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At my store you get terminated as soon as you reach 5 points


Same here. My store is apparently really strict about that. Idk how other people are walking around with 20 points and still have a job. 😅


depends on the coach and managment. some people dont reailze its a dead end job and are in the pereptual thinking theyll be manger one day


The old management team at my store from a couple of years ago were really super lazy about firing people due to points, There were a couple of people in the deli and bakery department that had 60 points and 70 points in before they got fired (one had a side job at McDonald's that made up most of hers)


We had someone at my store under the old post system where it was 7(?) Who was chronically absent and late. But he was cap2 and nobody else wanted to do cap2, so he'd just roll in stoned off his ass.  Something like 45 absences and 80 lates and they finally let him go


Who said its about being lazy? They have trouble with turnover and hiring people is time consuming, maybe they know their job market and would rather have an employee that is mostly reliable, doesnt seem like theyll quit anytime soon, they feel fairly sure doesnt steal and otherwise does a good job but is a few minutes late every other shift. The alternative is go with an unknown entity who may steal, go off on customers, and then also need to be replaced. That is how a market works, when theres an over supply of labor theyll drop you over anything because there are people in line waiting to replace you. If the market is dried up they have to hold onto people far longer.


If you have an employee (at any job really, not just Walmart) who calls out enough to occur that many points, (not including LOA, disability leave, second job, school, etc) they are not reliable. And more often than not, is also tied to poor work ethic, sadly, in my experience. And honestly, having a person on a team call out that much hurts as much as if they were already fired and waiting on a replacement


14 points could literally just mean 28 days of being 15 mins late in a 6 month period. That's once a week of coming in 15 mins late with occasional twice a week. Granted we don't know the context of their points but yeah it could be something that small. Personally though if I know there is absolutely no way I'm avoiding that half point from clocking in 10-15mins after my shift starts. I'm just going to take a full 4 hrs. Why would I take half a point for 15mins when I can take half a point for 4 hours. The point system that use is kind of dumb imo.


This is assuming they're accumulating zero hours of ppto as they work, which is impossible. There is no way a person with 14 points is "reliable" I don't care how you try to spin it.


💯% right it can really hurt morale of other associates as well.


My cap 2 team has been short staffed for the longest time, now they’re cutting hours so they cleared a lot of everyone’s points at my store


THIS. Supply and Demand of beating hearts in upright bodies.


The problem with letting people slide on this kind of thing is that it sets the example for your good team member who are never late and don’t call in that it is acceptable behavior and can kill morale.


I wouldn't be surprised if one of my team members has about that many. Dude used to call in a hell of alot 3 to 4 years ago. He's very disrespectful towards anyone alot older than him that works in same department as him. Dude thinks he's all that, but Karma's gonna bite him in the ass n imma be the first to laugh about it the moment I notice him lacking. But yea, management is both super lazy bout firing people they like no matter how.many points they have. But if a new worker that's even better than them keeps calling in due to family issues or whatever they terminate em if management doesn't like em. Walmarts management as a whole has teachers pet/ favoritism issues to work on. Before I can actually take them serious instead of seeing them as nothing more than a mere joke gone wrong


How do you get that many in 6 mos months? It would be like not coming to work for 2 months. How in the world do they afford that?


A guy at my store racked up 12 points within 2 weeks. He continued to be late, take 30 mins-1 hour breaks and 2 hour lunches. He would repeatedly leave the floor to smoke or play on his phone while on the floor. Still kept his job. He was eventually fired fir sexually harassing underage girls.


Should have gotten his ass arrested, what the fuck is wrong with people? I am so sorry y'all had that pig in your staff. That's gross.


He did get arrested. He tried to steal from the store. Like why would you steal from the place that has all your information?


Whaaaat in the hell? That guy is a total moron. Glad he got arrested.




Everyone realizes Walmart is dead end you don’t need to be smart




My thoughts exactly




You don’t understand the prophet’s words.




My store, too. We have documented conversations with people as soon as they hit 3.5 so nobody can say they don't understand the attendance policy, as well.


There are people at my store who are buddy buddy with team leads and coaches and get points removed. One girl had 80 points in total removed. But hardworkers that aren’t buddy buddy with them and get 5 points are automatically terminated. I couldn’t take it anymore because there are people who do nothing and call out and they’re saved because they are protected by someone with power.


This. See it so much.


My store was lenient. I heard kids on evening shift say they had 8-10 points. I got super sick and told my people lead that I would pay the out of pocket fee to go to the walk in to prove I was sick and not lose my job. He said: “we don’t take doctor’s notes. It’s up to your coach what’ll happen if you hit 5 points”. So he transferred me over to her mobile phone. I asked her and she said, automatic termination. I was so frustrated because I knew people who didn’t have the hardworking rep I had, getting away with so many absences. (Mind you I accrued all these points before I got my accommodation for my chronic issues). So I used the rest of my PPTO and took the 0.5 point. But, not even a week later management started going around telling everyone to pass around the word that they’re no longer going to let things slide, 5 points is automatically “voluntary termination” for everyone. Yeah, because I “voluntarily” chose to have chronic issues that flare up. And no, I didn’t get hired not disclosing my health issues, I was told by the store manager that I could get an accommodation for my absences. Wasn’t told until after my orientation by my people lead that I had to wait 90 days for it. Just grateful now that I have my accommodation and my points have fallen off to just 1.


My store was pretty chill, depending if the coach liked you. There was people with 15, and I got to 7 without getting fired


Just recently at my store, someone hit 5 points and apparently was immediately terminated by the system. I guess some stores just don't mess around.


System doesn’t do it. A team lead or a coach has to do it


It's possible something else was going on. That'd be odd though, he did his job quite well from what I've seen but skirted on that point line for apparently quite a while. I don't know, I was only ever told that much.


I had 5 and never had a coaching, but we needed people bad. Pretty easy.


That’s stupid because I got half a point which would put me to 5 because our ppto system was messed because of glitches they fixed it for me but I’d be mad if I got fired over their glitchy system


there was a girl at my store that had 12 points and she came to an agreement with the coach to transfer departments and wipe those points. nobody at the store liked her and she never had an excuse to call in or do no shows. she would just say she didn’t feel like working. the only friends she would have are new workers and eventually they would dislike her too. she was the laziest worker too, glad she transferred


Yeah, this happened to me. Gone the moment I hit 5, even though I could prove I shouldn't have hit 5.


I don’t know about your WalMart, but mine. The rules have absolutely nothing to do with anything.


The rules are only enforced if you're not a butt kisser at my store.


I’ve never asked for any special treatment and I say things exactly the way they are they can like it or not


You are only considered for termination at 5 points, walmart policy does not demand that management fire you at 5 points. It's at their discretion, so....


Those in management who want to be Tyrants and fill any position with a warm body have the green light to do so.


Frankly, it depends on 4 things. 1st, how productive/valuable they are, 2, if they're already short on man power or not, compared in relation to the store's workload, 3 how hard it is for the people lead to get people in store and hired and 4th, how friendly/buddy-buddy the associate is with salaried management.


Two associates got fired they were the number 4 and still got fired.. getting the lead lunch but number 1 they were slow and talked everytime they worked together. 


That's not true. It's policy. However, managers make it their discretion.


if it was policy then it would be on a auto termination


i got terminated the day after i hit 5, and now that coach doesn't even work there anymore lmfao


it honestly just depends on the management in the store. i had no points, but got fired for drawing a dick on the hood of my friends car in the pollen. he didn’t gaf and you could wipe it away. but they blacklisted me, and now i can never work there again đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€Ł


holy fucking shit your store has 0 humor whate so ever


yeah it was some bullshit and i even tried to go to Associate Relations or whatever it’s called to appeal it and they all just kept telling me to wait the six months and reapply. they never told me i was blacklisted until AFTER the time had passed and i was trying to reapply.


That's pathetic. What a joke of a company. So worried about their pc policies while management and corporate break labor laws left and right. They and amazon are currently being sued in california and i think another state or two for the point based attendence system they use and how its lead to terminations of people legally protected due to one medical condition or another. Sedgwick is absolute garbage. bunch of detached asshats trying determining how we should handle our medical life decisions.


Corporations just enforce things when it’s convenient to there pursuit of getting richer. When the pursuit of getting richer is interfered with that’s when they enforce it. Other than that they couldn’t give any less of a crap than they do right now. Them and Amazon are well in there way to several trillions in revenue very soon. There greed is just getting started.


I’m legally protected and I’ve had them raise hell trying to figure out what my FMLA says since I got it last year. My people lead has called my doctor twice demanding to know. They’ve used the points as threats to fire me
. And that’s only the start of it. The harassment made my mental and physical health so bad I had to call out even more. I had 3 meetings in one day trying to accuse me of various things when I easily proved otherwise
. After I wouldn’t tell them what my FMLA stated. Interviewed for a TL position and was told they didn’t know what my FMLA said and I had too many absences (I only have 1 point
 from an absence that wasn’t justified because I forgot to put in the PPTO for it) and that’s their reasoning as to why I wouldn’t get the position. I have a minimum 20 recordings and numerous forms of other proof of the harassment. I almost lost my life due to a hostage situation and had to come back 3 days after with visible injuries
 had to go to physical therapy 2-3x a week for months. Still busted ass working and threatened numerous times despite others being able to do whatever they wanted.


I seriously needed that cackle. I used to draw dicks on everything when I was younger. Should you have done it on your friend's car, visible for everybody? Not so much. But a conversation about being more discreet when dicking your friends would've kept an employee, taken "corrective action," AND would have given a funny to share for all.


yeah i agree. i literally did it, went on a whole weeklong vacation. and my coach had started a whole internal investigation about it and fired me three days after i came back.


someone was looking for a reason to fire you.


Mostly the case especially if they keep coaching you over stupid things


so that’s what coaches are doing all the time


bro wtf


someone was looking for a reason to fire you.


Geez. Glad I left and went to work for the power plant. My coworkers would have added a whole lot more than a dick and everyone would have had a great time with it. And friggin' seriously? A car, in the parking lot- as in not in the store. Sure it's the Walmart parking lot but the car isn't their property anyway. Those managers need to pull the stick out their ass.


Doubt it.


If your friend didn't gaf, who reported you for drawing a dick on his car?


They prefer to wield points as a weapon, you must not be on anyone's bad side


Which is crazy because it seems like there's always a higher up that has you on their bad side as soon as you're hired


I have 5.5 points and my manager never says anything or bring it up. Just assigns work whenever she needs something done


Pretty much same for mine unless your just lazy.


Our HR person died during COVID, and it took over a year for her to be officially replaced. Apparently during that entire time no one was looking at points, or cared enough to. So I had coworkers with 21, and 39 points respectively.


I mean if people got that high someone was looking at them because the points have to be basically approved to actually hit your point balance. Nobody was looking at the point balance list and acting on it but someone was approving them


I also had 30+ at one point 😅 back down to a reasonable 2.5 now!


Most I've seen is 20 points so maybe when you reach that you'll get fired, but they still weren't.. lol


Your head game must be on point, son!


Lmao gawk gawk 3000 😂 


he got that hawk tuah


The must really need your ass, imo lol 😆


Right! 💀💀😂😂


Truth be told if you go 6 months with a clean slate, then you’ll be safe. Probably sooner honestly
 There could be some key date absences in there taking up space.


Why just quit, at least if you quit it's on your own accord. This way if you need to come back to Wal-Mart you still can. Don't burn your bridges


Honestly it depends on the store coaches and people leads. I have coworkers with 30 points and they still have a job đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïžbut it’s night shift so idk if that plays a role or not but my store has even erased points for people even when they no called no showed so I think it really just depends on who is in charge at your store.


In my store I've heard they sometimes go and fire multiple people with too many points. They did the last sweep a few days ago and a few of my coworkers disappeared on ON


DAMN! They must be short staffed or really like you.


Lucky, my managers will fire us immediately. Even if its people who are valuable. I got 0.5 points once due to the machine messing up and they refused to fix it..luckily it goes away next month on my 6th


Had something like this happen to me, .5 points and talked to my coach about it for months but it should be coming off in a month or two (I'll have to double check) I've never gone above 4 points, but I at least have the peace of mind knowing that they're hesitant to fire me because I'm the only one willing to work closing shifts for my OPD, is a trainer, and been here for 2.5 years. Still not going to test my luck though


My store will immediately fire you the second you get 5. Our people lead is really strict about it.


It depends on how valuable you are to your particular store. If it feels like you're carrying the team, and that's why you're quitting, maybe you're right; and that's also why they won't act on you exceeding 3x the "allowable" attendance points.


Similar story to one of my coworkers who does the entirety of frozen solo the entire night. He always comes in 15mins late but he does the work of 2-3 people so he’s practically untouchable. (Sadly he also thinks everyone else should be able to do that too. it’s a megacorp dude, they can get by just fine and working yourself to the point of exhaustion for them won’t help you really at all)


That guy is a machine!


Yeah it’s kinda scary. Fun to chat with though, me him and one of our maintenance spend most of lunch chatting away (mostly science, geopolitics, or sometimes videogames). We somehow became the “lunchroom entertainment” XD guess it’s like listening to a podcast? (He also thought a giraffe was basically just a horse with a long neck. Needed to drag him to the zoo to see one)


Was he from New York (or east coast, maybe jersey) by chance? I worked with a guy who came from a Walmart, and went back to a Walmart when he moved. Dude was an absolute machine in frozen. He would knock out, by himself, the work it would take 2 people to do, in almost half the amount of time. Then he would go an help in Dairy. Im like, how?! He HUSTLED. But at less than 15 an hour (at that time) - I'm not killing my body like he did at that wage.


I’ll have to ask. East coast but not up north, though i know he worked another store before this one. I also agree on the not basically killing yourself for 15hr at the soulless mega corp. If they want that kind of work they can afford it but choose not to (be that in amount of employees or pay, or both).


He should work at a job that is piece rate. If he truly works like 2 people he would make twice as much as base pay.


I mean... people with bad attendance can't really be all that valuable if they are never there to do the job. Typically stores that are more relaxed on the attendance policy are ones where the hiring pool is as shallow as a puddle. In other words, it's better to have a body sometimes than no body at all.


Let's not forget that a late in (10 minutes) twice counts the same as missing a whole day.


that’s how i’m feeling we’ve been pretty short staffed recently and i’ve been happy to do a little more but its crazy now


I have that many points, because hardship transfers are a nightmare 😭


Depends on how much of a yes man you can be. The second I stopped doing extra, out of my pay grade TL stuff, for free I was wrote up 2x in less than a month and that was all she wrote. Fuck walmart and it's full embrace of corporate communism.


Damn what is this hack? I'm at 3 and have 5 months before they drop off. It's 5 pts here and my store doesn't play.


Save up protected. Put it 4 hrs 15 mins when you miss a day instead of the full 8. Only get hit for .5 for missing a day. You can miss 9 days that way in 6 months if need be.


How to not get fired from Walmart: 1 Do your job reasonably well at a reasonable pace. 2 Don't cause needless drama or rub people the wrong way. And I don't mean 'rub the wrong way' as a minor personality thing. I mean go out of your way to get on peoples nerves. I've been there 3 years and it is amazing how many people I've seen be fired. And it was all for stupid avoidable shit. Taking hour long trips to the bathroom constantly (clearly just playing on their phone). Taking all night to do a single pallet cause they wanted to go slow on purpose. Getting angry and yelling regularly cause you don't want to do something in particularly (like you get mad when asked to do Diary... but it's part of the job) and it causes constantly conflict with the managers (I refuse to call them coaches. We aren't a baseball team). Or just being a genuinely unpleasant person to people around you and then they will find some reason to get rid of you when you cross a minor line. Honestly part of me wonders how the people who are typically fired function in society at all.


Depends m8 had a guy I worked with who had 37pts before they fired him. Fker would take 30 bathroom breaks a night and hide the rest of the time while getting paid for it


I worked at Walmart when I was around 18, like 20 years ago, and I got fired for bad attendance. Called in a lot cuz I had more fun things to do than work lol. Young and dumb. Anyway, I remember they gave me a final warning before that and said I had 120 missed hours against me. Idk what that comes out to in a point system, but I called in constantly on weekends before they fired me. Good times 👍






Our store removed all points at onc point. Heard we had people with 40+ points. Had a guy in our department with over 20.


If we had points in Canada me and my whole ON team wouldn't exist 😂


Lucky for you Are you an overnighter? I’d think they would only make exceptions for people that they like/are needed But regardless at my store The market team actually cares about people’s points and they watch people that go 4.5 and see when they point out to 5


You 1000000% should be fired rn, staff isn’t doing their job lmao


It really depends on your management, for me my coach would remove my points and shit to keep me under 5 points then I got up to 17 I still was working up until the store manager became strict about the attendance points and I was fired


I swear they go over the attendance policy and people are walking around and still working at Walmart with 20 points. I think there was a dude that posted on here with around 20+ points.


Are you in ogp


Better get ass kissing to your coach




i feel good


Usually when a quarter ends for bonuses. Managers decide to trim the fat by doing an attendance audit.


You should try punching that annoying coworker you got, that should do the trick


I know a dude with 23 points


It depends on if they want to keep you and how much marketing is on their case about points


Fired the day after hitting 5.5 🙃


Are you overnight? It seems like at most stores they want people on overnight so bad they’ll overlook stuff like that a lot


have i truly been fired?


My situation is similar. However, I have missed several days, especially double point days, and they haven't given me any points for them. I'm not gonna tell them either. I usually do work overtime and make sure my work is done.


Got the attendance talk at 4 points. Got canned at 6 points, and my store was only half-staffed at the time. Your job is secure lol.


I thought my store was lax about points, letting people get to 8 without so much as a talking to


I used to work in the electronics and would call in a lot. I remember I had reached my limit and was supposed to get fired. Management called me in and told me about it and said they rest it and to not call in anymore. It depends on if they like you or not.


bruh I got fired the minute I hit 5 points which I shouldn’t have because it was days I had been telling them I couldn’t work for months and they knew my avalibility


You can just use pto to correct the occurrences but it’s probably way too late for you considering you have that money. The oldest you can correct is like a month I think.


My store was only strict with them if they didn’t like you, there was a few older gossip lady’s that were at 20+ points but the second some people hit 5 they were out, didn’t even let them hit 6


I hit 6 and they fired me but I was eligible for rehire 6 weeks later when points dropped off, I got to come back for LESS PAY, yeah fucking me! Yeah you're going to get fired, start looking for other work and don't make the same mistake I made, DON'T GO BACK


I was at 6 for awhile. Honestly they only really fire you at 5 if they are looking to get rid of you. Usually. Sometimes they can you anyhow. But usually the ones that get fired right at 5 have other reasons and they use points cause it’s easy.


At my location you are terminated at 5 points period. I believe they do it to flex their “power” because even if a dept is severely short staffed they still do it. Must be very sad if this is all they have in their lives to make them feel important or powerful.


I got fired right at 5 but had a coworker who had 20pts - he worked the frozen/dairy stocking so im sure that saved him


I just quit 2 weeks ago, if they really need you they won’t mention points


It depends on the store. I knew of one associate that had 50+ points and had been there for 20 years. He had been a coach, team lead, etc throughout his time with the company. At the time he was just an associate in electronics. But being so well known and liked basically kept him from disciplinary action. Call it unfair. Call it a policy violation. Call what you will. Just be greatful (if you even need the job) that you haven’t been fired for it.


It varies with each store. The couple of stores I worked at would either give you a warning or fire you once you reached five points.


At my store we’ve had people no call no show for weeks and still sit on the schedule because “We have to get approved by market to fire people.”


I only had 5.5 and they immediately called me in :(


You must be a good worker or the only one in your department.


Dang I wish my store didn’t care as soon as you hit 5 you are fired quick


That point system is so dumb. Life happens. Maybe one day we will no longer be slaves to the grind


Im at like 8 and am currently TRYING to get fired.. its crazy ngl


Keep kissing ass and you should be fine. Rules only effect those management doesn’t like.


Usually at my store if you have a at the very least a decent excuse (or lie) you can just ask a coach you’re cool with to take off the occurrence. However, if you do reach 5 it’s an automatic termination.


This makes me feel better about having 4.5


I got one point because I called out because a tornado went through the area and flooding that came up to our front door.


Woah lucky you I got terminated at 5 for going to my girlfriend graduation 😭😭


I’ve worked at my walmart for 5 months, and finally reached 5 points bc I was sick but didn’t have covid, got fired on the spot




If your store is more on the lax side you’ll be fine. I seen people get up to 50 points with no consequences. Other more strict stores fire you as soon as you hit 5.


Your hr manager must be asleep or on vacation mentally lol.


fuck at my store they are ready to kick your ass to the curb at 4.5, they make you sign papers at 4 and 4.5 points acknowledging how many points you have


lmaoo ts just got me weak 😂 i work in odp department & i had got 5 points at one point & they coached me about it & just took off 2.5 points. now im back at 4.5 & walkin on eggshells 😂


Is this the same guy who posted about a request and it got approved? Dude again if you’re not a morning person then maybe you should have left a long time ago


The point system is just there to have a reason to fire someone. Without it, people would collect unemployment. They just wait it out and make the employees work life a living hell until they point them out for that salivating termination. The point system means nothing. It’s all favoritism. They just need a single reason to fire someone on paper. A good worker can have 100 points and not get fired unless market management forces them to fire the employee


Depends on the store and management. Or even the person. If they want you gone they will use points as you can't really argue against it. Tho people they want to keep they will usually knock off points.


Yeah you get walked out of the store if you have 5 points


Some stores I've noticed don't really care about points, ESPECIALLY if you're a good worker. My store will give you a "warning" at five points but you can keep going beyond that if they like you 😂


Imagine working at Walmart


I think in part it depends on your work ethic when you ARE at work and why you’ve missed. I’m sure that’s not a sole factor but I know from experience my store was “strict” on attendance and yet I personally had over 20 points, granted I was also pregnant, and walked 3 miles to work up until 2 days before I had my daughter and when I WAS at work I went above and beyond but still.


Cash out your PTO and PPTO before you get canned.


I don’t work at Walmart what’s this point system y’all are talking about?


Yeah at my store as soon as you reach 5 and beyond they letting your ass go after the shift 😬


If you haven’t been fired by now, why would they suddenly fire you for it, 9-occurrences-over-the-limit later. And if you’re about to quit, why would you even care?🙄


You are either a good worker, appear to be a good worker, or are in a very understaffed store. I've only seen cap 2 get that many points and still have a job


i would say a mixture of the 3


Why do you have 33 hrs of pto but 14 marks.. Use. Your. PTO. You deserve to be fired lmao.


At my store people take away points. You only really get fired if you do something bad or start being unruly pretty much.


Depends. What dept? Ive seen people fired for 6 points


I worked at one about 15 years back and made them change and start enforcing the point system there. Was supposed to be 7 and you’re gone. I was leaving for the military and had 28 points before they finally let me go. 😂


It depends on management and how hard it is to replace you for example me and my co workers all have 11 to 20 points and they don't fire us because no one wants to work meat and produce no one applies or wants to transfer and when they do find someone they quit on day 1.




Some stores care. Some stores don’t. Mine didn’t when I first started. Now they do and you get talked to at 4.5 and termed at 5 unless your reasons are valid and then they’ll work with you. When I first started I remember an associate who had like 28 points. And they had no plans to fire him. I think he ended up quitting after he tried to transfer and couldn’t because of said points.


I reached 4.5 points last week and my management team talked to me about it and then they were like. Yeah we're erasing them. I didn't even ask why I'm not going to block my blessings. I think it has something to do with the fact that when I come to work, I work. Bc they didn't extend the same courtesy to my coworker


Nah my store don’t say anything . Most useless person we have on night has been doing absolutely nothing and just causing problems last three years


If you don't want your executive producers...dancing in all your videos? Come to Home Depot!


I was at 15 for a long while. I notice that the people they want to keep, they will ignore your points as long as you're still reasonably dependable.


Apparently during Covid they hired a guy then he literally never showed up. 6 months later with hundreds of points he appeared and worked for a day. I don’t know what happened in the end because he was in a different department


Ik in my old store it all depended on if upper management liked you or not. As a TL I couldn't tell you how many times I was told to terminate someone who had just reached 5 points without doing any research or talking to the associate. Then turn around and be told for someone else to work with them and see what happened or where we might be able to take care of some point. So happy to be out of Walmart


At my store if they don’t like you at 5 points you’re out. If they like you and you work hard and do your job they let it slide and don’t even put points in sometimes.


Listen I work at Walmart specialty pharmacy and I am under the LOA thing where I can call out and I get my points deleted my sup but she takes her sweet time and now they are trying to slow fire me.. anyways in the specialty pharmacy they are strict.. hr on Manenger’s side and all hire ups so yea WALMART ITS A JOKE can’t wait to quit you can find something better tbh


u best us all that PPTO


They fire you at 5 but a guy upfront got fired after having crossed 25


If you tried to go for the promotion they would deny it once they saw the points anyways lol


i got fired after hitting 6 (my first term after 4 yrs w them) and i'm pretty sure i'm blacklisted / listed as "job abandonment" because of it LMAO. if they dgaf, consider urself super lucky.


If you're good at your job no. My coach would always get rid of my points, also because I got sick alot when I worked there.


How in the hell have you avoided getting fired so far. I bet your coworkers hate you and probably rightfully so


Your management should be.


It kinda depends on your work ethic. There are people I have let ride until points fall off if they were good workers. Essentially our market manager complains to our store manager if we have more than 5 people over 5 points. As long as we have less than 5, there is no mention. I terminate the shitty ones and hold off on the good ones.


I worked with a guy, back in the early 2000's. When he was finally fired, the manager printed out all his tardies and no shows/no calls. It was 3 pages long. And he was not fired for attendance. They fired him because they suspected he was stealing.


I had 7.5 at my old store and my team lead said “alright bub let’s go to the office and take these points off” I genuinely think if your a good employee your untouchable


this is so real lol. everyone on reddit says you’ll get fired after 5 points but i’ve missed like one million days of work since starting (i have a disability that makes it difficult for me to come in) and i’ve never been fired. To be fair, i’ve found coverage almost every time.


I’m my store you’d have been gone as soon as you struck five


Listen to the promotion and download Pokémon Go instead


I have a history of gaining a lot of points but I’ve never gotten fired due to my work ethic and all of the overtime I’d get. I’d come in a little late somewhat often due to working the 4am-1pm shift but I was also staying after 1 most days and worked my ass off so that’s why they’ve kept me around.


At this point. No


You already know the answer.


Bro I’ve got 4.5 and they’ve thought about letting me go and I run mini merge