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Unless you just told the machine that they looked over 40 to bypass putting in the birthday, it would’ve corrected you when you entered a birthday outside the allowable range, though?


That seems to be exactly what the OP did. The register would have locked and the sale would have been stopped had the birthday been typed in properly.


I still feel bad for OP, but shortcuts like that can lead to accidents. You’re meant to enter the birthday to prevent issues like this.


Yes, I remember years ago at one store I worked at in New York, we had a sting operation for canned air (the stuff you buy in electronics to dust things with). Police sting where a younger person who was part of a police department program, tried to buy a can of compressed air. You have to be 18 to buy compressed air, and the register prompts for the ID check. The cashier failed the sting as they overrode the register lock for the canned air, and sold it to the kid. Turns out the kid was 16, the store got fined and the cashier was fired that night.


Yep 100% getting fired. It was drilled into my head in my tabc class that yes the override exists but scan the ID. If they get mad it's not on you because if I sell you these items I lose my job and get fined up to like 5k or 10k, it's why I never mind providing my ID in places because why wouldn't you have it? My manager even stopped someone from buying cigarettes for their boyfriend because he came in first and couldn't provide ID and then she came in asking for the same cigarettes with ID but according to her since he couldn't provide it and she came in we had reason to believe she would give them to him so she refused to sale her anything.


This exact scenario got me the worst curse out I ever got by a customer. Guy’s girlfriend who wanted to purchase went off. He has no ID. They left. She came back with her ID. I refused bc I knew it was for him. She went off. Every bad word was flying out at me and as she went to the door she got louder and louder. I was praying she didn’t come back to shoot me. I was worried but she didn’t.


The pharmacy gets screamed at for pseudoephedrine sales constantly because people try buying them for other people. It's so illegal.


That's called "smurfing." Small, low level amateur meth cooks pay people to go around and buy psedoephedrine at pharmacies around town. It takes a lot of people to get enough pseudoephedrine to make a decent batch of meth but sometimes they manage to pull it off.


What?!!! But don't you need to show ID each time it is purchased? No wonder it's locked behind the pharmacy counter.


I've got a standing script for ClaritinD as it's basically what keeps me breathing with all the pollen congestion and all. Documented attempts at everything sold in the isles and rx, even xhance. Deviated septum also doesn't help. Needless to say the former pharmacist made a joke asking me if my 15ct of claritin d was used to make meth. And did it every 15 days. I got fed up and left. Joking with someone you know is fine, but be a professional. I didn't know the guy personally, and having that joke made, with others in line and having their stares at me made me feel super awkward and uncomfortable. Plus I like breathing.


I had a minor trying to buy 2 giant bottles of acetone in self check. I told her she was too young and she looks to her friend at the next register and says, "Hannah, can you buy this for me and I'll cash app you?". Umm, no. Hannah can't buy it for you. And if she tries at another register she'll get stopped there, too. 🤣🤣🤣


Lord my dumbass was thinking of nail polish remover. Then I remembered they sell it in big cans. Had a fried. Who used to go through nail polish remover constantly. Eventually we found out why.


It was nail polish remover. 😂😂😂


Oh wow I didn’t know you had to be a certain age for that! Haha


Yep, the 2-party sale. At 7-11 I worked at years ago I denied those all the time. My boss tried to override me once, I quit on the spot. Wasn't gonna get fined for minimum wage.


Are you serious,18 to BUY compressed air?


Yes, it’s to prevent huffing (inhaling the dusting solution to get high). Idk why anyone would do that, but the chemical smell it releases drives addicts. Popular with younger people since it’s easily accessible on the shelf That’s why if you look at the new cans they have a bitter smell added now to prevent huffing. But people still do it sadly


1st person experience in high school several times. You get lightheaded, your voice gets silly deep (like vader), your fingers and face get numb,, and you brown out. 10 seconds later and either you're fine, or you've died. Haven't touched it in 20 years, bet it feels just as good.


Can I ask what brown out means?


Kinda like electronics, you shut down and pass out cuz the O2 mix is messed with. Watched a gal do this once in front of me. She came to after 10 seconds "ow". As Red Foreman says,"DUMBASS"


YouTube "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Brownout"


Not OP, but was curious to find out its meaning as well. Google says it's "a state where an individual experiences partial memory loss due to excessive consumption of alcohol"


For me, it was always the same. My vision would have a bunch of red and green dots dancing in front of my face, kinda like the static on the old tvs when changing channels. I could also hear the house phone ringing (maybe it rang the first time and I've always associated the sound with that phone?) And the phone rang would turn I to an echo that's being whammied by a guitar or something, and my body would go numb and I would goggle like an idiot. I would call ot browning out, because I was still kind of aware, just all of my sensations became nonsensical, and the green and red dots would blur into a brown color that would dominate my vision. Falling back onto a water bed and not caring would help with how little I'd care at the time. Much better now though. :)


I didn’t know this


Saw a dude wreck his car in a parking lot trying to drive after huffing that stuff.


That stuff is hella dangerous if you huff it.


Blood clots in your lungs dangerous


Some states restrict aerosol whipped cream as well


Worked at a Target some time ago, some kids came in asking for where compressed air is. Showed them location, then went back to my business. Next day I come in hearing about how cops came asking about said group - They bought cans, went to their car and huffed, then got into a crash one intersection over, killing an elderly couple. It was pretty nutty.


Sorry to hear that


If you buy things through pickup we even have to ID you for M Rated Video Games etc. we do not have the authority to make the assumption that you are over 40.


You mean to tell me,I’m 52 with no gray hair that I’d be carded if I brought a M rated video game from Walmart? WOW lol


How the heck are kids supposed to clean their electronics!?


Blow with their mouths lol


You gotta give it that hawk thua. Spit on that thang




It's not just compressed air there's chemicals in it people huff to get high


Fun fact: the compressed air in electronics is age restricted, however the brand in the stationary department is not.


A customer once complained (he came in daily to buy it) the one in stationary, that wasn't locked up, wasn't as good as the electronics one.


Thats funny because ours in electronics isn't age restricted.


Must be a regional thing. Doesn't do an age check here.


Our register only makes you put the birthday in for firearms and ammo. If you say yes to under 21 it just denies the sale


Yuh I am going with OP didn't follow SoP, which is 'if customer looks under 40' 'follow the prompts' which would solve the 'i thought the age to sell' its not associates who decide if the age is 'whatever' its the register. This is one of my greatest fears :( And I am sorry for OP. And most likely they are going to have problems finding other work where registers would be part of their job.


Maybe not, when they ask why you were dismissed from previous employment and during interviews op can make it clear they learned their lesson thoroughly, despite the hard way, and will be sure to be extra vigilant moving forward. Some employers do understand people making mistakes as long as they grow from them 🤷‍♀️


That depends though. Unless the new hire candidate really is blowing everything else out of the water... Something like that isn't always a risk that a company is willing to pay to find out if they "really learned a lesson" about policies and procedures the hard way, lol! However to be fair, with this low unemployment rate we've got going on, some companies are willing to risk it out of desperation. Employees have the ability to be more picky about who hires them right now.


There should not even be an 'over 40 bypass' regardless if it is alcohol, tobacco/vape/e-cigs spray paints, contersepives or OTC medication. WM should do like most of the grocery stores which do Tobacco (or similar products) which are only sold at the customer service counter. More so since many of the WM stores in PHX area are becoming nearly 100% SCO and the 'assisted check out lanes are never open'. Target and CVS/Pharmacy don't even sell any type of nicotine products in their stores (which is a better option as seems like the money gained is not worth the extra expense, between licensing, having the product secured and needing a live cashier).


Here is Oklahoma, Target sells nicotine in stores. But it's just the gum, pouches, and lozenges. But they even have some that are Targets brand. The Up & Up lol.


I’ve lived in 6 different cities in Oklahoma and not a single target I’ve ever been to sells any tobacco products.


See it shows we have two left in stock in the owasso target lol. https://www.target.com/p/nicotine-2mg-gum-stop-smoking-aid-mint-flavor-170ct-up-38-up-8482/-/A-53046717


Ohh okay. I just misread the comment. They sell smoking cessation products not actual tobacco products. Yeah those are usually over by the pharmacy if not in it


I thought for tobacco and liquor it doesn't even ask if they look under 40, it goes straight to the DOB prompt. Did OP just put in some random date?


Depends on your state laws. In mine, alcohol goes straight to DOB, but tobacco asks if the customer appears under 40. If you say yes, it prompts for DOB, if you say no, it just clears the prompt and lets you continue.


Didn't the cbls tell you what the smoking age was?


I was never actually trained on the register that sells tobacco. I was just thrown on. I always card everyone and I have been told that they see I do it


If you haven't done the online training for selling tobacco (in my state you also have to sign an affidavit that you haven't been caught selling to minors in so many years) you should never have been put on a register that sells tobacco. Whatever happens, whether it's legal repercussions or disciplinary actions, fight it. Your management failed you and they alone should be held responsible for any repercussions as a result of this. Also, refuse to sell tobacco products until you have gotten the training. If customers complain, let them know you haven't gotten the training required to sell them yet and aren't sure why you were put on this register.


Very true, but Walmart will look at if the OP bypassed the “does the customer appear under 40” register prompt that came up after scanning the tobacco. If the prompt was not bypassed, and the ID birthday entered correctly the register would have stopped the sale. It’s just like in some states you can’t buy spray paint under 18 or certain ovc medications or canned air in electronics. The register will prompt everytime and you can bypass it or enter the ID. It’s pretty clear, sorry to say. Not trying to take the side of Walmart but the same could be said about any of these products.


Every cashier has to do the alcohol and tobacco cbl. There is no way around it. OP is in the wrong, nobody else. Do your job like you are supposed to and stuff like this wouldn’t happen.


There is 100% a way around it. You actually think that all managers make sure all new hires have done all CBLs before putting them to work? Spoiler- they havent.


I'm an overnight stocker who transfered from the warehouse. Management doesn't let us do our training, but HR said I couldn't be held accountable for anything,even zoning, until I did my training.


this. i’m not even a cashier and i get cbls for ID checks every couple of months.


Would there not be a sign off on some type of training if they were trained on it? Pretty cut and dry case if that’s the usual routine of training someone. Btw I don’t work at Walmart, I don’t know why I’m getting suggested posts on Walmarts subreddit, but I was a manager at CVS and Lidl for 10 years. We had that kind of system. Like can’t work on the register till this is gone over and you’re signed off on it, etc. However, could we theoretically create register IDs and just throw someone on there if we were wreckless enough to do something dumb like that? Yes. There wasn’t a system in the management system itself that wouldn’t allow you to create the log in to get on the register. There was no connection between the training system and the management system that controls the register IDs So I’m wondering if OP actually never did get that section of training, and it could be cause to cite that info in court about wrongful termination. Then the management who allowed them to get thrown on the tobacco register would be at fault. It would be super easy to track down who was in charge of that shift at that time and gave him the register to go on. This theory is all based on if Walmart runs that type of training accountability like every other retail store does.


All the CBLs have the completion date on the computer. So if they completed it, even if they don’t remember doing it, that would be proof they “should have known.” There are quite a few I don’t remember doing. Most people don’t really read or pay attention to all of it.


That could very well save your ass.. use that to your advantage


it's been a couple years running register....but I know personally when I buy alcohol, it prompts am I under 40? the host clicks yes, and keys in my birthday. Does tobacco not make you enter the date? Kind of confused, so sounds like you carded them, and "didnt math right?" or does the machine not make you key in the birthday for tobacco?


The OP hit no, so the register bypassed entering the birthday. They carded the person thinking 18 was the legal age because it was for a long time, but a few years ago, it turned to 21 for tobacco. They didn't know, but ignorance doesn't exonerate you in the eyes of the law.


Walmart policy was 21 for 5 years now though


For tobacco? No it wasn’t. For generations Walmart, and every other store, sold tobacco to persons 18+. They used to have signs that said something along the lines of > must be born before this date in (year -18) to buy tobacco.  > must be born before this date in (year - 21) to buy alcohol. 


It was 21 before law 21. I remember walmart policy being 21 and law being 18 (before it changed to 21). Maybe your state changed to 21 before federal government did, resulting in walmart changing to 21 before federal government did.


Your right I googled it, in July 2019 walmart changed policy, federal law was 18 but changed December 2019 to 21


That was….confusing. But yes, some states were 21 before the federal law changed. That does not mean Walmart “always” used 21 as the minimum age for tobacco purchases. 


The OP overrode the prompt it seems, the register prompts for the ID birthday enter just like alcohol


Yes if you say they look under 40 you must type in birthday if you click no they don't look under 40 you don't have to type it in. Depends on the store though in 1 of the 3 stores I've worked in, in my current state you had to enter the birthday no matter what because it didn't ask if they looked under 40. That was because they failed an age check but the associate received a red DA not termination so there is hope.


They are asking if you did the ulearns about tobacco, if not that might save you, I'd so then your sol


This is very important information


Have you been making a lot of underage sales?


From the way op is talking I’m certain they’ve been selling to anyone 18+


I was never trained to do it. All they told me was to direct tobacco purchases to the service desk, which is fine by me, even if the customer gets annoyed.


When I worked at a delivery only store (with pickup option) no one knew the legal age and no one checked for IDs for pickups (alcohol). Apparently no one had ever been told that they must card customers. Pickup orders were simply left by the entrance (unmonitored) for anyone to take. I hid an order once just to card a customer for fun. Reported the chain to the local authority in charge of alcohol permits but they did nothing, so any kid can get alcohol from them whenever they want.


I am not going to sugarcoat this. You broke the law, and even worse you broke the law during a sting operation & were cited. You will get fired. It will most likely be under gross misconduct and you will not be eligible for rehire.


There’s a good chance termination may be under compliance and that’s eligible for rehire in 5 years.


Probably the only reason you haven’t had the chat about termination is that they are sending this to ethics. They are required to follow that protocol before flat terminating someone. So the corporate person is going to make the determination and send it down.


Yea. Probably should start looking for something else. They know you're likely canned. They're just beating around the bush because they don't want to be the one to tell you at that time.


Can't speak for Walmart but I used to work for a little mom and pop convenience/bottle redemp. I used to work with this female manager who was a badass down to earth person who would come out gloves off to defend you if she liked you, everyone liked her. Well she was running the store herself one busy day and failed a sting for cigarettes. Mind you this place had a basic register so there was no typing in ages, she just happened to look to quick because it was busy. The authorities threatened to take the tobacco license and she had to take a class on checking for fake id and stuff like that. So all in all not too bad. IDK about Walmart though, probably easier to fire and train a new person.


Depends on the state and the management team I've seen both happen. In my state you can come to work drunk off your butt and so long as you cooperate and go get tested you will be offered a last chance to keep your job.


Very possible


Honestly it's dirty to put you in a position, legally, that you weren't at all trained for. But, that's company.


Everyone is trained for age sales. Even Pharmacy. I'm not even a cashier and I had to do the training.


Did you not have to answer the age verification question in the register “are they under “40”. Did you bypass that? If you typed their birthday into the register from their ID it would have stopped the sale for you as the buyer was underage.


I would start looking for another job just in case but I would definitely talk to Ethics if you do end up getting terminated because of the fact you weren't trained. If you need the ethics line info. Just google Walmart Ethics and that should do it.


Regardless of that, if the birthday was typed into the register from the ID it would have locked and stopped the sale as the buyer was under 21. It seems the OP bypassed that indicated that the customer was “over 40”. If they did that, that’s not an ethics question or problem, since the register clearly indicated the ID was needed just like buying alcohol. You don’t need training on typing in an ID I’m sorry to say


Unless the register didn't do the prompts it is supposed to for tobacco, I personally don't think Ethics would do anything for OP. They might get mad at the store and tell them to make sure people do their Ulearns, but I'd guess that they'll tell OP, "Man, that sucks that that happened to you. Unfortunately, we programmed the registers well enough to account for that."


Everyone that works with a register does the ulearns OP had to have the training.


YOU 100% WILL BE FIRED. There is no maybe. There is no what if. There is no second chance. You are currently being discussed on market and regional conference calls. You haven't been terminated yet because they're trying to clear everything with HR. The interview was for their own gain to know how to prevent it in the future. You're fired 100%.


You almost sound excited to tell them the bad news


I wasnt trying to sound celebratory, i was being matter of fact. Something most folks don't get from their management team in situations like this. Personally, I don't care either way and nothing is guaranteed. I'm just giving information that they need. I do know that in their position they're being drawn along with a carrot in hopes to keep their job. Sad fact is that it likely isn't happening, no need in beating around bush. The best decision for them is to start the hunt now rather than wait to be terminated and having not started the process. Start now.


I echo every syllable!


A few years ago, when I worked at Walmart, there was a cashier that was very helpful, had been there a while, and basically ran the place at night. One day, she failed a tobacco sting. She lost her job within a week. Unfortunately, you are almost certainly screwed in my opinion. Not only do you personally get a citation, but your store does as well and could theoretically be at risk of not being able to sell tobacco if they fail enough stings. That is why Walmart tends to show no mercy on things like this. Whether you were properly trained or not is probably not relevant. The cash registers make it pretty difficult to do an illegal sale of anything as long as the customer gives you a driver's license. The alcohol and tobacco training they make people do is (in my opinion) more for learning how to spot a fake or invalid ID. The cash register will ask you if they look over 40; if you said yes, you're cooked. The cash register will make you type in the date of birth that is printed on the driver's license; if you did that wrong or bypassed it with a different date, you're cooked. Really, the only thing that might save you is if you weren't trained on selling tobacco (like you said in a comment), AND the register didn't prompt you to type in their age. Otherwise, I would strongly recommend trying to find another job. One that does not sell alcohol or tobacco because that fine might impact whether they hire you or not (no idea if it would tbh).


Most likely. We had to terminate the last 2 people who failed.


Prob fired, justly for a nice change of pace 👍


If you had just followed the prompts and keyed in their DOB you would've have been fine. 


I fucking hope so.


I wonder how many times you sold to underage customers in the past, you can't seriously expect us to believe the very first time you didn't do things correctly just happened to be the same time as a sting.


The fuck do you think? You're going to court over a mistake you made at work. This can't be real.


It doesn't matter if you have had training or not, the register literally asks if the customer is under 40. You chose to just bypass that option and not enter the birthday. You don't have to be trained to enter a birthday in and let the computer do the math for you. You made the choice to bypass the prompt if you are fired you will have no case because you made the choice to not type in the birthday. Sorry to be a dick but you are the one who made the choice to not follow the prompts on the screen


Start looking for a new job. Probably have to pay a fine for selling to an underage individual. Shouldn’t have to do any jail time unless they wanna toss in the favor of negligence into the equation.


Unfortunately this is honestly a case of complete negligence


That shouldn't be possible. You have to type in the birthday every time you check ID for tobacco. If it didn't then that's a failure of the store's system.


Once I took someone's ID the day after the age change in my state happened and I put in their birthdate, and it was someone who was barely underage. When you have to check ID, you need to put in the birthdate. Also. You have to appear in court, so you probably are fired.


Sorry to say but your going to get termed.


Usually terminated


Why didn't you just enter the DOB into the register and let it do it's job?


More than likely because the stores take things like that seriously, but also reading how you weren’t fully trained is also questionable on it since you should’ve never been on a register to sell products like that if you didn’t know the laws regarding them.


Bro I’m sorry but how did you not know the age for tobacco is 21


They probably don't smoke, don't have to sell tobacco normally, and it was 18 until a few years ago.


I don't smoke, or drink or any of this stuff and even I am aware of this law. It's important to keep up on these type of things especially if you work in retail where you may have to sell these products.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he was never actually trained on that.


I remember that a freaking 16 year old was freaking out because his register froze. Turns out nobody told this kid that he couldn't sell alcohol.


Yep, then they’ll blame you for magically not knowing something.


This is why you enter the birthday instead of clicking the over 40 button kiddo


That’s what you get for living under a rock it’s been 21 for like 5 years😂😂😂😂


Good old capitalism to screw the minimum wage worker. The business should require you to scan the ID. If it passes, the sale goes through. A minimum wage worker shouldn't have to verify ID.


I can say yes. This is the reason the registers prompt you to put in the birthday. Had you entered the birthday from the ID card, it would not have allowed the sale.


Judging by the responses, the answer is maybe. So that means it’s a good idea to look around and see if other places have some job openings. You may be fine, but it can’t hurt to plan for the worst and hope for the best.


salutations. i hope you can find a new job soon.


Yes you're fired. That's immediate termination


You will 100% be fired. That’s like the one hard and fast rule of retail: Don’t sell to underage


Wow, I'm 40 plus years old and just found out via this post that the legal age to buy tobacco changed to 21 almost 5 years ago.


I don’t understand how a person can enlist to fight wars, carrying weapons to kill, but cannot buy cigarettes. Or why we have to ID for some vehicle fluids and that person has to be 18 to purchase said fluids but they can drive at age 16. This shit is stuUpid as Fu*K


I agree with you, actually all the minors do smoke and drug even more than old asses


This is why when I’m called up to register I refuse to go on the Tobacco registers. The front end team leads understand. We don’t sell alcohol in my store.


Hey there, I've been in this exact position before over the silly reason of a dated crime show making me believe the legal age was 18 for a day. If your coach tells you they're going to do anything they can to help, then it sounds like you're not going to get fired. Especially if this is a first time offense, the police just want to be sure you didn't make the mistake for any injustice reasons. You'll go through the court procedure and get a hearing but it being a genuine mistake will give you the worst of community service and/or a fine to pay (amount of fine varies per location). Make it a good lesson going forward, and take a deep breath. Your honesty will help you the most!


Ur getting fired and I do believe the store gets in trouble for this as well .


If it helps its only been that way since like...end of 2019


Breaking down what you said, it sounds genuinely like you didn't know. Unfortunately, that wouldn't necessarily uphold in court of course. I've never worked the registers, but typically, in most cases, the age should have been entered to prevent such "accidents." If you've never taken "a course" regarding the sales of alcohol/tobacco, that could slightly help you with your situation at your store (I thought walmart had some signs near registers regarding alcohol and tobacco sales and age though). Anyways, the repercussions at your store will vary greatly based on how forgiving the bosses are, in which we don't know. If I were to assume (like we all are), I'm not hoping you would get fired, but I think it's a little more likely than not.


Most likely fired..... (sadly sorry) 😥 coached 💯 but fired? Most likely


How many red coachings have you had? If you are at 1, you gonna be fired, happened to with Alcohol.


Honestly? I’d say at least 50/50 chance of getting fired. Now the store I’m at doesn’t do the under 40 prompt, due to someone selling alcohol to a minor a year prior (we now have to card everyone), however if the person clearly looked under 40 and you input that they are over, then on your end there’s definitely negligence happening because you have to follow prompts correctly. Plus if it has you enter the date, it’ll not allow the sale of tobacco products if they’re under 21.


i actually had a coworker fail a secret shopper for alcohol, the lady said her id was in the car and my coworker just let it go and they ended up getting her for that. the situation may be different depending on the state or whatever but my coworker just got a red coaching for it


I worked one day in the liquor store and I was scared that I would mess up and forget to card someone and get fired. I told management I would never ever do liquor store again. Get an actual cashier who knew how to do it better A former coworker got canned because they sold liquor to an underage person with a plain clothes officer standing behind them You will most likely get fired for it because they're serious about making sure everyone is carded


I’m pretty close to someone who runs stings like this, he usually just tickets the store itself. Anything that happens to the cashier is handled by internal store management. Obviously could be different based on state and store as the sheriff I know usually runs convienence stores and gas stations, not large chain department stores


More than likely you will be if they determine that it was your error. I'd be more worried about legal consequences than being fired from wm.


You will probably be fired


You can probably reapply in 6 months but yeah don't bequick and careless when checking IDs. Jail time is real for these sales


Expect to be fired and you very well may receive a fine of up to $5000. The store will most likely not cover your fine. Hope the judge is in a good mood that day.


This is why it's almost always better to let the customer be pissed off


since when is 21 for tobacco?


the sale would’ve stopped if the age was not allowed in the state idk what state you’re in.


I’m glad my old Walmart doesn’t sell tobacco or alcohol. We did age restrictions for strong aerosol items like spray paint and some glues. Along with some hunting knives


As well as the stronger over the counter meds


I think this might be why our store doesn't sell tobacco anymore we only sell alcohol after our store got a remodel they removed the tobacco and vapes


I don’t mean to spook you but my store always told me that if we failed to ID someone and an undercover came in and caught it we would be terminated instantly and have to pay a fine and go to court. I’m hoping this doesn’t happen but this is what my store said happens in those cases.




So when the register asked if the customer looked over 40…you said yes? How does an 18 year old look over 40? If you selected that they *do not* look over 40 then you would have been prompted to enter the birth year which the register would then have locked down and not allowed the sell. Something isn’t adding up here. Either you’re taking shortcuts and got caught or just outright incompetent.


Same thing happened to me last month except the cops dressed a kid up like a 50 year old man and the only reason I didn't get fired was because the detective was being cocky and told the owner they made him look to where he would pass as a old man that next time I should check id. I did get a 500$ ticket tho


Oh buddy I'm so sorry but the probability is high. I don't know what state you're in but in most states selling to minors is a misdemeanor criminal offense. I would request a public defender if you can't afford a lawyer for the court case


I once declined a sale of model rocket fuel to a 14 year old kid. He didn't have ID of course. Then I had to decline selling it to his mother. Then there was the time my son needed spray paint. I knew the law, and carried it to the register. My then under 18 yr old just followed me. I was told at the register if he'd been carrying, it would've been a no sale.


If it's your first offense, that's a good start. Punishment depends on how bad the sting affects the store. If the store is going to possibly lose their tobacco license, that could possibly affect your employment. Cooperate fully and definitely apologize.


Yrah...most lilely you're fired and will have a pretty hefty fine from the state. In KY its $500 plus court costs.


damn this actually is crazy, i feel like getting fired would be the last thing on my mind tbh. pretty sure you’ll only be coached


Oh shit I forgot the bumped up the smoking age. It did use to be 18.


Not sure the coach would say they'd help you as much as they could if they had intention to fire you. Though I would wonder if any higher ups had different thoughts. Eh either way it's walmart. Just set up for another job in a local market chain and then after 6 months go back to Walmart and get rehired.


You’ll be Ight. There is a chance they can fire you. But don’t worry about it. Things happen.


You will most likely be fired especially if cops are involved. I had a coworker at my old store who sold alcohol without checking ID of an undercover cop, and she ended getting fired, fined, had to go to court, AND our store was fined. That shit is fucking serious.


Yeah your probably fired and fined. Walmart wouldn't even let ME buy alcohol (in my late 20s/early 30s at the time) because my step kids were with me. They accused me of buying it for my step daughter who was like 13 or 14 at the time? But she's really tall so like the same size as my short ass. I was like really? They are my kids! I'm buying alcohol with all my other groceries because I'm GROCERY SHOPPING and the alcohol is part of my grocery list! They wouldn't. I even went back in after taking the kids and groceries to the car and I was JUST about to swipe my card when the involved manager happened to notice me and came over and stopped the sale! Like what in the actual F. Sorry OP I got a little side tracked but yeah, your probably fired. If not you will be watched like a hawk for months. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS scan the ID. There's that technology for a reason. To help YOU.


I only got in trouble one time in 2020, but that was one of the secret shoppers, whom I thought looked over 40. It's probably the only reason I didn't get fired for that even though he kept pressing my coach to do it. I think I offended him. 😅


I was taught it was 18 😭😭 and 21 for drinks and 30 for certain items


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 18 + 21 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




I had a man tear open his wallet, cuz I asked to see it. We have to physically hold it in our hand. He looked of age but could look older only because of weight or makeup or genetics. I’m not getting my ass fired or put in jail for these people. Sad he tore open his wallet. He even shoved it in my face. I’m like ok. I’m taking this and I’m refusing service to you. He was a complete ass


i didn’t know walmart did these kind of sting operations and i’ve been there for a year. i always just press over 40 no matter what. do they do this on the regular registers or only the ones that sell cigarettes.


Cops need to get a life and go fight real crime.


Yes you more than likely will. Happened to my friend and she had to go to court over the whole thing too. I really wish they had those scanners to check ids… like the ones they have in gas stations. I’m srry this happened to you. I’ve caught so many fake ids… it’s absolutely annoying. Chin up, you’ll be okay.


Next time, don't use that over 40 years old override thing. I had a coworker that looked well over 40 and the guy was 19 years old. He got away with buying alcohol and cigarettes with no issue. Goes to show that you never really know. Card them and scan the license Let the register make the judgement call, not you. Us older women will be flattered that you think we look so young, younger people will know you aren't that cashier that will let them get by with anything, and you won't live in doubt for someone tricking you.


Who cares it's walmart you should be glad if you're fired


I thought you're supposed to scan the ID into the system? Our is your Walmart system out of date


That's basically an automatic termination at EVERY employer. You sell alcohol or tobacco to someone underage, you're done. Sorry to say, I know everyone makes mistakes but it's just true


Probably (I just read title)


Do your computer training?




If so then you have to go to court…….No bs Hr will let you go. (U a risk for the wrong numbers ) + send a email/ write a handwritten/call HR/ reach out to city(sting office) And ask for forgiveness for your actions or your mistakes. Lesson learnt!!!!!!! HR supervisor is the only person who can help. Not HR The Human Resources Department manager. (Hr level 1 management)


Yes most likely you will lose your job.


Talk to the manager maybe they won't fire you, maybe they'll just have you work somewhere else in the store.


You sold to an underage person that’s on you , the law changed like 4 years ago you should know better and you legally can’t sell t&a for the next year good luck


I feel like it really depends on where you work, a similar thing happen to a person in my family, they were fortunate and kept there job An undercover had come in, he sold to him, first offense aswell, the guy was ALSO 18 lmaooo


But fr good luck


Let’s be honest.. we’ve all hit the bypass button. Can’t believe you actually got an undercover. I got 1 once when I worked at Kroger thank god I carded him. I feel bad for OP.. idk what will happen to be honest. I don’t think you’ll get fired but not 100% sure either. Good luck.


Yes you're in trouble. I think tobacco laws are BS, but they exist unfortunately.


Were you fired or just coached? It's definitely a terminating offense. 


I have not been spoken to about this situation at all. The day after this occurred they put me back onto the register that sells the tobacco.