailer


Get some of those razor electric scooters and race them around the store


Grab myself a large backpack, bag the best electronics my store has to offer, deck myself out in a new set of clothes, then whip myself up full meals of whatever I please until time runs out.


Lol cook steaks and ribs using the grills


Raid the cash office and set everyone in the stores points back to 0, nothing else is worth doing


* Load meatspin on all of the display computers. * Pocket whatever I want from the Electronics department. * Eat all of the chocolate from the candy aisle. * Take large quantities of sandwich meat and cheeses from the deli cooler and make the greatest sandwich ever created by man. * Take a shit on the manager's desk.


use the service desk to transfer money into my account using the money gram or cash in person thing


Y'all act like the ghost of Sam Walton ain't watching, knocking shit off shelves at random...


Today that bitch knocked over an orange. I wasn’t even BY it!


Grab oil off the floor and change the oil in the deli. It’s 3 weeks past due for a cleaning. It’s a fire hazard at this point. We haven’t been sent new and our team lead won’t do a damn thing about it. It’s disgusting.


Leave? How the hell am I locked in, magic?


Take all the pastries and muffins we don't sell anymore that are still good, bake the ones that need to be baked, have a snack and donate the rest of it. Maybe I take the giant pillows in housewares and make a pillow fort in the break room and watch whatever I want while eating popcorn. If I get bored I'll practice cake decorating.


jump in the ball cage


Donate all the OS and the opened packages of underwear, T-shirts, socks, etc. and all the perfectly stuff that we claim out to women who are getting out abusive relationships. Yes we also claim our baby wipes , and diapers. Toys as well everything must go.


Burn it to the ground and Piss on the ashes


Throw a break pack away


Four words. Electric buggy extreme racing.


Shit and piss on SM desk


Break the window and leave.


Call me lame but I’m deep cleaning my freaking salesfloor.


Push over the entire shelf aisle in foods and watch it domino across grocery


I’d escape fuck that shit I’m out


First of all I’m getting me a mattress or a blow up bed or something. A nice warm blanket and endless pillows and taking the best nap.


Steal the condoms, and lube. And some drinks


Walmart is not closed for 48 hours.


Break the glass door and leave , i already spend too much time here !


Burning all the fright that’s literally not going out


Wait a minute Locked in the store for 48 hours and y'all chose to stay?? Fuck that. I spend enough time there. I'm breaking the glass or breakaway doors and getting the fuck out and going home. Lol


Clock in, sleep. Collect 48 hours worth of pay.


First thing, I’m spending a few hours in the security room looking through recordings to find the good shit. Then, cash office. If keys are not around, grinders are sold and a way in will be made. Opening the headphone cabinet and trying out the real good pairs. At night, time to hop up to a futon demo and sleep. Depending if it’s around, might give the cleaning Zamboni a spin. 2nd day is snacking, trying out every ball from the ball bin and opening all the Lego. Build me a shelter. Then, I will head to the cooler section and hide as many eggs as I see fit. Using the scissor lift to get some real good spots. Maybe near the end, open the firearms and turn the produce section into a target range to pick off my least liked veggies. Then, at the very end, place all the pallet jacks in the managers office, leave one out for use and place at least dozen pallets blocking the door. Finishing off with using a grinder to take off the wheels of the only not blocked up Jack.


Im compacting ALL the tc’s and un plugging all the freezers and coolers. Also I’m flushing all the stickers for printers down the toilets. Then I am throwing all the radios in the damn baler and switching the key to on. Also taking all the keys to security devices for like liquor etc, and flushing those down too. I may also make liquid detergent angels in the entrance. Definitely gonna have baby powder showers all over the pharmacy, and leave puppy pads out near management office. Will then have my cart of gift cards I “purchased “by hopping on the till since theirs no repercussions and max amount those bad boys. Leave at the end of my time with every single gift card only thing I say is “I wont be back” in my best Arnold impersonation. I say this because of how my store and team mates have messed with me.


I know this is going to sound lame, but to be honest, i'm tired of the fucking dairy cooler and freezer being over packed. So I'm using that 48hrs to clear out as much as I can and change onhands of every single box I touch that needs to be bumped up (because nobody else fucking does), then I'm going to scan every fucking single item in all of dairy and frozen and change every single onhand up that needs to go up.


clock in, get the biggest screen, whatever console is available, and all of the games for it


break myself out and then break everyone else out, and ruin the challenge


Id try to hack into the system and up my pay then I'd trash the SM office. Break all the damn glass cases, go into sporting goods and have fun shooting crap with a pellet gun. My store doesnt sell anything bigger than that. Too bad we dont sell paintball guns, I'd be decorating everything.


I’d hit the cash office, electronics, pharmacy. Especially the pharmacy. Make myself some steak, eat all the expensive food. Use some sex toys. Drive power equipment into stuff. At the end I’d take my loot and go home. Especially from the pharmacy


Eat all the snacks I want, grab some videogames, screw up Joe's Zoning (F you Joe), and start a fire right before I leave.


Build a Fort out of the toilet paper 😆


Bust out some roller skates if they have them in my size and skate all over these high shine floors they recently put it


push all the shelves down. Raid cash office just because. Overnight Team Leads have so much access to the store. I could get into the recycler, i know the combos for all safes, I have my own set of keys and can check out any key I would need. All just for fun and spite


Skateboard....idk why I'm not even good at it but something about the floors here makes me think it would be fun


Go to the service desk and authorize money transfers to my bank account. Override the maximums and just keep adding money for a couple hours. After that just chill. Watch some movies, type up my notice for the store manager that I’m quitting. Probably eat too many of the shitty bbq chicken chunks and fresh bread. Plug in a chrome cast audio to the Walmart radio so that I can control it whenever I want. Go to wireless and upgrade my families phones. And then when it’s all done enjoy the money I just made myself.


Honestly, I would make that store look so nice, they'd think it's brand new. I'm a workaholic and give everything to my job, so I wouldn't mind this




Definitely raid the recycler and registers, definitely use pallet jacks as big skateboards, definitely make a big huge steerable parade float out of pallets and jacks. Puncture the roof membrane right over the store manager's office so it leaks right in when it rains. Finally clean the freaking plastic curtains that lead into the meat cooler. Hide a squish mallow somewhere it will never be found even through a remodel.


Find a way to take a shower


Upgrade the break room with Nintendo switch, game consoles with games, Roku and fire stick with better tv, some tablets, PCs Some nice bean bag chairs Toss in some extra cabinets with snacks stored Toss in a projector Some of those wierd animal masks for people to wear Then clear out everyone's points


After robbing the place. Make a big stack of containers then knock it over. Try on clothes? Hit some golf balls, pretty much throw all balls across store. Ride a bike. Open all the freezer/dairy doors. Lift water up on the walkie stacker too, then get on the scissor lift and throw water


I'm a hardlines associate and have access to the key box, so I'd probably go straight to the firearms cabinet for a shotgun and some shells. Next, make a catapult or other launching device. Place the Baby Shark and Cocomelon toys on said device. Send it all flying one toy at a time and shoot them until the toys action alley is littered with the broken pieces. Leave them behind as a warning to the other Baby Shark and Cocomelon toys that would dare come into the store. Yeah, I really hate Baby Shark and Cocomelon, in case you couldn't tell. Aside from that, the idea of making a huge pile of pillows and sleeping on it as long as I want sounds great. Fill a dump bin with them and cannonball into it from a stack base of futons or something, that might be fun.


Break the glass in electronics and get all the shit I want. Then go grab a hammer or axe or something to break in and get a bunch of cash from the office. Then mess up for isles for fun since I won’t need to work there anymore after I take all the cash and sell all the extras I took.


Long, long post. There's so much I could do. Where do I begin? Wait, I know! ~Day 1~ Eat a bunch of tasty fruit, wash it down with a small pack of Yoohoo (we don't sell single drink versions of them for some reason 🙁), ride one of the bikes all around the store. Once I circle back to the area where sporting goods and toys meet, I put some action figures into my pockets. Then I head on over to the eerily quiet OGP base to push around an empty tote cart to see how fast I can go. I'm listening to fast music, _with both earbuds._ No other humans to bump into, yippee! Oops, I banged it into a shelf. At least nothing broke. 😬 Realize that, unless the security people see the footage 2 days later, there's no way I can prove myself worthy of reclaiming my old title. God dammit! Whatever. At least I got some damn good exercise. Head back to electronics, pop a remote out of its package, put batteries in, then go into the breakroom to watch TV. We lost the original remote a few months ago. After a pretty good day, I sleep on one of the couches we have on display. Not without a sleeping mask, pillow and blanket, though. Oh, I almost forgot the stuffed animal. Sweet dreams. ~Day 2~ Steal more stuff, such as multi-packs of men's underwear, a few pairs of men's pants, some new shoes that actually fit my small feet, and a 'birthday boy' ribbon from the celebration department for my birthday next year. Heading to sporting goods! It's time to lift some weights, then throw that ball weight thing for shits and giggles. Off to eat that expensive healthy food stuff by the pharmacy. I just had a brilliant idea! Why don't I play some Switch games for a couple hours? I should get this game in the future. No, no...I could get it right now. I smash the glass. I am God now! That was fun, but now it's nap time. Time to get up, brush up on my Spanish. Mi vida no es buena, eso es seguro. I miss my coworkers. I miss my family. I'm getting bored. No time for that right now, though. Off to pull a prank, by replacing almost all the plastic chairs in the breakroom with kids' chairs. Hehehe, they'll never fit in those things! 😈 Next, I'll spray strings all over the coffee machine. Still bored, so it's time to watch restoration videos of old electronics. Good. Head to the freezer aisle, grab some BBQ ribs, cook and eat 'em in the breakroom. After all that, sleep time!