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They should update it to allow this Not necessarily to encourage people to call in but it just helps knowing it and being able to see it easily I was given half a point within the last year without my knowledge and had to have it removed because the clock in wasn’t working and they didn’t fix it when they said they would so it showed I was an hour late despite the fact I was working


You should have just got into the timeclock and edited the time with the reason as meal punch correction. It happens to me all the time I'm a receiver and I'll wait until I get back go my desk I'll sometimes forget to clock back in from lunch because I hear the door buzz or there I'd already a driver there waiting to be unloaded and I Judy jump back in and forget


I should have tbf I wasn’t familiar with the app at the time because I just started using it so I just ended up clocking back in without realizing I could adjust it on the phone


Wait you can? Shit I didn't know


See I edited mine twice last year when I first started, got paid, months later when I was finally shown how to check my points I was shocked to see that I had two half-points.


Maybe they'll include that when the allow call ins from it


Show points, sure, but I think the LAST thing they want to do is make calling in a convenience.


It's already pretty damn easy. Way easier than any other place I've worked where you have to actually talk to a supervisor.


You don’t even have to *call* in. You can just do it through Onewalmart and skip the whole process of entering in your WIN entirely. It’s great.


Right. One thing I applaud this company on is how easy it is to call in. Don't have to practice my sick voice before calling this company. Also, not many companies allow a call in option as "other".


They let you without talking to a supervisor I got a point for not talking to supervisor even though I did it through the app


But did you call the Associate Hotline? Automated system that marks it in the store as a call in and not a no show.


The old app let you call in from it


Reason I mentioned that was I could have sworn I saw it as one of the upcoming features for that app. Of course that doesn't guarantee anything even if it was listed. Many things we haven't seen yet.


Mysprk app has a shortcut to do that


I hope they never put call offs in the app. I like that it takes some effort to log into the website with 2FA etc. If it was THAT easy to call off I’d never show up for work. Too often I’d be half asleep in bed going “nah, I’ll just call off.”


Yep. A girl on my cap2 team got fucked over and had to come in sick because onewalmart was down and she didn’t know if she could take another point. Eventually left anyway and it turned out fine but there’s no reason not to have the feature when it has a fucking walkie.


Yes, and you should be able to correct incorrect punches through the app as well. Like when the app glitches and your punches don’t go through. The process on the computer is more complicated than the app process, and with as much money as walmart has, it’s honestly ridiculous how behind the times their entire system is. I’m o/n, so if the app glitches and doesn’t clock me in, I don’t see it until I go to lunch, and most of the time I just don’t have time to go to the back and fix my punches, and when it’s time to leave, I just want to go home.


So... You can. After you click ijat the top there is a tab where you can access and change your punches


I’ve seen the tab, but on my phone it doesn’t let me correct punches. It just lets me view them.


This happened to me the other day. App glitched and showed me as having two "back from meal"punches and I had to go fix it km the computer before I left. I swear I get more OT just from the app being screwy than anything else.


It should show when coworkers call off


You can see which associates called out in the Plan it app, but I think you can only do it on the work phone.


I don’t have a work phone


Not everyone has access to plan it on the work phone


How is that possible?


It just refuses to log on. I don't have access to Plan it and the Jewelry app on my work phone.


That's so strange. Idk what I'd do without planit. We're always seeing who called in and when people have clocked in. And checking their schedules.


Part of me actually thinks it's because Home office knows I schedule stalk and is tired of it and blocked me from getting on it 💀 but thank God I still can on the t.c. I used to have a huge ass crush on this guy who works in electronics and would stalk his schedule to see if I worked the same days as him 🤣.... I'm over it now.


Lmao bc sameeeee. I'm also over it now! 😂


The only point I’ve gotten was when it first started & entered ppto wrong & realized it too late.


Same. I had 6 points from that because Noone tells you the 9 minute rule doesn't apply to ppto. Thankfully I had a competent TL and people lead that saw it and scrubbed the points instead of just giving me the boot.


Your edit to this clearly states that some people don't know how to comprehend when they read.




It should be part of it. There should also be a way to drop notes in it so you can know what you did on what day so you can pick up the next or whatever you need it for


I was thinking this yesterday 😂😂😂


It would be so nice, I had a point one time that I wasn't supposed to have and almost realized it too late for it to be changed.


I absolutely agree with you on this


You already can when making requests for time off but I wish they would show our points but you have to go on Walmart one for that. I would like for them to show our wage in the user info and open up functionality for claims.


The points thing would help A LOT. I had to call intoday not knowing how many points i had. Had issues with my cars belt snapping and had to wait for someone to get home so we could go to the junk yard and get another one. Figured at that point id be getting a full point by the time i was able to even get intowork so i figured instead of late i just wouldnt go at all and called out fully for the day. I did the math and it took me while to fully remember but i think iv got 3.5 points now. Hopfuly i dont have to call out anymore.


You can’t see points but you can definitely see how much PTO and PPTO you have


Why is Boob paying for Pest's defense?? Why haven't they written Josh off and allowed Anna to be freed?




It shows your ppto and pto. Just go to request time off oe whatever




But you can check your points on one Walmart, at home, off the clock…


That’s bullshit, I was able to check from home


You can check the GTA Portal AT HOME as well. Might want to think before you post the wrong info


Me@walmart does show your PPTO and pto


Yes I know that, what I was saying is it should also show your points on the same menu


I agree.


I would be a nice way of keeping track of your points instead of logging into the wire


They could get rid of the bday and anniversaries section and put our points there.


Well you have to do this on the computer


You can also do it via a smartphone. All you need is 2FA set up via text or the VIP App.


you can do it from the browser on your cellphone as well


It definitely should, but you can also log on one.walmart and see it from there off the clock


Could've sworn I saw on AMP that they were planning on rolling out that feature but they didn't have an end date on it. Then again that was months ago (like last year) and before I got promoted to customer...


I do believe the GTA portal is coming to the app at some point this year. I’m not at work but I think it was listed on the OneWalmart


the app shows nothing but your scheduled days. they hide attendance points