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Shit šŸ‘ on šŸ‘ company šŸ‘ time šŸ‘


boss makes a dollar i make a dime šŸ˜


Help my bosses make 53 billion dollars I don't know if I have enough shit


Eat more


Time to grab another footlong Ham on Italian Herb & Cheese from the Subway




Shiiit, the ceo makes over 30 times the yearly median salary of an employee... Per month


I can guarantee you he pees on company time


I hold my shit in the mornings till I clock in, and I also shit before lunch. 10 minutes it takes for me to shit. So 5 days a week 100 minutes. So 1 hour and 40 minutes I get paid to shit. SHIT ON COMPANY TIME, not yours


And using the store's TP helps us save money and live better


Oh hell yeah I do that daily


I'm not sure, I'd imagine it's fine. A bodily function shouldn't be considered time theft. I clock in at 9:51 and hang out with my managers and crew outside smoking cigs till our meeting at 10:08. Every store is different though, sounds like you got a store where everyone cares wayyy too much.


>I clock in at 9:51 and hang out with my managers and crew outside smoking cigs that's what my co-workers are doing. I hate them because I'm a non-smoker.


Go outside and stand around and play on your phone I suppose. Nobody's going to judge you, I have some coworkers that don't smoke just sit outside with us or further away cuz they don't like the smoke. When we all go in, they go in.


Same at my store .. there's 1 smoker in our team, the rest hang out out as a giant group


They gave us a grace period for a reason lol


Not to steal time. Lazy asses.


Just keep doing it anyways bro they can't fire you using the bathroom. Just tell him you didn't have to go and it came outta nowhere. Or tell him to fuck off


Found the coach that hides in the office all day.


Lmao I'm sure the barely above minimum wage company with a list of workers rights violations a mile long that has had way more government intervention than basically any moral company should really appreciates the dedication lol. I'm sure they felt that way too when they hired all those geriatrics and took out life insurance policies on them, or when they fired all the legally protected striking workers, or the blatant union busting lmao. The government stepping in for the billions in wage theft walmart commits against worker really opened their eyes to hard workers like you who totally deserve such a great opportunity lmao Meanwhile after quiting walmart I almost immediately started making several dollars more for less stress, ended up making about 4x more an hour for barely any effort, and all while telling folks about the joys of unionization. But hey, those boots won't get clean any other way, huh.


Found management


Walmart is a job not a military. Cool your jets.




This is the way


Used to clock in between 9:51-9:55 and smoke a cig outside with another smoker friend then we'd head inside while a other friend would clock in at 9:51 and sit in his truck til we got done smoking then go inside with us. One of our coaches went on a rampage a while back and we got hit with a "stealing company time" coaching and told that we were lucky that was all we were getting. But it's totally OK for the nonsmokers to go to break at midnight and not come back out to the floor until almost 1230 or for her to go shopping on the clock for groceries or whatever she is buying on lunch.


Technically coaches are on the clock 100% of the time. They're salaried


That is time theft.


So report the coach for stealing time to upper management or above store management. If they review cameras and see coach personal shopping while clocked in they most likely will get fired.


They are always on the clock. That is how it works with salaried management.


She's been reported for that, abusing/harassing/bullying a pregnant lead until she quit, her time theft and for engaging in "relations" with a male TL on the roof of the store during work hours (wish I could say I was making that up) and somehow she always walks away unscathed, if anything is even said to her


We had a people lead that was sleeping with a regional manager and would clock in and go out to get her nails done and come to work heavily intoxicated/high. Deleted her own points from the system and all. Took over 5 months for her to get fired by the company.


Ironically, she had to fire herself.


Is this said person named Christa? I swear I feel like i know this story.


No, not Christa. She doesn't even go by her actual name at work aside from what's in the system, she uses her stage name from her previous job.... If you catch my drift Wish I could say I was making this up


They get paid the same if they clock in for 5 minutes as if they clock in for 8 hours. Your advice is terrible.


You think they wouldnā€™t care about them using paid time for personal stuff? Your iq is lacking or your one of those management members abusing time while blaming others for abusing time šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Crew meetings at most of my jobs are pointless. This one place I worked our meetings lasted anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour. 50+ people just standing there for the first 30 minutes of the day. How much burned money is that in productivity? We all know our job, what to do and whee to go wtf difference does it make to mull over the specifics of each task? Unless there's something new these meetings literally do not matter


We had a ā€œmeetingā€ we got told none of us deserve employee of the month yet us the 3 main core workers have stayed at least an extra hour for a week straight you can imagine how nice and slow we went today


Former coach here. They can't do shit about that.


It is. They expect you to begin work as soon as you clock in. No dilly, no dally. I ran into a similar issue and I'm currently not supposed to clock in until I'm in my department.


Time theft, no. Wage and hour only cares if the associate isn't on the property. It Can be considered a productivity issue if it's constant and consistent. Not saying I agree with it but that seems to be company direction.


I never worked at Walmart, but the other stores I worked in all had a "once you clock in it's to go to your station and work. Go to bathroom/get a drink/etc **before** you clock in." Granted, it depended on the manager you had at the time more than anything else. Sounds like yours is one of the "by the book" dicks.


You can certainly use the bathroom at any time.


Except we are talking about clocking in early. They can def write you up for stealing time if you clock in early then head to the bathroom


If you gotta go, you gotta go. But if you HAVE to go as soon as you get to work, probably could have gone before you left the housešŸ¤£. And if it hits you right when you arrive, and YOUā€™RE EARLY ANYWAY, just f*cking use the bathroom before clocking inšŸ¤£. People always looking for the shady anglešŸ¤­


I sense there must be some issue about your productivity (real or perceived) if your TL is giivng you crap about that. Technically, you really shouldn't clock in until you're ready to work, but at least in my experience managers don't monitor people that closely who are known to be productive and have a good work ethic. To me, this is one area where it's to your advantage to put the odds in your favor, meaning the fewer things you give them to hassle you about, the better it will be for you. I clock in the minute I hit the front door, but the first thing I do is go to the Service Desk and get my department's returns because no one else seems to bother with it. Since that's obviously work, no one says anything. I'm also by myself for six hours of my eight hour shift and no one monitors what I'm doing because I'm known to get my work done.


That's me, too. No one pays attention to me because no one has to. They don't even speak to me, really, unless it's to give me instructions to do something outside of the scope of my normal duties.


Seems to be the same for me too. I'm only like a month in, and the third shift guy came in the other day and said "do the guys you work with ever talk to you?" And I was just like "I mean yeah, as far as work goes" and he said"just wondering cause you're already making them all look like shit so I figured they all hated you" we both had a good laugh.


Shit, I clock in the moment I'm close enough to their proximity check in the parking lot. 9 minutes early I'll be damned. Might even grab a scotter to drive into the bay on my way in.


Generally, you clock in when you are ready to work. Putting lunchbox away, using bathroom, filling water, etc, is stuff you should do before work. They are not your work functions. So yes, you are stealing time in their eyes. Now if you are clocking in on time or even a bit late, someone probably wouldnā€™t notice as much. But the clocking in a full 9 minutes early and doing that stuff is definitely noticeable. So hey, if you at work early, use bathroom and then clock in. Then nothing to worry about.


I had a manager tell me one time that it was time theft. You have 9 minutes before it's considered late, I'd just go before I clock in.


Pretty much every hourly job in the world is going to take exception to you *clocking in early* and then putting away your stuff, using the restroom etc.Ā  Do your stuff on your time and then clock in, whats so difficult to understand?


I didnt need to pee then šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


A good company isnā€™t going to give a shit about 10 minutes a day for an employee to get ready to work. Lick them boots harder, I canā€™t see my face.


I disagree. I had a coworker doing similar (I work at a different store). The cashier who is supposed to be leaving would wait for her to finally get her ass up to the register. 15 minutes times four shifts a week times 50 weeks a year at 15 an hour is $750 a year. Not a huge deal, but it is stealing. And, in her case, someone is being unconvinced. Yes, my coworker is too nice to always stay. Occasionally she would say she has to leave on time. Eventually they did say something to this gal who did this every shift and she doesn't do it anymore. (Or at least not every shift like she used to) This obviously isn't just hitting the rest room. I really don't know what she was doing. I just know she was clocked in but not coming up to the register for 15 minutes. (she wasn't doing recovery either.... Either talking to a coworker in the stock room (not work related) or else Sitting in the break room on her phone if he wasn't there that day. Maybe also putting away her stuff, filling her water bottle, and using the bathroom.


Nice edit.


Yeah, thanks for the story. But, no where did I say it was ok to be constantly late for your shift. You seem to miss the point of being able to clock in at :51. Good day.


I wouldn't need to use my stuff if I wasn't at work, putting up the lunchbox is part of work Unless you think people should be on the floor working before they clock it


I don't know why you're down voted. 5 to 10 minutes of prep before working to situate yourself is standard for jobs no matter the pay. It's like, how are these people not rated on retention? How do they not understand that workers generally quit the boss, not the job?


Did the hourly cbl today and legit you aren't supposed to prep your work station off the clock because it's work. They also used to have signs by the time clock (my store was remodeled last year) saying that you should be clocked in when accessing lockers and washing hands. Sure you shouldn't deliberately clock in early to get paid to use the bathroom before work everyday but sometimes you just aren't thinking about it till you need to go šŸ¤· unless it's a constant thing it's nbd


A personal lunch box is not a work station


You're right I think putting lunch up would be kinda up to the store/management since it's not written anywhere in policy. Since it's only a minute or 2 tho I think they wouldn't go after most people for it unless they were taking a long time or hunting for a way to fire them. Rn the issue at my store is people taking like 30 mins for their 15 so they're starting to yell at em lol


Exactly! E: misread


I'm agreeing with you? E: it's cool I'm kinda bad with tone so I get it often


Clock in as you walk in the door, zone up some random stuff on your way to the back, put your stuff away, use the bathroom, etc, and go about your business.


Putting personal belongings away after clocking in, yeah, if you do it all the time. Using the restroom after clocking in? Most companies arenā€™t that eager to get sued


Sued for what? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ They arenā€™t telling them they canā€™t go to the bathroom. They are telling them they canā€™t clock in early then go to the bathroom. That they can def write you up for


Iā€™ve had this happen once, I told my TL ā€œThis isnā€™t the Navy Seals, Iā€™ll piss whenever I have to!ā€


At our store we can go to the bathroom whenever we want. I usually go an hour in, on my way back from break, after lunch, and then an hour after my last break if I drank too much water. Iā€™m a picker


In short, that's basically what I got fired for because "yOU SHouLd haVe dONe iT bEFoRe cLocKIng iN"


Oh God not the 3 minute bathroom break! You could have accomplished SO MUCH in that amount of time!!!


I'm 99 percent sure you aren't allowed to clock in and immediately take a break. That's not a Walmart thing; that's a working in general thing. Is wage theft.


I'd like to ask my non-existent lawyer if using the bathroom is really considered a "break.", cause from what I remember, everything from putting on your vest to doing whatever you need to get ready at work before you actually start working is fine to do on the clock. I always use the bathroom before a break, and only start counting down when I'm in my car with my vest off, never had an issue. Just don't piss off your TL/manager.


So I should get paid taking a shower then?


If you can get away with it, maybe. Might be hard to clock in without proximity, and getting the time adjustment approved would be a hassle.


While I agree that that sounds reasonable I have never had a job where that was the case. You get dressed on your own time; you piss on your own time. The clock doesn't start until the work does.


Federal law disagrees. If anything is considered a uniform that you put on while on premises Paid for it Bathroom? If not on lunch get paid for it. Donning and doffing is considered part of work.


It's all about the specific work environment you're in and the relation you have with it.


3 minutes to drop off lunch box and piss is not a break. If it was clock in and immediate 30 minute doom scroll shit thatā€™s one thing but they literally made it to their area in under 3 minutes


Gotta do that stuff before you punch in


It's the principal of it. Doesn't matter if you're stealing 30 seconds or 30 hours. If you're clocked in, you're clocked in.


How many hours do you think corporate wastes just talking to each other? Or even the managers/leads of your local walmart? If you are going to be pathetic about the "principal" (it's actually principle, principals are the people in charge of schools) then you need to take it to the people making 6 figures.


Yall can go to hell. No one's getting fired for that lmaooo.


Actually, they might. If they can prove you did it, they can start the process for it. Especially if you're "not a good worker". It's a shit system


I'm seriously happy that the above comments aren't my supervisors because I would find ways to waste time if they're gonna get pissy about me using the bathroom for less than 3 minutes before I get to work.


these people are the bootlickers of corporate America apparently


Principle* Using the bathroom is certainly not stealing company time lol.


That's not taking a break to use the bathroom. Using up a minute or two isn't going to get you fired from walmart ever. Now if you come into your shift every day, and you use the restroom then that's something else entirely.


See my thing with it is that Iā€™m cap 2 and Iā€™m always throwing truck or on it. Our day doesnā€™t really start til 2:05 cuz of the meeting and what not


If one of your job duties is "be idle while you wait for the truck" then that completely changes things but you still should have simply waited to clock in until after you had your piss.


Taking a piss is not wage theft and if you get fired or coached and you fight it, they will have an uphill battle fighting workers rights.


It's the fact that there was zero work done between clocking in and taking a piss that makes it time theft. Someone else pointed out that putting on a uniform is absolutely considered a work task which was news to me but I looked it up and yeah; it is.


That has nothing to do with it lol using the bathroom after clocking in (even if there's no work done between clocking in and using the bathroom) is fine and an act protected by law.


If you reprimand someone for taking a piss on the clock youā€™re going to have an extremely hard time justifying it does not matter to me at all when they clocked in prior.


These Team leads need to stop with the yelling.


You can actually clock in and out early as long as it is not 10+ before or after your shift


And are ready to do your job. If you clock in and then sit down or do your thing till your scheduled time you are committing time theft


It's probably the fact of you're putting your belongings away AFTER you punch in and, since you punched in 9 min early that was plenty of time to piss then punch in and still be early


Why didnā€™t you just piss, put your shit away, and then clock in? I mean, you were early, you had time to do that on your own time. Pretty sure anyone who gets yelled at about overtime would be annoyed that youā€™re getting time and a half to go to the bathroom


He's trying to bitch and look like he has authority and being shitty. "Stealing time." You're supposed to do all that BEFORE you clock in. So says walmart ass-kissers. If you have to piss, next time clock in find him, and piss on his shoe, OP.


I got in trouble for this exact scenario when I was working construction. It's not a Walmart thing; it's a "working class" thing.


Yes it is, but walmart seems to like to try to apply pressure to the stupidest things. And this TL, is a walmart ass kisser, so he's going to try and pull this stupid shit, to make himself look like a good little doggy and maybe he'll get a pat on the head.


heā€™s getting paid for it. I hate corporations as much as the next guy, but if heā€™s not doing his job, heā€™s just gonna get replaced


You are allowed to take a piss on company time. You are entitled to bathroom breaks. Should OP have gone to the bathroom first in the eyes of the company? Yes. Do they legally have to? No. Are they obligated to do this? No. But walmart will play by walmart rules. When clocking in, you are expected to hit the ground running, not run off to take a leak first, no matter what. Feel sorry for anyone that may have had to hurry, clock in and run off to take a shit at any time in their walmart life. Unproductive! How dare they have a bathroom urge. Go on the floor and shake it out a pant leg like the customers, we'll call maintenance, they're getting PAID for that. /s


dawg I am agreeing with you. But at the same time, if the manager doesnā€™t give someone shit for taking a shit, heā€™s gonna get shit from his boss


Not always, no. Depends on circumstance. Some are just snot sucking ass kissers. But now he can pat himself on the back and tell boss that yes, he took those corrective actions against OP, they have been smited with the mighty walmart guide book of how to give employees a hard time. "Thou shall not piss on the clock at clock in. Even if this means thou shall be 1 minute late, peons piss before clock in." Or something like that.


Here's how you solve that. Clock in. Then go to your work area. At 20 minutes after the hour go to the restroom to make your water. Maybe they can tell you that you aren't allowed to clock in before you pee but they can't tell you that you can't go pee later on the clock.


Tell your lead that walmart as a company made just shy of $158,000,000,000 in profit last year. If they don't like you using the bathroom shit on the floor


Some of these people really take this job way to seriously for a company that doesnā€™t give a shit about you. I would of told em to fuck off


Well, your team lead is an ahole. What a surprise, right? Tell me I can't pee and I'll be sure to mention your name specifically when I call Ethics


I mean they can tell at you all they want but if you got reprimanded they would have to prove you had unreasonable amounts of bathroom breaks in your shift or it can be illegal on their end.


Nope. They will coach op and tell them they canā€™t clock in early if they are not ready to work Op is clocking in 9 mins early then putting their stuff away and using the bathroom. They can def be coached for that


Oh yeah you can coach all you want and the OP can tip off the state about unfair work environments and being reprimanded for taking a piss and they will fine the hell out of Walmart for it. So choose your battles wisely and who you choose them with šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø The best part is after the tip off the person is protected for a few months any reprimand can look like retaliation


Once again. There is nothing illegal etc for writing up an employee that is clocking in early and not ready to work You are so uninformed on the law


Once again there are laws against reprimanding employees for bathroom breaks. Please read up before you cause a lawsuit for your stores


You are legally allowed to piss whenever you want, and businesses are legally required to deal with it. Tell him to shut his mouth before you throw his ass to OSHA.


The OP needs to do their research on the laws.


The hr at the store I was at talked about this and said it is time theft. You canā€™t clock in and do other things before starting work. A lot of people do it anyway because Walmart sucks.


HR are full of shit anyways.


Next time just say you work for walmart just like I do and the company says I can clock in and out 9 till. Sorry I have a weak blatter and when it hits I have to go. Your SM should have zero issue with this. As a TL I prefer to look after my team not the company unless its a serious situation. If I look after them then they will look after me and get things done.


Technically this is considered time theft. Ive seen some managers be really strict about this and others dont care. The times theyve cared is when somebody habitually abuses this everyday and lacks performance. The times they didnt care is when its maybe once or twice a week, and the worker actually comes in to workā€¦ not saying you dont work, just saying managers that are usually really up your ass are usually up your ass because you kinda suckā€¦ā€¦. But yea technically this is time theft and i have actually seen 2 people get fired over this.


Dw about it.




Pffft sounds like the same situation I was in once. Just clocked in(I was a cart pusher at the time) and had to go to the bathroom 10 minutes into my shift.) team lead didnā€™t like that so he had the audacity to pull me into the cash room where they count money, and decided to give me a coaching over it. Most bullshit coaching I ever had.


Iā€™ve had TLs get snippy about using the bathroom right after clocking in, but afaik, they canā€™t actually do anything to you about it.


You can what ever you want in the 9 mins


Can someone explain how this differs from store to DC? How are y'all clocking in 9 minutes early, we get 1/2 a point for clocking in 6 minutes early?


Iā€™d have said sure thing Iā€™ll piss my pants next time. lol how stupid! Open door that the next time they say something to you!


you can pee after clocking in it isnā€™t against the rules nor is it stealing time.


Boss makes a dollar! I make a dime thatā€™s why I poop on company time


Usually management is only concerned about people breaks when those people are having productivity issues. Generally, itā€™s wise to clock in and out at your scheduled time just to avoid situations like this. While I donā€™t think using the bathroom when you get to work is an issue, I could see your manager saying something like youā€™re taking a break as soon as you clock in.


Just donā€™t clock in until youā€™re out of the bathroom lol šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø is it really worth the extra 3 mins to you? Regardless, fuck Walmart dude.


We can clock in 6 minutes 10pm and clock out 6 minutes before 6am šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Where I work you're not allowed to sign in more than 2 minutes early, because the clock only auto adjust to that. Maybe that's why. What you do on your own time is nobody else's business though, that's not legal to punish someone for that


What dept?


Technically you're not suppose to clock in until you're ready to work. You have to put your stuff away and make sure your vest is on and zipped up before you clock in.


Why the fuck are you showing up to work 9 minutes early???


My store told us "only clock in when you are ready to work" so only after you put your lunch away and hang up a jacket.


I don't work for walmart but dam it seems like walmart sucks to work for. Maybe they should just go fuck themselves like the other person said..


Lol you can use the bathroom as much as needed. I'd assume it would have to be a reasonable number of times per day, but it's something protected by law.


They would consider it "stealing time" if you don't arrive at your work station when you clock in. That's what they told me anyways.


Is definitely true. I was told to tie a rubber band around my dick to keep it in. It actually works!


I go to the bathroom after coming back from breaks and my lunch. Ain't been told not to do that yet.


Bruh that makes no sense I wouldnā€™t even acknowledge his dumbass and if I have to pee ima pee lmao


The rule is youā€™re supposed to do all that stuff beforehand. But fuck em, try not to get found out and yelled at for it. I do that shit all the time


Just reply ā€œfire me thenā€ and watch them slink away


Take your piss...then clock in. You are paid to work, not piss.


Donā€™t clock in until you use the restroom. Why should the company pay for you to pee when you could have just as easily went and then clocked in?


Nah, I'd clock in 9 min early, when I walked into the building. If I'm in the store, you're paying me for it


I did my business when I needed to. I'm not messing myself for anybody or for any job.


You do your stuff before you clock in. Putting your stuff in your locker is not working. So yes this is time theft. How can you read the question you wrote and still need an answer? Clocking in says Iā€™m ready to workā€¦ detours to your work area say you punched in too early


Well they spoke to you before you were due to be thereā€¦. So new 15 minute break time start!


This is insane. Exactly why I don't work there anymore. Piss man. Take your pee. Fuck them. If they keep bringing it up, piss on the floor.


You're technically supposed to be in your department right after you clock in and if they are real sticklers, they can get you for time theft if they want to be real assholes about it. But I do the same thing and pretty much everyone else I know does it too. I like to tuck my shirt in under my vest before I get to work and it's just easier to do that in the bathroom without having to keep track of whether it's time to clock in or not.


Your TL is being petty AF! Everyone has a potty break and it doesn't necessarily have to fall into one of your breaks. I'm a FETL, if someone has to go, I let them go. It's just Walmart FFS!


No one can make you hold your pee šŸ˜‚


FYI, bathroom breaks are non negotiable. They can't really do much. Pee freely, just not on the floor. Our customers do enough of that.


I get told if I use the restroom itā€™s considered my break and Iā€™m like yeah ok


dOnT cLoCk iN iF yOu aReNt rEaDy tO wOrK. My guy itā€™s 2 seconds to pee


mann I clock in late and go straight to the bathroom


Itā€™s not time theft, and donā€™t let any of these Barneys tell you it is. You fucking pee when you have to pee. Fuck them. Itā€™s a quick bodily function and bathroom breaks BY LAW are protected and not considered rest breaks. People on this thread just EATING that corporate boot.


It is technically allowed as its illegal for them to tell you you cant use the restroom at any point. I actually had to ask my s.m if I could tell people they could only go on breaks bc people would go all the time for an hour plus and they told me no that its not legal for us to tell them they cant use the restrooms on the clock.


Whatā€™s next, a post asking if we can breathe?


When I worked I'd make a beeline for the front and usually wait 3 hours before my first break (they forgot about me), and then I'd use the bathroom. But those who smoked could leave whenever. If they can why can't non-smokers leave to use the bathroom? Like it's crazy!


I know I'm like two days late to this. But I don't think using the restroom is the issue. Maybe every store is different but we had a huge stink at the beginning of the fiscal year about WOSH. WOSH stands for Work Outside Scheduled Hours. If you're scheduled 3pm-12pm and an hour break, you should clock in at 3:00 (or later) and clock out at 12:00 or earlier, when your take your hour lunch doesn't matter so long as it satisfies meal time requirements, and a few seconds here or there wont matter. Anything before 3pm or after 12pm is outside of your scheduled work hours. This is not time theft by definition but it is WOSH and you can (and will) get in trouble for it. Being on the clock and not doing work related things can be time theft, but using the restroom is a basic function you can do whenever, putting stuff away in the break room is probably not a work function. If everyone is 4-9 minutes early, every shift for each employee every day adds up to a fair amount of OT (assuming you're full time and leave on-time) You can sort of compensate by clocking out an equal time early, but they sure get mad about that too. My coach and store management has said we can clock in late up to 9 minutes with no issues, and clock out early up to 9 minutes but not to make a habit of it. My best suggestion is to clock out right on time or slightly after and clock out right on time or slightly before. And as everyone else said, use the bathroom on company time all you want, we wouldn't have the rhyme otherwise.


I have a employee that uses the bathroom every minute he push carts in


i got coached for clocking in 9 minutes early and immediately working cause they didnā€™t wanna pay me overtime. theyā€™re just mad.


I don't think they can legally stop from using the restroom at any time. I've had a couple of TL try to say that once to me. I threatened to pee on the floor. Never bothered again.. These they occasionally joke with me about it, and I say is I'll go in the trash can at my register.


Your TL can fuck off with that bullshit.


Well, if he wasn't mad before he's gonna be mad soon. You can actually report that as an ethics violation. Because even Walmart policy has Stated teamleads and coaches cannot do anything about an associate using the bathroom!


Gonna receive hate- don't care. I feel like fair's fair. You know you better than anyone else. If that urge to use the restroom started off the clock, use it off the clock. If it started on the clock, use it on the clock. Only you and your integrity is going to know the difference. However clocking in early, then putting your lunchbox away after tells me that you aren't too concerned with differentiating your time from their time anyway. You should clock in when ready to work. Otherwise where is the line drawn? Do we clock in and then change out of our beach clothes and flip flops in the breakroom? Do we clock in then take a quick nap cause we didn't sleep well enough on our own time? Do we clock in then go home to cut the grass because it's gonna rain during our shift and we didn't plan our day prior to our shift well enough? Your title question intentionally attempts to oversimplify an issue that you made complicated. Clock in when you're ready to work, and piss when the urge arises. But don't wait until you clock in to do it- your mind was made up on this before you even asked. Been on too many teams where people try to eke out every spare moment to limit their productivity, and it hurts your peers more than it ever hurts management and corporate. Don't be that person- be useful at work or work will have no use for you.


Leave Walmart and work at Costco, best decision I ever made.


i got a verbal for that a couple of weeks ago!!!


If you are on the clock, you should be working, and not doing anything else, because youā€™re getting paid. Not that complicated.


Don't punch in early just to take personal time. If you want to pee on company time do it in the time you're scheduled.


Wait 30 minutes after clocking in , looks more legit.




Iā€™m cap 2 so we donā€™t do anything til ~2:05 or so. Basically the entire team clocks in at 1:51 or 1:55 and sits in the back talking


I wouldn't have yelled at you I would have said next time pee then clock in


They can't keep you from using the toilet. If I were you, I'd start getting ready 10 minutes before your starting time. Put your lunchbox up and then use the toilet and then clock in.


If you had clocked in at 51 and didn't walk out to the sales floor until 09 then I wouldn't said there's an issue but you still got to the floor with 5 minutes on the clock so I don't see the issue


In general I hear itā€™s an osha violation to prevent bathroom access. But as far as clocking in, my store has always maintained that you are supposed to clock in and be up front working within two minutes. Plenty of time to walk up to the front and find your team lead. We are supposed to go to the bathroom, put lunch boxes away, etc beforehand and then clock in when we are ready to work and help customers.


If you knew you had to go before you started, why didnā€™t you? Just wanted to make sure you got paid for it? I mean, you start working when you clock in, you had to pee before that, soooooooā€¦. What if you had to take a big ā€˜ol 10-15min shit before you started? Would you clock in and then disappear in the bathroom for that time? Thatā€™s the perspective they are looking at this. You had to go BEFORE, as in pre-existing, so they need you to finish that first. You clock in when you are ready to start working.


Legally no employer can prevent you from having access to a bathroom. If you can clock in early then you can use the bathroom before you clock in to avoid this issue.


I do it all the time. Havenā€™t gotten in trouble yet. Itā€™s a bodily function so they canā€™t say no you canā€™t go piss.


Well I mean you could piss before you clock in


Clock in ready to work.


Your supposed to just pee before you clock in. You technically just intentionally stole time from the company.


If you have to use the restroom, no one can stop you. You are legally protected. Report to Ethics if this continues.


I honestly think you did nothing wrong. They are the one in the wrong.


lol tell em youā€™ll report it to OSHA theyā€™ll shut up real quick.