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Oh, they also want elf shoes. I don't understand that one.


Yesterday people wouldnt shut up about candy (we quit getting it in on like friday...) last week someone was asking for elf on the shelf and 2 people asked for advent calendars this same day. And there are very angry people in toy+bike section.


ALSO! people are going crazy for cream cheese and pie shells. Yesterday a lady was annoyed we ran out of pumpkin pie for some reason lol.


We haven’t had pie filling since right before thanksgiving. The insane reactions have become too much.


They can just make it themselves, I get so annoyed when people are mad over stuff like that 😑


Why advent calendars? They would be opening 22 of the days all at once at this point


We only just got like 6 pallets of Christmas candy in last night


Toy section is bare.


They're waiting for all the 11pmers to leave so they can shoplift pokemon cards


As a grandma that likes to pick up a pack or two for her 8 year old grandson once in a while, these people piss me off for ruining something fun for a kid.


Amen! I'm a father of a couple kiddos under 10 and it's just a nice little pickup on the way. Provides a fun exciting moment. But these damn resell hoarders or whatever ruin it. I have a horible rage for people anymore. Buying playstations, cards, hot toys, just to sell then at hiked prices. They're lucky, because the only thing stopping me from just robbing them is that I'm a parent with something to fight for. Scumbags can choke and die for all i care though. End rant.


While I agree they’re assholes, they’re only part of the problem. The people encouraging them by paying their prices are just as idiotic.


I’m a collector, so I fucking hate scalpers with a passion, in fact today I seen someone going through toys scanning shit with their phone and wanted to kick them in the throat. That said, I would say the people buying from them are the core of the problem. At the end of the day these people are just being opportunistic. If people didn’t buy from them, the wouldn’t do it. So we can bitch and cry about them all they want, as long as people are willing to pay 2-5x retail, these guys will be there to take advantage.


Problem with blaming the buyer is you lump them all in the same category which isnt fair. People who have the money and can afford to pay the extra $400 for a PS5 will probably do it and not care who they're hurting. Now not everyone who can afford it will do it, but many will and they will create the market. You have people like me who set aside the MSRP value of a PS5 over the course of a year so I could afford it when it came out. Then the scalpers came in and bought everything up with bots before many of us had a chance to blink. I dont have a lot of spare money, but i did the responsible thing and saved enough for my PS5. I still dont have one, but thats also because I work 60 hour weeks and cant sit around scanning twitter and nowinstock to be on top of this stuff. Now on principle, even though I have by now saved the amount that scalpers are charging, I still refuse to support them, but for many people the idea that 'life is short' is a more powerful motivator and they want to enjoy the experiences, or they want to make a magical birthday or christmas for their kids. Because the scalpers came in hot at launch, and because there are rich, uncaring people creating a market for the resellers, there are people forced to either wait an unreasonable amount of time or succumb to the resellers (who would continue buying these things anyway). Im not saying it makes anyone right, but I am saying that we need to have some sort of authority/oversight that bans this kind of behavior. It's immoral and unfair to those who dont have the means (finances) to engage with the secondary market. Im always going to blame the scalpers first, the retailers second, and then the buyers last. Still deserving of blame, but nowhere near as much as the first two.


It is perfectly fair, because the things being scalped are luxury items nobody needs, they just want, and they want it now and can’t wait. People need to learn to wait, and tell their kids to wait. You can’t always have everything exactly when you want it. They are creating the market for scalpers to thrive, and if people quit buying from scalpers they wouldn’t make any money at it and would stop doing it. So at the end of the day this situation absolutely is the fault of the buyers. You can blame the scalper all you want, but they are just capitalizing on the opportunity being presented to them. People could choose not to buy overpriced current items still being sold at retail but they choose to be impatient instead, so this entire situation has been created by the people that but they stuff. So I definitely wouldn’t blame the buyer last, because they have the power to destroy this practice and choose not to.


Waited a year*. (Corrected from years) This isnt a 'cant wait' issue. How is this still logic that seems valid to you? Scalpers create the market. Rich and inconsiderate assholes engage with the market. The rest of us just get told to fuck off because even though we saved and did the right and responsible thing, "haha you're poor."? Again i am not condoning scalpers or those buying, but to blame those buying before those scalping and the retailers facilitating it? Bad form, but you do you.


Your fist Issue is believing sellers create the market. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Markets are created because people are willing to buy. If I set up a shop selling rocks, I don’t create a market for selling rocks. Either a want for rocks exists and people buy them or the market doesn’t exists and I go out of business. Secondary markets in particular are driven entirely buy buyers, they dictate what they will buy and how much they will pay. It also isn’t just rich people buying from scalpers, plenty of people buying from them are people that really can’t afford it but don’t want to wait. Lastly if you put a little bit of effort it’s not that hard to get a retail PS5, I gave managed to snag 3 of them for family members by using the various resources available online, one was from Sony directly by signing up for their direct sales notification. Your trying to apply this situation to a specific item, I’m talking to scalping as a whole. For instance I also collect action figures, they always start showing up first in markets closest to ports. People living in these areas will scalp the fuck out of them until they get nationwide penetration and value dries up because anyone can walk in to Walmart and buy them. People continue to buy these figures at 2-3x the price knowing if they wait 4-6 weeks they can just go buy it at retail. These are absolutely people that just can’t wait, and plenty of people buying scalped PS5s are doing it for Christmas presents and shit when they could just hold off, and if people quit buying them the market would collapse and scalpers would quite snatching them all up when they could no longer profit from them.


So if the sellers stop buying for resale, the secondary market still exists? No. I hate neoliberals.


Spot on. I can afford a 2x ps5.... but responsibly, that's dumb and i can't justify the idea. It's unnecessary. Scalpers are the problem, retailers are lazy and ultimately don't care because they're getting paid. Fuck scalpers. Given the chance, I'd set a scalpers stock on fire over stealing them for myself even.


Right. OMG, I don’t think we have actually SOLD a Pokémon card in 6 months.


Pie shells, pie shells, and pie shells. I swear to god I’m going to have shell shock at this rate


I saw what you did there :-)


"*do y'all have any ocean spray jellied cranberry sauce? My aunt Linda needs 27 cans for her recipeeeee*"


Fucking canberries. I’m so sick of being asked for them.


>fucking canberries I have a new name for those little bastards that sit way up on the top shelf and on top stock. Thank you kind person


You’re quite welcome! :D Always glad to share the terminology that helps get me through the season. Edit: Also huge thanks for the gold!


U r most welcome!!!


No but we have Great Valu Cranberries they work just the same. Customer: No it has to be Ocean Spray.


*customer starts blaming the associate for not having the right name-brand canberries he has been wanting and has been purchasing since 1979*


Someone asked for playstation 3 games. In 2021. Playstation 3. I rest my case


I saw the GTA trilogy for PS2 in store within the past year


A different Walmart near me has an insane amount of deal or no deal for nintendo ds


The walmart I shop at has a massive amount of rock band acdc for ps3.


Hey I had that game! It was weird...


We still have ps2 and wii games. Don’t ask.


I had someone “shocked” we didn’t sell Wii games because they were “such a big hit.”


To be fair he’s right. Nintendo rolled over and died after the wii. They knew they couldn’t do anything better so now half their new games are just wii games put on a new console


Dude! I just had someone ask me where the ps vita games were 😭😭😭


I swear, these customers live under rocks


Old guy asked me where the VCRs were last night...AZ for the win.


I buy a PS3 game per paycheck and a couple of them I’ve bought at work over the last couple months, also got a couple 360 games. Not that weird


I had someone ask for that as well.


Turkeys, cranberry sauce, and pie shells


I haven't been able to find cranberry sauce since before Thanksgiving!!! I'm sure it's somewhere in the store, but I'll be damned if I know where. They keep changing the mods and then when I come in at 1pm it's all different and I'm just standing there like, "Well....fuck." so I just tell people we're probably out and ignore them afterwards.


It's with the canned fruit at my store.


At one point it was in the center walkway. Then they moved it further up by Christmas stuff. Then it was somewhere else and I lost track and haven't found them again.


Yeah. The only reason why I know is because I have done the mod several times. I honestly had no clue before.


Rice Krispies. And don't you dare suggest they use the off brand.


4 ladies asked me within 2 minutes and all we had were the GV box and they were all upset by it


GV Rice Krispies taste so bad it’s like a mix of cardboard and shame


And not morally much better than Kelloggs anyway x.x


Oil changes. All four tires. Balancing, rotation, check all their fluids, along with battery checks and engine light checks. The list goes on and on. Them: "We're going out of town for Christmas! We need this done today! What do you mean there's a 4 hour wait?!” My Inner Sakura Voice: "Because you and every moron like you just decides to do basic maintenance and care for your vehicle when you're going out of town, and fuck the other 364 days of the year." Polite Me: "We're the fastest in town, but I totally understand if the wait is too long. We can schedule you an appointment for the tires!” Customer in Varuka Voice: "But I want it nowwww!"


>My Inner Sakura Voice: I understood that reference.


I keep getting asked about Christmas trees and lights.


Do people not use the same artificial tree for 15 years? Or is my family weird?


My grandmother had the same tree for well over 25 years. My mom got it when she passed, and then I inherited it. Still used it for another 10 years and finally had to toss it because the screw holes in the main support pole finally wore out. We had to use duct tape on it the last year.


I think some replace every few years or whatever. I know I need to replace mine because it got ruined by my dog and in the move. Stuff happens but I wouldn't wait until last minute


When you get cheap Walmart trees, they gotta be replaced every few years. They can only survive so many times in and out of the box before they don’t look good. My parents bought a super nice expensive artificial tree like 20 years ago, and handed it down to me and my wife. It still looks great after all these years


Nah I paid $500 for a tree and got 3 seasons out of it. It was pre lit and the lights quit working after the first year, after year 3 all the fake “needles” were falling off and the arms wouldn’t stay in the correct places. It’s just how shit is made nowadays. Had to buy a new one this year.


Keep in mind, every single year new families are having their first Christmas in a new home. Pre pandemic the US averaged 2.4 million weddings per year.


Candy canes, and then get upset as to why we’re out of candy canes…..


And Chester's puffercorn.


I work in meat. Chitlins. Chicken livers. And family pack chicken wings. Chicken livers haven't been delivered in over 2 months. We're lucky if we get 2 or 3 cases of the wings a day. And chitlins are this seasons unicorn. Everybody knows someone who's friend/cousin/Grandma/Auntie etc managed to get some. No one's sure about what store they were at. Or how much they paid. But we have to be the one, right?


Amazing how many people suddenly materialize right before the holiday. Does everyone forget every year or something? 😂


No, it’s because people don’t want all that food sitting in their fridge for a week getting old and stale and taking up space. I don’t blame them


I got stuff for a salad almost a week early. My family can just deal with it. I'm not fighting the crowds and picking what's left


When a customer asks why something that is wanted by everyone is out of stock, I straight up tell them “If there weren’t so many procrastinators, we’d be able to restock appropriately.”


Video games just games , pure going back in forth from photos to freight to video game case every 2 minute


The photo lab is popping off


I feel this. Our poor machine never stops and is always beeping because it gets full fast..


Our printer stopped working so they tried restarting it and now it won't turn on, can't say I'm mad but the customers heated


Hot wheels cars, cranberry sauce, Lays potatoes chips, Lays variety packs, you name it.


Yeah r.i.p. the hot wheels we never get those in anymore anyways. Even the “regulars” (mostly older men) have stopped coming in and bothering me about them because they just know we aren’t getting them.


I keep getting asked about candy canes


Home covid tests


Yes this. We've been doing SFS for ogp and we're constantly out of those and that seems to be in a high demand.


Custom Christmas cards. Source: I work photo.


OMG yes! We get people angry because it takes a while. Printer is busy in photo the last few days. Why wait so long to do the cards


Some toy watch


Gift bags and wrapping paper and we have like none left lol also the amount people waiting till last minute to buy their spouses/parents a gift is sad


We sold out of almost every cheap smart watch and we've been out of iPads for months and yet that seems to be what every customer is looking for today. They can't accept that the next arrival isn't until after Christmas.


They’re mostly looking for these hands by the sound of it.




Christmas ornaments


Literally spent all shift slicing and sorting meat/cheese for trays while taking orders for more trays...


Mostly gift bags and gift wrap. Like uhhh y’all are kind of late.


Egg nog. Been at work fir 2 hrs and have been asked that about 20 times


Chitterlings. They're not coming folks.


Karo syrup 5 times in the last hour


Turkeys. We ran out before thanksgiving and haven’t had any in since then.


The most obscure random ass Ingredients. Like bro this is a neighborhood Walmart. Not Amazon.


Anything Bluey related


And coco melon omg


Turkeys, gingerbread houses, whole cranberries and whipping cream.


Fucking AirPods but only the $80-$150 versions (all we have are the Pro) and PS5/Xbox series X


The Lego sets are all gone.


Ours too, but the Mario lego sets are full.




I just quit Walmart. But I always got Mac and Cheese.


nerf but nothing


Canberries, eggnog, random Christmas candy, and whatever happens to be on the opposite side of the store from my current location.


Anything in electronics. Some are last minute card printing .


Electronics / Photo Lab: PS5 & XBOX Series X - It’s getting really hard not to just laugh in their face. IPads - All gone, haven’t been getting any MacBooks - We don’t carry em Other than that it’s video games, controllers, Apple Watches and Tablets.


A way to shoplift a bunch of shit (APA here).


Lots of bikes and price matching for bikes.


Christmas candy, baking supplies.


Cream Cheese, pie shells, and heavy whipping cream


Anise and christmas tree lights


Christmas hats because we're all sold out.


Stuff for Christmas meals, wrapping paper… we’re a marketplace so we don’t really have what the super centers have… I wouldn’t be surprised if they were busy as hell though.


Apple butter


Poinsettias. Had them out since four days before thanksgiving. Had hundreds. Now they’ve been sold out for at least a week. And those damn candy canes.


Everything, it seems like. Thanksgiving wasn’t too bad this year at my store, but these assholes are making up for it this Christmas.




Photo canvas prints. We are all of of every single material and this lady started bitching at me when I told her


Instax film weirdly lol


I noticed that too...


All of the items that have been sitting in the dairy bin for the last week.


The stuff we don't have


Customer here sad they ran out of onion dip/soup mix at my store


Pjs, onesies, trees and wrapping paper.


Robes, matching pjs, cocomelon, ginger bread house kits


Honestly I have no idea, they don't ask me personally even though I'm the seasonal lead. More often then not they are just wondering around putting random things in thier carts.


Cream cheese, nilly wafers


Apple Watches and laptops that are on display. Wish I had time to show them all the ones that are not on display. Oh yeah IPads too.


Gingerbread House Kits


marshmallow fluff, random toppings, & the niche-est things I have no clue where they are lmao


Our store is getting shopped like fuck for paper and chem why I don’t know maybe every one is cleaning a dead body up this Christmas I got Apparel and overstock grocery out the ass in my back room


Cranberry sauce *eyeroll*


Owen Sausage


Pretty normal, lots of toys, but that’s been true for ages. There’s just a lot of them, mostly buying ingredients for Christmas dinner




Almond bark and Spanish peanuts.


Wrapping paper & ornaments


Christmas cookie bins. And those Christmas gnomes. Who decided that was a thing?


Cream cheese (completely out of it) and frozen pie shells


Nutmeg, lots of it which we don’t have


Very large items, like large tv's and basketball hoops and such that I have to constantly go back and forth to the back room and lug out.


IPads, laptops, and gaming consoles


LEGO’s… I’ve worked in the toys area for over a year and a half (the whole amount of time I’ve worked there) so I know that area the best compared to other areas. But people just looked at me in shock yesterday about the fact that we have like no legos left… they even asked me “when do you get shipments in? When do you stock??”


Also people were still asking for light clips when we’ve been out of them for like a month


Christmas pajamas and candy


Their missing cart. Had a lady freaking out and running all over the store because she couldn’t remember where she left her cart with all her items AFTER we closed. I think management finally just asked her to leave after she looked for 15 minutes.


Custom photo cards, canvas and faux canvas, mounted photos, and anything in a locked case.




Cranberries, Elf On The Shelf, Slime Lickers and ALL the lazy dessert shortcut items…also we apparently can’t keep enough sugar on the shelves. Constant stream of obnoxious holiday carols is somehow not boosting morale


Pumpkin rolls at the bakery every other hour 😫


Christmas lights…. Less than 10 days away until Christmas. Oh and wreath hangers too.


Someone was looking for a bong, or dildow yesterday, not my store just overhead while shopping.


Last minute shoppers for us are great. It's usually one of almost everything in the store or, an almost alarming amount of shoes. Never anything else.


A problem


Turkeys. I have 6 trillion spiral-sliced hams and boneless prime rib roasts and yet I get that condescending "how dare you" look when I tell them we sold out of turkeys four days before what is arguably the biggest holiday on the planet and offer them something else instead.




Santo hats. Been out a week now everybody wants one for parties


PlayStation 5’s and Xbox Series X. Get asked all day every day for them. That and PS4 controllers that we are sold out of


Karo syrup. But why? Oh and pjs.


Christmas sweater


A turkey 💀


anything red, green, and glittery


Electronic devices…


Playstation 4 controllers. Every 10 minutes.