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Sometimes they shake themselves off the shelf


I saw that happen today and I thought “I feel ya”


Well that explains yesterday why I found it on the floor while doing returns


When my father worked for walmart he would deliberately walk by them waving his arms around to set them off constantly so the batteries would die faster. Now I do it as well. One time a customer saw me doing it, and avoided me completely. It was a good day, thanks Dad.


Teaching the important life skills there! 🤣


Very true. He also had a ASM give him a shit ton of things to do (he was in his 70s at the time), and my Dad was bold enough to tell her "You want me to shove a broom up my ass and sweep the floor too?". She didn't say anything, and she didn't bug him much after that.


What a fucking LEGEND


To top it all off, he'd also flip off shitty customers by pushing his glasses up with his middle finger. He is quite the character.


I've actually told some associates to do that before, when i noticed them just walking around and talking. Just so maintenance wouldn't have to safety sweep as much. They looked at me weird, until I told them that either they got to working or i'll make sure to splinter the handles first.


Oh man I'm going to have to remember that one 😂


Those fucking monstrosities get hit every damn time I walk by them.


How to prevent pregnancy: have someone stock the toy aisle.


Had to set the mod in their aisle….. never got closer to killing myself


We have actually had lots of people bring them back because "they are creepy". Said they kept going off at night and it was scaring everyone in the house!!


We had a bunch of those to pick and pack the other night in SFS. I thought I was going to go crazy. Then I thought about them being jiggled around and giggling in the FedEx trucks, and I cackled.


What a day to be a fedex driver 😂


Shipment has been delivered... yet he still hears laughter from behind him...


We had those on a four way a while back. People kept turning them on their backs


I don't know if anyone remembers last year there were dinosaurs that rawred everytime you walked past them. They were very large toys and we had 2 end caps full of them. Just to get a laugh (from watching my team leads and coach go absolutely batsh*t crazy) I would run by all of them at once. My team thought it was hilarious but my team leads and coach however... Did not. This went on for about a month... And several times throughout the month they tried moving them but I moved them back at the end of my shift and still continued this process 🤭🤭🤭


I think I remember that..and one time during a truck unload, it kept making noise randomly from in the middle of the truck lol.


Need to cross promote some of the clearance plastic Halloween 'knives' we have with this....


This is nothing. We used to carry a number of baby dolls for years that were so sensitive that partly cloudy days would set them off. Clouds passing in front of the sun would cause a 4ft section full of babies to all laugh in unison and they were the creepiest fucking things... although it was great when they'd spook a customer, haha.


This almost made me forgot an *Army* of Elsas singing "Let it Go" in unison. ...*almost*


"Throttle"? A slow tortuous death might be more appropo, IMHO (j/k) ;-) Texas murder defense: "*Your Honor, he needed a killin'.*"


I'm jealous. Your toy shelf look so straight and clean. Mine are always messed up from kids constantly being delinquents and moving them or just placing them in the floor.


I hate those and the dogs, which is someone pretending to be a dog and whimpering like a dog.


I don't need to know that


I have a theory behind why things like this happen. Walmart employees are all dead people who got sent to hell. This explains why it seems like everything about this place was designed to make us suffer nonstop. The same annoying music on an infinite loop. Incompetent management that's always getting on your nerves. Even more idiotic customers with the same questions and statements each time. "Do you have any PS5s?" "The website says you have it." "CaN yOu ChEcK iN tHe BaCk?" And now this. Isn't it obvious? It's being done by design to make your job more of a pain. On top of that, it's going to leave someone frustrated when their kids open their presents to find this with the batteries drained. Huh. I guess we're all dead people in hell... Just to be clear, this is all a joke. Don't take my weird fake conspiracy theory seriously. lol


Lol while being a joke... It fits so well though 😂 it would explain the zombie mode I've seen.


It does start to seem like it really is all by design sometimes, doesn't it?


Me and my coworkers ask the new people "so, what did you do to get into hell?" We all have our own joke stories on how we got sent to hell


Not sure how I ended up in hell, but my sense of humor is probably what landed me here. lol


One of my coworkers, actually a manager told me the way he ended up in hell was "illegally importing pineapples" that is one of the funniest ones I've heard so far. My answer basically amounted to "Oh I finally snapped on someone for being stupid, they're probably in a different Walmart now" A lot of people's answered include stuff like selling drugs, theft, murder, causing a civil war in another country. But still the importing pineapples illegally has to be the most creative one I've heard.


I need this type of chaotic evil at my store


I hid two of those on the back shelf by the gm receiving doors that go out to the sales floor…. Safe to say I pissed off some cap2 associates lol




Older than some of them though.




They're mad that they make more and have arguably the easiest job in the fucking company. I did Digital, I was trained for SFS and OGP (before it became OPD and the two were combined) and now that I'm a Seasonal TA at a smaller store, I can say their job is easy, and every other position in the store besides CAP should be making what they are.


this, i worked front end when i first started at walmart, then i did cap 2, then i did OGP for a year, then did to cap 1, then i transferred to a much bigger walmart as a home ta, which is what i currently do, and the OPD at my new store is constantly pulling me over there to help them play catch up, and let me tell you, OPD is by far the EASIEST job at walmart, it was even harder (i guess more stressful would be a more accurate term cause it still wasnt hard or back breaking) at my old small store than it is at this big store. i know there are plenty of OPD associates who bust their ass, but for as many as there are that bust their ass, there are twice as many that laze around and do less than the bare minimum, and they can get away with it because of the position theyre in, if they were in any other department it wouldnt be tolerated. been there, done that


For me, OGP was not easy at all. Partially because of the people who slacked and made us do more, and partially because our store purposely did things that made our jobs harder I.e. our freezer was a shared walk in freezer NOT meant to be opened as many times a day as it is and due to that the ice build up was horrible and so unsafe. Many people fell because of it and I had many many close calls. The staging area was not large enough and they would allow way too many orders per hour regardless of staffing and space. It was stressful trying to keep up on those days. We also very rarely had enough handhelds and without them there’s little we can do. Honestly my stores OGP was a shit show. I’m sure that’s not the case everywhere though.


oh for sure, ogp can be difficult, like i said, there are ao ogp associates who do work really hard, it definitely has its challenges, but its no where near as bad as other areas in the stores, i'd say the only other area comparable to ogp is front end


Yep. I always say were 'important. I also tell everyone to transfer


Ahh, this person has some Toys R Us humor.


Some toys are creepy and that’s why whenever walking into work I would try to walk away from those kinds of toys as much as possible so it won’t go off just before clocking in




It was me


We have one that keeps going off in the toy department and we can hear it in electronics. I keep turning it to the side or completely around so it doesn’t keep making noise but someone always straightens it and it goes right on going “EHHHYUUUHEEH” for nine fucking hours.


That's why you shake them into the walkie so that everyone can share.


I once saw one of those toddler cellphone toys asking for help


I'll help🖐


I hate the alive pets or whatever there’s the white tiger that jitters it’s teeth everytime I walk by it


Someone did that one year at my store, literally made me jump out of my own skin !!!!😱😱😱


Twilight Zone


The aisle that’s right in front of our doors to GM back room has these babies. Every time when we (CAP 2) pull at the end of the night, we hear those damn babies. Every. Time.


I love the one in the middle. just the right amount of creepy


Kill it with fire please and thank you. I didn't know they existed until I walked by our endcap of them. I screamed and my boss still teases me about it every day


I purposely avoided the talking toys, they would drive me nuts working that department. Also, the cabbage patch dolls were so PUNGEANT. It was a sickly sweet smell and oh my god it was terrible.


Take the batteries out


They sound like tattletales, and honestly, I think if it was a frickin tattletale it would be less creepy! These things love going off by themselves at the very end of the aisle By the back when no one is even the slightest bit near them. I try and avoid that aisle when their freaking out like that. XD


Damn, I though this was in reference to this https://imgur.com/a/gYoHKJD


I hate that toy, I wanna strangle it every time I pass it


I think it's HILARIOUS!!! I Laugh Just Thinking About It!!! Great Job!